32 research outputs found

    Supermassive black hole pairs in clumpy galaxies at high redshift: delayed binary formation and concurrent mass growth

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    Massive gas-rich galaxy discs at z13z \sim 1-3 host massive star-forming clumps with typical baryonic masses in the range 10710810^7-10^8~M_{\odot} which can affect the orbital decay and concurrent growth of supermassive black hole (BH) pairs. Using a set of high-resolution simulations of isolated clumpy galaxies hosting a pair of unequal-mass BHs, we study the interaction between massive clumps and a BH pair at kpc scales, during the early phase of the orbital decay. We find that both the interaction with massive clumps and the heating of the cold gas layer of the disc by BH feedback tend to delay significantly the orbital decay of the secondary, which in many cases is ejected and then hovers for a whole Gyr around a separation of 1--2 kpc. In the envelope, dynamical friction is weak and there is no contribution of disc torques: these lead to the fastest decay once the orbit of the secondary BH has circularised in the disc midplane. In runs with larger eccentricities the delay is stronger, although there are some exceptions. We also show that, even in discs with very sporadic transient clump formation, a strong spiral pattern affects the decay time-scale for BHs on eccentric orbits. We conclude that, contrary to previous belief, a gas-rich background is not necessarily conducive to a fast BH decay and binary formation, which prompts more extensive investigations aimed at calibrating event-rate forecasts for ongoing and future gravitational-wave searches, such as with Pulsar Timing Arrays and the future evolved Laser Interferometer Space Antenna.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Growth and activity of black holes in galaxy mergers with varying mass ratios

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    We study supermassive black holes (BHs) in merging galaxies, using a suite of hydrodynamical simulations with very high spatial (~10 pc) and temporal (~1 Myr) resolution, where we vary the initial mass ratio, the orbital configuration, and the gas fraction. (i) We address the question of when and why, during a merger, increased BH accretion occurs, quantifying gas inflows and BH accretion rates. (ii) We also quantify the relative effectiveness in inducing AGN activity of merger-related versus secular-related causes, by studying different stages of the encounter: the stochastic (or early) stage, the (proper) merger stage, and the remnant (or late) stage. (iii) We assess which galaxy mergers preferentially enhance BH accretion, finding that the initial mass ratio is the most important factor. (iv) We study the evolution of the BH masses, finding that the BH mass contrast tends to decrease in minor mergers and to increase in major mergers. This effect hints at the existence of a preferential range of mass ratios for BHs in the final pairing stages. (v) In both merging and dynamically quiescent galaxies, the gas accreted by the BH is not necessarily the gas with lowlow angular momentum, but the gas that losesloses angular momentum.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 23 pages, 22 figures, 3 table

    The birth of a supermassive black hole binary

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    We study the dynamical evolution of supermassive black holes, in the late stage of galaxy mergers, from kpc to pc scales. In particular, we capture the formation of the binary, a necessary step before the final coalescence, and trace back the main processes causing the decay of the orbit. We use hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy mergers with different resolutions, from 20pc20\,\rm pc down to 1pc1\,\rm pc, in order to study the effects of the resolution on our results, remove numerical effects, and assess that resolving the influence radius of the orbiting black hole is a minimum condition to fully capture the formation of the binary. Our simulations include the relevant physical processes, namely star formation, supernova feedback, accretion onto the black holes and the ensuing feedback. We find that, in these mergers, dynamical friction from the smooth stellar component of the nucleus is the main process that drives black holes from kpc to pc scales. Gas does not play a crucial role and even clumps do not induce scattering or perturb the orbits. We compare the time needed for the formation of the binary to analytical predictions and suggest how to apply such analytical formalism to obtain estimates of binary formation times in lower resolution simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 12 Figures, submitted to MNRA

    Merging Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies: Calculating Binary Black Hole Coalescence Timescales from Simulations for LISA Detection

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) merging in dwarf galaxies will be detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) in the mid-2030s. Previous cosmological hydrodynamic simulations have shown the prediction of massive black holes merging in dwarf galaxies, but these simulations are limited by their resolution and cannot follow black hole pairs all the way to coalescence. We calculate the delay time between black hole pairing and merger based on the properties of the black holes and their host galaxies, and use these properties to calculate gravitational wave strains for eleven different binary black holes that merge inside dwarf galaxies from eight cosmological simulations. This delay time calculation accounts for dynamical friction due to gas and stars, loss-cone scattering, and hardening of the binary due to gravitational radiation. Out of the eleven black hole mergers in the simulations, five black hole pairs will merge within 0.8 - 8 Gyr of forming a close pair and could be observed by LISA, and the remaining six are unresolved due to resolution limitations of the simulation. As all five of the resolved close pairs merge within a Hubble time, we make the broad estimate that close SMBH pairs in dwarf galaxies will merge and be detectable by LISA, but this estimate depends on either the presence of gas during orbital decay or a solution to the dynamical buoyancy problem in cored potentials.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A comparison of black hole growth in galaxy mergers with Gasoline and Ramses

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    Supermassive black hole dynamics during galaxy mergers is crucial in determining the rate of black hole mergers and cosmic black hole growth. As simulations achieve higher resolution, it becomes important to assess whether the black hole dynamics is influenced by the treatment of the interstellar medium in different simulation codes. We here compare simulations of black hole growth in galaxy mergers with two codes: the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code Gasoline, and the Adaptive Mesh Refinement code Ramses. We seek to identify predictions of these models that are robust despite differences in hydrodynamic methods and implementations of sub-grid physics. We find that the general behavior is consistent between codes. Black hole accretion is minimal while the galaxies are well-separated (and even as they "fly-by" within 10 kpc at first pericenter). At late stages, when the galaxies pass within a few kpc, tidal torques drive nuclear gas inflow that triggers bursts of black hole accretion accompanied by star formation. We also note quantitative discrepancies that are model-dependent: our Ramses simulations show less star formation and black hole growth, and a smoother gas distribution with larger clumps and filaments, than our Gasoline simulations. We attribute these differences primarily to the sub-grid models for black hole fueling and feedback and gas thermodynamics. The main conclusion is that differences exist quantitatively between codes, and this should be kept in mind when making comparisons with observations. However, reassuringly, both codes capture the same dynamical behaviors in terms of triggering of black hole accretion, star formation, and black hole dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to A&A. Comments welcom

    Nuclear coups: dynamics of black holes in galaxy mergers

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    We study the dynamical evolution of supermassive black holes (BHs) in merging galaxies on scales of hundreds of kpc to 10 pc, to identify the physical processes that aid or hinder the orbital decay of BHs. We present hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy mergers with a resolution of \leq20 pc, chosen to accurately track the motion of the nuclei and provide a realistic environment for the evolution of the BHs. We find that, during the late stages of the merger, tidal shocks inject energy in the nuclei, causing one or both nuclei to be disrupted and leaving their BH `naked', without any bound gas or stars. In many cases, the nucleus that is ultimately disrupted is that of the larger galaxy (`nuclear coup'), as star formation grows a denser nuclear cusp in the smaller galaxy. We supplement our simulations with an analytical estimate of the orbital-decay time required for the BHs to form a binary at unresolved scales, due to dynamical friction. We find that, when a nuclear coup occurs, the time-scale is much shorter than when the secondary's nucleus is disrupted, as the infalling BH is more massive, and it also finds itself in a denser stellar environment.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Growth and activity of black holes in galaxy mergers with varying mass ratios

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    We study supermassive black holes (BHs) in merging galaxies, using a suite of hydrodynamical simulations with very high spatial (∼10 pc) and temporal (∼1Myr) resolution, where we vary the initial mass ratio, the orbital configuration, and the gas fraction. (i) We address the question of when and why, during a merger, increased BH accretion occurs, quantifying gas inflows and BH accretion rates. (ii) We also quantify the relative effectiveness in inducing active galactic nuclei activity of merger-related versus secular-related causes, by studying different stages of the encounter: the stochastic (or early) stage, the (proper) merger stage, and the remnant (or late) stage. (iii) We assess which galaxy mergers preferentially enhance BH accretion, finding that the initial mass ratio is the most important factor. (iv) We study the evolution of the BH masses, finding that the BH mass contrast tends to decrease in minor mergers and to increase in major mergers. This effect hints at the existence of a preferential range of mass ratios for BHs in the final pairing stages. (v) In both merging and dynamically quiescent galaxies, the gas accreted by the BH is not necessarily the gas with low angular momentum, but the gas that loses angular momentu

    Dwarf AGNs from Variability for the Origins of Seeds (DAVOS): Intermediate-mass black hole demographics from optical synoptic surveys

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    We present a phenomenological forward Monte Carlo model for forecasting the population of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in dwarf galaxies observable via their optical variability. Our model accounts for expected changes in the spectral energy distribution of AGNs in the intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) mass range and uses observational constraints on optical variability as a function of black hole (BH) mass to generate mock light curves. Adopting several different models for the BH occupation function, including one for off-nuclear IMBHs, we quantify differences in the predicted local AGN mass and luminosity functions in dwarf galaxies. As a result, we are able to model the variable fraction of AGNs as a function of physical host properties, such as host galaxy stellar mass, in the presence of complex selection effects. We find that our adopted occupation fractions for the "heavy" and "light" initial BH seeding scenarios can be distinguished with variability data at the 23σ2-3 \sigma level for galaxy host stellar masses below 108M\sim 10^8 M_\odot with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. We demonstrate the prevalence of a selection bias whereby recovered IMBH masses fall, on average, above the predicted value from the local host galaxy - BH mass scaling relation with the strength of the bias dependent on the survey sensitivity. The methodology developed in this work can be used more broadly to forecast and correct for selection effects for AGN demographic studies in synoptic surveys. Finally, we show that a targeted \sim hourly cadence program over a few nights with the Rubin Observatory can provide strong constraints on IMBH masses given their expected rapid variability timescales.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures incl. 5 appendices; re-submitted to MNRAS following referee repor

    The Role of the Radial Orbit Instability in Dark Matter Halo Formation and Structure

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    For a decade, N-body simulations have revealed a nearly universal dark matter density profile, which appears to be robust to changes in the overall density of the universe and the underlying power spectrum. Despite its universality, the physical origin of this profile has not yet been well understood. Semi--analytic models by Barnes et al. (2005) have suggested that the density structure of dark matter halos is determined by the onset of the radial orbit instability (ROI). We have tested this hypothesis using N-body simulations of collapsing dark matter halos with a variety of initial conditions. For dynamically cold initial conditions, the resulting halo structures are triaxial in shape, due to the mild aspect of the instability. We examine how variations in initial velocity dispersion affect the onset of the instability, and find that an isotropic velocity dispersion can suppress the ROI entirely, while a purely radial dispersion does not. The quantity sigma^2/vc^2 is a criterion for instability, where regions with sigma^2/vc^2 <~1 become triaxial due to the ROI or other perturbations. We also find that the radial orbit instability sets a scale length at which the velocity dispersion changes rapidly from isotropic to radially anisotropic. This scale length is proportional to the radius at which the density profile changes shape, as is the case in the semi--analytic models; however, the coefficient of proportionality is different by a factor of ~2.5. We conclude that the radial orbit instability is likely to be a key physical mechanism responsible for the nearly universal profiles of simulated dark matter halos.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Ap