21 research outputs found

    Exercise-nutrient interactions: Effects on substrate metabolism and performance

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    During prolonged (> 90 min), continuous steady-state exercise, skeletal muscle is fuelled by both carbohydrate (CHO) (i.e. muscle and liver glycogen, blood glucose and muscle, blood and liver lactate) and fat substrates (i.e. adipose and intramuscular triglycerides [IMTGs], blood-borne free fatty acids [FFAs] and TGs). The specific pattern of substrate oxidation is influenced by the relative exercise intensity, an individual’s training status and their preceding diet. However, it is well accepted that when exercising at high relative intensities (i.e. > 70% maximal oxygen uptake [V̇ O2max]), CHO-based fuels are the predominant fuel source. Despite CHO being important for sustaining prolonged exercise, recent attention has focused on exercise-nutrient protocols that reduce skeletal muscle dependence on CHO fuel sources and, instead, increase reliance on fat-based fuels. Such strategies include high-fat, low-CHO diets, training with low endogenous and exogenous CHO availability and oral ketone supplementation. In theory, strategies that “spare” the oxidation of CHO substrates should enhance endurance exercise performance. This thesis comprises a series of independent but related studies investigating the effects of manipulating both endogenous and exogenous fat availability on substrate metabolism, skeletal muscle adaptations and exercise performance. Study 1 (described in chapter 4) investigated the effect of decreasing circulating FFA availability prior to and during half-marathon running. FFA availability was suppressed via the administration of nicotinic acid, ingested prior to and during exercise. The suppression of lipolysis and the exercise-induced rise in plasma FFAs did not impair half-marathon running capacity. When running at ~80% V̇ O2max for ~90 min there was a small but obligatory use of fat substrates, independent of CHO intake pre- and during exercise. However, CHO was the predominant fuel source, contributing between 80-90% to total energy expenditure. Study 2 (described in chapter 5) examined the effects of ingesting a ketone diester on circulating ketone bodies, substrate metabolism and cycling performance under nutritional conditions replicating an elite professional cycling time-trial. Ketone ingestion increased circulating ÎČ-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate concentrations. Despite optimal nutritional support, the ketone diester was also associated with gut discomfort and an increased perception of effort, leading to an impairment of cycling time-trial performance. Study 3 (described in chapter 6) manipulated endogenous fat and CHO availability via daily energy intake, to determine whether the metabolic perturbations from a high-fat diet are driven by high-fat or low-CHO availability. Participants consumed five days of a high-fat or highprotein diet (~65% energy intake), while ‘clamping’ CHO consumption to < 20% energy intake. When compared to an isoenergetic high-protein diet, five days’ adaptation to a high-fat diet resulted in greater whole-body rates of fat oxidation during submaximal cycling and decreased skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration supported by octanoylcarnitine and pyruvate as well as uncoupled respiration at rest. Following one day of a high-CHO diet mitochondrial respiration returned to pre-diet, however whole body rates of substrate oxidation were only partially rescued. This series of research studies contributes new knowledge to the literature by demonstrating that 1) fat substrates contribute < 20% to energy expenditure during prolonged, high-intensity running, independent of pre-exercise CHO intake 2) ketone diester ingestion impairs cycling time trial performance and is associated with a higher perception of effort, despite optimal nutritional feeding and 3) high dietary fat rather than low-CHO intake contributes to reductions in mitochondrial respiration and increases in whole-body rates of fat oxidation following a high-fat, low-CHO diet. However, this reduction can be partially rescued following one day of a high-CHO diet. This novel information provides evidence that high-fat diets and exogenous ketone drinks are not advantageous for an athletes training and competition due to their detrimental effects on substrate metabolism and skeletal muscle adaptations. Athletes should instead ensure high-CHO availability prior to and during competition to maximise whole-body rates of CHO oxidation rates

    Altering fatty acid availability does not impair prolonged, continuous running to fatigue: evidence for carbohydrate dependence

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    We determined the effect of suppressing lipolysis via administration of nicotinic acid (NA) on fuel substrate selection and half-marathon running capacity. In a single-blinded, Latin square design, 12 competitive runners completed four trials involving treadmill running until volitional fatigue at a pace based on 95% of personal best half-marathon time. Trials were completed in a fed or overnight fasted state: 1) carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion before (2 g CHO·kg−1·body mass−1) and during (44 g/h) [CFED]; 2) CFED plus NA ingestion [CFED-NA]; 3) fasted with placebo ingestion during [FAST]; and 4) FAST plus NA ingestion [FAST-NA]. There was no difference in running distance (CFED, 21.53 ± 1.07; CFED-NA, 21.29 ± 1.69; FAST, 20.60 ± 2.09; FAST-NA, 20.11 ± 1.71 km) or time to fatigue between the four trials. Concentrations of plasma free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol were suppressed following NA ingestion irrespective of preexercise nutritional intake but were higher throughout exercise in FAST compared with all other trials (P < 0.05). Rates of whole-body CHO oxidation were unaffected by NA ingestion in the CFED and FAST trials, but were lower in the FAST trial compared with the CFED-NA trial (P < 0.05). CHO was the primary substrate for exercise in all conditions, contributing 83-91% to total energy expenditure with only a small contribution from fat-based fuels. Blunting the exercise-induced increase in FFA via NA ingestion did not impair intense running capacity lasting ∌85 min, nor did it alter patterns of substrate oxidation in competitive athletes. Although there was a small but obligatory use of fat-based fuels, the oxidation of CHO-based fuels predominates during half-marathon running

    High dietary fat intake increases fat oxidation and reduces skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration in trained humans.

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    High-fat, low-carbohydrate (CHO) diets increase whole-body rates of fat oxidation and down-regulate CHO metabolism. We measured substrate utilization and skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration to determine whether these adaptations are driven by high fat or low CHO availability. In a randomized crossover design, 8 male cyclists consumed 5 d of a high-CHO diet [>70% energy intake (EI)], followed by 5 d of either an isoenergetic high-fat (HFAT; >65% EI) or high-protein diet (HPRO; >65% EI) with CHO intake clamped at <20% EI. During the intervention, participants undertook daily exercise training. On d 6, participants consumed a high-CHO diet before performing 100 min of submaximal steady-state cycling plus an ∌30-min time trial. After 5 d of HFAT, skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration supported by octanoylcarnitine and pyruvate, as well as uncoupled respiration, was decreased at rest, and rates of whole-body fat oxidation were higher during exercise compared with HPRO. After 1 d of high-CHO diet intake, mitochondrial respiration returned to baseline values in HFAT, whereas rates of substrate oxidation returned toward baseline in both conditions. These findings demonstrate that high dietary fat intake, rather than low-CHO intake, contributes to reductions in mitochondrial respiration and increases in whole-body rates of fat oxidation after a consuming a high-fat, low-CHO diet.-Leckey, J. J., Hoffman, N. J., Parr, E. B., Devlin, B. L., Trewin, A. J., Stepto, N. K., Morton, J. P., Burke, L. M., Hawley, J. A. High dietary fat intake increases fat oxidation and reduces skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration in trained humans

    Inflammatory biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease plasma.

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    INTRODUCTION: Plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis/stratification are a "Holy Grail" of AD research and intensively sought; however, there are no well-established plasma markers. METHODS: A hypothesis-led plasma biomarker search was conducted in the context of international multicenter studies. The discovery phase measured 53 inflammatory proteins in elderly control (CTL; 259), mild cognitive impairment (MCI; 199), and AD (262) subjects from AddNeuroMed. RESULTS: Ten analytes showed significant intergroup differences. Logistic regression identified five (FB, FH, sCR1, MCP-1, eotaxin-1) that, age/APOΔ4 adjusted, optimally differentiated AD and CTL (AUC: 0.79), and three (sCR1, MCP-1, eotaxin-1) that optimally differentiated AD and MCI (AUC: 0.74). These models replicated in an independent cohort (EMIF; AUC 0.81 and 0.67). Two analytes (FB, FH) plus age predicted MCI progression to AD (AUC: 0.71). DISCUSSION: Plasma markers of inflammation and complement dysregulation support diagnosis and outcome prediction in AD and MCI. Further replication is needed before clinical translation

    Carbohydrate Dependence During Prolonged, Intense Endurance Exercise

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    A major goal of training to improve the performance of prolonged, continuous, endurance events lasting up to 3 h is to promote a range of physiological and metabolic adaptations that permit an athlete to work at both higher absolute and relative power outputs/speeds and delay the onset of fatigue (i.e., a decline in exercise intensity). To meet these goals, competitive endurance athletes undertake a prodigious volume of training, with a large proportion performed at intensities that are close to or faster than race pace and highly dependent on carbohydrate (CHO)-based fuels to sustain rates of muscle energy production [i.e., match rates of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis with rates of resynthesis]. Consequently, to sustain muscle energy reserves and meet the daily demands of training sessions, competitive athletes freely select CHO-rich diets. Despite renewed interest in high-fat, low-CHO diets for endurance sport, fat-rich diets do not improve training capacity or performance, but directly impair rates of muscle glycogenolysis and energy flux, limiting high-intensity ATP production. When highly trained athletes compete in endurance events lasting up to 3 h, CHO-, not fat-based fuels are the predominant fuel for the working muscles and CHO, not fat, availability becomes rate limiting for performance

    CSF1R inhibitor JNJ-40346527 attenuates microglial proliferation and neurodegeneration in P301S mice

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    Neuroinflammation and microglial activation are significant processes in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Recent genome-wide association studies have highlighted multiple immune-related genes in association with Alzheimer’s disease, and experimental data have demonstrated microglial proliferation as a significant component of the neuropathology. In this study, we tested the efficacy of the selective CSF1R inhibitor JNJ-40346527 (JNJ-527) in the P301S mouse tauopathy model. We first demonstrated the anti-proliferative effects of JNJ-527 on microglia in the ME7 prion model, and its impact on the inflammatory profile, and provided potential CNS biomarkers for clinical investigation with the compound, including pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics and efficacy assessment by TSPO autoradiography and CSF proteomics. Then, we showed for the first time that blockade of microglial proliferation and modification of microglial phenotype leads to an attenuation of tau-induced neurodegeneration and results in functional improvement in P301S mice. Overall, this work strongly supports the potential for inhibition of CSF1R as a target for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other tau-mediated neurodegenerative diseases

    Inflammatory biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease plasma

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    Introduction:Plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis/stratification are a“Holy Grail” of AD research and intensively sought; however, there are no well-established plasmamarkers.Methods:A hypothesis-led plasma biomarker search was conducted in the context of internationalmulticenter studies. The discovery phase measured 53 inflammatory proteins in elderly control (CTL;259), mild cognitive impairment (MCI; 199), and AD (262) subjects from AddNeuroMed.Results:Ten analytes showed significant intergroup differences. Logistic regression identified five(FB, FH, sCR1, MCP-1, eotaxin-1) that, age/APOΔ4 adjusted, optimally differentiated AD andCTL (AUC: 0.79), and three (sCR1, MCP-1, eotaxin-1) that optimally differentiated AD and MCI(AUC: 0.74). These models replicated in an independent cohort (EMIF; AUC 0.81 and 0.67). Twoanalytes (FB, FH) plus age predicted MCI progression to AD (AUC: 0.71).Discussion:Plasma markers of inflammation and complement dysregulation support diagnosis andoutcome prediction in AD and MCI. Further replication is needed before clinical translatio

    Ketone Diester Ingestion Impairs Time-Trial Performance in Professional Cyclists

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    We investigated the effect of pre- “race” ingestion of a 1,3-butanediol acetoacetate diester on blood ketone concentration, substrate metabolism and performance of a cycling time trial (TT) in professional cyclists. In a randomized cross-over design, 10 elite male cyclists completed a ~31 km laboratory-based TT on a cycling ergometer programmed to simulate the 2017 World Road Cycling Championships course. Cyclists consumed a standardized meal [2 g/kg body mass (BM) carbohydrate (CHO)] the evening prior to a trial day and a CHO breakfast (2 g/kg BM CHO) with 200 mg caffeine on the morning of a trial day. Cyclists were randomized to consume either the ketone diester (2 × 250 mg/kg) or a placebo drink, followed immediately by 200 mL diet cola, given ~ 30 min before and immediately prior to commencing a 20 min incremental warm-up. Blood samples were collected prior to and during the warm-up, pre- and post- TT and at regular intervals after the TT. Urine samples were collected pre- and post- warm-up, immediately post TT and 60 min post TT. Pre-exercise ingestion of the diester resulted in a 2 ± 1% impairment in TT performance that was associated with gut discomfort and higher perception of effort. Serum ÎČ-hydroxybutyrate, serum acetoacetate, and urine ketone concentrations increased from rest following ketone ingestion and were higher than placebo throughout the trial. Ketone ingestion induces hyperketonemia in elite professional cyclists when in a carbohydrate fed state, and impairs performance of a cycling TT lasting ~50 min

    The effects of vitamin D(3) supplementation on serum total 25[OH]D concentration and physical performance:a randomised dose-response study

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    Background: Vitamin D deficiency is common in the general public and athletic populations and may impair skeletal muscle function. We therefore assessed the effects of vitamin D supplementation on serum 25[OH]D concentrations and physical performance. Methods: 30 club-level athletes were block randomised (using baseline 25[OH]D concentrations) into one of three groups receiving either a placebo (PLB), 20 000 or 40 000 IU/week oral vitamin D for 12 weeks. Serum 25 [OH]D and muscle function (1-RM bench press and leg press and vertical jump height) were measured presupplementation, 6 and 12 weeks postsupplementation. Vitamin D deficiency was defined in accordance with the US Institute of Medicine guideline (0.05). Conclusions: Both 20 000 and 40 000 IU vitamin D supplementation over a 6-week period elevates serum 25 [OH]D concentrations above 50 nmol/l, but neither dose given for 12 weeks improved our chosen measures of physical performance

    Ketone Diester Ingestion Impairs Time-Trial Performance in Professional Cyclists

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    We investigated the effect of pre- “race” ingestion of a 1,3-butanediol acetoacetate diester on blood ketone concentration, substrate metabolism and performance of a cycling time trial (TT) in professional cyclists. In a randomized cross-over design, 10 elite male cyclists completed a ~31 km laboratory-based TT on a cycling ergometer programmed to simulate the 2017 World Road Cycling Championships course. Cyclists consumed a standardized meal [2 g/kg body mass (BM) carbohydrate (CHO)] the evening prior to a trial day and a CHO breakfast (2 g/kg BM CHO) with 200 mg caffeine on the morning of a trial day. Cyclists were randomized to consume either the ketone diester (2 × 250 mg/kg) or a placebo drink, followed immediately by 200 mL diet cola, given ~ 30 min before and immediately prior to commencing a 20 min incremental warm-up. Blood samples were collected prior to and during the warm-up, pre- and post- TT and at regular intervals after the TT. Urine samples were collected pre- and post- warm-up, immediately post TT and 60 min post TT. Pre-exercise ingestion of the diester resulted in a 2 ± 1% impairment in TT performance that was associated with gut discomfort and higher perception of effort. Serum ÎČ-hydroxybutyrate, serum acetoacetate, and urine ketone concentrations increased from rest following ketone ingestion and were higher than placebo throughout the trial. Ketone ingestion induces hyperketonemia in elite professional cyclists when in a carbohydrate fed state, and impairs performance of a cycling TT lasting ~50 min