26 research outputs found


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    Objective: Diabetes mellitus increased inflammation through stimulation of arachidonic acid liberation from the cell membranes which is transformed into actively cellular mediators such as thromboxanes, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. So, this study aimed to investigate the effect of flaxseed oil as a source of omega 3 fatty acids on releasing of arachidonic acid from erythrocyte membrane and also on possible reduction of hyperhomocysteinemia during experimental diabetes.Methods: Forty male albino rats were used in this study and divided into four groups: control, diabetic, flaxseed oil and treated groups. After the experimental period, blood samples were collected to estimate different biochemical parameters in plasma and in the erythrocyte membrane.Results: The data showed the elevation of membrane arachidonic acid along with the elevation of inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in the diabetic group while flaxseed oil supplementation significantly decreased these levels.Conclusion: We concluded that flaxseed oil is a promising supplement during diabetes mellitus due to its powerful effect in reducing arachidonic acid release and inhibition of hyperhomocysteinemia. Keywords: flaxseed oil, Arachidonic acid, Hyperhomocysteinemia, Cell membrane, HPL

    Effect of Gravel Size and Weir Height on Flow Properties of Gabions

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    لقد تم دراست العلاقة بين عمق الماء المتجمع امام السداد الحجرية والتصريف القادم من اعالي المجاري المائية في قناة مختبرية. حيث تم دراسة السطح الحر للماء في حالة التدفق الانتقالي وفي حالة الفيضان فوقه. تضمنت الدراسة تأثير ارتفاع جسم السداد الحجرية وخشونة المواد المستخدمه في الانشاء على عمق تدفق المنبع عن طريق اختبار أربعة ارتفاعات مختلفة من الهدارات وأربعة أحجام مختلفة من الحصى. أظهر تحليل النتائج المختبرية أن الانخفاض النسبي في عمق الماء المتجمع امام الهدارات يتراوح ما بين 38٪ و17٪ لنوع الجريان " التدفق خلال " عندما يزداد كل من خشونة المادة والتصريف، وفي نظام "التدفق الانتقالي"، تؤدي زيادة خشونة المواد والتصريف إلى انخفاض متوسط في عمق التدفق النسبي بين 7.6٪ و4.4٪ لارتفاع الهدارات الحجرية 15 سم و30 سم، على التوالي. يبدأ السداد الجرية في العمل كهدار يفيض الماء من فوقه عندما يكون متوسط عمق الماء إلى ارتفاع السداد (H / P) هو 1.19، في حين أن متوسط الزيادة الإجمالية في التصريف نسبة إلى تصريف السد الصلب هو 15 ٪. كما تم أقتراح علاقات تجريبية للتنبؤ بعمق الماء المتجمع أمام السداد الحجرية لكل من أنظمة التدفق الثلاثة. كما تم اقتراح علاقة تجريبية عديمة الابعاد للتنبؤ بمعامل التصريف لهذة السداد وبدقة جيدة.The variation between flow depth generated in front of gabion barrier and flow rate has been studied in open laboratory flume. Flow profiles have been observed for each of "Transition Flow" and "Overflow" regimes. Effects of gabion height and material coarseness on the upstream flow depth are studied by testing four different gabion heights and four different medium aggregate sizes. The analysis of experimental results showed that the relative decrease in flow depth varies between 38% and 17% for "Through Flow" type when material coarseness and discharge increase. In "Transition Flow" regime, increasing material coarseness and discharge causes an average decreases in relative flow depth of 7.6% and 4.4% for gabion heights 15cm and 30cm, respectively. Gabion begins to operate as an overflow weir when the average water depth to the gabion height (H/P) is 1.19. While the overall average increase in discharge relative to solid weir is 15%. Prediction relationships for flow depth upstream the gabion for each of the three flow regimes is suggested. Also, dimensionless relation to predict discharge coefficient are proposed with good accuracy

    Properties of Flow through and over Gravel Basket Weir

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    يؤدي إنشاء هدارات من سلال الحصى في المجاري المائية إلى تراكم المياه أمام هذه المشأت المسامية، ويكون فيها منسوب المياه أقل من تلك التي تتجمع مقدمة الهدارات الصلبة. تتضمن هذه الدراسة، تقديرعمق الماء المتجمع امام هذه الهدارات مع قياس شكل السطح الحر للجريان والتنبؤ بقيمة معامل التصريف من خلال التجارب المختبرية. كما تمت دراسة أربعة أطوال مختلفة من الهدارات (15 ، 20 ، 25 و 30 سم) وأربع خشونات مختلفة من الحصى (1.13 ، 1.58 ، 2.19 و 2.27). وفقًا لذلك، فقد تم اختبارستة عشر نموذجاً في ظروف مختلفة من التدفق الحر. أظهرتحليل نتائج نظام الجريان "التدفق النافذ" أن الزيادة في عرض السد تسبب في زيادة عمق الماء المتجمع امام الهدارات ولجميع درجات الخشونة بنسبة 30٪ بينما تقلل الخشونة من العمق بنسبة 28٪. وفي "التدفق الانتقالي"، يؤدي مضاعفة الطول إلى زيادة عمق التدفق بنسبة 7٪، بينما تؤدي زيادة الخشونة من 1.13 إلى 2.72 سم في انخفاض عمق الجريان بنسبة 7٪. يبدأ نظام "التدفق الفائض" بالظهورعندما تساوي نسبة عمق الماء إلى عرض السد حوالي 0.75 للعرض الكبير و1.54 للعرض القليل. تشير المقارنة بين هدارات سلال الحصى والهدارات الصلبة إلى أن متوسط تقليل عمق الماء هو 7.5٪ للصلابة البالغة 1.13 سم و9٪  للصلابة البالغة 2.72 سم. تم اقتراح نماذج رياضية للتنبؤ بعمق المياه لأنظمة التدفق الثلاثة، أما بالنسبة لنظام "التدفق الفائض"، فقد اقتُرِحَت صيغة تجريبية لتقدير معامل التصريف بدقة مقبولة.Construction of gravel basket weir in waterways causes water accumulation in front of this porous structure less than solid weir. In the present study the upstream flow depth, water surface profile and discharge coefficient are investigated through laboratory experiments. Four different weir lengths (15, 20, 25 and 30 cm) and four different degrees of gravel coarseness (1.13, 1.58, 2.19 and 2.27) are studied. Accordingly, sixteen models are tested under different free flow conditions. Analysis of the results show that in "through flow" regime the increase in weir length raises the generated upstream depth for all coarseness degrees by 30% while coarseness lowers the depth by 28%. In "transition flow", however, doubling the length increases the flow depth by 7%, but increasing coarseness from 1.13 to 2.72 cm mean diameter causes 7% reduction in flow depth. The "overflow" regime begins to appear when the depth to length ratio equals 0.75 for long weir, and about 1.54 for shortest weir. A comparison between gravel basket weir and corresponding solid weir indicates that average depth reduction is 7.5% for coarseness of 1.13 cm and 9% for coarseness of 2.72 cm. Mathematical models for water depth prediction for the three flow regimes are presented. For "overflow" an empirical formula is proposed to estimate the coefficient of discharge with acceptable accuracy


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    Objective: Doxorubicin (Dox), an anthracycline antibiotic, has been widely used to treat cancer, principally hematological malignancies, and solid tumors. The administration of Dox is a topic of concern in the medical community, as it frequently related to dose-dependent cardiotoxicity. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the protective potential of date palm fruit extract on Dox-induced cardiotoxicity.Methods: A total of 40 female albino rats were used in this study and classified into four groups including control, date palm fruit extract, Dox, and treated date palm fruit extract groups.Results: Dox produced a significant increase in creatine kinase-MB and lactate dehydrogenase activities. It also decreased the activities of cardiac glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase but increase levels of cardiac malondialdehyde and also of urinary 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine. Myocardial toxicity of Dox also appeared in the elevation of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, while level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased. Histopathological studies revealed alteration of cardiac tissue structure by Dox. Treatment with date palm fruit extract restored the aforementioned parameters.Conclusion: Date palm fruit exhibits a cardioprotective influence on the heart tissue against toxicity induced by Dox

    Therapeutic Efficacy of Garlic Oil with 1,25 Dihydroxy Vit D and Calcium in Osteoporotic Ovariectomized Rats

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    Abstract: Objective: To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of synergestic effect of garlic oil, 1,25 dihydroxy vit-D3 and calcium in osteopenic ovariectomized rats. Materials and Methods: Forty female albino rats were used in the study. They fed a standard chow throughout the study. They were divided into 5groups: Sham operated control group (SH), ovariectomized group (OVX), OVX received garlic oil, OVX received combined drug of Ca and vit. D3 orally, and OVX coadministered with garlic oil, Ca+vit. D3. All the groups were tested for bone turnover parameters (serum osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase), serum estradiol level and serum calcium & phosphorus. The excised femur bones were subjected for DEXA analysis. Results:In the OVX group mean serum calcium level was significantly decreased but improvement was obtained in the treated animal groups although the change was not statistically significant. Significant decrease in the mean serum estradiol level and significant increase in the mean serum levels of both osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase were noticed in the OVX group compared to the SH control group. Significant improvement in all these parameters were obtained in the treated groups, but better improvement was obtained when garlic oil was combined with Ca and vit.D

    Habitual non-traumatic cricothyroid joint dislocation: a rare case of rotated larynx

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    A case of a 21 year old gentleman is described, with no history of preceding trauma, presenting with intermittent dysphagia to solids and fluids for 4 years. Neck examination at rest was normal. However on deep inspiration, the right thyroid lamina protrudes or becomes more prominent. The patient is able to return the larynx to its normal position with manual manipulation. Laryngeal examination with fibreoptic scope during rest and deep breath shows gross rotation of the laryngeal structures for more than 60° on deep breath, with the vocal cords axis rotated to the left side. Management was conservative

    Evaluation of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine in Diabetic Rats Treated with Flaxseed Oil

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    Objective: The present study aimed to investigate how far supplementation of dietary omega-3 fatty acids could affect endothelial dysfunction and augment elevation of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA) in experimental diabetes.Methods: To fulfill our objective, forty male albino rats were divided into four experimental groups as follow: Control, flaxseed oil, diabetic, and treated flaxseed oil groups. After blood sample collection from all groups, plasma was used for estimation of different biochemical parameters including blood glucose and plasma insulin. The levels of liver malondialdehyde (MDA), liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) and plasma nitric oxide (NO) were determined by colorimetric methods. ADMA was estimated by HPLC using fluorescence detector.Results: Streptozotocin (STZ) induced experimental diabetes was shown by the significant elevation in blood glucose levels, insulin resistance and oxidative stress as revealed by a significant increase in the levels of liver MDA accompanied with a significant reduction in SOD activity. In addition, STZ administration significantly elevated ADMA level. In contrast, flaxseed oil supplementation was capable of ameliorating these negative changes in STZ injected rats.Conclusion: Dietary omega-3 fatty acids present in flaxseed oil can ameliorate endothelial dysfunction and elevation of ADMA in STZ induced diabetes. These results could be assigned to the potential antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, and anti-inflammatory effects of flaxseed oil

    Extraction of Silver (I) from Aqueous Solutions by 2-[(4-Chloro-2-Methoxy phenyl) azo]-4,5-diphenyl imidazole

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    Extraction procedures for Ag+ from aqueous solutions by 2-[(4-Chloro-2-Methoxy phenyl) azo]-4,5-diphenyl imidazole (4-ClMePADPI) shows aqueous solutions must be at  (pH=10) and concentration of Ag+ ions is (40µg)(7.36×10-5 M), with shaking time (10minutes), organic solvents effect on extraction method demonstrate there is not any linear relation between dielectric constant (ε) for organic solvents used and distribution ratio values (D), but there is effect for structure of organic solvent. Stoichiometry studies shows more probable structure of ion pair complex extracted was (1:1) (Metal:Ligand) [Ag(4-ClMePADPI)]+NO3-, temperature effect shows from thermodynamic viewpoint the reaction between Ag+ ions and ligand (4-ClMePADPI) was endothermic reaction, synergism studies appear there is one molecules of TBP participate in ion pair complex extracted [Ag(4-ClMePADPI)(TBP)]+NO3-

    Ventilatory function and oxidative-antioxidant Status in shoe makers

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    Abstract: Each process in shoe manufacture is associated with certain type of occupational hazard. Environmental risk factors including inhalation of leather dust, petroleum products, metals and solvents deteriorate shoe makers' health. A number of studies implicated shoe manufacture with the occurrence of diffuse lung disease. Objective The aim of the study was assessment of the respiratory health problems in shoe makers and their oxidative-antioxidant status. Method It was conducted on forty-three male workers employed in different steps of shoe manufacturing. Forty subjects were recruited as a control group matched for age, sex and socio-economic status. Dietary habits of both groups were nearly the same to exclude diet as confounding factor. Results revealed that none of the measured airborne pollutants exceeded the Egyptian standards. But, the results recorded high percentages of chronic respiratory symptoms in shoe makers than in the controls (cough 39.5 %, expectoration 3.4 %, wheeze 6.7 % and dyspnea 10.3 % compared to 7.5 %, 5 %, 2.5 % and 0 % in control group respectively). Smoking was taken into consideration as a risk factor in inducing deterioration in the lung function, oxidative stress, and lowering antioxidant capacity. Ventilatory function in form of PEFR, FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75 of the shoe makers (smokers and non-smokers) were significantly reduced compared to the controls (smokers and non smokers). Antioxidant activity detected by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) were also significantly lower in the workers than in their controls. On the other hand, malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly higher in exposed group. There were no significant relationships between oxidative-antioxidant status and the ventilatory function of the workers. Conclusion and discussion: It could be concluded that shoe workers are at risk of respiratory affection. It is reasonable to provide those workers with protective equipments and antioxidant supplements with their regular diet

    Coenzyme Q10 and pro-inflammatory markers in children with Down syndrome: clinical and biochemical aspects

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    Objective: Evidence of oxidative stress was reported in individuals with Down syndrome. There is a growing interest in the contribution of the immune system in Down syndrome. The aim of this study is to evaluate the coenzyme Q10 and selected pro-inflammatory markers such as interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α in children with Down syndrome. Methods: Eighty-six children (5–8 years of age) were enrolled in this case-control study from two public institutions. At the time of sampling, the patients and controls suffered from no acute or chronic illnesses and received no therapies or supplements. The levels of interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor α, coenzyme Q10, fasting blood glucose, and intelligence quotient were measured. Results: Forty-three young Down syndrome children and forty-three controls were included over a period of eight months (January–August 2014). Compared with the control group, the Down syndrome patients showed significant increase in interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α (p = 0.002), while coenzyme Q10 was significantly decreased (p = 0.002). Also, body mass index and fasting blood glucose were significantly increased in patients. There was a significantly positive correlation between coenzyme Q10 and intelligence quotient levels, as well as between interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α. Conclusion: Interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α levels in young children with Down syndrome may be used as biomarkers reflecting the neurodegenerative process in them. Coenzyme Q10 might have a role as a good supplement in young children with Down syndrome to ameliorate the neurological symptoms