10 research outputs found

    Descriptive analysis - predictors of attitude towards purchasing halal skin care products / Azreen Jihan and Rosidah Musa

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the percentage of frequencies with measures of central tendency (mean value) and dispersion (standard deviation) of predictors of attitude, namely, spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence, product image and product involvement of halal skin care products towards a continuous intention to purchase. The primary objective of the descriptive analysis is to explore and gain an initial understanding and get the feel of the data gathered from the survey. It was based upon a representative sample of adult urban Muslim career woman (users and non-users) who work or live in the target area for this study. These areas are the federal territory of the Klang Valley which are considered urbanised. The survey reached 449 adults, achieving 100 percent of the target sample size of 400. The respondents involved are those who have experience in purchasing and continue to purchase the halal skin care products. The quota sampling technique was employed. Two demographic variables have been determined as a mechanism to control the composition of the sample (gender and age)

    Importance of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) and Spiritual Congruence (SC) : Factors that May Contribute to Individuals Attitude towards Purchasing Decision in Halal Cosmetic

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    This paper reviews the articles on how importance does an individual s spiritual intelligence SQ and spiritual congruence SC affect individual s attitude in making decision in purchasing product When the person lives in a way that blends spirituality into his daily life it will reflect their attitudes and behavior in making the best decision in his life and this allows its association with the rational cognitive processes like goal achievement and problem solving Meanwhile SC is to examine the degree of match between how consumers actually see themselves in relation to product image The paper examines the academic literature on construct as well as presents SQ and SC as a causal factor in the formation of the attitude and behaviors of the consumer The phenomenon of SQ in the organization and workplace has received enormous attention from other scholars The construct of SQ in individual perspective and developing measurement scale to explore the dimensionality of the concept has not been much explored While SC is to examine the degree of match between how consumers actually see themselves in relation to Halal cosmetic product image Thus this study attempts to enrich the understanding the importance of SQ from the Islamic and western perspective and SC of individual attitude towards purchase Halal cosmetic among female Muslim in Malaysi

    Modelling predictors of attitude and behavioural intention for halal skin care products / Azreen Jihan Che Mohd Hashim

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    Studies and interest on human behaviour in relation to halal industry have been increasing over the recent years. Drawing upon a social psychology theory, Theory Planned Behaviour (TPB) developed and congruity theory were employed as theoretical foundation for developing the present conceptual model. This thesis initially conceptualises key psychological factors that could predict and explain purchaser’s attitude. The data for this research were collected from 470 respondents who are user and non-user of halal skin care products in Klang Valley via drop off and collect survey technique. This research has shed new light in better understanding of the existing knowledge by incorporating relevant constructs as the predictors of attitude such as, spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence, product image and product involvement. The significance of this study lies in the fact that, it attempts to identify and empirically investigate the predictors of attitude among the users and non-users. Subsequently, examines the predictors of intention such as attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behaviour control in a halal skin care products (compliance with Muslim Shariah requirement) context. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilised to test the hypothesised relationships among the constructs, as postulated in the research model. The results from hypothesis testing show that twelve hypothesised links were supported and two were not supported. With some minor modification, a plausible model that has a statistical and explanatory power for interpretation of results was confidently established. The findings from this study could offer several major contributions to the marketing and behaviour theory as well as to the marketing practitioners

    Factors Influencing Attitude towards Halal Cosmetic among Young Adult Urban Muslim Women: A Focus Group Analysis

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    AbstractHalal cosmetic and toiletry industries have great potential to drive the Halal economy. In view of branding Halal cosmetics, it would be more effective to position Halal values to new insights for championing the Halal economy. The persistence of this paper is to identify the factors considered in making decision to consume cosmetic product. Focus groups are used to collect a broad qualitative understanding of perceptions from two different groups of respondents in relation to success factors. Additionally, it is to investigate and gathers the information regarding the issues that attribute Halal brands for cosmetics products and to classify the difference and similarity of opinion and suggestion from the young adult Muslim female groups from the urban area (Klang Valley). There are two groups of respondents, group A (user) among those who are using Halal cosmetic product, group B (non-user) among those who are not using halal cosmetic product. The outcomes of the findings link directly to the design of learning activities and the future direction of the research

    Intensifying Experiential Learning with Dynamic Learning Styles in Traditional Classroom

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    Individual learning style diverges from one another, based on preferential perception on different types of information and degree of understanding the information. Learning contents require the focus to the efficiency of accomplishing learning goals, and all processes involved are considered essential. This paper seeks to explore students’ experiential learning in traditional classroom. It also aims at conceiving students’ learning experience through the transformative learning by adopting modern learning in traditional methods. The study was conducted at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), a local public university in Perak, Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed, using stratified random sampling. Data was collected from 45 technical and vocational students who underwent a module, using traditional method with either engaging or using technological techniques in classroom. Results indicated that students’ preference in learning were the learning style with comprehension of learning elements and new pedagogical tools in classroom. The results would also assist educators in strategizing teaching and learning in schools or higher learning institutions with no technological facilities to deliver effective learning. The pace of worldwide education development has been highlighted specifically on the role of the educator in exploring students’ capability by uncovering their learning style strengths and opportunities even though in traditional way

    Corporate social responsibility and market orientation : an integrated approach towards organizational performance

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    Takaful operators in countries dominated by Muslim are still experiencing low penetration rate. New emerging customer segments have higher expectation where Takaful operators need more innovative approaches in acquiring and retaining customers. Moreover, Takaful companies need to apply marketing, societal and entrepreneurial concept to make the industry more competitive. Although many Islamic banking and Takaful studies have been conducted, empirical Takaful research is still limited. Therefore, the primary focus of this study is to empirically investigate the influence of market orientation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) towards Takaful agencies’ organizational performance in Malaysia. The first phase of the study involved refinement of CSR measurement items by performing exploratory factor analysis (EFA), where a new dimension was identified. The second phase of study was to test the hypotheses by employing all items adopted from past studies including the refined CSR measures. PLS-SEM analysis involving a two-step approach on 211 valid data shows co-adoption of CSR and market orientation influences organizational performance


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    Background and Purpose: In recent years, studies and interest in human behaviour in relation to the halal industry have been growing. The process of understanding the reasons for planning behaviour intention is not an easy path. Intentions are provoked by an individual’s attitude which effect on how individuals making per purchase decision (Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel, 2001; Viksne, Salkovska, Gaitniece, & Puke, 2016). Human beings are complex and this complexity helps in having contradictions in an individual’s attitude.   Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) was created based on the theory of social psychology, and congruity theory was used as a theoretical framework for creating the current conceptual model.   The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between Spiritual intelligence (SQ), Spiritual Congruence (SC) and Accounting Literacy (AL) towards attitude and intention to purchase Halal product among the Generation Alpha. Methodology: To provide insight from this generation, the current study conducted a survey within the students of Faculty Economics and Muamalat, USIM for five programs offered. The survey reached 181 respondents, those who had experience in consuming halal products. The research instrument which consists of 31 scale items were utilized using a Likert scale and were then administered via questionnaire administered approach of using SPSS.   Findings: Based on the finding it indicates that only SQ and SC have positive and significant relationship towards attitude which is represented by 0.006 for SQ and 0.022 for SC. However, AL does not reflect significant relationship with attitude.   Contributions: The implication of the finding indicates that the education structure which embedded the Islamic elements could influence the attitude of the students towards Halal products. The finding could be the interest of the authorities and bodies related to Halal industry to create awareness among Alpha generation.   Keywords: Spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence, accounting literacy, halal, generation alpha.   Cite as:  Azreen Jihan, M. H., Nurul Nazlia, J., Muhamad Azrin, N., Muhammad, M., & N Alia Fahada, W. A. R. (2023). The influence of spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence and accounting literacy on attitude of purchasing halal product towards generation alpha. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(2), 73-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp73-9

    Consumer Purchase Decision in The Malaysian Retail Market: A Study of RM 2 Stores

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    This study aimed to investigate factors that influence consumer purchase decision in Malaysian single-priced stores, which are also popularly known as RM2 stores. The study considered six factors that could affect purchase decision in RM2 stores, namely, corporate social responsibility (CSR), sales promotion, social media marketing, perceived value, store environment, and service quality. A quantitative research methodology was employed through a survey using questionnaires administered to 550 customers of the RM2 stores. The data gathered was then analysed through SPSS method to calculate the validity and reliability of the measurement items and to verify the impact of six independent variables on purchase decision. Based on the results, CSR, sales promotion, perceived value, and service quality had significant positive effects on purchase decision, while social media marketing and store environment proved to be insignificant. Among all the factors, perceived value had the strongest influence on purchase decision. The findings are important in assisting RM2 store retailers to understand the factors that affect consumer purchase decision which could help in improving sales. This study complements the current literature and addresses existing research gaps with regard to the linkages between factors that influence consumer purchase decision in Malaysian single-priced stores

    The potential of supportive remedial environment for stroke recovery facilities

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    Stroke recovery facilities are significant segment in the general consideration of stroke patients. The nature of stroke is seen as an ailment that causes an entire scope of physical, mental and emotional unsettling influences. Due to this, recovery facilities design should consider the social mental needs of the stroke survivors other than centering the recuperation of their physical capacities. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the potential of supportive remedial environment as a recuperating apparatus to support better passionate and physical wellbeing recuperation of stroke survivors. A mixed methodology was adapted, which included questionnaire surveys and a semi-structured interview with the three rehabilitation health professionals and thirty respondents who are either the patients or relatives of the patients who received treatment at the rehabilitation centre. The semi-structured interviews were analysed using the content analysis method. Meanwhile, the questionnaire surveys were analysed using descriptive analysis. This study has identified that the major limitations of the current rehabilitation facilities were the absence of inpatient facilities, lack of social spaces as well as insufficient of space for various activities conducted. Due to this, such issues need an attention to be solved by the architects in designing the area with healing environment, as well as the government as a funder to smoothen the process of rejuvenating the healing centre

    What matters to travel bloggers before the trip? the Malaysian travel blogger and tourist perspective

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    Social media, particularly travel blog are increasingly relevant in tourism practices affecting destination and business. With the growth of internet-based social media technologies, tourists are able to communicate, interact and establish relationship with destinations, business and other tourists. Pre-visit stage of tourist experience involves activities that focused on travel planning, in which travel blogs is considered as a rich sources of travel information. Through interviewing 19 travel bloggers, this study aims to understand travel bloggers behavior and strategies at the pre-visit stage of tourist experience. The findings show that, travel bloggers engage with travel blogs with different behavior which influenced by different motivations. It is also highlighted that interaction in blogosphere serves an important role in influencing travel bloggers engagement with travel blogs before the travel. The implication of the study and suggestion for future research are explained