227 research outputs found

    Velocity autocorrelations of decaying isotropic homogeneous turbulence

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    Velocity autocorrelations and the mean-square displacements of fluid particles are obtained for decaying, isotropic homogeneous turbulence by numerical simulation of the flow field, using 1283 and 2563 grids, and tracking several tens of thousands of fluid particles, using a third-order interpolation scheme. A self-preserving Lagrangian velocity autocorrelation coefficient is found in terms of a dimensionless time variable s, defined by ds=dt/[script T]s(t), under the observation of a power-law energy decay and the assumption that [script T]s(t) is proportional to the Lagrangian integral timescale [script T][script L]. This timescale is in turn assumed to be proportional to the length scale of the energy-containing eddies [script L]e~K3/2/epsilon divided by the turbulent velocity u[prime], where K=3/2u[prime]2 is turbulent energy and epsilon is the energy dissipation rate

    Report of the Marine Protected Areas Working Group meeting, Penang, Malaysia, 11-12 February, 2014

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    The objectives of the workshop were to review and update Marine Protected Area (MPA) data, finalise policy briefs for each country and recommend future actions and policies for sustainable management of MPAs

    Long-Term Trends in Calcifying Plankton and pH in the North Sea

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    Relationships between six calcifying plankton groups and pH are explored in a highly biologically productive and data-rich area of the central North Sea using time-series datasets. The long-term trends show that abundances of foraminiferans, coccolithophores, and echinoderm larvae have risen over the last few decades while the abundances of bivalves and pteropods have declined. Despite good coverage of pH data for the study area there is uncertainty over the quality of this historical dataset; pH appears to have been declining since the mid 1990s but there was no statistical connection between the abundance of the calcifying plankton and the pH trends. If there are any effects of pH on calcifying plankton in the North Sea they appear to be masked by the combined effects of other climatic (e.g. temperature), chemical (nutrient concentrations) and biotic (predation) drivers. Certain calcified plankton have proliferated in the central North Sea, and are tolerant of changes in pH that have occurred since the 1950s but bivalve larvae and pteropods have declined. An improved monitoring programme is required as ocean acidification may be occurring at a rate that will exceed the environmental niches of numerous planktonic taxa, testing their capacities for acclimation and genetic adaptation

    The Chinese and Taiwanese banking sectors, their reforms and the consequences of the WTO accession

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    Diese Diplomarbeit zielt darauf ab die jĂŒngsten regulativen Reformen bezĂŒglich der Problemlösungen im Bankensektor in Taiwan und China aufzuzeigen und wie die Banken versuchen sich zu restrukturieren um mit den radikalen VerĂ€nderungen im Bankensektor Schritt zu halten. Zu allererst möchte ich einen kurzen Überblick ĂŒber die in China existierenden Institutionen und Behörden geben und einen RĂŒckblick auf die Geschichte des Finanzsektors geben. Im Detail bedeutet das die Umwandlung von einem Monobankensystem mit kaum mehr als der “People’s Bank of China“ als der einzigen GeschĂ€fts- und Zentralbank. Danach beschĂ€ftige ich mich mit dem Transitions-/Reformprozess und dem Problem der nicht einbringbaren (notleidenden) Krediten, als auch mit den regulativen Reformen, die die existierenden Probleme korrigieren sollen. Der nĂ€chste Teil der Arbeit handelt von der NeugrĂŒndung von auslĂ€ndischen Banken und deren Spezialbehandlung in China. Dann liegt der Fokus auf dem Welthandelsorganisations Beitritt (WHO), die ZugestĂ€ndnisse der chinesischen Regierung und die Konsequenzen der Liberalisierrung auf den bis dahin (1979) völlig fĂŒr das Ausland geschlossenen Markt. Darauf folgt ein kurzer Ausblick auf den chinesischen Finanzsektor, der die Auswirkungen der Liberalisierung in den kommenden Jahren vorhersehen soll. Danach wende ich mich der Republik China (Taiwan) zu, auch bekannt als einer der vier Tigerstaaten. Taiwan ist am 1. JĂ€nner 2002 der WHO beigetreten und um dieses Ziel zu erlangen, musste die Regierung einige wichtige Reformen durchfĂŒhren. Auch in Taiwans Fall beschĂ€ftige ich mich kurz mit den Banken- und Regulierungssystem, deren Geschichte, dem gleitenden Reformprozess, beginnend mit der MachtĂŒbernahme der Kuomingtang Partei in Taiwan und dem daraus folgenden WHO Beitritt. Im Unterschied zu China, hat Taiwan auslĂ€ndische Investoren schon sehr viel frĂŒher willkommen geheißen. Deswegen waren die Restriktionen gegenĂŒber auslĂ€ndischen Finanzinstitutionen niedriger als in China. Mit ein Grund fĂŒr die frĂŒhere, einfachere und bessere Entwicklung von auslĂ€ndischen Banken, Versicherungsunternehmen und anderer Organisationen, die im Finanzdienstleistungsektor tĂ€tig sind. Wie in China, hatte/hat auch Taiwan mit notleidenden Krediten zu kĂ€mpfen. Taiwan hat dieses Problem in einer Ă€hnlichen aber effizienteren Art und Weise gehandhabt. Dies war/ist nur aufgrund des privaten RĂŒckkaufs von Krediten möglich. Der Beitritt zur WHO hat dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass der taiwanesische Bankensektor von einem sehr konservativen geschĂŒtzten zu einem hoch liberalen und modernen Bereich reformiert wurde.This master thesis aims to explain the recent regulatory reforms in resolving the problems besieging the banking industry in Taiwan and China and to look at how banks are restrategising in view of the radical changes taking place in the banking sector. First of all I want to give a brief overview of the institutions and regulatory agencies existing in China and look back on the financial sector’s history. In detail, this means the change from a mono banking system with little more than the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) as the only commercial and central bank. Next I will focus on the transition/reform process and the problem of the existing Non Performing Loans as well as the regulatory reforms implemented to correct these problems, which were/are entirely led by the central government. The next part of this thesis will deal with the establishment of foreign banks and their special treatment in mainland China. Then the focus lies on the World Trade Organization (WTO) accession, the commitments the Chinese government had to fulfil and the consequences of the liberalization of the formerly (until 1979) totally closed market. After that a short outlook on the Chinese financial sector that forecasts the impacts of this liberalization in the next years. Next I will shift my focus on Taiwan as it is officially called the Republic of China (ROC). Taiwan is also known as one of the four Asian tigers. Taiwan accessed the WTO on January 1, 2002 and therefore the government had to undertake important reforms to meet the requirements stated by the WTO. Again I will take a short look on the banking and regulatory system and its history and the continuous reform process starting with Kuomingtang’s (KMT) power acquisition in Taiwan and leading to the before mentioned WTO-accession. Differently than the mainland China, did Taiwan welcome foreign investors a lot earlier and some Taiwanese banks even saw them as their saviours. Therefore the restrictions for foreign financial institutions were lower than those in the People’s Republic of China being the reason for earlier, easier and better development of foreign banks, insurance companies and other organizations operating in the financial service sector. Like China, Taiwan also had/has problems with Non Performing Loans but was dealing with them in a similar but more efficient way, due to the private handling of the loans’ repurchase. The WTO entry led Taiwan from having a quite conservatively closed banking sector to reform it to a highly liberal and modern one

    Report of the MPA Atlas and the interactive online database portal of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem

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    This report describes the process and details of developing an interactive online database portal for the BOBLME region.The MPA (Marine Protected Area) Atlas website, created by WorldFish was designed to provide public access to the latest information relevant to marine scientists, managers and conservationists. The main features include; BOBLME MPA database;interactive geospatial maps;and information about important habitats such as coral reefs,BOBLME boundaries and bathymetry

    Fish and Fisheries in the Sesan River Basin

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    Baseline survey.The present component of the project focussing on i) the Sesan Basin and ii) fisheries will: ‐ establish a fisheries baseline for the Sesan catchment, focussing on fish biodiversity, fish production, fisheries zoning, resource use and the fisheries sector; ‐ Identify ecological flows suitable for fish in the Sesan catchment (how much flow should be left for downstream fish production); ‐ contribute to the identification of a set of ecological sustainability principles which will guide multiple uses of water resources and riverine systems; ‐ assess the impacts of dam development on the fisheries sector (how much capture fish will be lost due to dam construction, how this loss can be mitigated, and how much fish can be produced from reservoirs)

    Power-law decay of homogeneous turbulence at low Reynolds numbers

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    The decay of nominally isotropic, homogeneous incompressible turbulence is studied by direct numerical simulations for Re-lambda in the range (5-50) with 256(3) spectral coefficients. A power-law decay of the turbulent energy is observed with exponents approximately equal to 1.5 and 1.25, apparently dependent on Re-lambda. A new complete similarity form for the double and triple velocity correlation functions, f(r,t) and k(r,t), is proposed for low to intermediate Re-lambda that is consistent with the Karmia-Howarth equation and the results of the numerical experiments. The results are also consistent with Saffman's proposed asymptotic behavior of f(r,t) for large separation r for runs with a decay exponent of 1.5. The so-called final period of decay is not observed

    App Review Analytics Of Free Games Listed On Google Play

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    Smartphones have become popular in recent years; in turn, the number of application developers and publishers has grown rapidly. To understand users’ app preferences, many platforms such as Google Play provide different mechanism that allows users to rank apps. However, more detailed insights on user’s feelings, experiences, critiques, suggestions, or preferences are missing due to a lack of additional written comments. This research attempts to investigate the review analytics of Android games listed on Google Play using a proposed text analytic approach to extract all user reviews from game apps in Chinese. A total of 207,048 reviews of 4,268 free games from February to March 2013 are extracted and analyzed according to various metrics including game type and game attribute. The findings indicate there is high dependency between users’ gender and game type, males and females have differing opinions on game attributes. In particular, users of different game types prefer different game attributes. The results reveal product usage insights, as well as best practices for developers
