165 research outputs found

    Concise Review: Isoforms of OCT4 Contribute to the Confusing Diversity in Stem Cell Biology

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    The human OCT4 gene can generate at least three transcripts (OCT4A, OCT4B, and OCT4B1) and four protein isoforms (OCT4A, OCT4B-190, OCT4B-265, and OCT4B-164) by alternative splicing and alternative translation initiation. OCT4A is a transcription factor responsible for the pluripotency properties of embryonic stem (ES) cells. While OCT4B cannot sustain ES cell self-renewal, it may respond to cell stresses. Yet, the function of OCT4B1 is still unclear. Lack of distinction of OCT4 isoforms could lead to confusions and controversies on OCT4 in various tissues and cells. One important issue we emphasize in this review article is that alternatively spliced transcripts and alternative translation products of OCT4 exhibit diverse expression patterns and functions. Furthermore, simple approaches and methods to detect and distinguish OCT4 isoforms are discussed. This article underscores the importance of identifying and discriminating the expression and functions of OCT4 isoforms in stem cell research

    Enhanced carbon uptake and reduced methane emissions in a newly restored wetland

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125(1), (2020): e2019JG005222, doi:10.1029/2019JG005222.Wetlands play an important role in reducing global warming potential in response to global climate change. Unfortunately, due to the effects of human disturbance and natural erosion, wetlands are facing global extinction. It is essential to implement engineering measures to restore damaged wetlands. However, the carbon sink capacity of restored wetlands is unclear. We examined the seasonal change of greenhouse gas emissions in both restored wetland and natural wetland and then evaluated the carbon sequestration capacity of the restored wetland. We found that (1) the carbon sink capacity of the restored wetland showed clear daily and seasonal change, which was affected by light intensity, air temperature, and vegetation growth, and (2) the annual daytime (8–18 hr) sustained‐flux global warming potential was −11.23 ± 4.34 kg CO2 m−2 y−1, representing a much larger carbon sink than natural wetland (−5.04 ± 3.73 kg CO2 m−2 y−1) from April to December. In addition, the results showed that appropriate tidal flow management may help to reduce CH4 emission in wetland restoration. Thus, we proposed that the restored coastal wetland, via effective engineering measures, reliably acted as a large net carbon sink and has the potential to help mitigate climate change.We would like to thank Yangtze Delta Estuarine Wetland Ecosystem Ministry of Education & Shanghai Observation and Research Station for providing sites during our research. This research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant 2017YFC0506002), the National Natural Science Foundation of China Overseas and Hong Kong‐Macao Scholars Collaborative Research Fund (Grant 31728003), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant 2018M640362), the Shanghai University Distinguished Professor (Oriental Scholars) Program (Grant JZ2016006), the Open Fund of Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco‐Restoration (Grant SHUES2018B06), and the Scientific Projects of Shanghai Municipal Oceanic Bureau (Grant 2018‐03). The complete data set is available at https://data.4tu.nl/repository/uuid:536b2614‐c4ca‐43d2‐84dd‐6180fd859544

    Nogo-66 Promotes the Differentiation of Neural Progenitors into Astroglial Lineage Cells through mTOR-STAT3 Pathway

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    Background: Neural stem/progenitor cells (NPCs) can differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. NPCs are considered valuable for the cell therapy of injuries in the central nervous system (CNS). However, when NPCs are transplanted into the adult mammalian spinal cord, they mostly differentiate into glial lineage. The same results have been observed for endogenous NPCs during spinal cord injury. However, little is known about the mechanism of such fate decision of NPCs. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we have found that myelin protein and Nogo-66 promoted the differentiation of NPCs into glial lineage. NgR and mTOR-Stat3 pathway were involved in this process. Releasing NgR from cell membranes or blocking mTOR-STAT3 could rescue the enhanced glial differentiation by Nogo-66. Conclusions/Significance: These results revealed a novel function of Nogo-66 in the fate decision of NPCs. This discover

    Improvement of Sciatic Nerve Regeneration Using Laminin-Binding Human NGF-β

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    Sciatic nerve injuries often cause partial or total loss of motor, sensory and autonomic functions due to the axon discontinuity, degeneration, and eventual death which finally result in substantial functional loss and decreased quality of life. Nerve growth factor (NGF) plays a critical role in peripheral nerve regeneration. However, the lack of efficient NGF delivery approach limits its clinical applications. We reported here by fusing with the N-terminal domain of agrin (NtA), NGF-β could target to nerve cells and improve nerve regeneration. was also measured. Using the rat sciatic nerve crush injury model, the nerve repair and functional restoration by utilizing LBD-NGF were tested.. In the rat sciatic nerve crush injury model, we found that LBD-NGF could be retained and concentrated at the nerve injury sites to promote nerve repair and enhance functional restoration following nerve damages.Fused with NtA, NGF-β could bind to laminin specifically. Since laminin is the major component of nerve extracellular matrix, laminin binding NGF could target to nerve cells and improve the repair of peripheral nerve injuries

    Preparation and Application of Starch/Polyvinyl Alcohol/Citric Acid Ternary Blend Antimicrobial Functional Food Packaging Films

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    Ternary blend films were prepared with different ratios of starch/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/citric acid. The films were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), thermogravimetric analysis, as well as Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis. The influence of different ratios of starch/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/citric acid and different drying times on the performance properties, transparency, tensile strength (TS), water vapor permeability (WVP), water solubility (WS), color difference (ΔE), and antimicrobial activity of the ternary blends films were investigated. The starch/polyvinyl alcohol/citric acid (S/P/C1:1:0, S/P/C3:1:0.08, and S/P/C3:3:0.08) films were all highly transparent. The S/P/C3:3:0.08 had a 54.31 times water-holding capacity of its own weight and its mechanical tensile strength was 46.45 MPa. In addition, its surface had good uniformity and compactness. The S/P/C3:1:0.08 and S/P/C3:3:0.08 showed strong antimicrobial activity to Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli, which were the food-borne pathogenic bacteria used. The freshness test results of fresh figs showed that all of the blends prevented the formation of condensed water on the surface of the film, and the S/P/C3:1:0.08 and S/P/C3:3:0.08 prevented the deterioration of figs during storage. The films can be used as an active food packaging system due to their strong antibacterial effect

    Pengaruh sense of school belonging terhadap student's misbehavior

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahu pengaruh sense of school belonging terhadap student’s misbehavior. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional dengan menggunakan teknnik pengumpulan data berupa skala likert yaitu skala sense of school belonging dan skala student’s misbehavior masing masing terdiri dari 30 aitem yang sudah melalui uji coba. Skala sense of school belonging memiliki reabilitas sebesar 0,899 sedangkan skala student’s misbehavior memiliki reabilitas sebesar 0,924. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 144 siswa dari jumlah populasi sebesar 576 siswa. Pengambilan data menggunakan simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh sense of school belonging terhadap student’s misbehavior dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Dalam table model summary pada analisis regresi linier sederhana, sense of school belonging memberikan pengaruh sebesar 17,7% terhadap student’s misbehavior. Pada table correlation, terdapat nilai koerfisien korelasi sebesar -0,420 yang berarti semakin tinggi sense of school belonging maka semakin rendah student’s misbehavior yang dilakukan oleh siswa

    ASFL-YOLOX: an adaptive spatial feature fusion and lightweight detection method for insect pests of the Papilionidae family

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    IntroductionInsect pests from the family Papilionidae (IPPs) are a seasonal threat to citrus orchards, causing damage to young leaves, affecting canopy formation and fruiting. Existing pest detection models used by orchard plant protection equipment lack a balance between inference speed and accuracy.MethodsTo address this issue, we propose an adaptive spatial feature fusion and lightweight detection model for IPPs, called ASFL-YOLOX. Our model includes several optimizations, such as the use of the Tanh-Softplus activation function, integration of the efficient channel attention mechanism, adoption of the adaptive spatial feature fusion module, and implementation of the soft Dlou non-maximum suppression algorithm. We also propose a structured pruning curation technique to eliminate unnecessary connections and network parameters.ResultsExperimental results demonstrate that ASFL-YOLOX outperforms previous models in terms of inference speed and accuracy. Our model shows an increase in inference speed by 29 FPS compared to YOLOv7-x, a higher mAP of approximately 10% than YOLOv7-tiny, and a faster inference frame rate on embedded platforms compared to SSD300 and Faster R-CNN. We compressed the model parameters of ASFL-YOLOX by 88.97%, reducing the number of floating point operations per second from 141.90G to 30.87G while achieving an mAP higher than 95%.DiscussionOur model can accurately and quickly detect fruit tree pest stress in unstructured orchards and is suitable for transplantation to embedded systems. This can provide technical support for pest identification and localization systems for orchard plant protection equipment