2,310 research outputs found

    Tool support for security-oriented virtual research collaborations

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    Collaboration is at the heart of e-Science and e-Research more generally. Successful collaborations must address both the needs of the end user researchers and the providers that make resources available. Usability and security are two fundamental requirements that are demanded by many collaborations and both concerns must be considered from both the researcher and resource provider perspective. In this paper we outline tools and methods developed at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) that provide users with seamless, secure access to distributed resources through security-oriented research environments, whilst also allowing resource providers to define and enforce their own local access and usage policies through intuitive user interfaces. We describe these tools and illustrate their application in the ESRC-funded Data Management through e-Social Science (DAMES) and the JISC-funded SeeGEO projects

    Effects of substrate curvature radius, deposition temperature and coating thickness on the residual stress field of cylindrical thermal barrier coatings

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    In a thermal barrier coating (TBC) system with cylindrical geometry, the position of coating plays an important role in the distribution of residual stress. In this paper, the residual stress field in three different types of TBCs with cylindrical geometry has been analyzed. The main focus is on the effects of substrate curvature radius, deposition temperature and coating thickness on the residual stress distribution during a deposition process. The results show that the substrate curvature radius significantly affects the distributions of radial and hoop residual stresses, which are in good agreement with experimental measurements by photo-stimulated luminescence piezospectroscopy (Wang et al., Acta Mater., 2009, 57(1):182–195). The maximum radial residual stress locates closely to the coating/thermal grown oxide interface. However, the maximum hoop residual stress lies in the thermal grown oxide layer, which is much more than other three layers and presents a strong stress singularity along the thickness direction

    Inherent thermometry in a hybrid superconducting tunnel junction

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    We discuss inherent thermometry in a Superconductor - Normal metal - Superconductor tunnel junction. In this configuration, the energy selectivity of single-particle tunneling can provide a significant electron cooling, depending on the bias voltage. The usual approach for measuring the electron temperature consists in using an additional pair of superconducting tunnel junctions as probes. In this paper, we discuss our experiment performed on a different design with no such thermometer. The quasi-equilibrium in the central metallic island is discussed in terms of a kinetic equation including injection and relaxation terms. We determine the electron temperature by comparing the micro-cooler experimental current-voltage characteristic with isothermal theoretical predictions. The limits of validity of this approach, due to the junctions asymmetry, the Andreev reflection or the presence of sub-gap states are discussed

    Coexistence of ferro- and antiferromagnetic order in Mn-doped Ni2_2MnGa

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    Ni-Mn-Ga is interesting as a prototype of a magnetic shape-memory alloy showing large magnetic field induced strains. We present here results for the magnetic ordering of Mn-rich Ni-Mn-Ga alloys based on both experiments and theory. Experimental trends for the composition dependence of the magnetization are measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) in magnetic fields of up to several tesla and at low temperatures. The saturation magnetization has a maximum near the stoichiometric composition and it decreases with increasing Mn content. This unexpected behaviour is interpreted via first-principles calculations within the density-functional theory. We show that extra Mn atoms are antiferromagnetically aligned to the other moments, which explains the dependence of the magnetization on composition. In addition, the effect of Mn doping on the stabilization of the structural phases and on the magnetic anisotropy energy is demonstrated.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Unification, KK-thresholds and the top Yukawa coupling in F-theory GUTs

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    In a class of F-theory SU(5) GUTs the low energy chiral mass spectrum is obtained from rank one fermion mass textures with a hierarchical structure organised by U(1) symmetries embedded in the exceptional E_8 group. In these theories chiral fields reside on matter `curves' and the tree level masses are computed from integrals of overlapping wavefuctions of the particles at the triple intersection points. This calculation requires knowledge of the exact form of the wavefuctions. In this work we propose a way to obtain a reliable estimate of the various quantities which determine the strength of the Yukawa couplings. We use previous analysis of KK threshold effects to determine the (ratios of) heavy mass scales of the theory which are involved in the normalization of the wave functions. We consider similar effects from the chiral spectrum of these models and discuss possible constraints on the emerging matter content. In this approach, we find that the Yukawa couplings can be determined solely from the U(1) charges of the states in the `intersection' and the torsion which is a topological invariant quantity. We apply the results to a viable SU(5) model with minimal spectrum which satisfies all the constraints imposed by our analysis. We use renormalization group analysis to estimate the top and bottom masses and find that they are in agreement with the experimental values.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Spin density wave dislocation in chromium probed by coherent x-ray diffraction

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    We report on the study of a magnetic dislocation in pure chromium. Coherent x-ray diffraction profiles obtained on the incommensurate Spin Density Wave (SDW) reflection are consistent with the presence of a dislocation of the magnetic order, embedded at a few micrometers from the surface of the sample. Beyond the specific case of magnetic dislocations in chromium, this work may open up a new method for the study of magnetic defects embedded in the bulk.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Electronic structure of fluorides: general trends for ground and excited state properties

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    The electronic structure of fluorite crystals are studied by means of density functional theory within the local density approximation for the exchange correlation energy. The ground-state electronic properties, which have been calculated for the cubic structures CaF2CaF_{2},SrF2SrF_{2}, BaF2BaF_{2}, CdF2CdF_{2}, HgF2HgF_{2}, ÎČ\beta -PbF2PbF_{2}, using a plane waves expansion of the wave functions, show good comparison with existing experimental data and previous theoretical results. The electronic density of states at the gap region for all the compounds and their energy-band structure have been calculated and compared with the existing data in the literature. General trends for the ground-state parameters, the electronic energy-bands and transition energies for all the fluorides considered are given and discussed in details. Moreover, for the first time results for HgF2HgF_{2} have been presented
