779 research outputs found

    Deciding whether a mapping torus is of full rank

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    The mapping torus induced by an automorphism ϕ\phi of the free abelian group Zn\mathbb{Z}^n is a semi-direct product G=ZnϕZG=\mathbb{Z}^n\rtimes_\phi \mathbb{Z}. We show that whether the rank of GG is equal to n+1n+1 is decidable. As a corollary, the rank of Z3ϕZ\mathbb{Z}^3\rtimes_\phi \mathbb{Z} is decidable

    A note on the free degrees of homeomorphisms on genus 2 orientable compact surfaces

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    AbstractFor a compact surface F, the free degree fr(F) of homeomorphisms on F is defined as the maximum of least periods among all periodic points of self-homeomorphisms on F. We show that maxbfr(F2,b)=12

    Supersolvable closures of finitely generated subgroups of the free group

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    We prove the pro-supersolvable closure of a finitely generated subgroup of the free group is finitely generated. It extends similar results for pro-pp closures proved by Ribes-Zalesskii and pro-Nilpotent closures proved by Margolis-Sapir-Weil

    Self-mapping degrees of torus bundles and torus semi-bundles

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    Each closed oriented 3-manifold M is naturally associated with a set of integers D(M), the degrees of all self-maps on M. D(M) is determined for each torus bundle and semi-bundle M. The structure of torus semi-bundle is studied in detail. The paper is a part of a project to determine D(M) for all 3-manifolds in Thurston's picture.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000277823900008&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701MathematicsSCI(E)6ARTICLE1131-1554

    Fixed subgroups are compressed in surface groups

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    For a compact surface Σ\Sigma (orientable or not, and with boundary or not) we show that the fixed subgroup, FixB\operatorname{Fix} B, of any family BB of endomorphisms of π1(Σ)\pi_1(\Sigma) is compressed in π1(Σ)\pi_1(\Sigma) i.e., rk((FixB)H)rk(H)\operatorname{rk}((\operatorname{Fix} B)\cap H)\leq \operatorname{rk}(H) for any subgroup FixBHπ1(Σ)\operatorname{Fix} B \leq H \leq \pi_1(\Sigma). On the way, we give a partial positive solution to the inertia conjecture, both for free and for surface groups. We also investigate direct products, GG, of finitely many free and surface groups, and give a characterization of when GG satisfies that rk(Fixϕ)rk(G)\operatorname{rk}(\operatorname{Fix} \phi) \leq \operatorname{rk}(G) for every ϕAut(G)\phi \in Aut(G)

    Fixed subgroups in direct products of surface groups of Euclidean type

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    We give an explicit characterization of which direct products G of surface groups of Euclidean type satisfy that the fixed subgroup of any automorphism (or endomorphism) of G is compressed, and of which is it always inert.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Self-mapping degrees of 3-manifolds

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    For each closed oriented 3-manifold M in Thurston's picture, the set of degrees of self-maps on M is given.MathematicsSCI(E)2ARTICLE1247-2694