65 research outputs found

    Free(lance) journalist Franta Kocourek

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    Diplomová práce "Svobodný novinář Franta Kocourek" se věnuje osobnosti významného československého novináře 20. století Franty Kocourka. Zaměřuje se především na jeho působení v tištěných médiích - prestižních prvorepublikových titulech týdeníku Přítomnost a deníku Lidové noviny, dále na jím vedeném, nepříliš úspěšném, týdeníku Groš a deníku Slovenský hlas. Kocourek se soustředil především na reportáže, byl však žánrově i tematicky velmi univerzální. Vedle pronikavých reportáží o stoupajícím vlivu nacismu v Německu psal například i sondy o deklasovaných vrstvách společnosti či odborné filmové studie nebo eseje. Tato práce popisuje Kocourka jako všestrannou osobnost, která se kromě práce v médiích zabývala i literaturou, filmem či veřejným vystupováním. Prostor je věnován i Kocourkově působení v rozhlase, kde se na přelomu 30. a 40. let vypracoval mezi nejuznávanější československé reportéry a provázel občany Československa během posledního období první republiky, během krátké etapy druhé republiky i za německé okupace. Diplomová práce přibližuje Kocourka nejen jako špičkového a mimořádně vzdělaného a zcestovalého novináře, ale i jako statečného člověka, který československou veřejnost povzbuzoval prostřednictvím rozhlasu, článků a přednášek a který kvůli svým odvážným postojům zemřel v nacistickém...This diploma thesis "Freelance journalist Franta Kocourek" deals with the life and career of Franta Kocourek, the important Czechoslovak journalist in the 20. century. Diploma focuses especially on his working in the press media - prestigious periodicals of the First Czechoslovak Republic weekly magazine Přítomnost and daily newspaper Lidové noviny, not too much successful weekly magazine Groš, leaded by himself, and daily newspaper Slovenský hlas. Kocourek especially had concentrated on reportages, but he was also very universial in styles and issues. He had been writing profound reportages about growing influence of nacism besides surveys about people living at the edge of society, expert studies about the cinemotagraphy or essayes. This diploma describes Kocourek as a omnifarious personality, who had been occupying by literature, movies or public lectures except his working in media. There is also mentioned his working in the radio, where he had been improving among the best reporters at the turn of the 1930s and the 1940s, who had been going along with the Czechoslovak people during last period of the First Czechoslovak Republic, short time of the Second Czechoslovak Republic and the nazi ocupation. Diploma puts near Kocourek not only as a top, well-educated and much-travelled journalist, but...Department of Media StudiesKatedra mediálních studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Pionierzy retrogardy : zespół Handa Gote i jego droga tam i z powrotem

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    The text portrays the Prague ensemble, whose theatrical works are only one part of its vibrant post-dramatic activity. Handa Gote has been operating on the Czech theatre scene since 2005. It is one of the most important groups that developed their theatrical language drawing inspiration not only from surrealists, but also from anthropological research, folk theatre, traditional theatre forms that are linked with the principles of DIY, technological theatre, puppet theatre. They extend their experiments into music, radio, exhibition projects and radically subversive public space events. This cultivation of artistic universality, group work, post-dramatic and post-spectacular attitudes characterize the foundations of this unique group, which also focuses on object, puppet, dance and multimedia theatre

    Survey on solar X-ray flares and associated coherent radio emissions

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    The radio emission during 201 X-ray selected solar flares was surveyed from 100 MHz to 4 GHz with the Phoenix-2 spectrometer of ETH Zurich. The selection includes all RHESSI flares larger than C5.0 jointly observed from launch until June 30, 2003. Detailed association rates of radio emission during X-ray flares are reported. In the decimeter wavelength range, type III bursts and the genuinely decimetric emissions (pulsations, continua, and narrowband spikes) were found equally frequently. Both occur predominantly in the peak phase of hard X-ray (HXR) emission, but are less in tune with HXRs than the high-frequency continuum exceeding 4 GHz, attributed to gyrosynchrotron radiation. In 10% of the HXR flares, an intense radiation of the above genuine decimetric types followed in the decay phase or later. Classic meter-wave type III bursts are associated in 33% of all HXR flares, but only in 4% they are the exclusive radio emission. Noise storms were the only radio emission in 5% of the HXR flares, some of them with extended duration. Despite the spatial association (same active region), the noise storm variations are found to be only loosely correlated in time with the X-ray flux. In a surprising 17% of the HXR flares, no coherent radio emission was found in the extremely broad band surveyed. The association but loose correlation between HXR and coherent radio emission is interpreted by multiple reconnection sites connected by common field lines.Comment: Solar Physics, in pres

    Diagnostics of non-thermal distributions in solar flare spectra observed by RESIK and RHESSI

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    We focus on the non-thermal components of the electron distribution in the keV range and analyse high-energy resolution X-ray spectra detected by RESIK and RHESSI for three solar flares.In the 2-4 keV range we assume that the electron distribution can be modelled by an n-distribution. Using a method of line-intensity ratios, we analyse allowed and satellite lines of Si observed by RESIK and estimate the parameters of this n-distribution. At higher energies we explore RHESSI bremsstrahlung spectra. Adopting a forward-fitting approach and thick-target approximation, we determine the characteristics of injected electron beams. RHESSI non-thermal component associated with the electron beam is correlated well with presence of the non-thermal n-distribution obtained from the RESIK spectra. In addition, such an n-distribution occurs during radio bursts observed in the 0.61-15.4 GHz range. Furthermore, we show that the n-distribution could also explain RHESSI emission below ~5 keV. Therefore, two independent diagnostics methods indicate the flare plasma being affected by the electron beam can have a non-thermal component in the ~2-5 keV range, which is described by the n-distribution well. Finally, spectral line analysis reveals that the n-distribution does not occupy the same location as the thermal component detected by RHESSI at ~10 keV.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 10 table

    From Radioart to Musical Theatre

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    This dissertation From Radioart to Musical Theatre aims at showing connections between seemingly different fields ? mainly sound-drama radioart, which in German is called Hörspiel, and musical theatre. In my dissertation, I try to define the characteristics as well as structural principles of text, space, sound, voice, acting, music and body in these transdisciplinary forms and genres, which have never retained any kind of purity in the traditional sense.In the analytical and introductory historical part of my dissertation, various seemingly different areas were introduced and discussed. These areas were musical or sound theatre in its general as well as specific form and its interrelation with sound installations, performance, radioart in form of Hörspiel, musical composition and sound art. In the following chapters, I used examples of several pivotal personalities from the German speaking area skilled in musical composition as well as directing and dramatics to present for instance the influence of musical structure on composition and other performing activities or the relationship of dramatic or literary model to its scenographic adaptation. The whole issue of relationships of disparate art forms is being showed on the examples of several artists ? directing composers who create these links thanks to their activity in various fields, as they intertwine musical and performing worlds on the level of structure, motifs and dramatics. The creators of such heterogeneous artworks using the strategy of the so-called negative dramatics are inherently split personalities - Heiner Goebbels, Helmut Oehring, Olga Neuwirth and Andreas Ammer. Goebbels as well as Oehring, Neuwirth and Ammer are able to make use of their experience with musical composition and/or work for the radio in the creation of musical performances in the way that they let particular composition techniques and staging be freely influenced by the knowledge of other media. Besides the above mentioned group of artists, I mention also other significant authors from the 20th and 21st century, who dealt with radioart, musical composition, collage and montage, performance and musical theatre - Bertolt Brecht, Dziga Vertov, Emil František Burian, Walter Ruttmann, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Dieter Schnebel, Georg Katzer, Friedrich Schenker, FM Einheit či Laurie Anderson and Georges Aperghis. Without the influence of the last fifty year-history of radioart, musical theatre would certainly not be such an important form of alternative theatre and performing art as such. Especially nowadays, when thanks to the emancipation and stressing of sound at the expense of acting a new stage language is being created within musical theatre, and the form itself transforms into yet little analysed field of the so-called postspectacular or mechanical theatre without actors