195 research outputs found

    Sufficient condition for Blackhole formation in spherical gravitational collapse

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    A sufficient condition for the validity of Cosmic Censorship in spherical gravitational collapse is formulated and proved. The condition relies on an attractive mathematical property of the apparent horizon, which holds if ''minimal'' requirements of physical reasonableness are satisfied by the matter model.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX2

    Black holes vs. naked singularities formation in collapsing Einstein's clusters

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    Non-static, spherically symmetric clusters of counter-rotating particles, of the type first introduced by Einstein, are analysed here. The initial data space can be parameterized in terms of three arbitrary functions, namely; initial density, velocity and angular momentum profiles. The final state of collapse, black hole or naked singularity, turns out to depend on the order of the first non-vanishing derivatives of such functions at the centre. The work extends recent results by Harada, Iguchi and Nakao.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX format. To appear in Physical Review

    The Lovelock gravity in the critical spacetime dimension

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    It is well known that the vacuum in the Einstein gravity, which is linear in the Riemann curvature, is trivial in the critical (2+1=3) dimension because vacuum solution is flat. It turns out that this is true in general for any odd critical d=2n+1d=2n+1 dimension where nn is the degree of homogeneous polynomial in Riemann defining its higher order analogue whose trace is the nth order Lovelock polynomial. This is the "curvature" for nth order pure Lovelock gravity as the trace of its Bianchi derivative gives the corresponding analogue of the Einstein tensor \cite{bianchi}. Thus the vacuum in the pure Lovelock gravity is always trivial in the odd critical (2n+1) dimension which means it is pure Lovelock flat but it is not Riemann flat unless n=1n=1 and then it describes a field of a global monopole. Further by adding Lambda we obtain the Lovelock analogue of the BTZ black hole.Comment: 3 pages, revised version with two minor changes and an author added. Accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Non-radial null geodesics in spherical dust collapse

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    The issue of the local visibility of the shell-focussing singularity in marginally bound spherical dust collapse is considered from the point of view of the existence of future-directed null geodesics with angular momentum which emanate from the singularity. The initial data (i.e. the initial density profile) at the onset of collapse is taken to be of class C3C^3. Simple necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a naked singularity are derived in terms of the data. It is shown that there exist future-directed non-radial null geodesics emanating from the singularity if and only if there exist future-directed radial null geodesics emanating from the singularity. This result can be interpreted as indicating the robustness of previous results on radial geodesics, with respect to the presence of angular momentum.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Singularities in gravitational collapse with radial pressure

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    We analyze spherical dust collapse with non-vanishing radial pressure, Π\Pi, and vanishing tangential stresses. Considering a barotropic equation of state, Π=γρ\Pi=\gamma\rho, we obtain an analytical solution in closed form---which is exact for γ=1,0\gamma=-1,0, and approximate otherwise---near the center of symmetry (where the curvature singularity forms). We study the formation, visibility, and curvature strength of singularities in the resulting spacetime. We find that visible, Tipler strong singularities can develop from generic initial data. Radial pressure alters the spectrum of possible endstates for collapse, increasing the parameter space region that contains no visible singularities, but cannot by itself prevent the formation of visible singularities for sufficiently low values of the energy density. Known results from pressureless dust are recovered in the γ=0\gamma=0 limit.Comment: to appear in GRG; LaTeX, 22 pages, 2 eps figure

    Gravitational Collapse and Cosmological Constant

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    We consider here the effects of a non-vanishing cosmological term on the final fate of a spherical inhomogeneous collapsing dust cloud. It is shown that depending on the nature of the initial data from which the collapse evolves, and for a positive value of the cosmological constant, we can have a globally regular evolution where a bounce develops within the cloud. We characterize precisely the initial data causing such a bounce in terms of the initial density and velocity profiles for the collapsing cloud. In the cases otherwise, the result of collapse is either formation of a black hole or a naked singularity resulting as the end state of collapse. We also show here that a positive cosmological term can cover a part of the singularity spectrum which is visible in the corresponding dust collapse models for the same initial data.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Interplay of fission modes in mass distribution of light actinide nuclei 225,227Pa

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    Fission-fragment mass distributions were measured for 225,227Pa nuclei formed in fusion reactions of 19F + 206, 208Pb around fusion barrier energies. Mass-angle correlations do not indicate any quasi-fission like events in this bombarding energy range. Mass distributions were fitted by Gaussian distribution and mass variance extracted. At below-barrier energies, the mass variance was found to increase with decrease in energy for both nuclei. Results from present work were compared with existing data for induced fission of 224, 226Th and 228U around barrier energies. Enhancement in mass variance of 225, 227Pa nuclei at below-barrier energies shows evidence for presence of asymmetric fission events mixed with symmetric fission events. This is in agreement with the results of mass distributions of nearby nuclei 224, 226Th and 228U where two-mode fission process was observed. Two-mode feature of fission arises due to the shell effects changing the landscape of the potential energy surfaces at low excitation energies. The excitation-energy dependence of the mass variance gives strong evidence for survival of microscopic shell effects in fission of light actinide nuclei 225, 227Pa with initial excitation energy ~30 - 50 MeV

    The spectrum of endstates of gravitational collapse with tangential stresses

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    The final state--black hole or naked singularity--of the gravitational collapse of a marginally bound matter configuration in the presence of tangential stresses is classified, in full generality, in terms of the initial data and equation of state. If the tangential pressure is sufficiently strong, configurations that would otherwise evolve to a spacelike singularity, result in a locally naked singularity, both in the homogeneous and in the general, inhomogeneous density case.Comment: 9 pages, revtex4; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.