42 research outputs found

    The role of the ventral striatum in inflammatory-induced approach toward support figures

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    Although considerable research has shown that inflammation leads to social withdrawal more generally, it is also possible that inflammation leads to social approach when it comes to close others. Whereas it may be adaptive to withdraw from strangers when sick, it may be beneficial to seek out close others for assistance, protection, or care when sick. However, this possibility has never been explored in humans nor have the neural substrates of these behavioral changes. Based on the role of the ventral striatum (VS) in responding to: (1) the anticipation of and motivation to approach rewarding outcomes and (2) viewing social support figures, the VS may also be involved in sickness-induced approach toward support figures. Thus, the goal of the present study was to examine whether inflammation leads to a greater desire to approach support figures and greater VS activity to viewing support figures. To examine this, 63 participants received either placebo or low-dose endotoxin, which safely triggers an inflammatory response. Participants reported how much they desired to be around a self-identified support figure, and viewed pictures of that support figure while undergoing an fMRI scan to assess reward-related neural activity. In line with hypotheses, endotoxin (vs. placebo) led participants to report a greater desire to be around their support figure. In addition, endotoxin (vs. placebo) led to greater VS activity to images of support figures (vs. strangers) and greater increases in inflammation (IL-6 levels) were associated with greater increases in VS activity. Together, these results reveal a possible neural mechanism important for sickness-induced social approach and highlight the need for a more nuanced view of changes in social behavior during sickness

    Uticaj izvora inokuluma Tilletia spp. i uslova sredine na učestalost zaraženih klasova

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    The influence of inoculum source on the incidence of common bunt, caused by fungi from the genus Tilletia, was estimated based on the frequency of bunt infected wheat spikes in our agroecological conditions. The cultivar Novosadska rana 5 was sown in a random split plot design with four replicates at Rimski Šančevi on three sawing dates in 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. The following variables were evaluated: I – control, II – soilborne inoculum (4 g teliospores/1 l soil), III – seedborne inoculum (2 g teliospores/1 kg seeds), IV – seedborne inoculum + soilborne inoculum (4 g teliospores/1 l soil + 2 g teliospores/1 kg seeds). Correlation and regression analysis were used to evaluate the effect of temperature and precipitation on the frequency of infected spikes. The frequency of bunt infected spikes depended on the source of Tilletia spp. inoculum, and difference in infection frequencies between variables II and III, as well as III and IV, were determined for the assessed infection parameters. When teliospores are the only source of inoculum in soil, 60 days after sawing (r>+0.52) is a critical period in which temperature influences the development of infection. The highest number of plants was infected in the first, while less were infected in the second ten days (decade) after sawing (r>0.41), when temperature was the optimal 5.0-6.0ºC. The initial 60 days after sawing were also critical for disease development when teliospores on seeds were the only source of inoculum (r>+0.50). The highest number of plants was infected in the third and fewer in the fifth decade after sawing (r>0.41), when temperature was the optimal 5.0- 6.0ºC. When infection was caused by teliospores on seeds and in soil, the critical period lasted 120 days after sawing (r>0.42), with a maximum frequency of infection found at the optimal temperatures for the period of 4.0- 5.0ºC.Uticaj izvora inokuluma na pojavu glavnice pšenice koju prouzrokuju gljive roda Tilletia u našim agroekološkim uslovima praćen je, između ostalih, ispitivanjem parametra infekcije: stepen zaraženosti klasova. Sorta Novosadska rana 5 je sejana po split plot metodu u tri roka setve sa 4 ponavljanja na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi tokom 1999/2000. i 2000/2001. godine. Ispitivane su sledeće varijante: I – apsolutna kontrola, II – zemlja infestirana teleutosporama (4 g teleutospora/1 l zemlje), III – seme infestirano teleutosporama (2 g teleutospora/1 kg semena) i IV – zemlja infestirana teleutosporama + seme infestirano teleutosporama (4 g teleutospora/1 l zemlje + 2 g teleutospora/1 kg semena). Izvršena je korelaciona i regresiona analiza ispitivanog parametara infekcije u odnosu na temperaturu i padavine. Stepen zaraženosti klasova je zavisio od izvora inokuluma Tilletia spp., a uočene su razlike u nivou infekcije između varijanti II i III, kao i III i IV. Kasniji rokovi setve (drugi i treći) su uticali značajno na ispitivani parametar infekcije, ali između njih nisu utvrđene značajne razlike. Kritični period u kom temperature utiču na ostvarivanje infekcije u uslovima kad su teleutospore u zemlji jedini izvor inokuluma traje 60 dana nakon setve (r>+0,52). Najveći broj biljaka je zaražen u prvoj i nešto manje u drugoj dekadi posle setve (r>0,41), pri čemu je optimalna temperatura u tom periodu iznosila 5,0-6,0ºC. Prvih 60 dana nakon setve je, takođe, kritičan period za ostvarivanje infekcije u uslovima kad su teleutospore na semenu jedini izvor inokuluma (r>+0,50). Najveći broj biljaka je zaražen u trećoj i nešto manje u petoj dekadi posle setve (r<-0,45), pri čemu je optimalna temperatura u tim dekadama iznosila 6,0-7,0ºC. U uslovima kad infekciju pšenice ostvaruju teleutospore prisutne na semenu i u zemlji kritičan period traje 120 dana posle setve (r>+0,42), pri čemu je maksimalna infekcija ostvarena pri optimalnoj temperaturi 4,0-5,0ºC

    Les motifs antiques dans la peinture murale byzantine des XIIIe et XIVe siècles

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    Cette thèse constitue une étude des motifs antiques dans la peinture murale byzantine des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, l'époque de la dynastie des Paléologues (1261-1453). Le corpus des monuments couvre tout le territoire de l'Empire byzantin, mais aussi son aire d'influence culturelle balkanique. La présence de l'héritage antique, au fondement de la culture byzantine, a déjà donné lieu à une abondante historiographie; toutefois, un essai de systématisation manquait pour la période paléologue et ce sujet n'a pas été appréhendé dans une perspective globale. Ce travail est centré sur le problème de la présence de l'antique dans la peinture, de sa forme et de sa signification. L'accent est mis sur la recherche du sens et des raisons du remploi des modèles antiques pour déterminer ce qui a poussé les artistes à les utiliser. L'étude montre finalement que les motifs antiques sont repris surtout à cause de leur potentiel descriptif. Dans le cadre d'une utilisation savante, ils sont porteurs d'une valeur artistique nouvelle et interviennent dans l'image à l'instar des citations qui peuvent émailler un texte. La présence de l'antique est envisagée dans le contexte général de l'art paléologue et mise en relation avec le développement des tendances narratives et l'enrichissement de l'iconographie traditionnelle. Ces deux phénomènes étroitement liés sont le signe d'un nouvel esprit qui influence l'art dans le sens du renouveau et d'une forme d'humanisme chrétien.PARIS1-BU Pierre Mendès-France (751132102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Short-term health effects of air quality changes during the COVID‑19 pandemic in the City of Novi Sad, the Republic of Serbia

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    ObjectivesThe objective of this research is to determine the change in outdoor air quality during the COVID‑19 related state of emergency resulting in a lockdown and the potential health benefits for the urban population.Material and MethodsDuring 53 days of the COVID‑19 related state of emergency with a lockdown (March 15–May 6, 2020) in the Republic of Serbia, as well as in the corresponding periods of 2018 and 2019, data on the daily sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ground-level ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) concentrations were analyzed. The total mortality data were analyzed to estimate the impact of the COVID‑19 related lockdown measures on the burden of health in a given population, attributed to the outdoor air quality in the City of Novi Sad, using AirQ+ software.ResultsThe average daily concentrations of PM2.5, NO2, PM10 and SO2 were reduced by 35%, 34%, 23% and 18%, respectively. In contrast, the average daily concentration of O3 increased by 8%, even if the primary precursors were reducing, thus representing a challenge for air quality management. In the City of Novi Sad, a reduction in the average daily PM2.5 concentration of 11.23 μg/m³ was significant, which resulted in a quantified number of avoided deaths.ConclusionsAir pollution in the City of Novi Sad had a chance to be improved due to some preventive measures related to the infectious disease (the COVID‑19 related lockdown), which in turn was the mitigation measure to air pollution with positive public health effects. The confirmed positive effects of the improved air quality on public health could also include raising collective resistance to mass non-communicable and infectious diseases such as COVID‑19 and reducing economic costs

    Metode za detekciju Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi na malini

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    Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi (Wilcox & Duncan), a causal agent of raspberry root rot, is a serious soil-borne pathogen listed by EPPO as an A2 quarantine pest. Root samples were collected from badly diseased raspberry plants showing a variety of characteristic and often dramatic symptoms during surveys carried out in western Serbia in 2002. Identification of the causal agent was performed in collaboration work with the Scottish Crop Research Institute (S.C.R.I.), Dundee, UK. Necrotic roots were plated on selective French bean agar (incorporating ampicilin, ryfamicin, bavistin and hymexasol). Detection of isolates was based on cultural and morphological features compared with referent cultures. DNA was extracted directly from the sampled roots using extraction buffer (200 mM Tris- HCl pH 8.5, 250 mM NaCl, 25 mM EDTA, 0.5% SDS), purified by multi spin separation columns [Thistle Scientific (Axygen)] or in 24:1 mixture of chlorophorm- iso-amyl alcohol and amplified by nested PCR (ITS 4 and DC 6 for first round, DC 1 and DC 5 for second round). Diluted DNA extracts were also amplified by conventional PCR with modified ”universal” Phytophthora primers (ITS 6, ITS 7 and ITS 8, Cooke et al., 2000) and digested with Msp1. Digestion patterns of the universal primers PCR product from infected roots matched those of Scottish strains. P. fragariae var. rubi occured on 8 out of 14 sites. Our results indicate that nested PCR (ITS 4 and DC 6 for first round, DC 1 and DC 5 for second round) or digestion of the ”universal” Phytophthora primers PCR product for detection of P. fragariae var. rubi are more sensitive and less time-consuming and therefore recommended for use.Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi (Wilcox & Duncan), prouzrokovač truleži korena maline, je veoma značajan zemljišni patogen A2 karantinskog statusa u EPPO. Uzorci korena su sakupljeni sa jako zaraženih biljaka maline koje su ispoljavale čitav niz karakterističnih i često dramatičnih simptoma tokom pregleda koji su vršeni u zapadnoj Srbiji 2002. godine. Identifikacija prouzrokovača je izvršena u saradnji sa Scottish Crop Research Institute (S.C.R.I.), Dundee, UK. Nekrotični korenčići su unošeni u selektivnu French bean podlogu, koja je sadržala ampicilin, rifamicin, bavistin i himeksazol. Detekcija dobijenih izolata je vršena posmatranjem kulture i morfoloških karakteristika i poređenjem sa autentičnim kulturama. DNK je ekstrahovana direktno iz uzorkovanih korenova pomoću ekstrakcionog pufera (200 mM Tris-HCl pH 8,5, 250 mM NaCl, 25 mM EDTA, 0,5% SDS), prečišćena Multi spin separacionim kolonama (Thistle Scientific (Axygen) ili 24:1 mešavinom hloroforma i izoamil alkohola i amplifikovana nested PCR (ITS 4 i DC 6 za prvi krug, DC 1 i DC 5 za drugi krug). Rastvoreni DNK ekstrakti su takođe amplifikovani putem konvencionalnog PCR sa modifikovanim „univerzalnim” Phytophthora prajmerima (ITS 6, ITS 7 i ITS 8, Cooke i sar., 2000) i digestirani sa Msp1. Digestioni paterni proizvoda univerzalnih prajmera iz zaraženih korenova su se poklapali sa škotskim izolatima. P. fragariae var. rubi se javila na 8 od 14 lokaliteta. Naši rezultati ukazuju da su nested PCR (ITS 4 i DC 6 za prvi krug, DC 1 i DC 5 za drugi krug) i digestija produkta univerzalnih Phytophthora prajmera u cilju detekcije P. fragariae var. rubi senzitivnije i zahtevaju manje vremena, pa ih stoga preporučujemo za korišćenje

    Clinical Manifestations of Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis, Treatment, and Outcome in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV) is a rare extraintestinal manifestation (EIM) of ulcerative colitis (UC). Observations about its association with UC stem from case reports and small case series. Due to its rarity, more rigorous cross-sectional studies are scarce and difficult to conduct. The aim of this systematic review was to synthetize the knowledge on this association by reviewing published literature in the form of both case reports and case series; and report the findings according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. In contrast to LCV in Chron disease (CD), which occurs secondary to biologic therapies used for its treatment, LCV in UC is a true reactive skin manifestation. Both genders are equally affected. Palpable purpura (41%) and erythematous plaques (27%) are the most common clinical manifestations. In 41% of patients, the rash is painful, and the lower extremities are most commonly involved (73%). Systemic symptoms such as fever, arthralgias, fatigue, and malaise are seen in 60% of patients. Unlike previous reports, we found that LCV more commonly occurs after the UC diagnosis (59%), and 68% of patients have active intestinal disease at the time of LCV diagnosis. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) is positive in 41% of patients, and 36% of patients have other EIMs present concomitantly with LCV. The majority of patients were treated with corticosteroids (77%), and two (10%) required colectomy to control UC and LCV symptoms. Aside from one patient who died from unrelated causes, all others survived with their rash typically resolving without scarring (82%)