385 research outputs found

    VAMDC as a Resource for Atomic and Molecular Data and the New Release of VALD

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    The Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) (M.L. Dubernet et al. 2010, JQSRT 111, 2151) is an EU-FP7 e-infrastructure project devoted to building a common electronic infrastructure for the exchange and distribution of atomic and molecular data. It involves two dozen teams from six EU member states (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom) as well as Russia, Serbia, and Venezuela. Within VAMDC scientists from many different disciplines in atomic and molecular physics collaborate with users of their data and also with scientists and engineers from the information and communication technology community. In this presentation an overview of the current status of VAMDC and its capabilities will be provided. In the second part of the presentation I will focus on one of the databases which have become part of the VAMDC platform, the Vienna Atomic Line Data Base (VALD). VALD has developed into a well-known resource of atomic data for spectroscopy particularly in astrophysics. A new release, VALD-3, will provide numerous improvements over its predecessor. This particularly relates to the data contents where new sets of atomic data for both precision spectroscopy (i.e., with data for observed energy levels) as well as opacity calculations (i.e., with data involving predicted energy levels) have been included. Data for selected diatomic molecules have been added and a new system for data distribution and data referencing provides for more convenience in using the upcoming third release of VALD.Comment: 8 pages, 1 tabl

    Psychodynamics of radicalised faith

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    Biti radikalizovan u stvarima vere implicira apsolutno biti u posedu Božanskog znanja. Posredi je simtomatično ogledanje između takvog znanja (pseudobožanskog znanja) i patološkog ideala moći. Osnovni problem je nekroza očinske funkcije. Nema radikalizma bez (patološke) harizme. Biti fundamentalista u stvarima vere implicira prevlast neprepoznatog poriva za uspostavljanjem naročitog odnosa sa ocem. Taj (nekrotični) otac biva (u svojem idealizovanom vidu) prepoznat u liku nekog (patogeničnog) harizmatika vođe.Being radical in the matters of faith implies being absolutely in possession of the Divine Knowledge. There is here a symptomatic mirroring between this kind of knowledge (pseudo-divine-knowledge) and the pathological ideal of power. Basic problem is the necrosis of the the Paternal function. There is no radicalism without some kind of (pathological) charisma. Being fundamentalist implies domination of the unrecognized drive for establishing a special kind of relation with Father. This (necrotic) father will be recognized (in his idealized form) in the face of some (pathogenic) charismatic leader


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    Stark Broadening and White Dwarfs

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    White dwarf and pre-white dwarf atmospheres are one of the best examples for the application of Stark broadening research results in astrophysics, due to plasma conditions very favorable for this line broadening mechanism. For example in hot hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarf stars Teff = 75 000 K - 180 000 K and log g = 5.5-8 [cgs]. Even for much cooler DA and DB white dwarfs with typical effective temperatures of 10 000 K - 20 000 K, Stark broadening is usually the dominant broadening mechanism. In this review, Stark broadening in white dwarf spectra is considered and the attention is drawn to the STARK-B database (http://stark-b.obspm.fr/), containing Stark broadening parameters needed for white dwarf spectra analysis and synthesis, as well as to the new search facilities which will provide the collective effort to develop Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC - http://vamdc.org/)

    Inlej retineri kao nosači tela mosta u bočnom segmentu - prikaz slučaja

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    Inlay retained adhesive restorations are an interesting alternative to conventional methods when a single tooth is missing. The aim of this paper was to present possibilities for the application of inlay retained adhesive prosthodontic restorations based on composite systems. The clinical procedure is minimally invasive and simple to conduct. The introduction of fiber-reinforced composites as well as the improvement of adhesive cementing techniques makes these restorations a long-term solution with good esthetic and functional results. This case report offers an insight into the clinical procedure during the preparation of inlay retained adhesive restorations.Inlej retinirane adhezivne nadoknade predstavljaju interesantnu alternativu konvencionalnim metodama, u slučaju nedostatka pojedinačnog zuba. Cilj ovog rada je bio da ukaže na mogućnosti primene inlay retiniranih adhezivnih protetskih nadoknada baziranih na kompozitnim sistemima. Klinička procedura je minimalno invazivna, i jednostavna za izvođenje. Uvođenje vlaknima-ojačanih kompozita, kao i poboljšanje adhezivnih tehnika cementiranja čine ove restauracije dugotrajnim rešenjem, sa dobrim estetskim i funkcionalnim rezultatima. Ovaj prikaz slučaja iz prakse daje uvid u kliničke postupke tokom izrade inlej retiniranih adhezivnih nadoknada

    Health status of pome and stone fruit planting material imported to Serbia

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    We summarize results of the analysis of pome and stone fruit planting material to be imported to Serbia for the presence of quarantine and economically important viruses and phytoplasmas. The analysis was conducted 2004 – 2009 whereby, in compliance with the phytosanitary law regulations of the Republic of Serbia, officially inspected samples were subjected to the examination. During the period, a total of 325 samples were analyzed, i.e. 89 rootstock samples, 215 samples of different pome and stone fruit varieties, and 21 samples of stone fruit seed. The obtained results reveal that 5 samples were infected with viruses. Apple chlorotic leafspot virus was found in one sample of apple budwood, Prune dwarf virus was detected in Prunus avium L. seedlings, Plum pox virus was confirmed in 2 plum budwood samples, and Apple mosaic virus was also found in one sample of apple budwood. Keywords: Pome fruits, stone fruits, planting material, seed, viruses, phytoplasma

    Introduction of certification program in production of plum planting material

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    Certification program for the production of fruit planting material has not been fully established in the Republic of Serbia. Despite this fact, Fruit Research Institute, Čačak has initiated the introduction of certification into the production of plum planting material of cultivars developed at the Institute. The main goal is to establish plum mother plantations with basic material satisfying the EPPO recommendations and national certification standards.Propagated material from pomologically selected trees in commercial and experimental orchards was collected and grafted onto virus-free Myrobalan rootstock. Candidate clones are kept in screen house which ensure absence of infection. Fifteen plum (Prunus domestica) cultivars are included in this study: ‘Čačanska Lepotica’, ‘Čačanska Rodna’, ‘Čačanska Najbolja’, ‘Čačanska Rana’, ‘Valjevka’, ‘Valerija’, ‘Čačanski Šećer’, ‘Jelica’, ‘Timočanka’, ‘Boranka’, ‘Mildora’, ‘Krina’, ‘Pozna Plava’, ‘Požegača’, ‘Stanley’, and perspective hybrid 14/21.All tests were done according to the EPPO recommendations. Selected clones were tested on woody indicators Prunus tomentosa, P. persica and P. serrulata cv. Shirofugen. ELISA test was duly performed for the detection of the following viruses: Plum pox virus, Prune dwarf virus, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, Apple mosaic virus and Myrobalan latent ringspot virus. To increase the sensitivity of Plum pox virus detection, IC-RTPCR was used. The material was also tested for the presence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ by nested-PCR method.The presence of viruses was found in 8 plants. ELISA test revealed that four plants of cv. ‘Jelica’ were found to be positive on the presence of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus. Latent infection with Plum pox virus was detected by IC-RTPCR in 4 candidate clones (1 plant of each of cvs ‘Valerija’, ‘Čačanska Rodna’, ‘Čačanska Lepotica’ and ‘Požegača’). The rest of the material was free of all other viruses. The infection with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ was not evidenced in any of the tested plants.Keywords: certification, plum, viruses, phytoplasma

    The Inhibitive effect of ethanolamine on corrosion behavior of aluminium in NaCl solution saturated with CO2

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    In this study, the inhibitive effect of ethanolamine on corrosion behavior of aluminium was investigated in 3 wt. % NaCl solution, saturated with CO2. All the experiments were carried out at 20 °C. Ethanolamine was added at different concentrations between 1 mM and 8 mM. In order to determine the corrosion inhibition efficiency of investigated inhibitor and the optimal concentration of inhibitor that provides the lowest corrosion of aluminium, the open circuit potential (OCP), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), linear sweep voltametry (LSV) measurements, weight loss measurements as well as scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) were performed. The electrochemical study and weight loss measurements indicated that the minimum corrosion rate and maximum inhibition efficiency was detected for concentration of 5 mM of ethanolamine, as well as the ethanolamine did not change the mechanism of aluminium dissolution. The adsorption of ethanolamine was found to obey Frumkin adsorption isotherm at concentrations up to 5 mM, but further increase in concentration was found to deviate from Frumkin adsorption isotherm. The calculated value for interaction parameter a indicates attractive lateral interactions in the adsorbed inhibitor layer. The obtained value of standard free energy of adsorption, ∆Gads θ , confirms that the adsorption process is favorable, spontaneous physisorption process

    Stem segment in vitro culture of chrysanthemum as a method for micropropagation

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    The effect of several nutritional media on in vitro shoot multiplication of 13 chrysanthemum cultivars grown in our country was investigated. Medium supplemented with a-naphtalenacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine was the most efficient for shoot multiplication. The highest shoot multiplication index was achieved for cultivar 'Tigerrag'. Successful rooting of shoots, depending on cultivars, was obtained on a hormone free medium. Acclimatization of 'in vitro' plants was 55-84%. After growing in the field under suitable photoperiod regime, all cultivars flowered.Proučavan je uticaj nekoliko hranljivih podloga na in vitro umnožavanje izdanaka 13 sorti hrizantema koje se gaje u našoj zemlji. Hranljive podloge obogaćene a-naftil sirćetnom i benzil-aminopurinom su bile najefikasnije za mikropropagaciju izdanaka. Najveći indeks umnožavanja izdanaka je postignut kod sorte 'Tigerrag'. Uspešno ožiljavanje (81-100%), u zavisnosti od sorte, je postignuto na hranljivoj podlozi bez hormona. Aklimatizacija 'in vitro' biljčica hrizantema se kretala u opsegu od 55-84%. Posle gajenja u uslovima polja pri odovarajućem fotoperiodu sve sorte su cvetale