18 research outputs found

    La influencia de la publicidad de casas de apuestas en la población joven en España

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    Este trabajo se enfoca en el tema de la publicidad de las casas de apuestas dirigida a la población joven en España. Con el fin de brindar una visión más completa sobre este fenómeno, en el marco teórico se abordan aspectos relacionados, como la regulación, la inversión y la influencia de la publicidad de las casas de apuestas, así como su relación con la población adolescente. Además, se analizan los riesgos y adicciones que los jóvenes sufren en este contexto y se examina la diferencia de género existente en el juego patológico. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se utilizó la técnica de investigación de la entrevista. Por un lado, se entrevistó a una trabajadora social de Proyecto Hombre en vinculación directa con casos de ludopatía en jóvenes españoles y, por otro lado, se entrevistó a un joven retirado de las apuestas en eventos deportivos, con el objetivo de comprender las diferentes influencias de la publicidad, los problemas reales que afectan a los jóvenes y su relación con las casas de apuestas. Las conclusiones obtenidas apuntan hacia el problema social que muchas familias españolas están experimentando, así como el auge en la participación de los jóvenes en las apuestas deportivas en los últimos años. Esto es especialmente preocupante, ya que en 2021 se implementó una nueva regulación que limita la publicidad de las casas de apuestas. A pesar de esta medida, parece que los jóvenes continúan siendo influenciados y se involucran en estas prácticas. Estos hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de abordar el tema de la publicidad de las casas de apuesta de forma más efectiva, implementando estrategias de prevención y concienciación dirigidas a la población joven. Además, es esencial seguir investigando y desarrollando políticas que promuevan un juego responsable y protejan a los jóvenes de los riesgos asociados con el juego patológico

    Characterizing Nanophase Materials on Mars: Spectroscopic Studies of Allophane and Imogolite

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    Allophane is an amorphous or poorly crystalline hydrous aluminosilicate material. Allophane's chemical structure represents a hollow nanosphere, 5-6 nm in diameter with 4-7 large pores in the structure. Identification of allophane and other amorphous and nanophase minerals on Mars has provided clues about the aqueous geochemical environment there. These materials likely represent partially altered or leached basaltic ash and therefore, could represent a geologic marker for where water was present on the Martian surface; as well as indicate regions of climate change, where surface water was not present long enough or sufficiently warm to form clays. Characterization of these materials is important for increasing spectral recognition capabilities using visible/near-infrared (VNIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) spectra of Mars. A suite of synthetic allophane samples was created using a method that has been modified to produce allophane with Fe isomorphically substituted for Al in octahedral coordination. Compositions of the materials range from high-Si allophane (molar Al:Si = 1:2) to protoimogolite (Al:Si = 2:1), with Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) isomorphically substituted for Al from 0-10 mol% of total Al. These compositions span the range observed in natural terrestrial allophanes. Fe K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy provided information on the speciation and electrochemical and structural position of Fe in the framework. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirmed syntheses and demonstrated changes in infrared spectroscopic signature with Fe substitution. VNIR reflectance spectra and TIR Thermal infrared emissivity spectra were also collected for direct comparison to Martian data. By increasing spectral recognition capacities of nanophase materials, more accurate estimates can be made on the aqueous geochemical environment of Mars

    Characterizing Nanophase Materials on Mars: Spectroscopic Studies of Allophane and Imogolite

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    The presence of allophane and other nanophase materials on Mars indicates a time when water was intermittent and short lived. These materials likely represent partially altered or leached basaltic ash and therefore, could represent a geologic marker for where water was present on the Martian surface. Further, they may indicate regions of climate change, where surface water was not present long enough to form clays. Characterization of these materials is important for increasing spectral recognition capacities of our current Martian science array. Ongoing work suggests that variability in the Al:Si ratio of allophane can dictate the amount of both structural and adsorbed water in the crystalline structure

    Spectral Properties of Hydrated Poorly Crystalline Materials for Spectral Analysis of the Moon and Mars

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    Visible/near-infrared (VNIR) reflectance spectra of both Mars [1] and the Moon [2] include hydration bands that vary across the planet and are not well explained in some cases. Poorly crystalline phases have been found at ~30-70 wt.% by CheMin in Gale crater, Mars in all samples measured to date [3]. Here we report on VNIR reflectance spectra of a large collection of amorphous and poorly crystalline materials. These include opal, allophane, imogolite, iron hydroxides/ oxyhydroxides (FeOx), and several synthetic materials containing Si, Al and/or Fe. All of these contain hydration bands due to water and OH that can be used to identify these materials remotely on planetary bodies

    Molekulare Tumorprofile einer retrospektiven Kohorte von Patient:innen mit fortgeschrittenem Mammakarzinom im OncoNet Rhein Main

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    Das Verständnis von Tumorerkrankungen wurde durch neue technologische und ökonomische Verbesserungen für die Next-Generation-Sequencing Analyse (NGS) gefördert. Die Komplexität der Interpretation genomischer Daten erschwert jedoch die Anwendung von NGS-Analysen im klinischen Kontext. Die Herausforderung besteht darin bei stetig wachsendem medizinischem Wissen dieses im klinischen Kontext zu interpretieren und eine personalisierte Therapieempfehlung abzugeben. Einen ressourcensparenden Ansatz können KI-unterstützende Software-Programme bieten, welche die genomischen Varianten mit der aktuellen Literatur vergleichen, eine Bewertung der Therapieoptionen geben und klinische Studien empfehlen können. In dieser retrospektiven Arbeit wurden Patient:innen mit metastasiertem Brustkrebs (n=77) mittels gezielter NGS-Analyse anhand von sogenannten Genpanels mit 126 bzw. 540 krebsrelevanten Genen im Zeitraum von 01/2019-02/2022 untersucht. Mit Hilfe von bioinformatischen Methoden wurden patientenspezifische genomische Veränderungen mit Behandlungsoptionen abgeglichen. Diese Methoden stützen sich vollständig auf öffentliche Datenbanken über somatische Varianten mit prädiktiver Evidenz für das Ansprechen auf bestimmte Medikamente. Diese Versorgungsforschung einer repräsentativen Kohorte des Universitätsklinikums Frankfurt in Kooperation mit Regionalverbund OncoNet Rhein-Main wurden systematisch ausgewertet inklusive der Bedeutung genomischer Varianten. Das OncoNet Rhein-Main ist eine Kooperation aus führenden onkologischen Zentren und Praxen im Rhein-Main-Gebiet, welche sich als Netzwerk der Aufgabe angenommen haben Patient:innen optimal therapeutisch zu versorgen. Für 51% (39/77) der Patient:innen konnte mindestens eine gezielte Therapieoption mit einem effektivem Biomarker im gleichen Tumortyp gemäß Zulassung der Europäischen Arzneimittelbehörde (EMA) gefunden werden. Bei 12/77 (16%) wurde mindestens eine Alteration mit einem effektivem Biomarker und einer OFF-Label Therapieoption gefunden. Bei 30% der Patient:innen wurden Veränderungen in optionalen Biomarkern gefunden, welche Resistenzmechanismen erklären. Die umfassende molekulare Analyse von Patient:innen mit fortgeschrittenem Brustkrebs erlaubt die Behandlungsoption zu verbessern und ermöglicht durch die Analyse von bekannten Resistenzmarkern auch den klinischen Verlauf besser zu verstehen. Die interdisziplinäre Besprechung der Befunde im molekularem Tumorboard ist im Hinblick auf kontinuierliches Lernen aller Beteiligten sowie zur Qualitätssicherung eine entscheidende obligate Maßnahme.Advances in genomic sequencing and personalized diagnostics evolve rapidly. The growing knowledge about cancer pathways and cancer driver mutations are fundamental in the development of biomarkers and targeted therapy options. This impact is evident in precision oncology, where molecular diagnostics begin to play an increasing important role in the portfolio of pathologists next to the classical histological and immunohistochemistry methods needed for qualified diagnostics. Individual patients benefit from comprehensive genomic profiling of the tumour especially in the advanced tumour setting due to the growing number of available targeted therapy options. In this retrospective analysis of 77 metastatic breast cancer patients in collaboration with the OncoNet Rhein-Main the genomic cancer profile was analysed using common next-generation-sequencing (NGS) panel diagnostics. The most common genomic alterations (PIK3CA, BRCA, ESR1 etc.) and the corresponding treatment options in alignment with the ESMO Guidelines were identified. Furthermore, mechanisms of resistance (e.g., against endocrine therapy or CDK4/6 inhibitors) were identified. The big data sets generated by NGS panels should be interpreted in a quality -assured manner in accordance with international standards, like AMP and ESCAT Scores. The results establish a proof of concept for comprehensive, evidence-based reports as a supporting tool for discussing treatment options in a molecular tumour board and give personalized treatment recommendations. Software tools can aid in the process of generating standardized reports out of large data sets, variant interpretation and suggestions for in-label, off-label or clinical studies in a timely manner. With this work it can been anticipated that software tools, e.g., the software MH Guide, will become essential in summarizing the growing evidence in the field of precision medicine for clinicians, which can be of greater use with the increasing number of oncology patients. This retrospective analysis was generated by using an export of the data from the software MH Guide. With this approach a method is introduced to analyse larger patient cohorts with sequencing data and metadata. Redundant approaches from academic networks in personalized medicine in Germany have not found solutions yet to combine data sets from different laboratories and different sequencers, do a batch upload and analyse them in a comprehensive manner. Here, a method is introduced to overcome this problem

    Spectral and Chemical Characterization of Allophane and Imogolite

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    Allophane and imogolite are nanophase hydrous aluminosilicate clay minerals. Their presence on Mars indicates a time when the presence of water was intermittent and likely short lived. Characterization of these materials has been difficult due to their amorphous characteristics and lack of long range crystallographic order. Fe-K Edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy, 29Si and 27Al Nuclear Magnetic resonance, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and emission spectroscopy are used to gain insight on the spectral and chemical properties of these minerals. By using these combination of techniques a dichotomy of allophane species can be resolved, dependent upon Al:Si ratio. Additional insight is gained into the techniques that should be used, given a sample return mission from Mars.masters, M.S., Geology -- University of Idaho - College of Graduate Studies, 2018-0