15 research outputs found

    Regulation of development of mouse parthenogenetic embryos

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    Vývoj haploidních parthenogenetických embryí myši (Mus musculus) nedosahuje stejné úrovně jako je tomu u normálních embryí. Cílem této diplomové práce bylo zjistit, zda se haploidní parthenogenetická embrya myši odlišují nukleocytoplasmatickým poměrem. Objem jádra parthenogenetických embryí roste s ploiditou. Nukleocytoplasmatický poměr haploidních embryí se mezi dvoubuněčným a čtyřbuněčným stádiem statisticky neliší (p = 0.052), u diploidních a tetraploidních embryí byl naopak statisticky významný rozdíl (p < 0.001). Nestandardní nukleocytoplasmatický poměr by mohl souviset s problematickým vývojem. Pochopení faktorů ovlivňujících preimplantační vývoj parthenogenetických embryí zvýší efektivitu derivace haploidních embryonálních kmenových buněk.The development of mouse (Mus musculus) haploid parthenogenetic embryos does not reach the same level as normal embryos. The aim of this diploma thesis was to find out whether haploid parthenogenetic embryos of mice differ in the nucleocytoplasmic ratio. The volume of the nucleus increases with ploidity. The nucleocytoplasmic ratios of haploid embryos do not significantly change between the two-cell and four-cell stage (p = 0.052), there is a significant difference (p < 0.001) for diploid and tetraploid embryos. Non-standard nucleocytoplasmic ratio could be related to the problematic development. Understanding the regulation of preimplantational development of parthenogenetic embryos will increase the efficiency of haploid embryonic stem cell derivation.Katedra buněčné biologieDepartment of Cell BiologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Production and development of haploid mouse embryos

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    Přehledová bakalářská práce se zabývá dosavadními poznatky o haploidních embryích, určených pro derivaci haploidních embryonálních kmenových buněk. Hlavním tématem literární rešerše jsou metody produkce haploidních blastocyst laboratorní myši (Mus musculus) a zvláštnosti jejich vývoje. Haploidní blastocysty mohou být připraveny parthenogeneticky, gynogeneticky nebo androgeneticky. Vývoj haploidních embryí bývá zřetelně odlišný od vývoje diploidních embryí. Dělení blastomer jsou zpožděna v řádu hodin a úspěšnost dosažení stádia blastocysty je nízká. Příčinou narušeného vývoje haploidních embryí by mohla být nedostatečná aktivace a/nebo nestandardní genová exprese. Navazující práce, využívající monitorovací systém Primo Vision, je přiblížena v experimentální části. Znalost tématu je zásadní pro zefektivnění produkce haploidních blastocyst a odvození stabilních linií haploidních embryonálních kmenových buněk pro další biologický a medicínský výzkum. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)This bachelor thesis summarizes current knowledge of haploid embryos that are used for haploid embryonic stem cell derivation. The subject matter of this background research are production methods of haploid blastocysts of mice (Mus musculus) and the particularities of their development. Haploid blastocysts can be prepared parthenogenetically, gynogenetically or androgenetically. The development of haploid embryos is substantially different from the development of diploid embryos. The division of blastomeres is delayed by several hours and the success rate of development to blastocysts is low. The reason for the impaired development of haploid embryos is hypothesized to be improper activation and/or non-standard gene expression. The follow-up study that utilizes the Primo Vision monitoring system is described in the experimental part. Knowledge of this topic is crucial to raising the effectiveness of haploid blastocyst production and derivation of stable haploid embryonic stem cell lines for further biological and medical research. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Historia de la traducción: fuente de inspiración

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    P. 373-394La importancia de estudiar la historia de la traducción para comprender el fenómeno en su complejidad, el respeto ante las fuentes primarias y secundarias y la capacidad de apreciar temas que a otros les parecerían secundario

    Bibliografie Jiřího Levého

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    Bibliography of Jiří Lev

    Regulation of development of mouse parthenogenetic embryos

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    The development of mouse (Mus musculus) haploid parthenogenetic embryos does not reach the same level as normal embryos. The aim of this diploma thesis was to find out whether haploid parthenogenetic embryos of mice differ in the nucleocytoplasmic ratio. The volume of the nucleus increases with ploidity. The nucleocytoplasmic ratios of haploid embryos do not significantly change between the two-cell and four-cell stage (p = 0.052), there is a significant difference (p < 0.001) for diploid and tetraploid embryos. Non-standard nucleocytoplasmic ratio could be related to the problematic development. Understanding the regulation of preimplantational development of parthenogenetic embryos will increase the efficiency of haploid embryonic stem cell derivation

    Contexts of/in translativity

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    Jiří Levý's and Anton Popovič's theories of (literary) translation and their theoretical and methodological undepinnings (Czech and Slovak structuralisms) as well as their conception of a full-fledged discipline are critically revised on the background of present-day western Translation Studies (TS), now facing sociological and ideological turns, critique and new challenges, as well as on the background of their traditions. And vice versa. However, the focus is on translativity, Levý's category and Popovič's norm, unknown in western TS; the category was studied on translation of advertisements into Czech (a longitudinal study spanning 1990-2005). Possibilities of innovation are suggested in terms of TS theory and methodology, e.g. integration of psychology ot marketing studies) since the role of the receiver has been neglected and eficiency of transaltion has generally been only hypothetized. The task of studying new translation phenomena (e.g. fanslation, localization of iternational magazines, institutional quality standardization) should not be underestimated and presents not only another challenge, but aslo new methodological possibilities on the way to TS modernization. Accidentally, these challenges and new turns seem to bring our domestic traditional issues back to the fore and thus enhance the..

    Production and development of haploid mouse embryos

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    This bachelor thesis summarizes current knowledge of haploid embryos that are used for haploid embryonic stem cell derivation. The subject matter of this background research are production methods of haploid blastocysts of mice (Mus musculus) and the particularities of their development. Haploid blastocysts can be prepared parthenogenetically, gynogenetically or androgenetically. The development of haploid embryos is substantially different from the development of diploid embryos. The division of blastomeres is delayed by several hours and the success rate of development to blastocysts is low. The reason for the impaired development of haploid embryos is hypothesized to be improper activation and/or non-standard gene expression. The follow-up study that utilizes the Primo Vision monitoring system is described in the experimental part. Knowledge of this topic is crucial to raising the effectiveness of haploid blastocyst production and derivation of stable haploid embryonic stem cell lines for further biological and medical research. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Trends in the translation of a minority language: The case of Dutch

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