37 research outputs found

    How Debian GNU/Linux is translated into Spanish

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    La Debian GNU/Linux és un dels paquets de programari per a Linux que compta amb una major distribució. Inclou milers de paquets de programari lliure (free, open source) provinents de moltes fonts diferents. Una de les peculiaritats del projecte Debian rau en el fet que funciona gràcies a un grup de voluntaris seleccionats per ells mateixos. En concret, això vol dir que les tasques de localització (inclosa la traducció) a moltes de les llengües previstes es duen a terme a partir de l'esforç de voluntaris. Aquest article descriu com es localitza el Debian al castellà, com a exemple dels esforços que s'estan fent en el món del programari lliure.La Debian GNU/Linux es uno de los paquetes de software para Linux que cuenta con una mayor distribución. Incluye miles de paquetes de software libre (free, open source) que provienen de muchas Fuentes diferentes. Una de las peculiaridades del proyecto Debian radical en el hecho de que funciona gracias a un grupo de voluntarios seleccionados por ellos mismos. En concreto, esto quiere decir que las tareas de localización (incluida la traducción) a muchas de las lenguas previstas se llevan a cabo a partir del esfuerzo de voluntarios. Este artículo describe cómo se localiza el Debian al castellano como ejemplo de los esfuerzos que es están realizando en el mundo del software libre.Debian GNU/Linux is one of the largest Linux-based software distributions, including thousands of libre (free, open source) software packages coming from many different sources. One of the peculiarities of the Debian project is being run altogether by a self-selected group of volunteers. In particular, this means that all the localization tasks (including translation) to the many supported languages is run on volunteer effort. This paper describes how Debian is localized to the Spanish language, as a case example of translation efforts in the libre software world

    Adapting the “Staged Model for Software Evolution” to FLOSS

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    Research into traditional software evolution has been tackled from two broad perspectives: that focused on the how, which looks at the processes, methods and techniques to implement and evolve software; and that focused on the what/why perspective, aiming at achieving an understanding of the drivers and general characteristics of the software evolution phenomenon. The two perspectives are related in various ways: the study of the what/why is for instance essential to achieve an appropriate management of software engineering activities, and to guide innovation in processes, methods and tools, that is, the how. The output of the what/why studies is exemplified by empirical hypotheses, such as the staged model of software evolution,. This paper focuses on the commonalities and differences between the evolution and patterns in the lifecycles of traditional commercial systems and free/libre/open source software (FLOSS) systems. The existing staged model for software evolution is therefore revised for its applicability on FLOSS systems

    Analyzing Gerrit Code Review Parameters with Bicho

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    Code review is becoming a common practice in large scale software development projects. In the case of free, open source software projects, many of them are selecting Gerrit as the system to support the code review process. Therefore, the analysis of the information produced by Gerrit allows for the detailed tracking of the code review process in those projects. In this paper, we present an approach to retrieve and analyze that information based on extending Bicho, a tool designed to retrieve information from issue tracking systems. The details of the retrieval process, the model used to map code review abstractions to issue tracking abstractions, and the structure of the retrieved information are described in detail. In addition, some results of using this approach in a real world scenario, the OpenStack Gerrit code review system, are presented

    Open Source software engineering - The state of research

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    The following commentary is part of First Monday's Special Issue #2: Open Source

    Executable Source Code and Non-Executable Source Code: Analysis and Relationships

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    The concept of source code, understood as the source components used to obtain a binary, ready to execute version of a program, comprises currently more than source code written in a programming language. Specially when we move apart from systems-programming and enter the realm of end-user applications, we find source files with documentation, interface specifications, internationalization and localization modules, multimedia files, etc. All of them are source code in the sense that the developer works directly with them, and the application is built automatically using them as input

    How Debian GNU/Linux is translated into Spanish

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    La Debian GNU/Linux és un dels paquets de programari per a Linux que compta amb una major distribució. Inclou milers de paquets de programari lliure (free, open source) provinents de moltes fonts diferents. Una de les peculiaritats del projecte Debian rau en el fet que funciona gràcies a un grup de voluntaris seleccionats per ells mateixos. En concret, això vol dir que les tasques de localització (inclosa la traducció) a moltes de les llengües previstes es duen a terme a partir de l'esforç de voluntaris. Aquest article descriu com es localitza el Debian al castellà, com a exemple dels esforços que s'estan fent en el món del programari lliure.La Debian GNU/Linux es uno de los paquetes de software para Linux que cuenta con una mayor distribución. Incluye miles de paquetes de software libre (free, open source) que provienen de muchas Fuentes diferentes. Una de las peculiaridades del proyecto Debian radical en el hecho de que funciona gracias a un grupo de voluntarios seleccionados por ellos mismos. En concreto, esto quiere decir que las tareas de localización (incluida la traducción) a muchas de las lenguas previstas se llevan a cabo a partir del esfuerzo de voluntarios. Este artículo describe cómo se localiza el Debian al castellano como ejemplo de los esfuerzos que es están realizando en el mundo del software libre.Debian GNU/Linux is one of the largest Linux-based software distributions, including thousands of libre (free, open source) software packages coming from many different sources. One of the peculiarities of the Debian project is being run altogether by a self-selected group of volunteers. In particular, this means that all the localization tasks (including translation) to the many supported languages is run on volunteer effort. This paper describes how Debian is localized to the Spanish language, as a case example of translation efforts in the libre software world

    Challenges in Software Evolution: the Libre Software Perspective ∗

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    Libre (free, open source) software is providing huge quantities of data suitable to be used in studies of software evolution. Many different aspects of its development process can be studied from data available in public repositories, ranging from the source code in release archives to mailing lists, bug report systems and version control systems. There are already several software evolution studies using that information, leading to a better understanding of libre software projects. However, those projects also pose some new challenges which have to be addressed in the near future, and which could in some cases be also relevant for proprietary software environments. In the software evolution field some of those challenges are: the manipulation and analysis of the high quantity of data available for thousands of projects, which requires new methods and tools; the jump from studying sources of information in isolation (which is currently the state of the art) to the integration of data from various sources; and the importance of considering characteristics of developers as a parameter of software evolution