10 research outputs found

    Burnout syndrome: understanding of medical teaching professionals

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    This study aimed to investigate the understanding of medical teaching professionals about Burnout Syndrome. This is a qualitative, exploratory study, consisting of ten teaching physicians, who work at the hospital of a higher education institution. The data were collected from May to June 2013, through a form with questions pertinent to the proposed research objective, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee (Protocol No. 84022), and analyzed qualitatively, through the content analysis technique (Bardin). Among the 10 participants in the study, eight had adequate knowledge about Burnout Syndrome, while others showed insufficient knowledge. From the empirical material analysis, five thematic categories emerged: Syndrome characterized by physical and psychological exhaustion due to work stress; Physical and psychological signs and symptoms of Burnout Syndrome; Burnout syndrome and its implications for the worker’s health; The most vulnerable workers who develop Burnout Syndrome and Relation of Burnout Syndrome to the work of the teaching physician. The study showed that most participants in the research adequately understand Burnout Syndrome, but the subject is still little explored in academia. Therefore, intervention measures are necessary with the professionals of the risk group and new studies that contribute to expand the knowledge about that syndrome, aiming to improve the quality of life of the workers. Keywords: Worker’s Health; Professional Exhaustion; Doctors; Professors; Work Conditions.   DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3823/239

    O cuidado prestado por doulas em uma maternidade pública: o olhar das puérperas

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    Objetivo: Analisar a percepção das mulheres sobre o cuidado prestado por doulas durante o trabalho de parto, o parto e pós-parto imediato em uma maternidade pública de João Pessoa - PB. Método: Estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado com oito puérperas, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do CCS/UFPB, sob parecer 808.256. O material empírico foi produzido por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisado pela técnica de análise do discurso de Fiorin. Resultados: As puérperas compreendem o trabalho da doula como adjuvante para diminuição da dor e desconforto no trabalho de parto e no parto. Enunciaram que o vínculo estabelecido contribuiu para tornar o parto um momento positivo e afetuoso. Conclusão: O cuidado prestado pela doula promoveu experiências exitosas no trabalho de parto, no parto e no pós-parto, favorecendo o protagonismo da parturiente e contribuindo para que fosse uma experiência satisfatória


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    Objective: understand how the tracking and referral of cases of violence against women bynurses of the Family Health Strategy of the upstate Paraíba are carried out.Method: a transversal, qualitative study, with the participation of seven nurses working in theFamily Health Strategy, linked to the VI health district of the municipality of Campina Grande,Paraíba. The collection took place in September 2018 and a content analysis of Bardin wasperformed.Results: three categories have emerged: I - Concepts of violence (29.3%); II - Tracking ofviolence cases (53.7%); III - Referral of violence cases (17.1%). The words “physical aggression”,“woman’s police station”, “social worker”, “psychological”, “denounce”, “remember”,“suffer”, “physical” were observed.Conclusion: nurses understand violence and the gynecological consultation serves to identifycases. The research clarifies points of the fragility of health services that make it difficult tofight violence and demonstrate the need for team qualification.Objetivo: compreender como se realiza o rastreamento e encaminhamento de casos de violênciacontra a mulher por enfermeiras da Estratégia de Saúde da Família do interior paraibano.Método: estudo transversal, qualitativo, participando sete enfermeiras atuantes na Estratégia deSaúde da Família, vinculadas ao distrito sanitário VI de saúde do município de Campina Grande,Paraíba. A coleta ocorreu em setembro de 2018 e foi realizada análise de conteúdo de Bardin.Resultados: emergiram três categorias: I - Conceitos de violência (29,3%); II - Rastreio de casos deviolência (53,7%); III - Encaminhamento de casos de violência (17,1%). Observou-se as palavras“agressão física”, “delegacia da mulher”, “assistente social”, “psicológico”, “denunciar”, “lembrar”,“sofrer”, “físico”.Conclusão: as enfermeiras compreendem a violência e a consulta ginecológica serve para identificaros casos. A pesquisa esclarece pontos de fragilidade dos serviços de saúde que dificultam ocombate à violência e demonstram a necessidade da quailficação da equipe.Objetivo: comprender cómo se realiza el rastreo y la derivación de casos de violencia contrala mujer por parte de enfermeras en el marcode la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia del interior del Estado de Paraíba.Método: estudio transversal, cualitativo, en el que participaron siete enfermeras de laEstrategia de Salud da la Familia, vinculadas al distrito sanitario de salud VI del municipio deCampina Grande, Paraíba. La recolección de datos tuvo lugar en septiembre de 2018 y serealizó el análisis de contenido de Bardin.Resultados: surgieron tres categorías: I - Conceptos de violencia (29,3%); II - Rastreo decasos de violencia (53,7%); III - Derivación de casos de violencia (17,1%). Se observó el usode las palabras “agresión física”, “comisaría de la mujer”, “asistente social”, “psicológico”,“denunciar”, “recordar”, “sufrir”, “físico”.Conclusión: las enfermeras comprenden la violencia y la consulta ginecológica sirve paraidentificar los casos. La investigación aclara puntos de fragilidad de los servicios de saludque dificultan el combate a la violencia y demuestran la necesidad de contar con equipocualificado

    Enriquecimento proteico do resíduo de abacaxi mediante fermentação semissólida

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    The fermentation in state semissólido executes an important paper in the use of solid residues, due to the synthesis of different compounds, which great interest is turned for industrial segments. The objective of this work studied the process of fermentation semissólida of the pineapple residues, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with 10 % of inoculo and value the effect of the initial concentration of the yeast, as well as the time of fermentation on the proteinic tenor. The process was conditioned in stove of circulation of air forced to 55 °C, during 48 hours, being done weighing in the intervals of 0, 14, 18, 24, 38, 42 and 48 h and carried out analyses chemical-physical and granulométrica. By means of the results, a reduction of the moisture was observed with the spending time coming reaching 0,91 % to the end of the study, already the proteinic tenor, it increased considerably, with brutish protein of 14 % for 20,56 %, after 48 h, the tenor of total soluble solids presented a decline possibly owed the consumption of carbohydrates by the yeast. The analysis was carried out granulométrica of the residue, where it was noticed that nearly 80 % of the particles presented diameter bigger than 2,4 millimeters. Through the fermentation semissólida of the pineapple residues it was possible to lift up the proteinic tenor and to increase the concentration of nutritious ones, transforming one I reject in a possible product for human or animal destiny with high collected value.A fermentação em estado semissólido executa um papel importante no aproveitamento de resíduos sólidos, devido à síntese de diferentes compostos, cujo grande interesse seja voltado para segmentos industriais. Objetivou-se estudar o processo de fermentação semissólida do resíduo de abacaxi, utilizando a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, com 10% de inoculo e avaliando o efeito da concentração inicial da levedura, assim como o tempo de fermentação sobre o teor proteico. O processo foi acondicionado em estufa de circulação de ar forçada a 55 °C, durante 48 horas, sendo feita pesagens nos intervalos de 0, 14, 18, 24, 38, 42 e 48 h e realizadas analises físico-químicas e granulométrica. Mediante os resultados, observou-se uma diminuição da umidade com o passar do tempo chegando a atingir 0,91% ao final do estudo, já o teor proteico, aumentou consideravelmente, com proteína bruta de 14% para 20,56%, após 48 h, o teor de sólidos solúveis totais apresentou um declínio possivelmente devido o consumo de carboidratos pela levedura. Foi realizada a análise granulométrica do resíduo, onde se observou que cerca de 80% das partículas apresentaram diâmetro maior que 2,4 milímetros. Através da fermentação semissólida dos resíduos de abacaxi foi possível elevar o teor proteico e aumentar a concentração de nutrientes, transformando um rejeito em um possível produto para destino humano ou animal com alto valor agregado

    Enriquecimento proteico do resíduo de abacaxi mediante fermentação semissólida

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    A fermentação em estado semissólido executa um papel importante no aproveitamento de resíduos sólidos, devido à síntese de diferentes compostos, cujo grande interesse seja voltado para segmentos industriais. Objetivou-se estudar o processo de fermentação semissólida do resíduo de abacaxi, utilizando a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, com 10% de inoculo e avaliando o efeito da concentração inicial da levedura, assim como o tempo de fermentação sobre o teor proteico. O processo foi acondicionado em estufa de circulação de ar forçada a 55 °C, durante 48 horas, sendo feita pesagens nos intervalos de 0, 14, 18, 24, 38, 42 e 48 h e realizadas analises físico-químicas e granulométrica. Mediante os resultados, observou-se uma diminuição da umidade com o passar do tempo chegando a atingir 0,91% ao final do estudo, já o teor proteico, aumentou consideravelmente, com proteína bruta de 14% para 20,56%, após 48 h, o teor de sólidos solúveis totais apresentou um declínio possivelmente devido o consumo de carboidratos pela levedura. Foi realizada a análise granulométrica do resíduo, onde se observou que cerca de 80% das partículas apresentaram diâmetro maior que 2,4 milímetros. Através da fermentação semissólida dos resíduos de abacaxi foi possível elevar o teor proteico e aumentar a concentração de nutrientes, transformando um rejeito em um possível produto para destino humano ou animal com alto valor agregado.Protein enrichment of pineapple residue by semisolid fermentationAbstract: The fermentation in state semissólido executes an important paper in the use of solid residues, due to the synthesis of different compounds, which great interest is turned for industrial segments. The objective of this work studied the process of fermentation semissólida of the pineapple residues, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with 10 % of inoculo and value the effect of the initial concentration of the yeast, as well as the time of fermentation on the proteinic tenor. The process was conditioned in stove of circulation of air forced to 55 °C, during 48 hours, being done weighing in the intervals of 0, 14, 18, 24, 38, 42 and 48 h and carried out analyses chemical-physical and granulométrica. By means of the results, a reduction of the moisture was observed with the spending time coming reaching 0,91 % to the end of the study, already the proteinic tenor, it increased considerably, with brutish protein of 14 % for 20,56 %, after 48 h, the tenor of total soluble solids presented a decline possibly owed the consumption of carbohydrates by the yeast. The analysis was carried out granulométrica of the residue, where it was noticed that nearly 80 % of the particles presented diameter bigger than 2,4 millimeters. Through the fermentation semissólida of the pineapple residues it was possible to lift up the proteinic tenor and to increase the concentration of nutritious ones, transforming one I reject in a possible product for human or animal destiny with high collected value

    Palliative Care To The Elderly Patient With Cancer: Speech Of Nurses

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    Palliative care is aimed at people with diseases without perspective of cure or terminally, aiming to provide a better quality of life. This study aims to investigating the discourse of nurses about their understanding of palliative care to elderly patient with cancer and identify strategies used by nurses to promote palliative care to the elderly cancer patient. It is an exploratory research of a qualitative nature, carried out with thirteen nurses from a philanthropic institution in the city of João Pessoa, through a questionnaire. The empirical material was subjected to thematic content analysis, resulting in three categories: design of nurses to assist the elderly in Palliative Care: promoting comfort and minimizing the suffering, the importance of palliative care in humanized care to the elderly with cancer and strategies for the Promotion of Care of the Elderly with Cancer. Participants highlighted the palliative care as essential in the humanization of care, ensuring the dignity and quality of life among the elderly with cancer without possibilities of cure, adding such assistance, the family. Keywords: Palliative Care; Nurse; Elderly; Cancer

    Characterization and application of Lippia alba (Mill) and Cymbopogon citratus D.C. Stapf. essential oils as natural sanitizers in coriander

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    Abstract Essential oils (EOs) are a promising alternative for food preservation and can be used instead of synthetic antimicrobial compounds such as sanitizers, as long as they are efficient and safe. In view of this possibility of use, Lippia alba (Mill) (LAEO) and Cymbopogon citratus D.C. Stapf. (CCEO) essential oils were evaluated as natural antimicrobials and applied into coriander for its biocontrol. The EOs were extracted and their physical properties, total phenolics, cytotoxicity to Artemia salina L. and antimicrobial potential in vitro and on natural coriander microbiota were determined. The EOs had a LD50 (median lethal dose - checked), are considered biologically active. MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) varied from 1.25 to 5.00 μL/ mL and from 0.62 to 5.00 μL/ mL for LAEO and CCEO, respectively, on standard strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella Thyphimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. The lowest MIC values for LAEO and CCEO were selected for application in coriander. EOs reduced the pathogenic microbial load in the coriander revealing its potential as a natural sanitizer, and thus demonstrating superior or equivalent efficacy to commercial sanitizer. By correlating the cytotoxic and antimicrobial results obtained, we have shown that these EOs present potential for application in foods