937 research outputs found

    Достоинства и недостатки мобильного банкинга для клиентов - физ. лиц

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    The paper studies mobile banking. In the article the advantages, disadvantages of mobile banking and tips to protect their data when using it

    Third Time is a Charm - Protonating Tricarboxybenzenes

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    Triprotonation of the three constitution isomers of tricarboxybenzene was accomplished. Furthermore, the preparation of selected mono- and dications showed the sequence of protonation steps. The cations were mostly isolated as [SbF6] and [AsF6] species, which were characterized by Raman and NMR spectroscopy as well as X-ray structure determination. To further elucidate the experimental results, quantum chemical calculations are employed, especially in regard to charge distribution with NPA charges and aromaticity by NICS(0) values. Thermal decomposition of the compounds was investigated in order to explore the possibility of acyl cation formation. The influence of the aromatic system, substitution pattern and anomeric effect concerning the properties of the respective compounds was thus explained

    Life-history evolution in response to foraging risk, modelled for Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    Foraging behaviour is known to be a key element in ecology and evolution. Increased foraging intensity increases energy intake, which is useful for growth and reproduction but comes at the cost of higher mortality risk due to increased exposure to predators. Here, we investigate these trade-offs through an individual-based, mechanistic modelling framework adapted to the Northeast Arctic Cod. The model incorporates a series of life-history traits, survival trade-offs, and heritability, which allow evolution to occur and optimal strategies to emerge due to individual trait combinations and their fitness consequences. By altering the relationship between foraging intensity and mortality risk, we find that increased risk causes evolution towards lower foraging effort leading to lower growth and in turn, earlier maturation and a faster pace of life. These results build on previous studies by demonstrating behavioural evolution without direct anthropogenic stressors. Natural mortality among fish is poorly understood, and these results highlight an interesting point of further research that could help future modelling approaches make more accurate assumptions about natural mortality and its components.publishedVersio

    An automated, geometry-based method for hippocampal shape and thickness analysis

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    The hippocampus is one of the most studied neuroanatomical structures due to its involvement in attention, learning, and memory as well as its atrophy in ageing, neurological, and psychiatric diseases. Hippocampal shape changes, however, are complex and cannot be fully characterized by a single summary metric such as hippocampal volume as determined from MR images. In this work, we propose an automated, geometry-based approach for the unfolding, point-wise correspondence, and local analysis of hippocampal shape features such as thickness and curvature. Starting from an automated segmentation of hippocampal subfields, we create a 3D tetrahedral mesh model as well as a 3D intrinsic coordinate system of the hippocampal body. From this coordinate system, we derive local curvature and thickness estimates as well as a 2D sheet for hippocampal unfolding. We evaluate the performance of our algorithm with a series of experiments to quantify neurodegenerative changes in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's disease dementia. We find that hippocampal thickness estimates detect known differences between clinical groups and can determine the location of these effects on the hippocampal sheet. Further, thickness estimates improve classification of clinical groups and cognitively unimpaired controls when added as an additional predictor. Comparable results are obtained with different datasets and segmentation algorithms. Taken together, we replicate canonical findings on hippocampal volume/shape changes in dementia, extend them by gaining insight into their spatial localization on the hippocampal sheet, and provide additional, complementary information beyond traditional measures. We provide a new set of sensitive processing and analysis tools for the analysis of hippocampal geometry that allows comparisons across studies without relying on image registration or requiring manual intervention

    Grey-box Modeling of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Stack’s Electrical Dynamics Based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

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    This paper aims to design a lumped-capacity modelof a reversible solid oxide cell stack for hydrogen electrolysis.The lumped-capacity model needs to have an adequate representationof the electrical dynamics over a wide operatingrange and a model structure suitable for the design of a physicalemulator. The grey-box model is based on data obtained by electrochemicalimpedance spectroscopy conducted on a commercialsolid oxide cell stack for four different gas compositions at sixaging stages. In addition, a comparison of the experimental andsimulated voltage response of the reversible solid oxide cell stackin cyclic reversible operation mode was conducted at differentaging levels of the stack

    Redaktionelt forord - Krig

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    Danmark er et krigsførende land. Det er dog forholdsvist let at overse. Her er hverken rationeringsmærker, mørklægningsgardiner eller grandiøse støtteerklæringer til rigets forsvar. Alligevel bliver det i disse år langsomt tydeligere, at krigens virkelighed presser sig på. Fra dokumentarfilmen Armadillo over diskussioner om veteranpolitik, tortur og ikke mindst med Danmarks militære indsatser i verdens brændpunkter, bliver krigen med små skridt præsent. SLAGMARK har derfor sat sig for at undersøge krigen. I tre skridt gør dette nummers artikler os klogere på problemstillingen. Først trænes vores blik i at spore krigen i vores dagligdag. Dette sker gennem et opmærksomt essayistisk blik på krigen i den danske hverdag og en antropologisk analyse af vores nyligt indførte hjemkomstparader. Derefter undersøger vi idéhistorisk, hvordan en ung Hugo Grotius argumenterede for, at et handelskompagni kunne føre retfærdig krig og dermed skrev det private firma ind som en legitim aktør, der også kunne føre krig. Og i samme tråd viser den historiske sociologi os, med hjælp fra Niklas Luhmann og Carl von Clausewitz, at det ikke burde overraske nogen, at krigsførende lande ofte ender med slunkne statskasser, som f.eks. USA aktuelt lider under. Til sidst kigger vi nærmere på samtidens krige. Martin Heidegger bruges til at reflektere over dronepiloterne, som fra Nevada udfører angreb i Afghanistans bjerge, ligesom vi også bliver klogere på en af vores erklærede fjenders udvikling og påståede død, nemlig organisationen al-Qaida. Sidst, men ikke mindst, underkastes forsvaret af tortur med henvisning til den tikkende bombe en skarp analyse og kritik

    The Forum: Spring 2003

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    Spring 2003 journal of the Honors Program at the University of North Dakota. The issue includes stories, poems, essays and art by undergraduate students.https://commons.und.edu/und-books/1051/thumbnail.jp