4,288 research outputs found

    La revisión y aprobación romana de los Estatutos del Cabildo de la Catedral elaborados en el Tercer Concilio Provincial Mexicano (1585) y su aceptación en la edición príncipe de 1622

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    ResumenSiguiendo las indicaciones del Concilio de Trento, los prelados participantes en el Tercer Concilio Provincial Mexicano (1585) aprovecharon la ocasión para elaborar unos Estatutos del cabildo de la catedral. Al igual que los decretos del concilio, los Estatutos fueron enviados a Roma para su revisión y aprobación. La Congregación del concilio, después de la revisión, envío una carta a México en la que daba su aprobación, aunque señalaba algunas correcciones que se debían introducir tanto en los decretos como en los Estatutos. En el presente artículo se repasa brevemente el contenido de los Estatutos, se analizan las indicaciones que hicieron los curiales romanos, y se comprueba si efectivamente las correcciones fueron aceptadas y, por tanto, incluidas en la edición príncipe de los documentos conciliares de 1622.AbstractThe bishops who participate in the Third Mexican Provincial Council (1585), following the instructions of the Council of Trent, took the chance to develop new Statutes for the cathedral chapter. Like the decrees of the Provincial Council, the Statutes were sent to Rome for review and approval. The Congregation of the Council, after review, sent a letter to Mexico where they gave their approval, but noted some corrections to be introduced in both the statutes and decrees. In this paper are analyzed the content of the Statute and the indications made by the Roman Curia. Also is checked if the corrections were accepted and, therefore, included in the first edition of the conciliar documents, published in 1622

    Method of measuring the water jet diameter : Método de medida del chorro de agua

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    Abrasive Water Jet (AWJ) machining is one of the manufacturing technologies with highest market growth. It is a process in which material is removed from a work piece using mineral abrasive particles. Due to this principle, AWJ machining technology produces significant amount of waste products that consists mainly on the mineral abrasive. It is possible to cut softer materials with pure water jet (WJ), but efficiency is then reduced. In order to increase the efficiency of the WJ machining and to make the process more sustainable than AWJ, the Ice Jet (IJ) technology was developed. The IJ technology aims to supplement the currently used AWJ technology in several applications. Unfortunately addition of liquid nitrogen to a high-speed water jet can cause dispersion of the jet and consequently reduction of cutting efficiency. Previous experiments in the field of jet diameter measurement have been done by different research groups. In this thesis these methods and the results from the studies based on them, were described and analyzed. This state of the art analysis gave us the knowledge to begin the research on our new method. It also showed that due to possible implementation in industry applications, a quick, easy and affordable technique would be useful. For this reason the phenomenological analysis method to measure the diameter of the water jet was explored. The new method combines digital image acquisition and processing with digital manipulation of the photography. The main advantages of such method are that the equipment can be cheap and as the method is contactless, it doesn‟t get destroyed over time. The analysis of the jet can be automatized and the time of the analysis is short. This means that the method could be applied in the production line to measure the wear of the nozzles during the production cycle without causing any delays. This would increase the lifetime of the nozzles, decreasing the production costs and through online modification of the process parameters also its quality. During the experiments several process parameters such as water pressure, water temperature and diameter of the water nozzle were modified. In order to verify of the new measurement method, the results were compared with results from another method that has already been established before. Therefore the results from gained from this method served as the reference used to evaluate the new method. The reference method measures the jet diameter through the measurement of the jet force. The experimental setup was built in order to evaluate new measurement method and to compare the novel photographic method with the method which makes use of the load cell to measure the WJ diameter. Setup was built on the machine for ice jet experiments. To illuminate the jet, two high performance light emitting diodes (LED) were used and a consumer digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera was used to capture the images. In order to make the image acquisition as constant as possible a microcontroller was used to control the LEDs and to trigger the DSLR. Simultaneously a measurement set of WJ force has been made with the load cell. The focus of this work has been on the photographic method. Measurements with load cell were used for validation of the novel method only. During the experiments two water nozzles were used, five different standoff distances, three different water pressures and three different water temperatures. Regarding photography two different shutter speeds were used throughout all the experiments. Preliminary several combinations of shutter speed and light intensity has been tested in order to obtain optimal experimental conditions. Evaluation of results was performed in the Matlab software package. More than one thousand images were processed by fitting a custom function to the specific rows of image. Function was Gaussian with additional quadratic, linear and constant term. Function was fitted to five image rows which correspond to five different standoff distances from the water nozzle. At the precisely same distances also radial dependence of WJ force was measured. It was found, that the method using digital camera and computer evaluation of image can yield good results which are in good correspondence with measurements of WJ diameter obtained by the load cell.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    The Value of a Statistical Life in the context of Earthquakes: an approach from Prospect Theory

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    In this article we replicate the method developed by Carthy et al (1999) to obtain the Value of a Statistical Life chaining the estimates from a Contingent Valuation survey on non-fatal injuries and a Relative Utility Loss ratio derived from Lottery Equivalent questions to subjects. The novelty of our work stems from applying this methodology to the context of Earthquakes and introducing non-linear probability weighting to subjects’ responses. Changing the context of the questionnaire should change the values obtained for a Statistical Life as stated in the literature and introducing a probability weighting function should be of interest to potentially remediate previous internal consistency issues regarding the “direct“ and the “indirect method”, two variations that should theoretically give equivalent results but that have yielded way too diverging estimates in previous studies, raising concerns on the validity of the method. Our results show a significant reduction in the divergence of the results from the direct and the indirect method

    Factors that explain the use of ICT in secondary-education classrooms: the role of teacher characteristics and school infrastructure

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    Paradoxically, in Spain, schools have relatively ample information and communication technology (ICT)infrastructure but low levels of classroom ICT use. In this study, we analyse the role of school ICTinfrastructure and teacher characteristics to explain ICT use in education. We use data from the Spanishsample in the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Study (TALIS), which consists of 3339 teachersfrom 192 secondary education centres. The analysis was conducted using multilevel logistic regressionmodels. The principal results indicate that the availability of educational software, teacher ICT training,collaboration among teachers, perceived self-efficacy, and teaching concepts influence classroom ICT use.School hardware and internet-connection infrastructure are less significant. Based on thefindings,recommendations are presented to orient Spanish educational policy to encourage the use of ICT in classroom

    The learning organization in secondary education context

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    La Organización de Aprendizaje (OA) se ha señalado como un modelo que se ajusta a las exigencias y características de las organizaciones escolares. La literatura ha indicado distintos modelos de OA, así como de características que las identifican. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las dimensiones básicas de una OA (cultura de aprendizaje, liderazgo hacia el aprendizaje, estructura de aprendizaje y oportunidades de aprendizaje) en un contexto de educación secundaria. Los datos se recogen mediante cuestionario a una muestra de profesorado de educación secundaria. Los resultados comprueban la fiabilidad y validez del instrumento de medida. Se resalta la importancia de la creación y desarrollo de OA en el contexto escolarThe Learning Organization (LO) has been identified as a model that fits the demands and characteristics of school organizations. The literature has identified different models of LO, as well as characteristics that identify them. This work aims to analyze the basic dimensions of a LO (learning culture, leadership towards learning, learning structure and learning opportunities) in a context of secondary education. The data are collected through a questionnaire to a sample of secondary education teachers. The results make evident the reliability and validity of the measuring instrument. The importance of the creation and development of LO in the school context is highlighte