32 research outputs found

    Selective silicate-directed motility in diatoms

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    Diatoms are highly abundant unicellular algae that often dominate pelagic as well as benthic primary production in the oceans and inland waters. Being strictly dependent on silica to build their biomineralized cell walls, marine diatoms precipitate 240 × 1012 mol Si per year, which makes them the major sink in the global Si cycle. Dissolved silicic acid (dSi) availability frequently limits diatom productivity and influences species composition of communities. We show that benthic diatoms selectively perceive and behaviourally react to gradients of dSi. Cell speed increases under dSi-limited conditions in a chemokinetic response and, if gradients of this resource are present, increased directionality of cell movement promotes chemotaxis. The ability to exploit local and short-lived dSi hotspots using a specific search behaviour likely contributes to micro-scale patch dynamics in biofilm communities. On a global scale this behaviour might affect sediment–water dSi fluxes and biogeochemical cycling

    Physiological and transcriptomic evidence for a close coupling between chloroplast ontogeny and cell cycle progression in the pennate diatom Seminavis robusta

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    Despite the growing interest in diatom genomics, detailed time series of gene expression in relation to key cellular processes are still lacking. Here, we investigated the relationships between the cell cycle and chloroplast development in the pennate diatom Seminavis robusta. This diatom possesses two chloroplasts with a well-orchestrated developmental cycle, common to many pennate diatoms. By assessing the effects of induced cell cycle arrest with microscopy and flow cytometry, we found that division and reorganization of the chloroplasts are initiated only after S-phase progression. Next, we quantified the expression of the S. robusta FtsZ homolog to address the division status of chloroplasts during synchronized growth and monitored microscopically their dynamics in relation to nuclear division and silicon deposition. We show that chloroplasts divide and relocate during the S/G2 phase, after which a girdle band is deposited to accommodate cell growth. Synchronized cultures of two genotypes were subsequently used for a cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism-based genome-wide transcript profiling, in which 917 reproducibly modulated transcripts were identified. We observed that genes involved in pigment biosynthesis and coding for light-harvesting proteins were up-regulated during G2/M phase and cell separation. Light and cell cycle progression were both found to affect fucoxanthin-chlorophyll a/c-binding protein expression and accumulation of fucoxanthin cell content. Because chloroplasts elongate at the stage of cytokinesis, cell cycle-modulated photosynthetic gene expression and synthesis of pigments in concert with cell division might balance chloroplast growth, which confirms that chloroplast biogenesis in S. robusta is tightly regulated

    Genome-wide analysis of the diatom cell cycle unveils a novel type of cyclins involved in environmental signaling

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    Genes controlling the cell cycle in two diatoms have been identified and functionally characterized, revealing environmental regulation of the cell cycle

    Transcriptional analysis of cell growth and morphogenesis in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias (Streptophyta), with emphasis on the role of expansin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Streptophyte green algae share several characteristics of cell growth and cell wall formation with their relatives, the embryophytic land plants. The multilobed cell wall of <it>Micrasterias denticulata </it>that rebuilds symmetrically after cell division and consists of pectin and cellulose, makes this unicellular streptophyte alga an interesting model system to study the molecular controls on cell shape and cell wall formation in green plants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genome-wide transcript expression profiling of synchronously growing cells identified 107 genes of which the expression correlated with the growth phase. Four transcripts showed high similarity to expansins that had not been examined previously in green algae. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that these genes are most closely related to the plant EXPANSIN A family, although their domain organization is very divergent. A GFP-tagged version of the expansin-resembling protein MdEXP2 localized to the cell wall and in Golgi-derived vesicles. Overexpression phenotypes ranged from lobe elongation to loss of growth polarity and planarity. These results indicate that MdEXP2 can alter the cell wall structure and, thus, might have a function related to that of land plant expansins during cell morphogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study demonstrates the potential of <it>M. denticulata </it>as a unicellular model system, in which cell growth mechanisms have been discovered similar to those in land plants. Additionally, evidence is provided that the evolutionary origins of many cell wall components and regulatory genes in embryophytes precede the colonization of land.</p

    Designer diatom episomes delivered by bacterial conjugation.

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    Eukaryotic microalgae hold great promise for the bioproduction of fuels and higher value chemicals. However, compared with model genetic organisms such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, characterization of the complex biology and biochemistry of algae and strain improvement has been hampered by the inefficient genetic tools. To date, many algal species are transformable only via particle bombardment, and the introduced DNA is integrated randomly into the nuclear genome. Here we describe the first nuclear episomal vector for diatoms and a plasmid delivery method via conjugation from Escherichia coli to the diatoms Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana. We identify a yeast-derived sequence that enables stable episome replication in these diatoms even in the absence of antibiotic selection and show that episomes are maintained as closed circles at copy number equivalent to native chromosomes. This highly efficient genetic system facilitates high-throughput functional characterization of algal genes and accelerates molecular phytoplankton research

    Potential for Biomass Production and Remediation by Cultivation of the Marine Model Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in Oil Field Produced Wastewater Media

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    While oilfield produced water (PW) is one of the largest, unclaimed wastewater streams of the oil industry, it could potentially be used as a cultivation medium for microalgae. Microalgae could help with the remediation of this water while also delivering biomass that can be transformed into valuable byproducts such as biofuels. The coupling of these two purposes is expected to cut production costs of biofuels while aiding environmental protection. In this study, we compared the cultivation capacity of the marine model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in media at varying salinities and in media composed of PW from two oilfields in the Central Valley of California that differed drastically in the concentration of inorganic and organic constituents. Specifically, we measured the carrying capacity of these media, the maximum growth rates of P. tricornutum, its cellular lipid accumulation capacity, and its capacity to remediate the most polluted PW source. Our study shows that P. tricornutum can successfully adjust to the tested cultivation media through processes of short-term acclimation and long-term adaptation. Furthermore, the cultivation of P. tricornutum in the most heavily polluted PW source led to significant increases in cell yield and improved photosynthetic capacity during the stationary phase, which could be attributed chiefly to the higher levels of nitrate present in this PW source. Chemical water analyses also demonstrated the capability of P. tricornutum to remediate major nutrient content and potentially harmful elements like fluorine and copper. Because P. tricornutum is amenable to advanced genetic engineering, which could be taken advantage of to improve its cultivation resilience and productivity in an economic setting, we propose this study as a step towards essential follow-up studies that will identify the genetic regulation behind its growth in oilfield PW media and its remediation of the PW constituents

    Heterothallic sexual reproduction in the model diatom Cylindrotheca

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    Cylindrotheca is one of the main model diatoms for ecophysiological and silicification research and is among the few diatoms for which a transformation protocol is available. Knowledge of its life cycle is not available, however, although sexual reproduction has been described for several related genera. In this study, 16 Cylindrotheca closterium strains from a single rbcL lineage were used to describe the life cycle of this marine diatom, including the sexual process and mating system. Similar to other Bacillariaceae, sexual reproduction was induced by the presence of a suitable mating partner, with two gametes produced per gametangium, resulting in two auxospores per gametangial pair. Differences with other Bacillariaceae include details of cell pairing, gamete behaviour, auxospore orientation and chloroplast configuration, and perizonium structure. The mating system is heterothallic, since strains fell into two mating type groups, with several strains of one mating type occasionally displaying intraclonal auxosporulation. Initial cell lengths were on average 95100 mu m, the sexual size threshold was at least 66 mu m, and the minimal viable cell length c. 11 mu m. Sexual reproduction could be synchronized by dark conditions, which allowed us to determine that the whole sexual process is completed in less than 24h. Furthermore, large percentages of cells at defined sexual stages can easily be obtained and the possibility to experimentally manipulate the life cycle provides a valuable tool for future research on all aspects of the biology of this model diatom

    Transcriptional Orchestration of the Global Cellular Response of a Model Pennate Diatom to Diel Light Cycling under Iron Limitation.

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    Environmental fluctuations affect distribution, growth and abundance of diatoms in nature, with iron (Fe) availability playing a central role. Studies on the response of diatoms to low Fe have either utilized continuous (24 hr) illumination or sampled a single time of day, missing any temporal dynamics. We profiled the physiology, metabolite composition, and global transcripts of the pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum during steady-state growth at low, intermediate, and high levels of dissolved Fe over light:dark cycles, to better understand fundamental aspects of genetic control of physiological acclimation to growth under Fe-limitation. We greatly expand the catalog of genes involved in the low Fe response, highlighting the importance of intracellular trafficking in Fe-limited diatoms. P. tricornutum exhibited transcriptomic hallmarks of slowed growth leading to prolonged periods of cell division/silica deposition, which could impact biogeochemical carbon sequestration in Fe-limited regions. Light harvesting and ribosome biogenesis transcripts were generally reduced under low Fe while transcript levels for genes putatively involved in the acquisition and recycling of Fe were increased. We also noted shifts in expression towards increased synthesis and catabolism of branched chain amino acids in P. tricornutum grown at low Fe whereas expression of genes involved in central core metabolism were relatively unaffected, indicating that essential cellular function is protected. Beyond the response of P. tricornutum to low Fe, we observed major coordinated shifts in transcript control of primary and intermediate metabolism over light:dark cycles which contribute to a new view of the significance of distinctive diatom pathways, such as mitochondrial glycolysis and the ornithine-urea cycle. This study provides new insight into transcriptional modulation of diatom physiology and metabolism across light:dark cycles in response to Fe availability, providing mechanistic understanding for the ability of diatoms to remain metabolically poised to respond quickly to Fe input and revealing strategies underlying their ecological success