60 research outputs found

    Značaj in funkcije političnih meja v Evropi

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    The political border limits a state’s territory and symbolizes the extent of a state’s power and ownership. Borders give integrity to the inner state territory which they enclose (the role of establishing national integrity) and at the same time form an outer boundary segregating the state territory from the surrounding politicial entities (the segregation role). European borders are old and reflect the political history of an old continent. The last major border changes happened after World War II. Over the centuries borders were merely lines separating one territory from another. Such borders were understood as »frontiers«. Forming an effective barrier against enemies was the overriding function of borders. Many borders were fortified and further enhanced by means of various defensive systems. In the second half of the 20th century the character of political borders changed. They became a contact area between countries, nations and cultures. Contemporary European borders reflect the colourful history of an old continent. They are predominantely functional markers: they represent the political and juridical delimitation of territories, they mark economic barriers and show their defensive nature and reveal the extent of cultural contact. As a result of European integration processes, the nature of political borders has changed: instead of division, their integration role is brought to the fore. A united Europe is nevertheless still not a borderless Europe! The borders within the »Schengen-area« have retained their political and administrative functions, it is just that the customs and security checks at the borders have been removed. During the period of European integration, borderlines were stabilized in accordance with the 1974 Helsinki Agreement. But despite this we can still observe ongoing changes to state borders, particularly in areas of conflict such as the Balkan peninsula. It seems after all that the process of demarcation of political borders has not yet come to an end

    O politično-teritorialnem razvoju nedržavnih narodov v Evropi

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    This paper analyzes the issue of nations without states in contemporary Europe between the Atlantic and the Urals. The political map of the continent comprises forty-seven countries, most of which are nation-states. However, the cultural mosaic of Europe is far more complex; there are around fifty ethnic groups (in addition to historical, territorial, or indigenous ethnic minorities and an enormous number of immigrant ethnic communities) lacking a state-based organization. Together, these people add up to 78 million, or almost 15% of the European population. Twenty-seven groups can be considered nations without states; they are culturally and ethnically based and have various forms of territorial integrity and political organization. However, they did not create a state organization, despite many attempts by some through history. Without a state organization, those communities have poorer opportunities to protect their folk culture and to reproduce various elements of ethnic identity. This is why they seek territorial autonomy or independent statehood through nationalist movements. In many cases, these ambitions are encompassed in regional movements. These movements have been popular in Europe, particularly because the idea of a “Europe of regions” as part of the European Union has had broad political support and acceptance. However, it has not actually succeeded. The EU and Europe as a whole are still a Europe of (nation)-states. In general, regional movements have been successful and through this some nations without states have attained part of their political ambitions in the form of territorial autonomy. The regionalization of former centralist states (e.g., Spain and the United Kingdom) increased the chances of ethnic survival for the Catalans, Basques, Scots, and Welsh. On the other hand, the regionalization of nations without states represented territorial division, a kind of “divide and rule” strategy serving to reduce their ambitions towards national independence. The territorial and political reconstruction of nation-states has been successful, but it did not solve all ethnic problems. The European political map reveals another interesting phenomenon: a double state for some nations. These are particularly typical for the Balkans. Because of political and territorial development after the Second World War and during the transition period in the 1990s and beyond, the principle of immutable political borders (logically encompassing the creation of new nation-states as well) led to further political and territorial divisions and (in fact, paradoxically) fragmentation. Some of these “inner” autonomous territories are functioning as de facto states. The cases of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus or Republika Srpska in Bosnia-Herzegovina are good examples of these processes. This development has not garnered much political support in most European countries or at the EU level. However, it is an undesirable reality and is certainly one of changes among the political and territorial (or even greater) challenges for the Europe of tomorrow. It forces a reexamination of the phenomenon and value of nations. The existence of nations without states represents a potential for the creation of new (nation) states

    The influence of the German and Austrian electricity market splitting on the wholesale electricity market price

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    V magistrski nalogi želimo predstaviti vpliv možne razdelitve nemškega in avstrijskega trga z električno energijo na debelo na spremembo cene električne energije. V delu je prikazan fundamentalni pregled nemškega in avstrijskega trga z električno energijo in njune značilnosti. Ker trenutno obe trgovalni območji delujeta kot eno, med njima pa ni omejitev čezmejnih prenosnih zmogljivosti, se kot posledica prevelikih komercialnih tokov pojavlja problematika nenačrtovanih tokov in prezasedenosti omrežja. Delo vsebuje vzroke in možne rešitve omenjene problematike. Poleg rešitev je podan tudi opis strokovnih člankov ter mnenj o reševanju problematike z delitvijo trgovalnega območja. Ker je omenjena problematika kot posledica združenega nemško-avstrijskega trgovalnega območja aktualna že nekaj časa, je v nalogi opisano tudi trenutno reševanje le-te. Da bi preučili vpliv na cene električne energije ob razdelitvi nemškega in avstrijskega trgovalnega območja, so bili s fundamentalnim modelom EPSI za napovedovanje cene električne energije izvedeni scenariji z različnimi vrednostmi čezmejnih prenosnih zmogljivosti na nemško-avstrijski meji. Predstavljeni so tako rezultati za nemško in avstrijsko trgovalno območje kot tudi za trgovalna območja Belgije, Francije, Švice in Nizozemske.This master thesis aims to present the impact of the possible splitting of the German and Austrian electricity market. In the work, fundamental review of both electricity markets is shown with mentioning of their main characteristics. As the German and Austrian electricity market currently act as one bidding zone, there are no restrictions on cross-border transmission capacity between them. As a result of excessive commercial flows occurring between these two bidding zones, unplanned flows and network congestions are being shown. This work contains the causes and solutions for the problems mentioned. In addition, expert opinion and technical articles discussing solving of the above issues with market splitting are presented. Since the problem as a result of combined trading zones is being present for some time, the thesis also describes the currently used solutions. To examine the impact on wholesale electricity prices of market splitting of the German and Austria trading areas, scenarios with various cross-border transmission capacities on the German-Austrian border were carried out with EPSI fundamental model. The results are presented for the German and Austrian bidding zone, as well as for trading areas of Belgium, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands

    Čezmejne dnevne delovne migracije iz Slovenije v Avstrijo in Italijo

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    Članak proučava uzroke, tokove i posljedice prekograničnih dnevnih radnih migracija iz Slovenije u Austriju i Italiju. Ta vrsta migracije stanovništva spada u najvažnije oblike prekogranične suradnje. Različiti oblici sezonskih radova imaju jaku tradiciju na slovenskom prostoru, osobito u zaleđu većih gradova. Prema rezultatima terenskog istraživanja 2000. i 2001. godine (usmjerenim intervjuima osoblja na graničnim prijelazima, anketiranjem dnevnih radnih migranata, strukturnom analizom graničnih područja na objema stranama granice), preko graničnih prijelaza dnevno prolazi oko 8.000 (57%) osoba u Italiju i preko 6.000 (oko 43%) u Austriju. Ukupno je to više od 14.000 migranata kojima je glavni motiv rad u pograničnom području susjednih država. Njima se pridružuje i preko 2.500 hrvatskih građana, koji također prelaze slovensko-talijansku i slovensko-austrijsku granicu radi rada. Najfrekventniji granični prijelazi su Šentilj, Gornja Radgona, tunel Karavanke, Miren, Fernetiči, Kozina i Škofije. Ujesen i proljeće taj broj značajno raste zbog sezonskih radova. Dnevni radni migranti zapošljavaju se legalno i ilegalno u različitim djelatnostima, primjerice u agrarnom sektoru, turizmu, kao ispomoć u privatnom sektoru i obiteljima, a znatno manje u industriji i proizvodnim djelatnostima. Uspoređivanje rezultata terenskog rada iz 2000. i 2001. evidentno pokazuje povećanje broja obrazovanih ljudi i stručnjaka te proširenje raspona radnih mjesta na kojima se dnevni migranti zapošljavaju. Prekogranične dnevne radne migracije imaju značajne socijalnoekonomske, prostorne, etničkokulturne i demografske posljedice. Posebno su važne jer potiču ostale oblike prekogranične suradnje.The paper deals with reasons, flows and consequences of daily crossborder commuting from Slovenia across “Schengen” border towards Austria and Italy. This form of international migration counts to important phenomenon in borderlands. In Slovenia, migration of working force has a long tradition, especially in surroundings of bigger urban centres. Following the results of field research work, done in years 2000 and 2001 (interviews with custom service and border police; questionnaires among crossborder commuters; structural analysis of borderland of both sides of the border), more than 14,000 Slovenians (among them approximately 8000 or 57% in Italy and 6000 or 43% in Austria) and 2500 Croatian citizens cross the Slovenian-Italian and Slovenian-Austrian border because of work. The most frequent border crossings are Gornja Radgona, Šentilj (both towards Graz and south Styria), Karavanke-tunnel (towards south Carinthia), Miren (local border crossing towards Gorizia and surrounding), Fernetiči, Škofije and Kozina (towards Triest in Italy). During spring and autumn the number is much higher because of season-workers. Daily crossborder commuters take different works in households, farms, but they can also be found among better-paid agents, business-makers and technical intelligentsia. According to the comparison of results in 2000 and 2001, the percent of higheducated specialists and agents increased evidently. Daily crossborder commution has important socioeconomic, spatial, demographic and ethno-cultural effects on borderland on both sides of the border. After some years, crossboder commuters collect many experiences from both sides of the border. In this way those people have better chances for intensification of further crossborder cooperation.Prispevek obravnava vzroke, tokove in posledice čezmejnih dnevnih delovnih migracij iz Slovenije v Italijo in Avstrijo. Ta oblika selitev prebivalstva šteje med pomembne oblike čezmejnega sodelovanja. V slovenskem prostoru imajo z različnimi oblikami sezonski del že staro tradicijo, posebej v zaledju večjih mestnih središč. Po rezultatih terenske raziskave iz leta 2000 in 2001 (usmerjeni intervjuji carinikov in policistov na mejnih prehodih, anketiranje dnevnih migrantov, strukturno analizo obmejnih območij na obeh straneh meje) se dnevno bolj ali manj stalno prevaža iz Slovenije v Italijo skoraj 8.000 oseb (57%) in v Avstriji okrog 6.000 (43%) slovenskih državljanov; skupaj torej okrog 14.000. Prek slovenskih mejnih prehodov dnevno potuje na delo in nazaj še vsaj 2500 hrvaških državljanov. Najbolj frekventni prehodi so Šentilj, Gornja Radgona, predor Karavanke, Miren, Fernetiči, Kozina in Škofije. Jeseni in pomladi se precej poveča število prehodov sezonskih delavcev. Dnevni migranti opravljajo različna dela v kmetijstvu, gospodinjstvih, pa tudi v industriji in nekaterih drugih dejavnostih. Primerjava med leti 2000 in 2001 kaže na naraščanje pretoka strokovnjakov v obe smeri ter razširitev ponudbe del. Čezmejne dnevne delovne migracije imajo pomembne socijalnoekonomske, demografske, prostorske, etnične in kulturne učinke na obeh straneh meje. Čezmejne dnevne delovne migracije praviloma pospešujejo razvoj ostalih oblik čezmejnega sodelovanja

    Izbrana poglavja iz zgodovine selitev od začetkov do danes

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    Monografija je razdeljena na dva dela: globalni del mednarodnih selitev ter selitve iz slovenskega kulturnega prostora. V obeh delih sta avtorja uporabila zaporedni kronološki pristop z obravnavo najprej starejših in nato vse mlajših obdobij, vse do danes. Prikaz je sistematičen in zajema oris selitvenega dogajanja na vseh celinah, kolikor je mogoče rekonstruirati vedenje o selitvah v starejših obdobjih zaradi dokaj skromnih podatkov

    Minority in Postmodern Paradigm. The Carinthian Slovenes

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    On October 10th, 1920, a plebiscite was held in Carinthia, concluding the final act of the long process of demarcation between the Republic of German Austria and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The referendum was won by Austria, and the Slovenes, who at that time made up a third of the population in the southern part, became officially a minority. Over the century, the minority has changed a lot. The number of members decreased, the political position of the community changed, and its social composition, mode of settlement, organization and activities changed fundamentally. According to the last census, the minority still has about 14,000 members, and according to various estimates,1 about 45,000. Although it has shrunk in numbers, it is a well-organized, culturally active, emancipated and self-confident minority community

    The influence of COVID-19 on international labor migrations from Bosnia and Herzegovina to EU

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    The article deals with the contemporary labor migrations from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Slovenia and the other countries of European Union, specifically during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the basis of fieldwork among the participants in these migrations, it seeks to identify the specifics of circumstances and situations that arose suddenly with the closure of political borders and the demands of social distancing. In these circumstances, we supposed that labor migrants found themselves to be a particularly vulnerable group of population. The case study has denied that this is completely true. On the other hand, labor migrations from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Central, Western and North European and some non-European countries have been a continuous process for the last century and at least migration flows must be taken as a fact which directions, volumes and character are greatly influenced by labor market regulations in each individual EU member and other states. Periodically, specific political and social situations also gain importance. The COVID-19 pandemic has exactly such an impact

    Zamejska Koroška

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    V vodniku je predstavljenih devet ekskurzij s severozahodnega dela slovenskega zamejskega prostora. Razvrščene so v obratni smeri urinega kazalca. Šest območij obiska (Ziljska dolina, Beljak z okoliškimi jezeri, Karavanke in Rož, Celovec in Gosposvetsko polje, južna pobočja Svinške planine in Velikovško čezdravje, Podjuna) v sodobnosti še lahko obravnavamo kot narodnostno mešana območja, dve območji (Labotska dolina, zgodovinski kraji severne Koroške) sta zaradi germanizacije ta status izgubili, območje pogorja Nockberge pa je že dolgo onstran severnega roba slovenskega narodnostnega ozemlja. Celotna avstrijska zvezna dežela Koroška se ponaša z bogato naravno, zgodovinsko in kulturno dediščino. Prežeta je z izrazitimi naravnimi lepotami, med katerimi lahko izpostavimo gore in jezera, pa tudi kulturnozgodovinskimi, kamor lahko uvrstimo privlačna stara mestna jedra, prvovrstno cerkveno dediščino ter slikovite, praviloma zelo dobro ohranjene gradove in skrbno vzdrževane grajske razvaline. Glavni sezoni sta pozimi, ko zaživijo prostrana smučišča, in poleti, ko se turisti preusmerijo k obalam tamkajšnjih, za avstrijske razmere zelo toplih jezer


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    Leta 1991 je z razpadom Sovjetske zveze nekdanja srednjeazijska republika Kirgizija postala neodvisna država Kirgizistan. To je izrazito gorata država: njen večji del sestavlja Nebeško gorovje ali Tjanšan, ki dokaj revnemu prebivalstvu nudi eno največjih razvojnih priložnosti – gorski turizem v neokrnjeni pokrajini, ki jo zahodni alpinisti in pohodniki šele začenjajo odkrivati. Ob standardnih opisih v vodničku izpostavljamo političnogeografski oris, podroben prikaz odkrivanja dežele z »ruskim« severnim in srednjeazijskim južnim delom ter opisa sufizma in ogromnega jezera Isik Kul, katerega ime v kirgiščini pomeni ‘toplo jezero’