6 research outputs found

    Open access resource for cellular-resolution analyses of corticocortical connectivity in the marmoset monkey

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    Understanding the principles of neuronal connectivity requires tools for efficient quantification and visualization of large datasets. The primate cortex is particularly challenging due to its complex mosaic of areas, which in many cases lack clear boundaries. Here, we introduce a resource that allows exploration of results of 143 retrograde tracer injections in the marmoset neocortex. Data obtained in different animals are registered to a common stereotaxic space using an algorithm guided by expert delineation of histological borders, allowing accurate assignment of connections to areas despite interindividual variability. The resource incorporates tools for analyses relative to cytoarchitectural areas, including statistical properties such as the fraction of labeled neurons and the percentage of supragranular neurons. It also provides purely spatial (parcellation-free) data, based on the stereotaxic coordinates of 2 million labeled neurons. This resource helps bridge the gap between high-density cellular connectivity studies in rodents and imaging-based analyses of human brains

    Unidirectional monosynaptic connections from auditory areas to the primary visual cortex in the marmoset monkey

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    Until the late twentieth century, it was believed that different sensory modalities were processed by largely independent pathways in the primate cortex, with cross-modal integration only occurring in specialized polysensory areas. This model was challenged by the finding that the peripheral representation of the primary visual cortex (V1) receives monosynaptic connections from areas of the auditory cortex in the macaque. However, auditory projections to V1 have not been reported in other primates. We investigated the existence of direct interconnections between V1 and auditory areas in the marmoset, a New World monkey. Labelled neurons in auditory cortex were observed following 4 out of 10 retrograde tracer injections involving V1. These projections to V1 originated in the caudal subdivisions of auditory cortex (primary auditory cortex, caudal belt and parabelt areas), and targeted parts of V1 that represent parafoveal and peripheral vision. Injections near the representation of the vertical meridian of the visual field labelled few or no cells in auditory cortex. We also placed 8 retrograde tracer injections involving core, belt and parabelt auditory areas, none of which revealed direct projections from V1. These results confirm the existence of a direct, nonreciprocal projection from auditory areas to V1 in a different primate species, which has evolved separately from the macaque for over 30 million years. The essential similarity of these observations between marmoset and macaque indicate that early-stage audiovisual integration is a shared characteristic of primate sensory processing. © 2018, The Author(s)

    A reference integrated map for cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) from three crosses, based on 283 SSR and 501 SNP-based markers

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    International audienceWe have developed an integrated map from five elite cultivars of Vitis vinifera L.; Syrah, Pinot Noir, Grenache, Cabernet Sauvignon and Riesling which are parents of three segregating populations. A new source of markers, SNPs, identified in ESTs and unique BAC-end sequences was added to the available IGGP reference set of SSRs. The complete integrated map comprises 1,134 markers (350 AFLP (R), 332 BESs, 169 ESTs, 283 SSRs) spanning 1,443 cM over 19 linkage groups and shows a mean distance between neighbouring loci of 1.27 cM. Marker order was mainly conserved between the integrated map and the highly dense Syrah x Pinot Noir consensus map except for few inversions. Moreover, the marker order has been validated through the assembled genome sequence of Pinot Noir. We have also assessed the transferability of SNP-based markers among five V. vinifera varieties, enabling marker validation across different genotypes. This integrated map can serve as a fundamental tool for molecular breeding in V. vinifera and related species and provide a basis for studies of genome organization and evolution in grapevines