116 research outputs found

    Uključenost učitelja Glazbene kulture u aktivnosti informalnog cjeloživotnog učenja

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    The purpose of this paper was to determine the frequency of Music Culture teachers’ participation in different types of informal lifelong learning activities, as well as to find out their opinions on the importance and contribution of the above-mentioned points to the development of their own competencies necessary for teaching Music Culture. It is concluded that teachers participate the most in informal learning activities which do not require dedication of additional time and accordingly, they participate less frequently in activities which require more of their attention. They feel competent in performing all musical activities. Furthermore, they see benefits and the importance of participating in informal learning activities, however, their opinions are divided when considering whether they should dedicate additional time to informal learning and when deciding whether their teaching would be of the same quality if they did not apply the new knowledge acquired through informal learning.Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi učestalost sudjelovanja učitelja Glazbene kulture u različitim aktivnostima informalnog cjeloživotnog učenja te saznati njihovo mišljenje o važnosti i doprinosu navedenog razvoju vlastitih kompetencija potrebnih za poučavanje Glazbene kulture. Utvrđeno je da učitelji najviše sudjeluju u informalnim aktivnostima učenja koje ne zahtijevaju dodatno izdvajanje vremena te shodno tome rjeđe sudjeluju u aktivnostima koje zahtijevaju veću njihovu pažnju. Osjećaju se kompetentnima u izvođenju svih glazbenih aktivnosti koje se provode u nastavi Glazbene kulture. Nadalje, vide doprinos i važnost sudjelovanja u aktivnostima informalnog učenja, no podijeljeni su u razmišljaju trebaju li posvetiti više dodatnog vremena aktivnostima informalnog učenja te kada razmišljaju o tome bi li njihova nastava bila jednako kvalitetna da ne primjenjuju nova znanja stečena informalnim učenjem

    Alternative fuels in cement industry

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    U posljednjih nekoliko godina upotreba alternativnih goriva u cementnoj industriji je privukla veliku pozornost zahvaljujući svojoj efikasnostiu zamjeni toplinske energije od fosilnih goriva i smanjenjem štetnih emisija. Alkalno okruženje, visoke temperaturei dugo vrijeme zadržavanja omogučavaju suspaljivanje širokog raspona otpada i opasnih materijala u rotacionoj peći. U ovom radu su navedena različita potencijalna alternativna goriva koja se mogu koristiti ili koriste u cementnoj industriji. Alternativna goriva su analizirana na osnovu kalorijske vrijednosti, prednosti, nedostataka te utjecaja na okoliš, emisija CO2.In recent years utilisation of alternative fuels in cement manufacturing has gained a wide attention due to its effectiveness in substituting the thermal energy requirement from fossil fuels and reducing the pollutant emission. Alkaline environment,high temperature and long residence time allow rotary kiln to burn a wide range of waste and hazardous material. This study introduces different potencial alternative fuels that can be used or are used in the cement manufacturing industry. Alternative fuels have been analysed on the ground of their calorific values,advantages, disadvantages and environmental impact, emissions CO2

    Alternative fuels in cement industry

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    U posljednjih nekoliko godina upotreba alternativnih goriva u cementnoj industriji je privukla veliku pozornost zahvaljujući svojoj efikasnostiu zamjeni toplinske energije od fosilnih goriva i smanjenjem štetnih emisija. Alkalno okruženje, visoke temperaturei dugo vrijeme zadržavanja omogučavaju suspaljivanje širokog raspona otpada i opasnih materijala u rotacionoj peći. U ovom radu su navedena različita potencijalna alternativna goriva koja se mogu koristiti ili koriste u cementnoj industriji. Alternativna goriva su analizirana na osnovu kalorijske vrijednosti, prednosti, nedostataka te utjecaja na okoliš, emisija CO2.In recent years utilisation of alternative fuels in cement manufacturing has gained a wide attention due to its effectiveness in substituting the thermal energy requirement from fossil fuels and reducing the pollutant emission. Alkaline environment,high temperature and long residence time allow rotary kiln to burn a wide range of waste and hazardous material. This study introduces different potencial alternative fuels that can be used or are used in the cement manufacturing industry. Alternative fuels have been analysed on the ground of their calorific values,advantages, disadvantages and environmental impact, emissions CO2

    Production of human papilloma virus E6 and E7 oncoproteins in Escherichia coli

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    Humani papiloma virus (HPV) spada u obitelj Papilomavirusa. U 1970‐ima dokazano je kako infekcija čovjeka ovim virusom kod žena može dovesti do razvoja raka vrata maternice. Za onkogenična svojstva HPV‐a odgovorni su E6 i E7 geni, odnosno njihovi proteini. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je eksprimirati E6 i E7 gene tako da dobijemo nativne i topive proteine koji se mogu koristiti za daljnje istraživanje. Uvidom u slijed nukleotida genoma HPV 16 odabrane su početnice za umnažanje E6 i E7 gena. Pomoću vektorskog sustava prenešeni su u bakteriji E. coli gdje se odvijala ekspresija. U ovom radu smo, mijenjali uvjete ekspresije kako bi našli optimalne za dobivanje nativnih proteina. Iako je ekspresija bila uspješna, nijedan od promijenjenih parametara nije utjecao na topivost proteina. Kao alternativni pristup, proteine smo izolirali u denaturirajućim uvjetima.Human papilloma virus (HPV) belongs to Papillomavirus family. In the 1970s it has been demonstrated that human infection by this virus in women may lead to the development of cervical cancer. The oncogenic properties of HPV are E6 and E7 genes. The aim of this study was the expression of E6 and E7 genes in order to obtain native, productive proteins for further research. Based on the genome sequence of HPV type 16, specific primers for E6 and E7 amplification were designed. Using a vector system the amplicon were transferred into E. coli bacteria where they were expressed. In this study, we have changed the conditions of the expression in order to find the optimal condition. Although the expression was successful, the proteins remained unsoluble under every tested change. Therefore, the alternative approach that we applied was to extract the proteins in denaturating conditions

    Metoda najmanjih kvadrata i njezina primjena u fizici

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    U diplomskom radu predstavljena je metoda najmanjih kvadrata i njezina primjena u fizici. Cilj rada je bio upoznati se s razvojem metode kroz povijest, postavljanje problema te prikazati postupak njihova rješavanja kao i upoznavanje s primjenom same metode u području fizike. Kao uvod u problematiku kojom se bavi ovaj diplomski rad, ukratko su objašnjeni osnovni pojmovi regresijske analize. Središnji dio diplomskog rada sastoji se od dva poglavlja, koji su isključivo vezani za metodu najmanjih kvadrata. U poglavlju Povijest metode najmanjih kvadrata opisan je slijed kojim se metoda razvijala, dok je u poglavlju Metoda najmanjih kvadrata predstavljeno na koji se način procjenjuje model regresije te je opisan postupak procjene nepoznatih parametara regresije. Na kraju diplomskog rada dani su primjeri vezani uz područje fizikeThis master thesis presents the least squares method and its usage in physics. The purpose of this paper was to describe the development of this method through history, problem setup and the procedure of problem solving as well as its usage in physics. As an introduction to the thesis of this paper, we gave a brief introduction to the main terms of regression analysis. The central part of the paper is formed out of two chapters which entirely deal with least squares method. The chapter The history of the least squares method describes the sequence in which the method had developed, while the chapter Least squares method describes the assessment of regression model and the assessment of unknown regression parameters. At the end of the paper we have presented examples in field of physic

    Metoda najmanjih kvadrata i njezina primjena u fizici

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    U diplomskom radu predstavljena je metoda najmanjih kvadrata i njezina primjena u fizici. Cilj rada je bio upoznati se s razvojem metode kroz povijest, postavljanje problema te prikazati postupak njihova rješavanja kao i upoznavanje s primjenom same metode u području fizike. Kao uvod u problematiku kojom se bavi ovaj diplomski rad, ukratko su objašnjeni osnovni pojmovi regresijske analize. Središnji dio diplomskog rada sastoji se od dva poglavlja, koji su isključivo vezani za metodu najmanjih kvadrata. U poglavlju Povijest metode najmanjih kvadrata opisan je slijed kojim se metoda razvijala, dok je u poglavlju Metoda najmanjih kvadrata predstavljeno na koji se način procjenjuje model regresije te je opisan postupak procjene nepoznatih parametara regresije. Na kraju diplomskog rada dani su primjeri vezani uz područje fizikeThis master thesis presents the least squares method and its usage in physics. The purpose of this paper was to describe the development of this method through history, problem setup and the procedure of problem solving as well as its usage in physics. As an introduction to the thesis of this paper, we gave a brief introduction to the main terms of regression analysis. The central part of the paper is formed out of two chapters which entirely deal with least squares method. The chapter The history of the least squares method describes the sequence in which the method had developed, while the chapter Least squares method describes the assessment of regression model and the assessment of unknown regression parameters. At the end of the paper we have presented examples in field of physic

    Production of human papilloma virus E6 and E7 oncoproteins in Escherichia coli

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    Humani papiloma virus (HPV) spada u obitelj Papilomavirusa. U 1970‐ima dokazano je kako infekcija čovjeka ovim virusom kod žena može dovesti do razvoja raka vrata maternice. Za onkogenična svojstva HPV‐a odgovorni su E6 i E7 geni, odnosno njihovi proteini. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je eksprimirati E6 i E7 gene tako da dobijemo nativne i topive proteine koji se mogu koristiti za daljnje istraživanje. Uvidom u slijed nukleotida genoma HPV 16 odabrane su početnice za umnažanje E6 i E7 gena. Pomoću vektorskog sustava prenešeni su u bakteriji E. coli gdje se odvijala ekspresija. U ovom radu smo, mijenjali uvjete ekspresije kako bi našli optimalne za dobivanje nativnih proteina. Iako je ekspresija bila uspješna, nijedan od promijenjenih parametara nije utjecao na topivost proteina. Kao alternativni pristup, proteine smo izolirali u denaturirajućim uvjetima.Human papilloma virus (HPV) belongs to Papillomavirus family. In the 1970s it has been demonstrated that human infection by this virus in women may lead to the development of cervical cancer. The oncogenic properties of HPV are E6 and E7 genes. The aim of this study was the expression of E6 and E7 genes in order to obtain native, productive proteins for further research. Based on the genome sequence of HPV type 16, specific primers for E6 and E7 amplification were designed. Using a vector system the amplicon were transferred into E. coli bacteria where they were expressed. In this study, we have changed the conditions of the expression in order to find the optimal condition. Although the expression was successful, the proteins remained unsoluble under every tested change. Therefore, the alternative approach that we applied was to extract the proteins in denaturating conditions

    Baby\u27s nutrition in the first year of life

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    Metoda najmanjih kvadrata i njezina primjena u fizici

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    U diplomskom radu predstavljena je metoda najmanjih kvadrata i njezina primjena u fizici. Cilj rada je bio upoznati se s razvojem metode kroz povijest, postavljanje problema te prikazati postupak njihova rješavanja kao i upoznavanje s primjenom same metode u području fizike. Kao uvod u problematiku kojom se bavi ovaj diplomski rad, ukratko su objašnjeni osnovni pojmovi regresijske analize. Središnji dio diplomskog rada sastoji se od dva poglavlja, koji su isključivo vezani za metodu najmanjih kvadrata. U poglavlju Povijest metode najmanjih kvadrata opisan je slijed kojim se metoda razvijala, dok je u poglavlju Metoda najmanjih kvadrata predstavljeno na koji se način procjenjuje model regresije te je opisan postupak procjene nepoznatih parametara regresije. Na kraju diplomskog rada dani su primjeri vezani uz područje fizikeThis master thesis presents the least squares method and its usage in physics. The purpose of this paper was to describe the development of this method through history, problem setup and the procedure of problem solving as well as its usage in physics. As an introduction to the thesis of this paper, we gave a brief introduction to the main terms of regression analysis. The central part of the paper is formed out of two chapters which entirely deal with least squares method. The chapter The history of the least squares method describes the sequence in which the method had developed, while the chapter Least squares method describes the assessment of regression model and the assessment of unknown regression parameters. At the end of the paper we have presented examples in field of physic

    Behavioural antecedents of Bitcoin trading volume: A panel Granger causality test

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    This paper aims to examine the behavioural determinants of Bitcoin trading volume within a cross-country framework of 14 world economies plus the Eurozone. We introduce a basic taxonomy of behavioural indicators, distinguishing between consumer confidence, economic policy uncertainty (EPU), and indicators of financial volatility. Our estimations reveal that the Bitcoin trading volume can be predicted more accurately by EPU than by any other class of indicators. Finally, we identify the COVID-19 shock as a catalyst for a psychologically-driven Bitcoin market and find evidence that Bitcoin was a macro hedging instrument in the pandemic. To obtain our results, we conducted a panel Granger causality test, employing the Least Squares Dummy Variables (LSDV) estimator. Contrary to previous research, we found that market fundamentals (industrial production and equity market volume) became significant drivers of Bitcoin trading during the pandemic. This conclusion was preserved when we used the LSDV corrected estimator, which is more suitable for panels with a smaller time dimension. Apart from the practical implications for traders, this paper provides researchers with detailed steps for applying Granger causality testing in panel data settings