Repository of Department of Physics in Osijek
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    169 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of the motion of a 1D mathematical pendulum in the limit of small amplitudes

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    Matematičko (jednostavno) njihalo je titrajni sustav u kojemu je čestica mase obješena na donjem kraju nerastezive niti zanemarive mase duljine . U ovome radu napravljen je računalni program u Pythonu koji numerički računa rješenja diferencijalnih jednadžbi za jednostavno, prigušeno, prisilno i nelinearno matematičko njihalo u granici malih amplituda. Uz pomoć Eulerove metode i Euler-Cromerove metode dobivena su grafička i numerička rješenja u slučajevima kada osim gravitacijske sile djeluju sila prigušenja i vanjska periodična sila.A mathematical (simple) pendulum is a oscillating system in which a particle of mass is suspended at the lower end of a thread of negligible mass length . In this paper, a computer program in Python was created that numerically calculates the solutions of differential equations for a simple, damp, forced and nonlinear mathematical pendulum in the limit of small amplitudes. With the help of the Euler method and the Euler-Cromer method, graphical and numerical solutions were obtained in cases where, in addition to the gravitational force, the damping force and the external periodic force act


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    U prvom dijelu završnog rada objasnjeni su pojmovi supravodljivosti, Meissnerov efekta, BCS teorije, kao i Cooperovi parovi, Londonove jednadžbe, te povijest magnetske levitacije i ona sama. U drugom dijelu objašnjavaju se primjene supravodljivosti, kao i magnetske levitcije u stvarnom životu, susretanje sa odrađenim eksperimentima te objašnjenje Magleovog vlakaThe first part of the Thesis explains the concepts of superconductivity, Meissner effects, BCS theories, as well as Cooper pairs, London equations, and the history of magnetic levitation. The second part of the Thesis explains applications of superconductivity, as well as magnetic levitation in real life, encounters with experiments and the explanation of the Maglev train

    Numerička analiza i vizualizacija putanja tijela u Sunčevom sustavu

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    This thesis presents a numerical analysis and visualization of the trajectories of celestial bodies in the solar system. Utilizing Newton's laws of motion and gravitational force, differential equations governing these motions are solved numerically using Python. Both the Euler-Cromer method and the odeint integrator are employed, with their results graphically represented to illustrate position. The study verifies the conservation of angular momentum through data on aphelion and perihelion. The odeint function, dynamically adjusts its method for accuracy, while the EulerCromer method ensures stability in long-term simulations. The findings confirm the numerical methods' alignment with classical theories like Kepler's laws, demonstrating the effectiveness of Python for astrophysical computations and establishing a foundation for future research in celestial mechanics.Ovim zavšrnim radom predstavljamo numeričku analizu i vizualizaciju putanja nebeskih tijela u Sunčevom sustavu. Koristeći Newtonove zakone gibanja i gravitacije, postavljamo diferencijalne jednadžbe koje opisuju ta gibanja te ih rješavamo numerički pomoću Pythona. Koristimo EulerCromerovu metodu i odeint integrator, te njihove rezultate prikazujemo grafički za ilustraciju položaja. Funkcija odeint dinamički prilagođava svoju metodu za točnost, dok Euler-Cromerova metoda osigurava stabilnost u dugoročnim simulacijama. U radu potvrđujemo očuvanje kutne količine kretanja pomoću podataka o afelu i perihelu. Nalazi potvrđuju usklađenost numeričkih metoda s klasičnim teorijama poput Keplerovih zakona, te pokazuju učinkovitost Pythona za astrofizičke proračune i postavljaju temelj za buduća istraživanja nebeske mehanike

    Experiments in magnetism performed using the Sciensation kit

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    Magnetizam se odnosi na pojave povezane s magnetskim silama i poljima. U radu su prikazani pokusi iz magnetizma i elektromagnetizma, izvedeni pomoću pribora „Sciensation“, koji omogućuje sigurno izvođenje u nastavi. Pokusi su prikladni za osnovnoškolsko i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, a obuhvaćaju ključne pojmove kao što su električna struja, magnetsko polje, indukcija i sl. Svaki pokus započinje teorijskim uvodom, a zatim slijede zadaci, opažanja, objašnjenja i zaključci, uz pripremljene radne listiće za učenike.Magnetism refers to phenomena associated with magnetic forces and fields. This thesis presents experiments in magnetism and electromagnetism, performed using the "Sciensation" kit, which allows safe execution in classroom settings. The experiments are suitable for primary and secondary school education, covering key concepts such as electric current, magnetic field, induction, and more. Each experiment begins with a theoretical introduction, followed by tasks, observations, explanations, and conclusions, along with prepared worksheets for students


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    In this Bachelor’s Thesis, active galactic nuclei (AGN), their properties, as well as different classification schemes are presented. The first part explains what active galactic nuclei are. The second part explains their properties and the physical mechanisms necessary for their understanding at the undergraduate level. The thesis also provides a historical overview of the classification of active galactic nuclei as well as the two most famous classification attempts: Fanaroff-Riley classification and Unified schemes based on orientation. Finally, multiwavelength light curves are shown as well as the spectral energy distribution of a spesific active galactic nucleus, the blazar S4 0954+65.U ovom završnom radu predstavljene su aktivne galaktičke jezgre, njihova svojstva, kao i različite klasifikacijske sheme. Prvi dio, objašnjava što su aktivne galaktičke jezgre. Drugi dio objašnjava njihova svojstva i fizikalne mehanizme potrebne za njihovo razumijevanje na pred- diplomskoj razini. U radu je dan i povijesni pregled klasifikacije aktivnih galaktičkih jezgara kao i dva najpoznatija pokušaja klasifikacije: Fanaroff-Riley klasifikacija i unificirane sheme temeljene na orijentaciji. Na kraju su prikazani viševalne svjetlosne krivulje kao i spektralna raspodjela energije jedne aktivne galaktičke jezgre, blazara S4 0954+65

    Physical Astrognosy: Modern Celestial Cartography

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    Pojas astronomskog zodijaka sastoji se od 13 zviježđa (ne 12 kao astrološki) i ona nisu sva jednako velika (za razliku od astroloških). Osim toga, astronomija ima još 75 dodatnih zviježđa na cijelom nebeskom svodu sjeverne i južne hemisfere. U ovome radu će se pokazati i objasniti što su uopće zviježđa, kako i zašto su astronomi podijelili nebo na ukupno 88 područja te zašto je danas važna fizička astrognozija odnosno poznavanje položaja i nazivlja zviježđa. U praktičnom dijelu rada, napravljena je aplikacija u Pythonu koja koristi bazu podataka svih zviježđa s hrvatskim, engleskim i latinskim nazivima, te koordinatama "centra mase" dijela površine neba koji obuhvaća pojedino zviježđe. Za bilo koji unešeni naziv zviježđa (hrvatski, engleski ili latinski) program daje sva tri naziva i nebeske koordinate odabranog središta zviježđa te na karti (preuzetoj sa [12]) ucrtava točku s tim koordinatama.The astronomical zodiac consists of 13 constellations (not 12 as astrological) and they are not all the same size (unlike astrological). In addition, astronomy has 75 additional constellations throughout the northern and southern hemispheres. In this paper, we will explain what the constellations are, how and why astronomers divided the sky into a total of 88 areas, and why physical astrognosia, i.e. knowledge of the positions and names of the constellations, is important today. In the practical part of the work, an application was created in Python that uses a database of all constellations with Croatian, English and Latin names, as well as the coordinates of the "center of mass" of the part of the sky surface that includes each constellation. For any entered constellation name (Croatian, English or Latin), the program gives all three names and the celestial coordinates of the selected constellation center and draws a point with these coordinates on the map (downloaded from [12])

    Application for calculating parameters of black hole from its mass and spin

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    Crne rupe fascinantni su astronomski objekti koje nastaju prilikom gravitacijskog urušavanja masivnih zvijezda. Iako konceptualno postoje još od 18. stoljeća (John Mitchell, 1783.), pojam crne rupe kako ju danas razumijemo razvio je Karl Schwarzschild 1916. godine pomoću Einsteinove teorije relativnosti. Godine 1971. konačno je i otkrivena crna rupa Cygnus X-1. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti pojam crne rupe, od njezinih konceptualnih početaka sve do određenih saznanja koja danas imamo o crnim rupama. Ovaj rad također će prikazati ulogu mase i spina crne rupe u njezinom fizikalnom opisu, te ćemo u konačnici vidjeti kako se određeni parametri crne rupe računaju iz mase i spina pomoću jednostavne aplikacije.Black holes are fascinating astronomical objects created by gravitational collapse of massive stars. Although conceptualized during 18th century (John Mitchell, 1783), concept of black hole as we understand it today was developed by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916 using Einstein’s theory of relativity. In 1971 first black hole was finally discovered and named Cygnus X-1. Aim of this thesis is to present the concept of a black hole, all the way since its conceptualization to understanding of black holes we have today. This thesis will also show the role of mass and spin in its description of physical properties, and finally we will see how certain parameters are calculated, in regards to its mass and spin, using a simple application


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    Glavni cilj ovog završnog rada je napraviti simulaciju laboratorijske vježbe određivanja adijabatske konstante. Aplikacija omogućava jednostavno izvođenje pokusa, automatski izračun ključnih vrijednosti kao što su srednja vrijednost, pogreška mjerenja i omjer specifičnih toplinskih kapaciteta. Time se učenicima olakšava razumijevanje složenih fizikalnih principa, potiče njihova motivacija i povećava sigurnost u radu s eksperimentalnom aparaturom.The main goal of this thesis is to create a simulation of the laboratory exercise for determining the adiabatic constant. The application simplifies the execution of experiments and automatically calculates key values such as the mean value, measurement error, and the ratio of specific heat capacities. By doing so, it facilitates students' understanding of complex physical principles, enhances their motivation, and increases their confidence in working with experimental equipment


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    Alat ERICA softverski je program koji vodi korisnika kroz proces procjene, vodi evidenciju i izvodi potrebne izračune za procjenu ukupne brzine apsorbirane doze za odabrane referentne organizme. Element ocjenjivanja integriranog pristupa ERICA organiziran je u trima razinama. U ovom diplomskom radu procjenjivali smo radiološki rizik za neljudsku biotu na 8 lokacija Brodsko-posavske županije. Na razini 1 iz izbornika s popisom radionuklida odaberemo radionuklide: _{}^{137}\textrm{Cs}, _{}^{232}\textrm{Th}, _{}^{238}\textrm{U}, , _{}^226}\textrm{Ra},_{}^{210}\textrm{Pb}, _{}^{235}\textrm{U} čije su vrijednosti koncentracija prethodno izmjerene. Alat uspoređuje upisane koncentracije u tlu s najrestriktivnijim EMCL-om za svaki radionuklid i određuje kvocijent rizika (RQ). Pošto je jedan RQ > 1, prešli smo na strožu provjeru u razinu 2. Na razini 2 odabrali smo sve referentne organizme na kopnu i faktor nesigurnosti UF=3. ERICA zatim računa transfer faktore radionuklida u svakom organizmu i procjenjuje koncentracije aktivnosti pojedinih radionuklida u svakom organizmu. Razina 2 ispisala je očekivane i konzervativne RQ-ove te ukupne težinske brzine doza. Za mahovine i lišajeve je očekivani RQ 1. Zbog toga se moralo dodatno istražiti o radiološkim učincima na njih.The ERICA tool is a software program that guides the user through the assessment process, keeps records and performs the necessary calculations to estimate the total absorbed dose rate for selected reference organisms. The evaluation element of the ERICA integrated approach is organized in three levels. In this thesis, we assessed the radiological risk for nonhuman biota at 8 locations in the Brod-Posavina County. At level 1, from the menu with the list of radionuclides, select the radionuclides: _{}^{137}\textrm{Cs}, _{}^{232}\textrm{Th}, _{}^{238}\textrm{U}, , _{}^226}\textrm{Ra},_{}^{210}\textrm{Pb}, _{ }^{235}\textrm{U} whose concentration values were previously measured. The tool compares recorded soil concentrations with the most restrictive EMCL for each radionuclide and determines a risk quotient (RQ). Since one RQ>1, we moved to a stricter check in level 2. At level 2, we selected all reference organisms on land and the uncertainty factor UF=3. ERICA then calculates the transfer factors of radionuclides in each organism and estimates the activity concentrations of individual radionuclides in each organism. Level 2 printed expected and conservative RQ s and total weighted dose rates. For mosses and lichens is the expected RQ<1, and the conservative RQ>1. That is why additional research had to be done on the radiological effects on them


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    U ovom radu proučava se oksidacija 2D aluminija (aluminena) krenuvši od teorijskog modela adsorpcije kisika kao metode funkcionalizacije aluminena, zatim stvaranje aluminijevog oksida te na kraju mogućnost zaštite aluminena od oksidacije postupkom enkapsulacije. Istraživanje je provedeno primjenjujući teoriju funkcionala gustoće (eng. density functional theory), skraćeno DFT. Iz dobivenih rezultata zaključuje se da adsorpcija kisika rezultira novom alotropskom modifikacijom aluminena, dok vezanjem kisika u aluminen nastaje aluminijev oksid. Također, rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost zaštite aluminena od oksidacije enkapsulacijom pomoću grafena.In this work, the oxidation of 2D aluminum (aluminum) is studied, starting from the theoretical model of oxygen adsorption as a method of aluminum functionalization. Then the formation of aluminum oxide is studied, and finally a possible way of protecting aluminum from oxidation by the encapsulation process. The research was carried out using density functional theory (DFT). From the obtained results, it can be concluded that a new allotropic modification of aluminum is formed by the adsorption of oxygen, while aluminum oxide is formed by the binding of oxygen into aluminene. Also, the results indicate the possibility of protecting aluminum from oxidation by encapsulation using graphene


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