12 research outputs found

    [Citologija mediastinalnih tumorjev]

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    Our experience with cytological examinations of tumorous mediastinal lesions is evaluated. A group of 117 patients with mediastinal tumor have been included into the study. Among them carcinomas prevailed (60,7%), followed by lymphomas (18,8%), other tumors (15.4%) and thymic neoplasms (5.1%). Malignantor suspicious cells were found in 77.4% of patients with carcinoma. The cells indicating a possibility of non-Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma were found in 9 out of 14 patients. In 5 out of 6 thymic neoplasms the cytological pattern wasconsistent with the diagnosis of thymic neoplasm. One case of thymoma was cytologically falsely diagnosed as malignant lymphoma. One case of neurofibroma was falsely diagnosed as adenocarcinoma. The sensitivity of cytological examinations was 67.5%. If 18 patients with diagnostically unsatisfactory material were excluded from the analysis, the sensitivity wouldincrease to 80.8%. Owing to the wide variety of primary and metastatic tumors that can occur in the mediastinum, apart from the routine cytological techniques, additional staining methods should be used. For final cytological diagnosis the integration of cytological findings with clinical and radiological data is often required. Owing to the characteristics of the obtained material and biological behaviour of some mediastinal tumors, some tumors cannot be definitively diagnosed by cytological examinations alone.Avtorji predstavijo izkušnje Kliničnega oddelka za pljučne bolezni in alergična stanja Golnik s citološkimi pregledi mediastinalnih tumorjev. V retrospektivno študijo je bilo vključenih 117 bolnikov z mediastinalnim tumorjem. Najpogostejši so bili karcinomi (60,7%0, sledijo limfomi (18,8%), drugi tumorji (15,4%), in timične neoplazme (5,1%). Maligne ali sunljive celice so našli pri 77,4% bolnikov s karcinomom. Celice, ki so dopuščale možnost ne-Hodgkinovega limfoma, so našli pri 9 od 14 bolnikov. Pri 5 od 6 primerov timičnih neplazem je bila citološka slika skladna z diagnozo timične neoplazme. En primer timoma je bil citološko napačno opredeljen kot maligni limfom, en primer neurofibroma pa je bil napačno opredeljen kot adenokarcinom.Senzitivnost citoloških pregledov je bila 67,5%. Če bi 18 bolnikov, pri katerih dobljeni material ni bil ustrezen, izključili iz analize, bi senzitivnost zrasla na 80,8%. Ker so primarni in metastatski tumorji, ki se pojavljajo v mediastinumu zelo raznoliki, so za njihovo opredelitev poleg rutinskih citoloških tehnik potrebne tudi dodatne metode barvanja. Za končno citološko diagnozo je nujno poznati tudi klinične podatke in podatke slikovnih diagnostičnih metod. Glede na značilnosti dobljenjega materiala in biološko obnašanje nekaterih mediastinalnih tumorjev vseh ni možno definitivno opredeliti na osnovi citološkega pregleda

    Iodine-Catalysed Dissolution of Elemental Gold in Ethanol

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    Gold is a scarce element in the Earth's crust but indispensable in modern electronic devices. New, sustainable methods of gold recycling are essential to meet the growing eco-social demand of gold. Here, we describe a simple, inexpensive, and environmentally benign dissolution of gold under mild conditions. Gold dissolves quantitatively in ethanol using 2-mercaptoben-zimidazole as a ligand in the presence of a catalytic amount of iodine. Mechanistically, the dissolution of gold begins when I-2 oxidizes Au-0 and forms a [(AuI2)-I-1](-) species, which undergoes subsequent ligand-exchange reactions and forms a stable bis-ligand Au-1 complex. H2O2 oxidizes free iodide and regenerated I-2 returns back to the catalytic cycle. Addition of a reductant to the reaction mixture precipitates gold quantitatively and partially regenerates the ligand. We anticipate our work will open a new pathway to more sustainable metal recycling with the utilization of just catalytic amounts of reagents and green solvents.Peer reviewe

    One-pot synthesis of N-iodo sulfoximines from sulfides

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    V diplomski nalogi so opisane težave pri pregledovanju ter sortiranju ojnic. Zaradi nenehnih večjih zahtevah kupcev po določenih dodatnih pregledih ojnic je prišlo do realizacije projekta. Podrobneje je predstavljena novogradnja naprave za sortiranje ojnic, z uporabo krmilnega sistema VIPA 115-6BLO01, ter prikazovalnik (poslužitveni panel) VT 155W. Dodatno je opisana tudi programska oprema STEP7, VTWIN, ter frekvenčna regulacija motorja podjetja HITACHI in posamezne komponente, potrebne za delovanje naprave. Na koncu so zapisane še ugotovitve pri samem zagonu.In this degree work there are described problems, at inspecting and sorting connection rods for their suitability. The connection rod sorting line project was realized because of costumers higher quality demands. There is more detailed description of making the sorting device, as well as introduction of programmable logic controller VIPA 115-6BLO01, with touch screen VT 155W. In addition there is described programming software STEP7, VTWIN. Introduced are also frequency controller HITACHI and individual components, which are needed for device operation. At end of degree work, there are ascertainments from putting the machine in operation

    Requirements for establishing energy hubs

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    The global economy has barely begun to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, only to be thrown into a new crisis because of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The war exacerbated the energy problem by causing a shortage of energy supplies for the EU and other countries, affecting quality of life. As a result, establishing energy hubs for collecting, processing, storing, and transiting energy resources between producing and consuming countries has become imperative to manage energy supplies efficiently. However, previous studies have not yet addressed the requirements for setting up energy hubs from a practical point of view. Therefore, this paper investigates the requirements for the establishment of energy hubs, particularly for oil and gas, from a practical perspective. The researchers conducted 13 semi-structured interviews with different energy stakeholders. Using the SWOT analysis matrix tool, the findings assessed the current state of the global oil and gas market, and the main practical requirements for the establishment of energy hubs were identified, along with the elements for implementation. Furthermore, the article highlighted the most pressing practical issues confronting the establishment of energy centres. Finally, the paper laid out a comprehensive practical framework based on the industry practitioners’ views to help establish energy hubs. The framework provides a possible guide for countries to establish energy hubs based on the main requirements outlined in this study. It can also improve the diversity, flexibility, and security of energy supply, especially for countries that rely on sole suppliers, such as the EU

    International Logistics Performance Based on the DEA Analysis

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    Logistics is a very important service, which can influence the international trade. However, the rates in the development of international activities vary by country. In developing countries, the share of the logistics services is increasing, while the share of manufacturing activities, especially those with the lower added value, is declining due to the relocation of production to other countries. In order to achieve competitive advantages in the logistics sector, the development of logistics services with the higher added value is required. The effectiveness of logistics processes is very important for international competitiveness. In the paper, is presented the literature review on logistics performance. After presenting relevant research, the effectiveness of logistics is compared using the logistics performance index based on the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The DEA analysis is a benchmarking technique which is useful for a multi-criteria comparison. Values of the international logistics performance index for 2016, for selected European countries, were used for the input and output variables of the DEA model. European countries rank high in the international comparison of the logistics performance index. In the paper, it was found out that the compared countries are competitive in international business, but not all the countries are considered as efficient. Germany achieves the highest points in the international comparison of the LPI but, does not achieve efficiency. We also found out that Austria, Serbia, Russian Federation and Bosnia and Herzegovina were efficient, while other compared countries did not


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    Introduction: Online counselling represents a new medium for finding health information. The aim of the research is to determine the importance of analysis of adolescents\u27 issues in order to understand their problems, needs and desires. Methods: In 2012 the system for the classification of questions by the type of problem was introduced. In relation to the contents the questions were first sorted to the parent category then followed by the categorization according to the subject matter. The calculation comprised the portions, averages and quartiles, and in some cases even Cramer\u27s V coefficients. The analysis covered the entire defined population (3,257 coded questions). Results: Most of the users are girls (76 %), the most representative group encompasses adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years (57 %). Most questions were grouped into the categories Sexuality and sexual health (24 %), Relationships (23 %) and Body (20 %). The length of posts increases with the age of the user (Cr\u27s V = 0.18), but differs by the gender (a higher proportion of longer questions (Cr\u27s V = 0.15) were posted by girls) and the themes (Cr\u27s V = 0.31). Discussion and conclusion: The categorizing of questions is suitable for the identification and analysis of adolescents\u27 problems, needs and desires. Regular categorisation of questions with analysis will serve as a useful research tool for youth work.Uvod: Spletne svetovalnice predstavljajo nov medij za iskanje informacij o zdravju. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti pomen analiz vprašanj mladostnikov za razumevanje njihovih problemov, potreb in hrepenenj. Metode: Leta 2012 je bila uvedena katalogizacija vprašanj spletne svetovalnice glede na tipologijo problemov. Vprašanja so bila glede na vsebino sproti razvrščena v krovno kategorijo in nato pod več vsebinskih tem. Izračunani so bili deleži, povprečja ter kvartili, v nekaterih primerih Cramerjevih V koeficientov. Analiza je zajela celotno opredeljeno statistično populacijo (3.257 kodiranih vprašanj), obiskovalcev spletne svetovalnice, v obdobju med 1. januarjem 2012 in 31. decembrom 2012. Rezultati: Večino uporabnikov predstavljajo dekleta (76 %), najbolj reprezentativno skupino mladostnikov pa stari med 14 in 17 let (57 %). Največ vprašanj je bilo razvrščenih v kategorije spolnost in spolno zdravje (24 %), odnosi (23 %) in telo (20 %). Dolžina objav raste s starostjo uporabnika (Cr\u27s V = 0,18), razlikuje pa se tudi glede na spol uporabnika (dekleta so objavila večji delež daljših vprašanj (Cr\u27s V = 0,15)) in tematiko (Cr\u27s V = 0,31). Diskusija in zaključek: Katalogizacija vprašanj je primerna za identifikacijo in analizo problemov, potreb in hrepenenj mladostnikov. Redna periodična klasifikacija vprašanj z analizami bo služila kot uporabno raziskovalno orodje za delo z mladostniki