57 research outputs found

    Viisikymmentä Suomelle uutta kärpäslajia (Diptera: Brachycera)

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    Jälkikäteen lisensoitu CC-lisenssillä ja uudelleenjulkaistu PDF:nä.Fifty fly species of the families Tabanidae, Hybotidae, Empididae, Lonchopteridae, Phoridae, Psilidae, Sciomyzidae, Agromyzidae, Opomyzidae, Carnidae, Chloropidae, Heleomyzidae, Ephydridae, Scathophagidae, Anthomyiidae and Muscidae are added to the list of Finnish Diptera Brachycera. Phora convallium Schmitz, Cerodontha (Butomomyza) staryi (Stary), Geomyza martineki Drake, Hecamedoides unispinosus (Collin) and Phorbia bartaki Ackland & Michelsen are reported for the first time from Northern Europe.Non peer reviewe

    A review of Finnish Thecophora Rondani, 1845 (Diptera: Conopidae).

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    The Finnish fauna of the conopid genus Thecophora Rondani, 1845 is reviewed on the basis of Finnish museum material from Finland and northwestern Russia. Four species are recorded from Finland, of which T. jakutica Zimina, 1974 is new to Europe. The presence of this recently described species has caused considerable confusion among dipterists before it was correctly identified. Records of T. melanopa Rondani, 1857 and T. atra (Fabricius, 1781) from Finland are based on misidentifications. An illustrated key to north European species is provided

    [Lisätuntomerkki leväsurrin Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) ja töpösur- rin E. sepulchralis (Linnaeus, 1758) naaraiden erottamiseksi (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    The main character traditionally used for separating females of Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) and E. sepulchralis (Linnaeus, 1758) is the density and extent of pubescence of the compound eyes. As this feature can be difficult to see without a microscope, alternative characters were explored. The pattern of microtomentum (dusting, pollinosity) on the frons and vertex can be used to separate the species: E. aeneus females have a nearly lustrous area around the ocellar tri- angle and frequently also along the upper margins of the compound eyes. In E. sepulchralis the area is clearly and rather uniformly grey dusted, dull to slighly shining. Variation of the character across Europe is briefly discussed; its validity outside Europe remains to be tested. The character states are illustrated by photographs of museum specimens and pic- tures taken in the field. Leväsurrin Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) ja töpösurrin E. sepulchralis (Linnaeus, 1758) naaraat on perinteisesti mää- ritetty silmien karvoituksen pituuden ja tiheyden perusteella. Karvoitustuntomerkin tulkinta ei kuitenkaan ole aina help- poa eikä se näy ilman hyvää luuppia tai mikroskooppia. Lajit ovat erotettavissa myös päälaen ja silmäkolmion ympäristön pölyttyneisyyden perusteella: leväsurrilla pistesilmien ympäristö ja usein myös verkkosilmien takareunan yläosa on kiil- tävän musta, mikrokarvoitukseton. Töpösurrilla vastaava alue on tasaisen harmaan mikrokarvoituksen peittämä. Myös ot- san keskiosan kuvioinnissa on ero: töpösurrilla on otsan keskellä soikea tumma täplä, joka voi puuttua; leväsurrin otsassa on tumma pystyviiru, jonka yläpäässä on hopeanhohtoinen pilkku

    Muutoksia Suomen kärpästen luetteloon: heimo Lauxaniidae (Diptera)

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    Twelve species of Lauxaniidae are reported from Finland for the first time: Homoneura biumbrata, H. mediospinosa, Lauxania (Czernushka) albomaculata, Minettia (Plesiominettia) filia, M. (M.) helvola, Pachycerina pulchra, Pseudolyciella stylata, Sapromyza albiceps, S. apicalis, S. schnabli, S. simplicior and Trigonometopus frontali. Four species are removed from the Finnish list as misidentifications: Homoneura dilecta, H. interstincta, H. tesquae and Sapromyza obsoleta. Paroecus signatipes has never been reliably documented as occurring within the current borders of the country.Non peer reviewe

    Atelestidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from the Botanic Garden Jean Massart with a first record from Belgium of the very rare Meghyperus sudeticus Loew, 1850 and an update on the Belgian Atelestidae

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    Online edition ISSN: 2295-0214. ZooBank URI urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B38DF3D5-8C7D-4F05-9B85-F05BB106741D. A part of a special volume of the Journal: Grootaert P. & Drumont A., 2023 - Flies in the centennial Botanic Garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium). Belgian Journal of Entomology 134: 1–279.A survey on Atelestidae was done as part of a comprehensive Diptera study of the Botanic Garden Jean Massart, Brussels. Atelestus pulicarius (Fallén, 1816) was relatively common in the Garden. Its sibling species, Atelestus dissonans Collin, 1961 was not found. Meghyperus sudeticus Loew, 1850, a very rare species throughout Europe, is recorded here for the first time in Belgium, represented by a male and four females. The Belgian records of the Atelestidae are updated.A survey on Atelestidae was done as part of a comprehensive Diptera study of the Botanic Garden Jean Massart, Brussels. Atelestus pulicarius (Fallén, 1816) was relatively common in the Garden. Its sibling species, Atelestus dissonans Collin, 1961 was not found. Meghyperus sudeticus Loew, 1850, a very rare species throughout Europe, is recorded here for the first time in Belgium, represented by a male and four females. The Belgian records of the Atelestidae are updated.Peer reviewe

    Notes on Fanniidae (Diptera) of Finland, with a description of the female of Fannia stigi Rognes, 1982

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    This paper documents the presence of 20 species of Fanniidae in Finland. Fannia alpina Pont, 1970 and F. slovaca Gregor & Rozkošný, 2005 are new to North Europe. Fannia barbata (Stein, 1892), F. lineata (Stein, 1892) and F. nigra Malloch, 1910 are removed from the Finnish checklist. The female of Fannia stigi Rognes, 1982 is described from a Finnish specimen caught together with a male. The total number of fanniid flies known from Finland is now 61

    Notes on Finnish Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) with description of female of Minilimosina tenera Rohacek, 1983

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    A description of the previously unknown female of Minilimosina tenera Roháèek, 1983 is provided and its terminalia are illustrated. Eight species of Sphaeroceridae are reported f or the first time from Finland. Rachispoda cilifera (Rondani, 1880)and Minilimosina (Svarciella) unica (Papp,1973) are removed from the Finnish check list, the latter being recorded from a locality situated in fact in Russia

    Suomelle uusia kärpäslajeja (Diptera: Brachycera)

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    Sixteen Diptera Brachycera species are reported as new to Finland based mostly on the material collected by Jari Flinck. Most of these fly species were previously known from neighbouring countries, but the records of Empis (Leptempis) grisea Fallén and Muscina angustifrons (Loew) represent significant range extensions.Non peer reviewe

    Dolichopodidae (Diptera) new for the fauna of Finland

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    Examination of Dolichopodidae deposited in Finnish museum collections in Helsinki, Oulu and Turku, as well as in private collections, yielded 28 species new to Finland. The significance of the new records is discussed. New figures of male genitalia of Chrysotus gramineus (Fallén, 1823) and C. angulicornis Kowarz, 1984 are presented

    Lasiopogon septentrionalis, a robber fly (Diptera: Asilidae) new to the European Fauna

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    Lasiopogon septentrionalis Lehr, 1984 is recorded for the first time from Finland, and Europe as a whole. The species was previously known only from the Russian Far East. A key to the three north European Lasiopogon species is provided