46 research outputs found

    How Machine Learning (ML) is Transforming Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and learning data analytics have been introduced with great effect in the field of higher education. However, despite the potential benefits for higher education institutions (HIE´s) of these emerging technologies, most of them are still in the early stages of adoption of these technologies. Thus, a systematic literature review (SLR) on the literature published over the last 5 years on potential applications of machine learning in higher education is necessary. Following the PRISMA guidelines, out of the 1887 initially identified SCOPUS-indexed publications on the topic, 171 articles were selected for review. To screen the abstracts and titles of each citation, Rayyan QCRI was used. VOSViewer, a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks, and Microsoft Excel were used to generate charts and figures. The findings show that the most widely researched application of ML in higher education is related to the prediction of academic performance and employability of students. The implications will be invaluable for researchers and practitioners to explore how ML and AI technologies ,in the era of ChatGPT, can be used in universities without jeopardizing academic integrity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Augmented Reality for a New Reality: Using UTAUT-3 to Assess the Adoption of Mobile Augmented Reality in Tourism (MART)

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    Few industries were more affected by the COVID-19 pandemic than tourism. One of Europe´s leading tourist destinations, Porto had undergone a major tourism boom until the start of pandemic. Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is one of the many emerging technologies that has great potential for tourist operators. Using this technology, they can create innovative tourism products that will help them recover from the present crisis. As a result, in this study, we will empirically test the latest version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to explore the factor leading to the adoption Mobile Augmented Reality in Tourism (MART) in Porto. In doing so, we aim to contribute to growing literature on the topic of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR). The originality of this study lies in the use of an extended UTAUT model with greater predictive power and the exploration of the moderative role of gender, age and experience. To the data obtained from a random sample of 201 respondents who voluntarily answered an anonymous online questionnaire, we applied structural equational modeling and partial least squares (SEM-PLS) analysis to test the model. Our findings show that habit, hedonic motivations and facilitating conditions are the determinants of the use of MART.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adoption of Telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-America: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 caused a major international public health crisis and led to the imposition of social distancing measures to contain the spread of the virus. In this context, the use of telehealth skyrocketed as the only way to deliver healthcare to patients during a lockdown was remotely. The countries of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula were severely hit by the pandemic and the prospects and challenges associated with widespread adoption of telehealth are unique. The goal of this systematic literature review is to explore how telehealth has been used during the pandemic to prevent, diagnose, treat and control diseases in Ibero-America. Thus, we sought to identify the main keywords, themes, theoretical frameworks and methodologies used by researchers in this area. We used several tools for bibliographic management like Rayyan, VOSViewer and NVIVO and followed the PRISMA protocol. Our analysis of themes showed the existence of 3 nodes within the literature: students, teachers and education. After searching in 6 databases, 1826 articles were found. After excluding the duplicates (231 articles), we screened and read the titles and abstracts of 1595 articles. Only 119 articles met the inclusion criteria. Finally, after a full-text analysis, a final sample of 106 articles was selected for analysis. Spain and Brazil are the countries who have produced the greatest volume of research in the region. The public sector is the largest funder of research on this topic by far especially at national level. Our findings show that the research output in the region of Ibero-America (Latin America and Iberia) on this topic is still relatively small when compared to regions like North America.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Benefits measurement of a plan to reduce hypertension in a healthcare foundation using the BCTool

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    The hypertension is a well know problem and associated with a high salt consuming is one of the commonest chronic diseases.To measure the impact of this consuming it has been applied the methodology provided by the Business Case tool (BC Tool), in a Portuguese foundation for elderly, in order to contribute for Intervention Plan for the reduction of hypertension which aims to reduce salt consumption in the Portuguese population and to improve the control of Hypertension through a phased reduction in salt consumption.This objective has been achieved by changing the availability of foods with lower salt contents and by decreasing the addition of salt in cooking. The results of these measures provided a substantial benefit in terms of Benefits Measurements and Cost Analysis besides the results of SROI measurement in order to obtain the social benefits of this initiative of the Intervention plan to reduce hypertension. Along these results it has been collected the suggestions for improvements that would allow the Sarah Beirão Foundation's response to the needs of its users to be improved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Events and festivals contribution for local sustainability

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    Festivals can improve the image of host communities, making them an appealing destination and boosting local economy. However, it is hard to measure their actual impact, which is a key factor to justify governments’ initiatives. This study aims to verify how accurate direct expenditure analysis can be. First, the impact of new visitors’ expenditure is calculated based on a survey. Then, consumption indicators are used to forecast the actual economic impact of the festival. Finally, both results are compared. Even though the values gathered with consumption indicators are only a lower bound of the festival’s impact, this study found that assessing expenditure intentions during the festival leads to impact estimates that can be three times higher. The theoretical contribution of this study is to identify direct expenditure analysis weaknesses and how to reduce their effectsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Opera Omnia. Tomo II. Epistolografia *

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    Reúne-se neste livro toda a correspondência conhecida, ativa e passiva,do humanista D. Jerónimo Osório. Escrito maioritariamente em latim, mascom duas peças em espanhol e várias importantíssimas cartas emportuguês, o espólio epistolográfico osoriano, além do ser valorintrínseco como produto literário que é, valoriza-se sobretudo pelaenorme riqueza histórica que encerra para o conhecimento da atividadepolítica e cultural do século XVI em Portugal e no resto da Europa.Contendo cartas a monarcas, como D. Sebastião, D. Henrique, DonaCatarina, Filipe II de Espanha e Estêvão da Polónia, a vários papas ecardeais, a vultos eminentes nas letras, literatura e teologia, estesegundo volume dos Opera Omnia irá com certeza, por um lado, contribuirnão pouco para desenhar com traços mais precisos alguns aspetos poucoconhecidos da história portuguesa de Quinhentos e, por outro, permitiráassentar com base documental segura a imagem do Cícero Lusitano como ade alguém cuja atuação no seu tempo foi respeitada e, por vezes e dealguma maneira, determinante no acontecer histórico da sua pátria

    Opera Omnia. Tomo III. Comentários aos provérbios de Salomão *

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    Publicado pela 1ª vez em 1592, apesar do carácter póstumo desta primeiraedição, o livro já se encontrava pront

    Performance of traditional risk factors in identifying a higher than expected coronary atherosclerotic burden

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    Abstract Objective To evaluate the performance of traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in identifying a higher than expected coronary atherosclerotic burden. Methods We assessed 2069 patients undergoing coronary CT angiography, with assessment of calcium score (CS), for suspected coronary artery disease. A higher than expected atherosclerotic burden was defined as CS >75th percentile (CS >P75) according to age and gender-adjusted monograms. The ability of traditional CV risk factors to predict a CS >P75 was assessed in a customized logistic regression model ("Clinical Score") and by the calculation of SCORE (Systemic Coronary Risk Evaluation). The population attributable risk (PAR) of risk factors for CS >P75 was calculated. Results The median CS was 3.0 (IQR 0.0-98.0); 362 patients had CS >P75. The median SCORE was 3.0 (IQR 1.0-4.0). With the exception of hypertension, all traditional CV risk factors were independent predictors of CS >P75: diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking and family history (OR 1.3-2.2, p≤0.026). The areas under the ROC curves for CS >P75 were 0.64 for the Clinical Score (95% CI 0.61-0.67, pP75 were in the two lower quartiles of the Clinical Score. Altogether, the traditional risk factors explain 56% of the prevalence of CS >P75 (adjusted PAR 0.56). Conclusion Despite the association of CV risk factors with a higher than expected atherosclerotic burden, they appear to explain only half of its prevalence. Even when integrated in scores, the predictive power of these risk factors was modest, exposing the limitations of risk stratification based solely on demographic and clinical risk factors.publishersversionpublishe

    Os direitos humanos no mundo lusófono: o estado da arte

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    Este livro constitui a primeira publicação do Observatório Lusófono dos Direitos Humanos da Universidade do Minho (OLDHUM), uma associação sem fins lucrativos, criada em 23 de outubro de 2009, que tem vindo a desenvolver várias iniciativas dirigidas à divulgação da temática dos direitos humanos nos países lusófonos e à formação no domínio dos direitos humanos. Numa destas iniciativas, foi proposto a um conjunto de alunos de mestrado e de doutoramento colaboradores do Observatório que fizessem um ponto de situação do estado da proteção dos direitos humanos em cada um dos Estados membros da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), ao tempo ainda sem a Guiné Equatorial, a partir do levantamento e da análise crítica dos relatórios elaborados por observatórios nacionais e internacionais de direitos humanos sobre esses países no período compreendido entre 2008 e 2013. Os resultados desta investigação foram apresentados publicamente numa conferência intitulada Os Direitos Humanos nos Países Lusófonos: O que nos dizem os Observatórios?, realizada na Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho, no dia 31 de outubro de 2013, e, em versões desenvolvidas e actualizadas, são agora reunidos neste livro

    Body mass index as a predictor of the presence but not the severity of coronary artery disease evaluated by cardiac computed tomography

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    Background The relation between body mass index (BMI) and coronary artery disease (CAD) extension remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between BMI and CAD extension documented by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Methods and results Prospective registry including 1706 consecutive stable patients that performed CCTA (dual source scanner) for the evaluation of CAD. The population was stratified by BMI: normal 530 (31.1\%), overweight 802 (47.0\%) and obesity 374 (21.9\%). BMI was significantly higher in patients with CAD (27.74.3vs 26.8 +/- 4.3kg/m(2), p5 segments with plaque (15.4\% patients). The prevalence of SIS >5 among the BMI classes was: 18.7\%, 13.7\% and 13.6\% for normal, overweight and obesity respectively (p values for the specific classes versus all other patients: 0.241, 0.450 and 0.663). Conclusions In this population of stable patients undergoing CCTA for suspected CAD, BMI was an independent predictor of its presence, but was not correlated with the coronary disease severity.publishersversionpublishe