54 research outputs found

    Efficient Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Quantitative Systems

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    Verification and Parameter Synthesis for Real-Time Programs using Refinement of Trace Abstraction

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    We address the safety verification and synthesis problems for real-time systems. We introduce real-time programs that are made of instructions that can perform assignments to discrete and real-valued variables. They are general enough to capture interesting classes of timed systems such as timed automata, stopwatch automata, time(d) Petri nets and hybrid automata. We propose a semi-algorithm using refinement of trace abstractions to solve both the reachability verification problem and the parameter synthesis problem for real-time programs. All of the algorithms proposed have been implemented and we have conducted a series of experiments, comparing the performance of our new approach to state-of-the-art tools in classical reachability, robustness analysis and parameter synthesis for timed systems. We show that our new method provides solutions to problems which are unsolvable by the current state-of-the-art tools

    Integrating Tools:Co-simulation in UPPAAL Using FMI-FMU

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    Partial order reduction for reachability games

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    Distributed Fleet Management in Noisy Environments via Model-Predictive Control

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    This object is the reproducibility package for the paper Distributed Fleet Management in Noisy Environments via Model-Predictive Control accepted for publication at ICAPS '22. The package contains the software for executing the experiments, the data presented in the paper, examples of Uppaal models, and scripts for redoing the experiments presented in the paper

    Stubborn Set Reduction for Two-Player Reachability Games

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    Partial order reductions have been successfully applied to model checking of concurrent systems and practical applications of the technique show nontrivial reduction in the size of the explored state space. We present a theory of partial order reduction based on stubborn sets in the game-theoretical setting of 2-player games with reachability objectives. Our stubborn reduction allows us to prune the interleaving behaviour of both players in the game, and we formally prove its correctness on the class of games played on general labelled transition systems. We then instantiate the framework to the class of weighted Petri net games with inhibitor arcs and provide its efficient implementation in the model checker TAPAAL. Finally, we evaluate our stubborn reduction on several case studies and demonstrate its efficiency

    Monte Carlo Tree Search for Priced Timed Automata

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    Shielded Reinforcement Learning for Hybrid Systems

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    Safe and optimal controller synthesis for switched-controlled hybrid systems, which combine differential equations and discrete changes of the system's state, is known to be intricately hard. Reinforcement learning has been leveraged to construct near-optimal controllers, but their behavior is not guaranteed to be safe, even when it is encouraged by reward engineering. One way of imposing safety to a learned controller is to use a shield, which is correct by design. However, obtaining a shield for non-linear and hybrid environments is itself intractable. In this paper, we propose the construction of a shield using the so-called barbaric method, where an approximate finite representation of an underlying partition-based two-player safety game is extracted via systematically picked samples of the true transition function. While hard safety guarantees are out of reach, we experimentally demonstrate strong statistical safety guarantees with a prototype implementation and UPPAAL STRATEGO. Furthermore, we study the impact of the synthesized shield when applied as either a pre-shield (applied before learning a controller) or a post-shield (only applied after learning a controller). We experimentally demonstrate superiority of the pre-shielding approach. We apply our technique on a range of case studies, including two industrial examples, and further study post-optimization of the post-shielding approach.Safe and optimal controller synthesis for switched-controlled hybrid systems, which combine differential equations and discrete changes of the system’s state, is known to be intricately hard. Reinforcement learning has been leveraged to construct near-optimal controllers, but their behavior is not guaranteed to be safe, even when it is encouraged by reward engineering. One way of imposing safety to a learned controller is to use a shield, which is correct by design. However, obtaining a shield for non-linear and hybrid environments is itself intractable. In this paper, we propose the construction of a shield using the so-called barbaric method, where an approximate finite representation of an underlying partition-based two-player safety game is extracted via systematically picked samples of the true transition function. While hard safety guarantees are out of reach, we experimentally demonstrate strong statistical safety guarantees with a prototype implementation and Uppaal Stratego. Furthermore, we study the impact of the synthesized shield when applied as either a pre-shield (applied before learning a controller) or a post-shield (only applied after learning a controller). We experimentally demonstrate superiority of the pre-shielding approach. We apply our technique on a range of case studies, including two industrial examples, and further study post-optimization of the post-shielding approach.</p