142 research outputs found

    Hverdagslivets mÄltider: En kulturhistorisk undersÞgelse af mÄltidets forskellige betydninger i hverdagen

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    I denne artikel undersÞges, hvordan mÄltidet og dets betydning har Êndret sig gennem tiden. Uddrag fra dagbogsindsamlinger foretaget af Nationalmuseet i 1992 udgÞr det primÊre materiale, men bringes samtidig i dialog med nutidige analyser af madvaner og eksisterende etnologiske undersÞgelser af spisevaner, mÄltider og husmorkundskab. AfsÞgningen af mÄltidet som kulturhistorisk fÊnomen foretages med tematisk fokus pÄ forskellige mÄder, hvorpÄ mÄltidet indgÄri vores rutiner, idealer, sundhed og tidsforstÄelse. MÄltidets forskellige betydninger pÄ tvÊrs af forskellige tider er derfor med til at understrege artiklens overordnede pointe om, at mÄltidet mÄ forstÄs som sammenfiltret.I denne artikel undersÞges, hvordan mÄltidet og dets betydning har Êndret sig gennem tiden. Uddrag fra dagbogsindsamlinger foretaget af Nationalmuseet i 1992 udgÞr det primÊre materiale, men bringes samtidig i dialog med nutidige analyser af madvaner og eksisterende etnologiske undersÞgelser af spisevaner, mÄltider og husmorkundskab. AfsÞgningen af mÄltidet som kulturhistorisk fÊnomen foretages med tematisk fokus pÄ forskellige mÄder, hvorpÄ mÄltidet indgÄri vores rutiner, idealer, sundhed og tidsforstÄelse. MÄltidets forskellige betydninger pÄ tvÊrs af forskellige tider er derfor med til at understrege artiklens overordnede pointe om, at mÄltidet mÄ forstÄs som sammenfiltret

    Identitetskonstruktion pÄ Instagram. En kvalitativ studie ur ett anvÀndarperspektiv.

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    Ahlquist, A. Jensen, S. Wikström Nilsson, J. Identitetskonstruktion pĂ„ Instagram. En kvalitativ studie ur ett anvĂ€ndarperspektiv. Uppsatsarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap B, 7,5 högskolepoĂ€ng. Lunds Universitet: Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, 2014. De sociala mediernas vĂ€rld Ă€r snabbförĂ€nderlig och flera sociala medier tĂ€vlar om att ta plats pĂ„ den gemensamma arenan. Mediernas utveckling har skapat möjligheter för individen att konstruera en identitet online som kan skilja sig frĂ„n en identitet offline och att konstruera en sjĂ€lvpresentation som tidigare inte var möjlig. Forskning kring identitetskonstruktionen pĂ„ ett flertal sociala medier har gjorts. År 2010 uppkom fenomenet Instagram som tagit allt större utrymme pĂ„ de sociala mediernas arena och huruvida mediet anvĂ€nds för en identitetskonstruktion online har Ă€nnu lĂ€mnats outforskat. Vi har med vĂ„r forskning dĂ€rför Ă€mnat att studera Instagram utifrĂ„n anvĂ€ndares perspektiv för att undersöka hur anvĂ€ndaren av mediet resonerar kring sin onlineidentitet i förhĂ„llande till sin offlineidentitet och huruvida InstagramanvĂ€ndaren anpassar sin livsstil för att konstruera en bild av sig sjĂ€lv och med vilken medvetenhet detta görs. Vi utförde kvalitativa intervjuer med ett urval av tre “vanliga” InstagramanvĂ€ndare och tre experter, med en yrkesbakgrund inom sociala medier, för att ge analysen en ny infallsvinkeln som tidigare forskning inte behandlat. Resultatet av studien tyder pĂ„ att respondenterna ofta framstĂ€ller en förskönad bild av sig sjĂ€lv, vilket förenklas med hjĂ€lp av de verktyg Instagram erbjuder. Studien visar pĂ„ att de med en yrkesbakgrund av sociala medier Ă€ven har en större medvetenhet gĂ€llande de metoder som anvĂ€nds vid InstagramanvĂ€ndandet

    Are progressive shoulder exercises feasible in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or rotator cuff tear arthropathy?

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the feasibility of progressive shoulder exercises (PSE) for patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis (OA) or rotator cuff tear arthropathy (CTA). The aim of this study was to investigate whether 12 weeks of PSE is feasible in patients with glenohumeral OA or CTA eligible for shoulder arthroplasty. Moreover, to report changes in shoulder function and range of motion (ROM) following the exercise program. METHODS: Twenty patients were included. Eighteen patients (11 women, 15 with OA), mean age 70 years (range 57–80), performed 12 weeks of PSE with one weekly physiotherapist-supervised and two weekly home-based sessions. Feasibility was measured by dropout rate, adverse events, pain, and adherence to PSE. At baseline and end of intervention, patients completed the Western Ontario Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder (WOOS) score and Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH). Data to assess feasibility were analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out and no adverse events were observed. Sixteen of the eighteen patients (89%) had a high adherence (≄ 70%) to the physiotherapist-supervised sessions. Acceptable pain levels were reported; in 76% of all exercise sessions with no numeric rating scale (NRS) score over five for any exercise. WOOS improved with a mean of 23 points (95% CI 13;33), and DASH improved with a mean of 13 points (95% CI 6;19). CONCLUSION: Adherence to PSE was high and dropout rates were low. PSE is feasible, safe and may relieve shoulder pain, improve function and ROM in patients with glenohumeral OA or CTA. The patient-experienced gains after PSE seem clinically relevant and should be compared to arthroplasty surgery in a RCT setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION: According to Danish law, this study did not need an approval by the Central Denmark Region Committee on Health Research Ethics. Approval from The Danish Data Protection Agency (journal number 1-16-02-15-20) was obtained

    CD171- and GD2-specific CAR-T cells potently target retinoblastoma cells in preclinical in vitro testing

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    BACKGROUND: Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-based T cell therapy is in early clinical trials to target the neuroectodermal tumor, neuroblastoma. No preclinical or clinical efficacy data are available for retinoblastoma to date. Whereas unilateral intraocular retinoblastoma is cured by enucleation of the eye, infiltration of the optic nerve indicates potential diffuse scattering and tumor spread leading to a major therapeutic challenge. CAR-T cell therapy could improve the currently limited therapeutic strategies for metastasized retinoblastoma by simultaneously killing both primary tumor and metastasizing malignant cells and by reducing chemotherapy-related late effects. METHODS: CD171 and GD2 expression was flow cytometrically analyzed in 11 retinoblastoma cell lines. CD171 expression and T cell infiltration (CD3+) was immunohistochemically assessed in retrospectively collected primary retinoblastomas. The efficacy of CAR-T cells targeting the CD171 and GD2 tumor-associated antigens was preclinically tested against three antigen-expressing retinoblastoma cell lines. CAR-T cell activation and exhaustion were assessed by cytokine release assays and flow cytometric detection of cell surface markers, and killing ability was assessed in cytotoxic assays. CAR constructs harboring different extracellular spacer lengths (short/long) and intracellular co-stimulatory domains (CD28/4-1BB) were compared to select the most potent constructs. RESULTS: All retinoblastoma cell lines investigated expressed CD171 and GD2. CD171 was expressed in 15/30 primary retinoblastomas. Retinoblastoma cell encounter strongly activated both CD171-specific and GD2-specific CAR-T cells. Targeting either CD171 or GD2 effectively killed all retinoblastoma cell lines examined. Similar activation and killing ability for either target was achieved by all CAR constructs irrespective of the length of the extracellular spacers and the co-stimulatory domain. Cell lines differentially lost tumor antigen expression upon CAR-T cell encounter, with CD171 being completely lost by all tested cell lines and GD2 further down-regulated in cell lines expressing low GD2 levels before CAR-T cell challenge. Alternating the CAR-T cell target in sequential challenges enhanced retinoblastoma cell killing. CONCLUSION: Both CD171 and GD2 are effective targets on human retinoblastoma cell lines, and CAR-T cell therapy is highly effective against retinoblastoma in vitro. Targeting of two different antigens by sequential CAR-T cell applications enhanced tumor cell killing and preempted tumor antigen loss in preclinical testing
