1,639 research outputs found

    Influence of prior intense exercise and cold water immersion in recovery for performance and physiological response during subsequent exercise

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    Athletes in intense endurance sports (e.g., 4000-m track cycling) often perform maximally (~4 min) twice a day due to qualifying and finals being placed on the same day. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate repeated performance on the same day in a competitive setting (part A) and the influence from prior intense exercise on subsequent performance and physiological response to moderate and maximal exercise with and without the use of cold water immersion (CWI) in recovery (part B). In part A, performance times during eight World championships for male track cyclists were extracted from the qualifying and final races in 4000-m individual pursuit. In part B, twelve trained cyclists with an average (±SD) ⩒O(2)-peak of 67 ± 5 mL/min/kg performed a protocol mimicking a qualifying race (QUAL) followed 3 h later by a performance test (PT) with each exercise period encompassing intense exercise for ~4 min preceded by an identical warm-up period in both a control setting (CON) and using cold water immersion in recovery (CWI; 15 min at 15°C). Performance was lowered (P < 0.001) from qualification to finals (259 ± 3 vs. 261 ± 3 s) for the track cyclists during World championships in part A. In part B, mean power in PT was not different in CWI relative to CON (406 ± 43 vs. 405 ± 38 W). Peak ⩒O(2) (5.04 ± 0.50 vs. 5.00 ± 0.49 L/min) and blood lactate (13 ± 3 vs. 14 ± 3 mmol/L) did not differ between QUAL and PT and cycling economy and potassium handling was not impaired by prior intense exercise. In conclusion, performance is reduced with repeated maximal exercise in world-class track cyclists during 4000-m individual pursuit lasting ~4 min, however prior intense exercise do not appear to impair peak ⩒O(2), peak lactate, cycling economy, or potassium handling in trained cyclists and CWI in recovery does not improve subsequent performance

    Skandalesager, undersøgelseskommissioner og parlamentariske undersøgelser

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    De seneste tre årtier har budt på omfattende brug af dommerledede undersøgelser for at få belyst ministres og embedsmænds rolle i politisk-administrative skandalesager. Undersøgelserne har været et led i den parlamentariske kontrol, men har samtidig været en del af en politisk proces med sigte på at få et juridisk præget grundlag for kritik af regeringen og dens ministre. Selv om nye undersøgelsesformer er kommet til – senest med indførelse af de såkaldte »granskningskommissioner« – er der ikke tegn på afgørende nyt under solen. Også fremover vil politisk-administrative skandalesager og deres undersøgelse være en særlig politikform

    20 år med særlige rådgivere

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    De seneste 20 års debat om embedsmænd og særlige rådgivere har spændt over mange emner. I artiklen giver formanden for det netop nedsatte udvalg om særlige rådgivere et overblik over debatten og præsenterer tillige hovedtemaerne for det udvalgsarbejde, der nu går i gang

    A prospective study of decline in lung function in relation to welding emissions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Numerous cross-sectional studies have reported reduced lung function among welders but limitations of exposure assessment and design preclude causal inference. The aim of this study was to investigate if long-term exposure to welding fume particulates accelerates the age-related decline in lung function.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Lung function was measured by spirometry in 1987 and 2004 among 68 steel welders and 32 non-welding production workers. The decline in forced expiratory volume (FEV<sub>1</sub>) was analysed in relation to cumulated exposure to fume particulates among welders during the follow-up period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among smokers the decline in FEV<sub>1 </sub>through follow-up period was in average 150 ml larger among welders than non-welders while the difference was negligible among non-smokers. The results did not reach statistical significance and within welders the decline in lung function was not related to the cumulated welding particulate exposure during follow-up period</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Long-term exposure to welding emissions may accelerate the age-related decline of lung function but at exposure levels in the range of 1.5 to 6.5 mg/m<sup>3 </sup>the average annual excess loss of FEV<sub>1 </sub>is unlikely to exceed 25 ml in smokers and 10 ml in non-smokers.</p

    Draft genome sequences of five clinical <i>Enterococcus cecorum</i> strains isolated from different poultry species in Poland

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    Here, we report five draft genome sequences of Enterococcus cecorum strains that were isolated from different bird species of affected poultry flocks (commercial broilers [CB], broiler breeders [BB], commercial layers [CL], ducks [D], and geese [G]) in Poland