111 research outputs found

    The relational XQuery puzzle: a look-back on the pieces found so far

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    Given the tremendous versatility of relational database implementations toward awide range of database problems, it seems only natural to consider them as back-ends for XML data processing. Yet, the assumptions behind the language XQuery are considerably different to those in traditional RDBMSs. The underlying data model is a tree, data and results carry an intrinsic order, queries are described using explicit iteration and, after all, problems are everything else but regular. Solving the relational XQuery puzzle, therefore, has challenged anumber of research groups over the past years. The purpose of this article is to summarize and assess some of the results that have been obtained during this period to solve the puzzle. Our main focus is on the Pathfinder XQuery compiler, afull reference implementation of apurely relational XQuery processor. As we dissect its components, we relate them to other work in the field and also point to open problems and limitations in the context of relational XQuery processin

    Scalable XQuery type matching

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    XML Schema awareness has been an integral part of the XQuery language since its early design stages. Matching XML data against XML types is the main operation that backs up XQuery type expressions, such as typeswitch, instance of, or certain XPath operators. This interaction is particularly vital in data-centric XQuery applications, where data come with detailed type information from an XML Schema document. So far there has been little work on the optimization of those operations. This work presents an efficient implementation of the runtime aspects of XML Schema support. We propose type ranks as a novel and uniform way to implement all facets of type matching in the W3C XQuery Recommendation. As a concise encoding of the type hierarchy defined by an XML Schema document, type ranks minimize the cost of checking the runtime type of XQuery singleton items. By aggregating type ranks, we leverage the grouping capabilities of modern DBMS implementations to efficiently execute type matching on XQuery sequences. In addition, we improve the complexity bounds incurring with typeswitch expressions over existing approaches. Experiments on an off-the-shelf database system demonstrate the potential of our approach

    An Injection with Tree Awareness: Adding Staircase Join to PostgreSQL

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    The syntactic wellformedness constraints of XML (opening and closing tags nest properly) imply that XML processors face the challenge to efficiently handle data that takes the shape of ordered, unranked trees. Although RDBMSs have originally been designed to manage table-shaped data, we propose their use as XML and XPath processors. In our setup, the database system employs a relational XML document encoding, the XPath accelerator [1], which maps information about the XML node hierarchy to a table, thus making it possible to evaluate XPath expressions on SQL hosts.\ud \ud Conventional RDBMSs, nevertheless, remain ignorant of many interesting properties of the encoded tree data, and were thus found to make no or poor use of these properties. This is why we devised a new join algorithm, staircase join [2], which incorporates the tree-specific knowledge required for an efficient SQL-based evaluation of XPath expressions. In a sense, this demonstration delivers the promise we have made at VLDB 2003 [2]: a notion of tree awareness can be injected into a conventional disk-based RDBMS kernel in terms of staircase join. The demonstration features a side-by-side comparison of both, an original and a staircase-join enhanced instance of PostgreSQL [4]. The required changes to\ud PostgreSQL were local, the achieved eect, however, is significant: the demonstration proves that this injection of tree awareness turns PostgreSQL into a high-performance XML processor that closely adheres to the XPath semantics

    An Inflationary Fixed Point Operator in XQuery

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    We introduce a controlled form of recursion in XQuery, inflationary fixed points, familiar in the context of relational databases. This imposes restrictions on the expressible types of recursion, but we show that inflationary fixed points nevertheless are sufficiently versatile to capture a wide range of interesting use cases, including the semantics of Regular XPath and its core transitive closure construct. While the optimization of general user-defined recursive functions in XQuery appears elusive, we will describe how inflationary fixed points can be efficiently evaluated, provided that the recursive XQuery expressions exhibit a distributivity property. We show how distributivity can be assessed both, syntactically and algebraically, and provide experimental evidence that XQuery processors can substantially benefit during inflationary fixed point evaluation.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Low-latency handshake join

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    This work revisits the processing of stream joins on modern hardware architectures. Our work is based on the recently proposed handshake join algorithm, which is a mechanism to parallelize the processing of stream joins in a NUMA-aware and hardware-friendly manner. Handshake join achieves high throughput and scalability, but it suffers from a high latency penalty and a non-deterministic ordering of the tuples in the physical result stream. In this paper, we first characterize the latency behavior of the handshake join and then propose a new low-latency handshake join algorithm, which substantially reduces latency without sacrificing throughput or scalability. We also present a technique to generate punctuated result streams with very little overhead; such punctuations allow the generation of correctly ordered physical output streams with negligible effect on overall throughput and latency. </jats:p

    Low-latency query compilation

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    Query compilation is a processing technique that achieves very high processing speeds but has the disadvantage of introducing additional compilation latencies. These latencies cause an overhead that is relatively high for short-running and high-complexity queries. In this work, we present Flounder IR and ReSQL, our new approach to query compilation. Instead of using a general purpose intermediate representation (e.g., LLVM IR) during compilation, ReSQL uses Flounder IR, which is specifically designed for database processing. Flounder IR is lightweight and close to machine assembly. This simplifies the translation from IR to machine code, which otherwise is a costly translation step. Despite simple translation, compiled queries still benefit from the high processing speeds of the query compilation technique. We analyze the performance of our approach with micro-benchmarks and with ReSQL, which employs a full translation stack from SQL to machine code. We show reductions in compilation times up to two orders of magnitude over LLVM and show improvements in overall execution time for TPC-H queries up to 5.5 Ă— over state-of-the-art systems

    Pathfinder: XQuery - The Relational Way

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    Relational query processors are probably the best understood (as well as the best engineered) query engines available today. Although carefully tuned to process instances of the relational model (tables of tuples), these processors can also provide a foundation for the evaluation of "alien" (non-relational) query languages: if a relational encoding of the alien data model and its associated query language is given, the RDBMS may act like a special-purpose processor for the new language

    mxkernel: a novel system software stack for data processing on modern hardware

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    Emerging hardware platforms are characterized by large degrees of parallelism, complex memory hierarchies, and increasing hardware heterogeneity. Their theoretical peak data processing performance can only be unleashed if the different pieces of systems software collaborate much more closely and if their traditional dependencies and interfaces are redesigned. We have developed the key concepts and a prototype implementation of a novel system software stack named mxkernel. For MxKernel, efficient large scale data processing capabilities are a primary design goal. To achieve this, heterogeneity and parallelism become first-class citizens and deep memory hierarchies are considered from the very beginning. Instead of a classical “thread” model, mxkernel provides a simpler control flow abstraction: mxtasks model closed units of work, for which mxkernel will guarantee the required execution semantics, such exclusive access to a specific object in memory. They can be a very elegant abstraction also for heterogeneity and resource sharing. Furthermore, mxtasks are annotated with metadata, such as code variants (to support heterogeneity), memory access behavior (to improve cache efficiency and support memory hierarchies), or dependencies between mxtasks (to improve scheduling and avoid synchronization cost). With precisely the required metadata available, mxkernel can provide a lightweight, yet highly efficient form of resource management, even across applications, operating system, and database. Based on the mxkernel prototype we present preliminary results from this ambitious undertaking. We argue that threads are an ill-suited control flow abstraction for our modern computer architectures and that a task-based execution model is to be favored

    MonetDB/XQuery - Consistent & Efficient Updates on the Pre/Post Plane

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    Relational XQuery processors aim at leveraging mature relational DBMS query processing technology to provide scalability and efficiency. To achieve this goal, various storage schemes have been proposed to encode the tree structure of XML documents in flat relational tables. Basically, two classes can be identified: (1) encodings using fixed-length surrogates, like the preorder ranks in the pre/post encoding [5] or the equivalent pre/size/level encoding [8], and (2) encodings using variable-length surrogates, like, e.g., ORDPATH [9] or P-PBiTree [12]. Recent research [1] showed a clear advantage of the former for efficient evaluation of XPath location steps, exploiting techniques like cheap node order tests, positional lookup, and node skipping in staircase join [7]. However, once updates are involved, variable-length surrogates are often considered the better choice, mainly as a straightforward implementation of structural XML updates using fixed-length surrogates faces two performance bottlenecks: (i) high physical cost (the preorder ranks of all nodes following the update position must be modified—on average 50% of the document), and (ii) low transaction concurrency (updating the size of all ancestor nodes causes lock contention on the document root)

    Communication Awareness

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