382 research outputs found

    Time course and mechanisms of endo-epicardial electrical dissociation during atrial fibrillation in the goat

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    Aims This study aims to determine the degree and mechanisms of endo-epicardial dissociation of electrical activity during atrial fibrillation (AF) and endo-epicardial differences in atrial electrophysiology at different stages of atrial remodelling. Methods and results Simultaneous high-density endo-epicardial mapping of AF was performed on left atrial free walls of goats with acute AF, after 3 weeks, and after 6 months of AF (all n = 7). Endo-epicardial activation time differences and differences in the direction of conduction vectors were calculated, endocardial and epicardial effective refractory periods (ERP) were determined, and fractionation of electrograms was quantified. Histograms of endo-epicardial activation time differences and differences in the direction of conduction vectors revealed two distinct populations, i.e. dissociated and non-dissociated activity. Dyssynchronous activity (dissociated in time) increased from 17 ± 7% during acute AF to 39 ± 17% after 3 weeks, and 68 ± 13% after 6 months of AF. Dissociation was more pronounced in thicker parts of the atrial wall (thick: 49.3 ± 21.4%, thin: 42.2 ± 19.0%, P < 0.05). At baseline, endocardial ERPs were longer when compared with epicardial ERPs (ΔERP, 21.8 ± 18 ms; P < 0.001). This difference was absent after 6 months of AF. The percentage of fractionated electrograms during rapid pacing increased from 9.4 ± 1.9% (baseline) to 18.6 ± 0.6% (6 months). Conclusion During AF, pronounced dissociation of electrical activity occurs between the epicardial layer and the endocardial bundle network. The increase in dissociation is due to owing to progressive uncoupling between the epicardial layer and the endocardial bundles and correlates with increasing stability and complexity of the AF substrat

    Non-invasive Drug Monitoring of β-Lactam Antibiotics Using Sweat Analysis-A Pilot Study

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance is a major challenge in treating infectious diseases. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) can optimize and personalize antibiotic treatment. Previously, antibiotic concentrations in tissues were extrapolated from skin blister studies, but sweat analyses for TDM have not been conducted. Objective: To investigate the potential of sweat analysis as a non-invasive, rapid, and potential bedside TDM method. Methods: We analyzed sweat and blood samples from 13 in-house patients treated with intravenous cefepime, imipenem, or flucloxacillin. For cefepime treatment, full pharmacokinetic sampling was performed (five subsequent sweat samples every 2 h) using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. The ClinicalTrials.gov registration number is NCT03678142. Results: In this study, we demonstrated for the first time that flucloxacillin, imipenem, and cefepime are detectable in sweat. Antibiotic concentration changes over time demonstrated comparable (age-adjusted) dynamics in the blood and sweat of patients treated with cefepime. Patients treated with standard flucloxacillin dosage showed the highest mean antibiotic concentration in sweat. Conclusions: Our results provide a proof-of-concept that sweat analysis could potentially serve as a non-invasive, rapid, and reliable method to measure antibiotic concentration and as a surrogate marker for tissue penetration. If combined with smart biosensors, sweat analysis may potentially serve as the first lab-independent, non-invasive antibiotic TDM method

    The SMILe integrated care model in allogeneic SteM cell TransplantatIon faciLitated by eHealth: a protocol for a hybrid effectiveness-implementation randomised controlled trial

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    While effectiveness outcomes of eHealth-facilitated integrated care models (eICMs) in transplant and oncological populations are promising, implementing and sustaining them in real-world settings remain challenging. Allogeneic stem cell transplant (alloSCT) patients could benefit from an eICM to enhance health outcomes. To combat health deterioration, integrating chronic illness management, including continuous symptom and health behaviour monitoring, can shorten reaction times. We will test the 1st-year post-alloSCT effectiveness and evaluate bundled implementation strategies to support the implementation of a newly developed and adapted eICM in allogeneic stem cell transplantation facilitated by eHealth (SMILe-ICM). SMILe-ICM has been designed by combining implementation, behavioural, and computer science methods. Adaptions were guided by FRAME and FRAME-IS. It consists of four modules: 1) monitoring & follow-up; 2) infection prevention; 3) physical activity; and 4) medication adherence, delivered via eHealth and a care coordinator (an Advanced Practice Nurse). The implementation was supported by contextually adapted implementation strategies (e.g., creating new clinical teams, informing local opinion leaders).; Using a hybrid effectiveness-implementation randomised controlled trial, we will include a consecutive sample of 80 adult alloSCT patients who were transplanted and followed by University Hospital Basel (Switzerland). Inclusion criteria are basic German proficiency; elementary computer literacy; internet access; and written informed consent. Patients will be excluded if their condition prevents the use of technology, or if they are followed up only at external centres. Patient-level (1:1) stratified randomisation into a usual care group and a SMILe-ICM group will take place 10 days pre-transplantation. To gauge the SMILe-ICM's effectiveness primary outcome (re-hospitalisation rate), secondary outcomes (healthcare utilization costs; length of inpatient re-hospitalizations, medication adherence; treatment and self-management burden; HRQoL; Graft-versus-Host Disease rate; survival; overall survival rate) and implementation outcomes (acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity), we will use multi-method, multi-informant assessment (via questionnaires, interviews, electronic health record data, cost capture methods).; The SMILe-ICM has major innovative potential for reengineering alloSCT follow-up care, particularly regarding short- and medium-term outcomes. Our dual focus on implementation and effectiveness will both inform optimization of the SMILe-ICM and provide insights regarding implementation strategies and pathway, understudied in eHealth-facilitated ICMs in chronically ill populations.; ClinicalTrials.gov. Identifier: NCT04789863 . Registered April 01, 2021

    Visualization and analysis of wearable health data from COVID-19 patients

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    Effective visualizations were evaluated to reveal relevant health patterns from multi-sensor real-time wearable devices that recorded vital signs from patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19. Furthermore, specific challenges associated with wearable health data visualizations, such as fluctuating data quality resulting from compliance problems, time needed to charge the device and technical problems are described. As a primary use case, we examined the detection and communication of relevant health patterns visible in the vital signs acquired by the technology. Customized heat maps and bar charts were used to specifically highlight medically relevant patterns in vital signs. A survey of two medical doctors, one clinical project manager and seven health data science researchers was conducted to evaluate the visualization methods. From a dataset of 84 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, we extracted one typical COVID-19 patient history and based on the visualizations showcased the health history of two noteworthy patients. The visualizations were shown to be effective, simple and intuitive in deducing the health status of patients. For clinical staff who are time-constrained and responsible for numerous patients, such visualization methods can be an effective tool to enable continuous acquisition and monitoring of patients' health statuses even remotely

    Effect of Na+-channel blockade on the three-dimensional substrate of atrial fibrillation in a model of endo-epicardial dissociation and transmural conduction

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    International audienceAims Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a progressive arrhythmia characterized by structural alterations that increase its stability. Both clinical and experimental studies showed a concomitant loss of antiarrhythmic drug efficacy in later stages of AF. The mechanisms underlying this loss of efficacy are not well understood. We hypothesized that structural remodelling may explain this reduced efficacy by making the substrate more three-dimensional. To investigate this, we simulated the effect of sodium (Na þ)-channel block on AF in a model of progressive transmural uncoupling. In a computer model consisting of two cross-connected atrial layers, with realistic atrial membrane behaviour, structural remodelling was simulated by reducing the number of connections between the layers. 100% of endo-epicardial connectivity represented a healthy atrium. At various degrees of structural remodelling, we assessed the effect of 60% sodium channel block on AF stability, endo-epicardial electrical activity dissociation (EED), and fibrilla-tory conduction pattern complexity quantified by number of waves, phase singularities (PSs), and transmural conduction ('breakthrough', BT). Sodium channel block terminated AF in non-remodelled but not in remodelled atria. The temporal excitable gap (EG) and AF cycle length increased at all degrees of remodelling when compared with control. Despite an increase of EED and EG, sodium channel block decreased the incidence of BT because of trans-mural conduction block. Sodium channel block decreased the number of waves and PSs in normal atrium but not in structurally remodelled atrium. This simple atrial model explains the loss of efficacy of sodium channel blockers in terminating AF in the presence of severe structural remodelling as has been observed experimentally and clinically. Atrial fibrillation termination in atria with moderate structural remodelling in the presence of sodium channel block is caused by reduction of AF complexity. With more severe structural remodelling, sodium channel block fails to promote synchronization of the two layers of the model

    Association of Interprofessional Discharge Planning Using an Electronic Health Record Tool With Hospital Length of Stay Among Patients with Multimorbidity: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial

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    Whether interprofessional collaboration is effective and safe in decreasing hospital length of stay remains controversial.; To evaluate the outcomes and safety associated with an electronic interprofessional-led discharge planning tool vs standard discharge planning to safely reduce length of stay among medical inpatients with multimorbidity.; This multicenter prospective nonrandomized controlled trial used interrupted time series analysis to examine medical acute hospitalizations at 82 hospitals in Switzerland. It was conducted from February 2017 through January 2019. Data analysis was conducted from March 2021 to July 2022.; After a 12-month preintervention phase (February 2017 through January 2018), an electronic interprofessional-led discharge planning tool was implemented in February 2018 in 7 intervention hospitals in addition to standard discharge planning.; Mixed-effects segmented regression analyses were used to compare monthly changes in trends of length of stay, hospital readmission, in-hospital mortality, and facility discharge after the implementation of the tool with changes in trends among control hospitals.; There were 54 695 hospitalizations at intervention hospitals, with 27 219 in the preintervention period (median [IQR] age, 72 [59-82] years; 14 400 [52.9%] men) and 27 476 in the intervention phase (median [IQR] age, 72 [59-82] years; 14 448 [52.6%] men) and 438 791 at control hospitals, with 216 261 in the preintervention period (median [IQR] age, 74 [60-83] years; 109 770 [50.8%] men) and 222 530 in the intervention phase (median [IQR] age, 74 [60-83] years; 113 053 [50.8%] men). The mean (SD) length of stay in the preintervention phase was 7.6 (7.1) days for intervention hospitals and 7.5 (7.4) days for control hospitals. During the preintervention phase, population-averaged length of stay decreased by -0.344 hr/mo (95% CI, -0.599 to -0.090 hr/mo) in control hospitals; however, no change in trend was observed among intervention hospitals (-0.034 hr/mo; 95% CI, -0.646 to 0.714 hr/mo; difference in slopes, P = .09). Over the intervention phase (February 2018 through January 2019), length of stay remained unchanged in control hospitals (slope, -0.011 hr/mo; 95% CI, -0.281 to 0.260 hr/mo; change in slope, P = .03), but decreased steadily among intervention hospitals by -0.879 hr/mo (95% CI, -1.607 to -0.150 hr/mo; change in slope, P = .04, difference in slopes, P = .03). Safety analyses showed no change in trends of hospital readmission, in-hospital mortality, or facility discharge over the whole study time.; In this nonrandomized controlled trial, the implementation of an electronic interprofessional-led discharge planning tool was associated with a decline in length of stay without an increase in hospital readmission, in-hospital mortality, or facility discharge.; isrctn.org Identifier: ISRCTN83274049