42 research outputs found

    How are they really doing? Animal welfare on organic laying hen farms in terms of health and behaviour

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    The present study describes the current welfare situation on commercial organic laying hen farms in Sweden in terms of indoor environment, bird health and behaviour.Organic laying hen farms (n = 11) in Sweden were visited for one day each. The farm visits were performed at the end of lay and involved farmer interviews, indoor environment assessments, behavioural observations and tests and clinical examinations in one flock per farm.In 95% of all human avoidance distance test trials performed, the hens distanced themselves from the observer before the test was completed. Median number of birds per flock approaching during a novel object test (n = 4 trials per flock) was 2 (0-9). These results may indicate a high level of fear of humans and general fearfulness among the hens.Plumage damage was especially prevalent and most severe on the breast and belly, tail and wings, with median prevalence of moderate-severe damage of 96% (84-100), 96% (72-100) and 98% (94-100), respectively. Median prevalence of keel bone deviations was 67% (32-84) with 3% fractures (0-8). Median prevalence of breast skin lesions was 57% (10-74). There was a significant positive association between breast skin lesions and keel bone deviations (P = 0.02) and foot pad hyperkeratosis (P < 0.001). Median prevalence of severe hyperkeratosis was 33% (8-96), with prevalence being significantly lower where litter depth was thicker (P = 0.003). More dust bathing events were observed in flocks where litter depth was thicker (P = 0.007).The present study contributes with updated knowledge of laying hen welfare on organic farms in Sweden. The results confirm the findings of previous on-farm studies, demonstrating that important issues, including keel bone damage and severe feather pecking, remain in need of attention to ensure the welfare of laying hens in future commercial egg production

    Easier said than done! Organic farmers consider free-ranging important for laying hen welfare but outdoor areas need more shelter - important gaps between research and practice

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    1. The aim of the present study was to investigate the design and management of free-range areas and their use by birds on commercial organic laying hen farms in Sweden and to document farmers' perspectives on outdoor access for poultry.2. Eleven Swedish organic laying hen farms were visited. The farmers were interviewed about general farm management, bird health and behaviour and outdoor access. The free-range areas were assessed in terms of proportion covered by protective (high) vegetation and any artificial shelters provided. The numbers of hens ranging at different distances from the house were recorded twice during the day.3. The outdoor area within 250m from the house contained 0-5% vegetation cover on six of the farms and at least 80% pasture on seven farms. On 10 farms, no more than 13% of the flock was observed outdoors. Of the hens observed in the free-range area, the median proportion ranging within 20m from the house or veranda per observation event was 99% (IQR=55-100%), confirming reports by the farmers.4. Free-range access was considered important by all farmers, primarily for welfare reasons and most agreed that protective vegetation cover and/or artificial shelters were important in encouraging free-ranging. However, there was marked variation among the farmers in their suggestions on how to attract hens outside

    Bird health, housing and management routines in Swedish organic broiler chicken farms.

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    Slower-growing broilers on organic farms have replaced fast-growing hybrids to increase bird welfare. Due to limited knowledge of broiler welfare and management on organic farms in Sweden, the study aim was to gather information regarding health, housing and management routines, in order to describe the current situation on these. Farm visits performed in 2018 included 8 out of 12 established organic farms, on which either Rowan Ranger or HubbardJA57/HubbardJA87 were reared. Chickens in the observed flocks were 55 ± 6 (44–62) days of age. Observations included farmer interviews, indoor environment assessments, clinical examinations and gait scoring. Clinical examinations revealed no severe remarks, however minor to moderate plumage dirtiness, food pad dermatitis and hock burns were found in 47%, 21% and 13% of the birds, respectively. Although no severe walking impairments were observed, minor to moderate gait abnormalities were seen in two-thirds of the birds. Gait in birds assessed outdoors was significantly better than in birds observed indoors. Body weight uniformity was low in all flocks. This study provides increased knowledge of certain chicken health and welfare aspects, housing and management on Swedish organic farms. Future research should further investigate important aspects related to bird welfare, such as the high mortality rates observed

    Single molecule analysis of combinatorial splicing

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    Alternative splicing creates diverse mRNA isoforms from single genes and thereby enhances complexity of transcript structure and of gene function. We describe a method called spliceotyping, which translates combinatorial mRNA splicing patterns along transcripts into a library of binary strings of nucleic acid tags that encode the exon composition of individual mRNA molecules. The exon inclusion pattern of each analyzed transcript is thus represented as binary data, and the abundance of different splice variants is registered by counts of individual molecules. The technique is illustrated in a model experiment by analyzing the splicing patterns of the adenovirus early 1A gene and the beta actin reference transcript. The method permits many genes to be analyzed in parallel and it will be valuable for elucidating the complex effects of combinatorial splicing

    Rapid Identification of Bio-Molecules Applied for Detection of Biosecurity Agents Using Rolling Circle Amplification

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    Detection and identification of pathogens in environmental samples for biosecurity applications are challenging due to the strict requirements on specificity, sensitivity and time. We have developed a concept for quick, specific and sensitive pathogen identification in environmental samples. Target identification is realized by padlock- and proximity probing, and reacted probes are amplified by RCA (rolling-circle amplification). The individual RCA products are labeled by fluorescence and enumerated by an instrument, developed for sensitive and rapid digital analysis. The concept is demonstrated by identification of simili biowarfare agents for bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pantoea agglomerans) and spores (Bacillus atrophaeus) released in field

    Readout Strategies for Biomolecular Analyses

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    This thesis describes three readout formats for molecular analyses. A common feature in all works is probing techniques that upon specific target recognition ideally results in equimolar amounts of DNA circles. These are then specifically amplified and detected using any of the techniques presented herein. The first paper presents a method that enables homogeneous digital detection and enumeration of biomolecules, represented as fluorescence-labelled DNA macromolecules. This method offers precise measurements to be performed with a wide linear dynamic range. As an application, two closely related bacterial species were selectively detected. The second paper further investigates and optimizes the properties of the technique presented in paper one. The third paper demonstrates a platform that enables simultaneous quantitative analysis of large numbers of biomolecules. The array format and decoding scheme together propose a digital strategy for decoding of biomolecules. The array and the decoding procedure were characterized and evaluated for gene copy-number measurements. The fourth paper examines a new strategy for non-optical measurements of biomolecules. Characteristics of this technique are investigated, and compared to its optical equivalent, fluorescence polarization

    Behaviour in Slower-Growing Broilers and Free-Range Access on Organic Farms in Sweden

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    Simple Summary:& nbsp;Outdoor access, environmental enrichment and more slower-growing hybrids are means to improve broiler welfare in organic production. Two slower-growing hybrids are currently reared on organic farms in Sweden, but knowledge of bird welfare is limited. Therefore this study surveyed chicken behaviour, including free-range use and features of this, on Swedish organic farms. The results showed that, even towards the end of their production cycle, the chickens were agile enough to ascend various objects for perching. The birds were highly motivated to do so and were provided with a variety of items for perching across farms, but the quantity appeared to be insufficient. On average, almost half of all birds observed on the floor, were in a sitting posture. Free-range areas generally lacked sufficient vegetation cover or artificial shelters, and chickens were mainly observed ranging close to the house. This is novel information on the behaviour and free-range use of two slower-growing hybrids on Swedish organic farms. Key improvements to the indoor environment (e.g., environmental enrichment) and outdoor environment (e.g., vegetation or artificial shelter) could increase broiler welfare. Further research should explore feasible ways for farmers to implement such measures. Two slower-growing hybrids (Rowan Ranger and Hubbard) are currently reared in organic broiler production in Sweden, but knowledge of bird welfare on commercial farms is limited. This study examined chicken behaviour, including free-range use and features of this, in order to enhance knowledge, describe the current situation and identify practical solutions on Swedish organic broiler farms. Eight of 12 available farms were visited once each, when average flock age was 55 & PLUSMN; 6 days. Farmer interviews were followed by avoidance distance tests, group behavioural observations, and assessment of use of environmental enrichment and free-range by the chickens. On average, almost half of all birds observed indoors were in a sitting posture. However, even when approaching slaughter age, the chickens were agile enough to perch and used some of the variety of items provided for perching, but the quantity of environmental enrichment equipment appeared to be insufficient. Free-range areas generally lacked sufficient vegetation cover or artificial shelters, and chickens were predominantly observed ranging near the house. Further research should explore feasible ways for farmers to make key improvements to the indoor and outdoor environment, in order to improve broiler welfare

    Med luppen pÄ omsorgen

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    I lĂ€roplanen för den svenska förskolan Lpfö98/2016 stĂ„r det att “Omsorg om det enskilda barnets vĂ€lbefinnande, trygghet, utveckling och lĂ€rande ska prĂ€gla arbetet i förskolan” (Skolverket 2016). I det hĂ€r examensarbetet har syftet varit att undersöka förskollĂ€rares berĂ€ttelser kring omsorg om barn i förskolan samt hur de dokumenterar omsorg i sitt syste- matiska kvalitetsarbete. VĂ„r uppfattning Ă€r att begreppet omsorg inte har en framtrĂ€dande roll i förskolans lĂ€roplan. I den hĂ€r studien utgĂ„r vi frĂ„n tre övergripande teman; hur förskollĂ€rare arbetar med omsorg i sin verksamhet, hur förskollĂ€rare dokumenterar omsorg i kvalitetsarbetet samt deras tillbakablickar och framĂ„tblickar kring omsorgsbegreppet. Genom dessa teman har vi velat ta reda pĂ„ hur förskollĂ€rare tolkar omsorgsbegreppet, samt hur de utifrĂ„n lĂ€roplanen arbetar med och dokumenterar omsorg i sin verksamhet. Vi intervjuade sex förskollĂ€rare som alla arbetade pĂ„ samma förskola. Metoden som anvĂ€ndes var kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dessa analyserade vi sedan utifrĂ„n innehĂ„llsanalys för att fĂ„ syn pĂ„ mönster, likheter och skillnader i respondenternas svar. VĂ„r teoretiska grund bygger pĂ„ Nel Noddings (2012a, 2012b, 2012c) teori om omsorgsetik. UtifrĂ„n studiens resultat har vi kunnat se att förskollĂ€rarna anser att trygghet Ă€r en stor del av omsorgen samt att den Ă€r en grundlĂ€ggande faktor för barnens vĂ€lbefinnande. Resultaten visar Ă€ven att förskollĂ€rarna inte anser sig dokumentera omsorgen utan den fĂ„r stĂ„ tillbaka för dokumentationen kring barnens lĂ€rande. PĂ„ grund av detta fĂ„r inte omsorgen och lĂ€randet likvĂ€rdig status och kan pĂ„ sĂ„ vis inte verka pĂ„ samma villkor. Flera av förskollĂ€rarna talar om negativa faktorer som stora barngrupper och tidsbrist som skeenden som delvis pĂ„verkar deras arbete med omsorg. De tycker dĂ€remot att en revidering av lĂ€roplanen och ett förtydligande av omsorgsbegreppet Ă€r nĂ„got bra och nödvĂ€ndigt. Nyckelord: Dokumentation, fostran, förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt, förskollĂ€rare, lĂ€rande, omsorg, om-sorgseti

    Mötet med en patient i ett palliativt skede - sjuksköterskans erfarenheter frÄn den allmÀnna vÄrdavdelningen

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    Bakgrund År 2010 avled 90 000 personer i Sverige. Cirka 80 procent bedöms ha varit i behov av palliativ vĂ„rd. En allmĂ€n palliativ vĂ„rd, dvs vĂ„rd som kan ges av personal med grundlĂ€ggande kunskap och kompetens inom palliativ vĂ„rd, ska kunna bedrivas pĂ„ alla vĂ„rdenheter oavsett om patienten befinner sig pĂ„ en akutvĂ„rdsavdelning eller pĂ„ ett kommunalt boende. PĂ„ en allmĂ€n vĂ„rdavdelning Ă€r för det mesta vĂ„rden fokuserad pĂ„ att bota och att ta beslut om att vĂ„rden övergĂ„r till att vara palliativ Ă€r ofta komplext. Syfte Att belysa sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att möta patienter som befinner sig i ett palliativt skede pĂ„ en allmĂ€n vĂ„rdavdelning. Metod En systematisk litteraturstudie med 13 artiklar, varav tre med kvantitativ ansats och tio med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes. Dessa analyserades med en kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Resultat Fyra kategorier identifierades. Dessa var sjuksköterskans profession, teamet, mötet med den döende patienten samt kompetens. UtifrĂ„n dessa kategorier skapades elva underkategorier. Slutsats Att vĂ„rda patienter som befinner sig i ett palliativt skede kan vara givande men ocksĂ„ en svĂ„r uppgift för sjuksköterskan. TillgĂ€ngliga resurser Ă€r mycket bristfĂ€lliga, men sjuksköterskan strĂ€var efter att ge bĂ€sta möjliga vĂ„rd efter de förutsĂ€ttningar hon har