185 research outputs found

    Low-momentum effective interaction in the three-dimensional approach

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    The formulation of the low-momentum effective interaction in the model space Lee-Suzuki and the renormalization group methods is implemented in the three-dimensional approach. In this approach the low-momentum effective interaction V_{low k} has been formulated as a function of the magnitude of momentum vectors and the angle between them. As an application the spin-isospin independent Malfliet-Tjon potential has been used into the model space Lee-Suzuki method and it has been shown that the low-momentum effective interaction V_{low k} reproduces the same two-body observables obtained by the bare potential V_{NN}.Comment: 15 pages, 5 eps figure

    Wide and ultra-wide bandgap oxides : where paradigm-shift photovoltaics meets transparent power electronics

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    Oxides represent the largest family of wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors and also offer a huge potential range of complementary magnetic and electronic properties, such as ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity, antiferroelectricity and high-temperature superconductivity. Here, we review our integration of WBG and ultra WBG semiconductor oxides into different solar cells architectures where they have the role of transparent conductive electrodes and/or barriers bringing unique functionalities into the structure such above bandgap voltages or switchable interfaces. We also give an overview of the state-of-the-art and perspectives for the emerging semiconductor β- GaO, which is widely forecast to herald the next generation of power electronic converters because of the combination of an UWBG with the capacity to conduct electricity. This opens unprecedented possibilities for the monolithic integration in solar cells of both self-powered logic and power electronics functionalities. Therefore, WBG and UWBG oxides have enormous promise to become key enabling technologies for the zero emissions smart integration of the internet of things

    Coherent QCD phenomena in the Coherent Pion-Nucleon and Pion-Nucleus Production of Two Jets at High Relative Momenta

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    We use QCD to compute the cross section for coherent production of a di-jet (treated as a qqˉq\bar q moving at high relative transverse momentum,κt\kappa_t ). In the target rest frame,the space-time evolution of this reaction is dominated by the process in which the high κt\kappa_t qqˉq\bar q component of the pion wave function is formed before reaching the target. It then interacts through two gluon exchange. In the approximation of keeping the leading order in powers of αs\alpha_s and all orders in αsln(κt2/k02),\alpha_{s}\ln(\kappa_{t}^2/k_{0}^2), the amplitudes for other processes are shown to be smaller at least by a power of αs\alpha_{s}. The resulting dominant amplitude is proportional to z(1z)κt4z(1-z) \kappa_t^{-4} (zz is the fraction light-cone(+)momentum carried by the quark in the final state) times the skewed gluon distribution of the target. For the pion scattering by a nuclear target, this means that at fixed xN=2κt2/sx_{N}= 2\kappa_{t}^2/s (but κt2\kappa_{t}^2\to \infty) the nuclear process in which there is only a single interaction is the most important one to contribute to the reaction. Thus in this limit color transparency phenomena should occur.These findings are in accord with E971 experiment at FNAL. We also re-examine a potentially important nuclear multiple scattering correction which is positive and A1/3/κt4\propto A^{1/3}/\kappa_t^4. The meaning of the signal obtained from the experimental measurement of pion diffraction into two jets is also critically examined and significant corrections are identified.We show also that for values of κt\kappa_t achieved at fixed target energies, di-jet production by the e.m. field of the nucleus leads to an insignificant correction which gets more important as κt\kappa_t increases.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Heteroepitaxial Beta-Ga2O3 on 4H-SiC for an FET With Reduced Self Heating

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    A method to improve thermal management of β-Ga 2 O 3 FETs is demonstrated here via simulation of epitaxial growth on a 4H-SiC substrate. Using a recently published device as a model, the reduction achieved in self-heating allows the device to be driven at higher gate voltages and increases the overall performance. For the same operating parameters an 18% increase in peak drain current and 15% reduction in lattice temperature are observed. Device dimensions may be substantially reduced without detriment to performance and normally off operation may be achieved

    A jump-growth model for predator-prey dynamics: derivation and application to marine ecosystems

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    This paper investigates the dynamics of biomass in a marine ecosystem. A stochastic process is defined in which organisms undergo jumps in body size as they catch and eat smaller organisms. Using a systematic expansion of the master equation, we derive a deterministic equation for the macroscopic dynamics, which we call the deterministic jump-growth equation, and a linear Fokker-Planck equation for the stochastic fluctuations. The McKendrick--von Foerster equation, used in previous studies, is shown to be a first-order approximation, appropriate in equilibrium systems where predators are much larger than their prey. The model has a power-law steady state consistent with the approximate constancy of mass density in logarithmic intervals of body mass often observed in marine ecosystems. The behaviours of the stochastic process, the deterministic jump-growth equation and the McKendrick--von Foerster equation are compared using numerical methods. The numerical analysis shows two classes of attractors: steady states and travelling waves.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures. Final version as published. Only minor change

    Color Transparency versus Quantum Coherence in Electroproduction of Vector Mesons off Nuclei

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    So far no theoretical tool for the comprehensive description of exclusive electroproduction of vector mesons off nuclei at medium energies has been developed. We suggest a light-cone QCD formalism which is valid at any energy and incorporates formation effects (color transparency), the coherence length and the gluon shadowing. At medium energies color transparency (CT) and the onset of coherence length (CL) effects are not easily separated. Indeed, although nuclear transparency measured by the HERMES experiment rises with Q^2, it agrees with predictions of the vector dominance model (VDM) without any CT effects. Our new results and observations are: (i) the good agreement with the VDM found earlier is accidental and related to the specific correlation between Q^2 and CL for HERMES kinematics; (ii) CT effects are much larger than have been estimated earlier within the two channel approximation. They are even stronger at low than at high energies and can be easily identified by HERMES or at JLab; (iii) gluon shadowing which is important at high energies is calculated and included; (iv) our parameter-free calculations explain well available data for variation of nuclear transparency with virtuality and energy of the photon; (v) predictions for electroproduction of \rho and \phi are provided for future measurements at HERMES and JLab.Comment: Latex 57 pages and 17 figure

    Investigation of the high momentum component of nuclear wave function using hard quasielastic A(p,2p)X reactions

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    We present theoretical analysis of the first data on the high energy and momentum transfer (hard) quasielastic C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reactions. The cross section of hard A(p,2p)XA(p,2p)X reaction is calculated within the light-cone impulse approximation based on two-nucleon correlation model for the high-momentum component of the nuclear wave function. The nuclear effects due to modification of the bound nucleon structure, soft nucleon-nucleon reinteraction in the initial and final states of the reaction with and without color coherence have been considered. The calculations including these nuclear effects show that the distribution of the bound proton light-cone momentum fraction (α)(\alpha) shifts towards small values (α<1\alpha < 1), effect which was previously derived only within plane wave impulse approximation. This shift is very sensitive to the strength of the short range correlations in nuclei. Also calculated is an excess of the total longitudinal momentum of outgoing protons. The calculations are compared with data on the C(p,2p)XC(p,2p)X reaction obtained from the EVA/AGS experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These data show α\alpha-shift in agreement with the calculations. The comparison allows also to single out the contribution from short-range nucleon correlations. The obtained strength of the correlations is in agreement with the values previously obtained from electroproduction reactions on nuclei.Comment: 30 pages LaTex file and 19 eps figure

    The Role of Color Neutrality in Nuclear Physics--Modifications of Nucleonic Wave Functions

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    The influence of the nuclear medium upon the internal structure of a composite nucleon is examined. The interaction with the medium is assumed to depend on the relative distances between the quarks in the nucleon consistent with the notion of color neutrality, and to be proportional to the nucleon density. In the resulting description the nucleon in matter is a superposition of the ground state (free nucleon) and radial excitations. The effects of the nuclear medium on the electromagnetic and weak nucleon form factors, and the nucleon structure function are computed using a light-front constituent quark model. Further experimental consequences are examined by considering the electromagnetic nuclear response functions. The effects of color neutrality supply small but significant corrections to predictions of observables.Comment: 37 pages, postscript figures available on request to [email protected]

    Nuclear transparency from quasielastic A(e,e'p) reactions uo to Q^2=8.1 (GeV/c)^2

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    The quasielastic (e,e^\primep) reaction was studied on targets of deuterium, carbon, and iron up to a value of momentum transfer Q2Q^2 of 8.1 (GeV/c)2^2. A nuclear transparency was determined by comparing the data to calculations in the Plane-Wave Impulse Approximation. The dependence of the nuclear transparency on Q2Q^2 and the mass number AA was investigated in a search for the onset of the Color Transparency phenomenon. We find no evidence for the onset of Color Transparency within our range of Q2Q^2. A fit to the world's nuclear transparency data reflects the energy dependence of the free proton-nucleon cross section.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure