17 research outputs found

    Induction of the Endoplasmic-Reticulum-Stress Response: MicroRNA-34a Targeting of the IRE1α-Branch

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    Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are characterized by the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the unfolded protein response (UPR). Modulating the UPR is one of the major challenges to counteract the development of neurodegenerative disorders and other diseases with affected UPR. Here, we show that miR-34a-5p directly targets the IRE1α branch of the UPR, including the genes BIP, IRE1α, and XBP1. Upon induction of ER stress in neuronal cells, miR-34a-5p overexpression impacts the resulting UPR via a significant reduction in IRE1α and XBP1s that in turn leads to decreased viability, increased cytotoxicity and caspase activity. The possibility to modify the UPR signaling pathway by a single miRNA that targets central genes of the IRE1α branch offers new perspectives for future therapeutic approaches against neurodegeneration

    Modulation of intracellular calcium signaling by microRNA-34a-5p

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    Adjusting intracellular calcium signaling is an important feature in the regulation of immune cell function and survival. Here we show that miR-34a-5p, a small non-coding RNA that is deregulated in many common diseases, is a regulator of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) and calcineurin signaling. Upon miR-34a-5p overexpression, we observed both a decreased depletion of ER calcium content and a decreased Ca2+ influx through Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels. Based on an in silico target prediction we identified multiple miR-34a-5p target genes within both pathways that are implicated in the balance between T-cell activation and apoptosis including ITPR2, CAMLG, STIM1, ORAI3, RCAN1, PPP3R1, and NFATC4. Functional analysis revealed a decrease in Ca2+ activated calcineurin pathway activity measured by a reduced IL-2 secretion due to miR-34a-5p overexpression. Impacting SOCE and/or downstream calcineurin/NFAT signaling by miR-34a-5p offers a possible future approach to manipulate immune cells for clinical interventions

    Rational design and experimental evaluation of peptide ligands for the purification of adeno-associated viruses via affinity chromatography

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    Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) have acquired a central role in modern medicine as delivery agents for gene therapies targeting rare diseases. While new AAVs with improved tissue targeting, potency, and safety are being introduced, their biomanufacturing technology is lagging. In particular, the AAV purification pipeline hinges on protein ligands for the affinity-based capture step. While featuring excellent AAV binding capacity and selectivity, these ligands require strong acid (pH <3) elution conditions, which can compromise the product's activity and stability. Additionally, their high cost and limited lifetime has a significant impact on the price tag of AAV-based therapies. Seeking to introduce a more robust and affordable affinity technology, this study introduces a cohort of peptide ligands that (i) mimic the biorecognition activity of the AAV receptor (AAVR) and anti-AAV antibody A20, (ii) enable product elution under near-physiological conditions (pH 6.0), and (iii) grant extended reusability by withstanding multiple regenerations. A20-mimetic CYIHFSGYTNYNPSLKSC and AAVR-mimetic CVIDGSQSTDDDKIC demonstrated excellent capture of serotypes belonging to distinct clones/clades – namely, AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, and AAV9. This corroborates the in silico models documenting their ability to target regions of the viral capsid that are conserved across all serotypes. CVIDGSQSTDDDKIC-Toyopearl resin features binding capacity (≈1014 vp mL−1) and product yields (≈60%–80%) on par with commercial adsorbents, and purifies AAV2 from HEK293 and Sf9 cell lysates with high recovery (up to 78%), reduction of host cell proteins (up to 700-fold), and high transduction activity (up to 65%)

    Changes of Protein Expression after CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout of miRNA-142 in Cell Lines Derived from Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Background: As microRNA-142 (miR-142) is the only human microRNA gene where mutations have consistently been found in about 20% of all cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), we wanted to determine the impact of miR-142 inactivation on protein expression of DLBCL cell lines. Methods: miR-142 was deleted by CRISPR/Cas9 knockout in cell lines from DLBCL. Results: By proteome analyses, miR-142 knockout resulted in a consistent up-regulation of 52 but also down-regulation of 41 proteins in GC-DLBCL lines BJAB and SUDHL4. Various mitochondrial ribosomal proteins were up-regulated in line with their pro-tumorigenic properties, while proteins necessary for MHC-I presentation were down-regulated in accordance with the finding that miR-142 knockout mice have a defective immune response. CFL2, CLIC4, STAU1, and TWF1 are known targets of miR-142, and we could additionally confirm AKT1S1, CCNB1, LIMA1, and TFRC as new targets of miR-142-3p or -5p. Conclusions: Seed-sequence mutants of miR-142 confirmed potential targets and novel targets of miRNAs can be identified in miRNA knockout cell lines. Due to the complex contribution of miRNAs within cellular regulatory networks, in particular when miRNAs highly present in RISC complexes are replaced by other miRNAs, primary effects on gene expression may be covered by secondary layers of regulation

    Widespread activation of antisense transcription of the host genome during herpes simplex virus 1 infection

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    Background: Herpesviruses can infect a wide range of animal species. Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is one of the eight herpesviruses that can infect humans and is prevalent worldwide. Herpesviruses have evolved multiple ways to adapt the infected cells to their needs, but knowledge about these transcriptional and post-transcriptional modifications is sparse. Results: Here, we show that HSV-1 induces the expression of about 1000 antisense transcripts from the human host cell genome. A subset of these is also activated by the closely related varicella zoster virus. Antisense transcripts originate either at gene promoters or within the gene body, and they show different susceptibility to the inhibition of early and immediate early viral gene expression. Overexpression of the major viral transcription factor ICP4 is sufficient to turn on a subset of antisense transcripts. Histone marks around transcription start sites of HSV-1-induced and constitutively transcribed antisense transcripts are highly similar, indicating that the genetic loci are already poised to transcribe these novel RNAs. Furthermore, an antisense transcript overlapping with the BBC3 gene (also known as PUMA) transcriptionally silences this potent inducer of apoptosis in cis. Conclusions: We show for the first time that a virus induces widespread antisense transcription of the host cell genome. We provide evidence that HSV-1 uses this to downregulate a strong inducer of apoptosis. Our findings open new perspectives on global and specific alterations of host cell transcription by viruses

    Integrative functional genomics decodes herpes simplex virus 1

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    Funder: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100005156Abstract: The predicted 80 open reading frames (ORFs) of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) have been intensively studied for decades. Here, we unravel the complete viral transcriptome and translatome during lytic infection with base-pair resolution by computational integration of multi-omics data. We identify a total of 201 transcripts and 284 ORFs including all known and 46 novel large ORFs. This includes a so far unknown ORF in the locus deleted in the FDA-approved oncolytic virus Imlygic. Multiple transcript isoforms expressed from individual gene loci explain translation of the vast majority of ORFs as well as N-terminal extensions (NTEs) and truncations. We show that NTEs with non-canonical start codons govern the subcellular protein localization and packaging of key viral regulators and structural proteins. We extend the current nomenclature to include all viral gene products and provide a genome browser that visualizes all the obtained data from whole genome to single-nucleotide resolution

    miRNA expression profiling of Epstein-Barr virus-associated NKTL cell lines by Illumina deep sequencing

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    The aim of this work was to establish the microRNA profile of SNK6 and SNT16, two Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected cell lines derived from nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma (NKTL). The oncogenic EBV is strongly associated with the pathogenesis of nasal and extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma and expresses 44 mature microRNAs and two noncoding EBV-encoded RNAs (EBERs). miRNAs are 19-25nt noncoding RNAs that affect host and viral gene expression post-transcriptionally. Deregulated miRNA patterns are frequently linked to a variety of human cancers including lymphomas. miRNA profiling of the two NK/T cell lines vs. primary cells revealed 10 and 4 up-regulated and 10 and 12 down-regulated miRNAs in SNK6 and SNT16 cells respectively. The results were validated by qRT-PCR for selected miRNAs. Target gene analyses confirmed cullin 5 (CUL5) and sphingosin-1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) as targets for the down-regulated hsa-miR-148a and viral ebv-miR-BART16 respectively. As recently demonstrated for the regulation of IL1-alpha by miR-142-3p, coexpression of the EBERs selectively exerted corepression of S1PR1 by BART16 but not of CUL5 by miR-148a, indicating selective corepression by the EBERs

    Epstein-Barr Virus Infection of Cell Lines Derived from Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphomas Alters MicroRNA Loading of the Ago2 Complex

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive lymphoid tumor which is occasionally Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive and is further subtyped as activated B-cell (ABC) and germinal center B-cell (GCB) DLBCL, which has implications for prognosis and treatment. We performed Ago2-RNA immunoprecipitation followed by high throughput RNA sequencing (Ago2-RIP-Seq) to capture functionally active miRNAs in EBV-negative ABC-DLBCL and GC-DLBCL cell lines and their EBV-infected counterparts. In parallel, total miRNomes of these cells were sequenced to capture the cellular miRNA profile for comparison with the functionally active profile. Selected miRNAs with differential abundance were validated using RT-qPCR and Northern Blot. We found 6 miRNAs with differential abundance (2 upregulated and 4 downregulated miRNAs) between EBV-neg. and pos. ABC-DLBCL, and 12 miRNAs with differential abundance (3 upregulated and 9 downregulated miRNAs) between EBV-neg and -pos GC-DLBCL. Eight and twelve miRNAs were confirmed using RT-qPCR in ABC-DLBCL and GC-DLBCL, respectively. Selected miRNs were analyzed in additional type I/II vs. type III EBV latency DLBCL cell lines. Furthermore, up regulation of miR-221-3p and down regulation of let-7c-5p in ABC-DLBCL and up regulation of miR-363-3p and down regulation of 423-5p in GC-DLBCL was verified using RIP-Northern blot. Our comprehensive sequence analysis of the DLBCL miRNomes identified sets of deregulated miRNAs in the Ago2-RIP-seq. Our Ago2-IP-seq miRNomes profile could be considered as an important data set for detection of deregulated functionally active miRNAs in DLBCL and could possibly lead to identification of miRNAs as biomarkers for classification of DLBCL or even as targets for personalized targeted treatment