5,728 research outputs found

    Behavior Problems in Toddlers With and Without Developmental Delays: Comparison of Treatment Outcomes

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of an in-home parent management program for toddlers with behavior problems and developmental delays by comparing outcomes for a group of toddlers with developmental delays (n = 27) and a group of toddlers without developmental delays (n = 27). The majority of children lived in single parent, low-income homes. Results suggest that the parent management program is equally effective for children with and without developmental delays. Parents from both groups reported clinically significant improvement in their children\u27s behavior and parenting practices. Clinical implications regarding the importance of these findings for improving outcomes for toddlers with behavior problems and developmental delays living in poverty were discussed

    Linear Self-Motion Cues Support the Spatial Distribution and Stability of Hippocampal Place Cells

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    The vestibular system provides a crucial component of place-cell and head-direction cell activity [1-7]. Otolith signals are necessary for head-direction signal stability and associated behavior [8, 9], and the head-direction signal's contribution to parahippocampal spatial representations [10-14] suggests that place cells may also require otolithic information. Here, we demonstrate that self-movement information from the otolith organs is necessary for the development of stable place fields within and across sessions. Place cells in otoconia-deficient tilted mice showed reduced spatial coherence and formed place fields that were located closer to environmental boundaries, relative to those of control mice. These differences reveal an important otolithic contribution to place-cell functioning and provide insight into the cognitive deficits associated with otolith dysfunction

    Acute Liver Failure Secondary to Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis during Pregnancy.

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    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a syndrome of excessive immune activation that mimics and occurs with other systemic diseases. A 35-year-old female presented with signs of viral illness at 13 weeks of pregnancy and progressed to acute liver failure (ALF). We discuss the diagnosis of HLH and Kikuchi-Fujimoto (KF) lymphadenitis in the context of pregnancy and ALF. HLH may respond to comorbid disease-specific therapy, and more toxic treatment can be avoided

    Vascular Dysfunction and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Examining the Role of Oxidative Stress and Sympathetic Activity

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    Purpose: The physiological manifestations of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been associated with an increase in risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) independent of negative lifestyle factors. The goal of the study was to better elucidate the mechanisms behind the increased CVD risk by examining peripheral vascular function, a precursor to CVD. Moreover, this study sought to determine the role of oxidative stress and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity in PTSD-induced vascular dysfunction. Methods: Sixteen individuals with PTSD (10 women, 6 men; age 24 ± 4 years), and twenty-four healthy controls (CTRL; 15 women, 9 men, 24 ± 4 years), participated in the study. The PTSD group participated in two visits, consuming either a placebo or antioxidant cocktail (AO - vitamins C and E and alpha lipoic acid) prior to their visits, in a randomized order. Arm vascular function was assessed via the reactive hyperemia- induced flow mediated dilation of the brachial artery (BAFMD) technique and evaluated with Doppler ultrasonography. Brachial artery and arm microvascular function were determined by percent change of diameter from baseline normalized for BA shear rate (BAD/Shear), and blood flow area under the curve (BF AUC), respectively. Heart rate variability (HRV) was used to assess autonomic nervous system activity. Results: BF AUC was significantly lower (p = 0.02) and SNS activity was significantly higher (p = 0.02) in the PTSD group when compared to the CTRL group. BAD/Shear was not different between groups. Following the acute AO supplementation, BF AUC was augmented to which it was no longer significantly different (p = 0.16) when compared to the CTRL group. SNS activity within the PTSD group was significantly reduced (p=.007) following the AO supplementation when compared to the PL condition, and the difference between PTSD and CTRL was no longer significant (p=.41). Conclusion: Young individuals with PTSD demonstrated lower arm microvascular, but not brachial artery, function as well as higher sympathetic activity when compared to healthy controls matched for age, sex, and physical activity level. Furthermore, this microvascular dysfunction and SNS activity was attenuated by an acute AO supplementation to the level of the healthy controls. Taken together, this study revealed that the modulation of oxidative stress, via an acute AO supplementation, improved vascular dysfunction in individuals with PTSD, potentially by reducing the substantial SNS activity associated with this disorder.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1084/thumbnail.jp

    One-sided smoothness-increasing accuracy-conserving filtering for enhanced streamline integration through discontinuous fields

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    The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method continues to maintain heightened levels of interest within the simulation community because of the discretization flexibility it provides. One of the fundamental properties of the DG methodology and arguably its most powerful property is the ability to combine high-order discretizations on an inter-element level while allowing discontinuities between elements. This flexibility, however, generates a plethora of difficulties when one attempts to use DG fields for feature extraction and visualization, as most post-processing schemes are not designed for handling explicitly discontinuous fields. This work introduces a new method of applying smoothness-increasing, accuracy-conserving filtering on discontinuous Galerkin vector fields for the purpose of enhancing streamline integration. The filtering discussed in this paper enhances the smoothness of the field and eliminates the discontinuity between elements, thus resulting in more accurate streamlines. Furthermore, as a means of minimizing the computational cost of the method, the filtering is done in a one-dimensional manner along the streamline.United States. Army Research Office (Grant no. W911NF-05-1-0395)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Career Award NSF-CCF0347791

    Multi-dimensional filtering: Reducing the dimension through rotation

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    Over the past few decades there has been a strong effort towards the development of Smoothness-Increasing Accuracy-Conserving (SIAC) filters for Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, designed to increase the smoothness and improve the convergence rate of the DG solution through this post-processor. These advantages can be exploited during flow visualization, for example by applying the SIAC filter to the DG data before streamline computations [Steffan et al., IEEE-TVCG 14(3): 680-692]. However, introducing these filters in engineering applications can be challenging since a tensor product filter grows in support size as the field dimension increases, becoming computationally expensive. As an alternative, [Walfisch et al., JOMP 38(2);164-184] proposed a univariate filter implemented along the streamline curves. Until now, this technique remained a numerical experiment. In this paper we introduce the line SIAC filter and explore how the orientation, structure and filter size affect the order of accuracy and global errors. We present theoretical error estimates showing how line filtering preserves the properties of traditional tensor product filtering, including smoothness and improvement in the convergence rate. Furthermore, numerical experiments are included, exhibiting how these filters achieve the same accuracy at significantly lower computational costs, becoming an attractive tool for the scientific visualization community

    Modeling Oxygen Uptake during V1 Treadmill Roller Skiing

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    The use of regression equations to predict oxygen uptake in relation to speed, grade, power output, and anthropometric characteristics is common in cardiac rehabilitation and athlete fitness testing. Research has suggested that sport specific testing improves the reliability of the test methodology and is appropriate for the development of effective training programs. This study focused on the development of a cross-country skiing specific predictor of maximal oxygen uptake based on treadmill speed, treadmill grade, gender, and body mass. This project simulated snow skiing on a large research treadmill using roller skis. A small sample size (N = 34) warranted the use of bootstrapping techniques and multiple regression analysis to develop a cross-country skiing specific model of oxygen uptake. The stability of each bootstrapped sample was confirmed via a cross-validation procedure. The equation of best resolve was: VO2 = -4.534 + 0.223(G) + 0.061(BM) + 0.139(TG) + 0.016(TS) in which G = Gender, BM = Body Mass, TG = Treadmill Grade, TS = Treadmill Speed. The resultant model can be used to design training programs, develop athlete fitness testing or research protocols, and to predict maximal oxygen uptake when sophisticated metabolic measurement equipment is unavailable
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