1,075 research outputs found

    Counselors\u27 Social Class and Socioeconomic Status Understanding and Awareness

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    Nine licensed professional counselors participated in semi-structured interviews designed to reveal their awareness and understanding about social class and socioeconomic status (SES). Findings suggest that participants\u27 descriptions of social class and SES often are in-congruent with how they use the terms, and their awareness and understanding may be limited because of developmental factors, indicating potential clinical liabilities. The authors suggest that counselors should develop stronger social class consciousness to provide affirming counseling services and that further research on such strategies is needed


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    This qualitative study explores the experiences of women administrators in high‐ poverty community schools, investigating four women’s perspectives on work demands and the impact on their families. Their work demands are related to the characteristics of impoverished communities, whereas their work resources are based on intrinsic rewards and social justice. Family demands and resources are related to the developmental stages of families, and therefore vary among the women inter‐ viewed. The research identifies the boundary‐spanning demands between work and home, and the resources and strategies used by these educational leaders to manage the challenges of working in high‐poverty community schools. Key words: school leadership, urban education, principals, inner‐city schools Cette Ă©tude qualitative porte sur les expĂ©riences de directrices d’école dans des milieux dĂ©favorisĂ©s. L’auteure analyse le point de vue de quatre femmes sur les exigences de leur travail et l’impact sur leurs familles. Les exigences de leur travail sont reliĂ©es aux caractĂ©ristiques des milieux pauvres tandis que leurs ressources professionnelles se fondent sur des rĂ©compenses intrinsĂšques et la justice sociale. Les exigences et les ressources en matiĂšre familiale sont liĂ©es au stade de dĂ©veloppement des familles et varient donc d’une rĂ©pondante Ă  l’autre. La recherche identifie les exigences quant Ă  l’interpĂ©nĂ©tration des frontiĂšres entre le travail et la maison ainsi que toutes les ressources et stratĂ©gies utilisĂ©es par ces cadres en vue de faire face aux dĂ©fis de travailler au sein d’écoles implantĂ©es dans des milieux dĂ©favorisĂ©s. Mots clĂ©s : direction d’école, Ă©cole urbaine, directeurs d’école, Ă©coles dans des milieux dĂ©favorisĂ©s

    Charitable Giving: Motivations, Deterrents & Consequences

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    Charitable giving has been suggested to be beneficial to everyone involved in the activity. This study has shown charitable giving can be costly to involved participants. Motives, deterrents and outcomes of charitable giving will be discussed in this paper. Implications for future practice and study will also be discussed


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    This qualitative study explores the experiences of women administrators in high‐ poverty community schools, investigating four women’s perspectives on work demands and the impact on their families. Their work demands are related to the characteristics of impoverished communities, whereas their work resources are based on intrinsic rewards and social justice. Family demands and resources are related to the developmental stages of families, and therefore vary among the women inter‐ viewed. The research identifies the boundary‐spanning demands between work and home, and the resources and strategies used by these educational leaders to manage the challenges of working in high‐poverty community schools. Key words: school leadership, urban education, principals, inner‐city schools Cette Ă©tude qualitative porte sur les expĂ©riences de directrices d’école dans des milieux dĂ©favorisĂ©s. L’auteure analyse le point de vue de quatre femmes sur les exigences de leur travail et l’impact sur leurs familles. Les exigences de leur travail sont reliĂ©es aux caractĂ©ristiques des milieux pauvres tandis que leurs ressources professionnelles se fondent sur des rĂ©compenses intrinsĂšques et la justice sociale. Les exigences et les ressources en matiĂšre familiale sont liĂ©es au stade de dĂ©veloppement des familles et varient donc d’une rĂ©pondante Ă  l’autre. La recherche identifie les exigences quant Ă  l’interpĂ©nĂ©tration des frontiĂšres entre le travail et la maison ainsi que toutes les ressources et stratĂ©gies utilisĂ©es par ces cadres en vue de faire face aux dĂ©fis de travailler au sein d’écoles implantĂ©es dans des milieux dĂ©favorisĂ©s. Mots clĂ©s : direction d’école, Ă©cole urbaine, directeurs d’école, Ă©coles dans des milieux dĂ©favorisĂ©s

    The Hobby Farm

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    On the family farm, the romance of farming and emotional ties to the land are in opposition to economic forces that arise from the inherent vulnerability and inefficiency of small scale operations in a market dominated by agribusiness. Some small farmers, however, have developed strategies to keep their farms in business. This paper focuses on how two of these strategies, capitalization on the popular vision of the small farmer and the dual career, combine to affect the fate of farms that can no longer entirely support themselves. These farms tend to evolve into “hobby farms” as they call themselves, marginally commercial farms that have a cheery recreational outward appearance. Most family farms provide a minority of the income of the families that operate them. They are stabilized and sometimes subsidized by their owners’ off-farm occupations. At the same time, the need for farmers to be creative in the production of their work has caused them to seek out niche markets where the small size of their farms is an advantage. In the presence of sufficient off-farm income, they frequently remain as farms retaining their title and acreage but with only minimal output. The small remaining animal herds are often characterized as pets for the family to play with

    Alzheimer's disease research: past approaches and future directions

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    Background: Three decades after the amyloid cascade hypothesis was first proposed, research into discovery of effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease has not yet produced any disease-modifying treatments.  Aims: This review outlines the progress made by dementia research thus far, and provides a brief overview of the therapeutic approaches resulting from the amyloid cascade hypothesis. It then describes the shift in research focus to the early stages of the condition, the challenges it presents and potential consequences for care.  Methods: A literature overview was undertaken by reviewing research papers, published protocols and policy guidelines.  Findings: Past research has failed to produce effective treatments for dementia, yet the causes of this failure remain debated. Discovery of affordable, early biomarkers has emerged as a key target of investigation as the focus has shifted from treatment to prevention of the condition.  Conclusions: Failures in identifying effective treatments for dementia have highlighted the importance of earlyidentification and intervention in patients as a way to prevent neurodegeneration and progression to dementia. Discovery of biomarkers is a key focus of current research. In the future, regular screening for dementia may be recommended for all older people in an effort to assess individual risk. Care may reflect a combination of early pharmacological interventions and lifestyle modification programmesbased on risk

    Chronic Shoulder Pain in Manual Wheelchair (MWC) Users with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): The Lived Experience

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    Background: Existing research on the lived experience of those with spinal cord injury (SCI) resulting in paraplegia who use a manual wheelchair and experience shoulder pain is extremely limited. This research aimed to begin the process of understanding the lived experience of this population and to describe how chronic shoulder pain impacts occupational engagement and quality of life. Method: A phenomenological approach using a constant comparative method was used to analyze data and to construct and redefine themes throughout the research process. The qualitative data obtained from two semi-structured interviews with the four study participants is presented below. Results: Five overarching themes emerged. The themes of putting on the brakes, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors, hope, and resilience emerged among the participants to describe their lived experience of shoulder pain as a manual wheelchair user with SCI. Conclusion: The themes presented increased the understanding of the lived experience of shoulder pain in this population. Though the experience was unique to each participant, many similarities emerged from the themes, such as the benefit of having a strong support network including others wheelchair users with SCI and demonstrating a resilient spirit

    Advancing the Rights of Children and Adolescents to Be Altruistic: Bone Marrow Donation by Minors

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    This article examines the standards used for answering the question of whether minors should be allowed to donate bone marrow. Part II introduces the legal background and the standards currently used by courts. Part III explores the unsatisfactory nature of these standards. Part IV presents an empirical study that is intended to provide some help in understanding what might be a useful and respectful standard. Part V concludes the article with a discussion of two alternative revised standards grounded in the doctrines of substituted judgment and the best interests of the child
