669 research outputs found

    Is Performance Variability Necessary? A Qualitative Study on Cognitive Resilience in Forestry Work

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    In forestry work, conditions exist and develop that are complex, unpredictable, and highly consequential and therefore cannot be handled entirely by following static work procedures. Cognitive adjustments are necessary. The objective of this research was to determine whether performance (cognitive) variability is actually necessary to safely fell trees in the coastal region of British Columbia, Canada. In this paper two perspectives were contrasted: the traditional view of safety and the resilience perspective. A collection of empirical evidence established that while safe work procedures provide a good foundation, it is individual performance variability shaped by experience and ‘‘know-how’’ that guides the application of technical skills in such a complex, dynamic, high-risk environment


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    Este artículo propone una arquitectura para la recomendación de objetos de aprendizaje en el área de Educación Ambiental utilizando el estándar LOM con el fin de representar recursos educativos en dicha área. La información necesaria para el proceso de recomendación será obtenida mediante la tecnología de datos enlazados en asocio con ontologías para recuperar los recursos desde repositorios de Objetos de Aprendizaje existentes en la Web. Paralelamente este sistema de recomendación hace uso de técnicas de filtrado basado en contenidos y colaborativos que favorece la selección de los objetos de acuerdo a los requerimientos del usuario dando como respuesta el material más adecuado al perfil del usuari

    Effect of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Humanistic and Interpersonal Training vs Internet-Based General Health Education on Adolescent Depression in Primary Care A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance Although 13% to 20% of American adolescents experience a depressive episode annually, no scalable primary care model for adolescent depression prevention is currently available. Objective To study whether competent adulthood transition with cognitive behavioral humanistic and interpersonal training (CATCH-IT) lowers the hazard for depression in at-risk adolescents identified in primary care, as compared with a general health education (HE) attention control. Design, Setting, and Participants This multicenter, randomized clinical trial, a phase 3 single-blind study, compares CATCH-IT with HE. Participants were enrolled from 2012 to 2016 and assessed at 2, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months postrandomization in a primary care setting. Eligible adolescents were aged 13 to 18 years with subsyndromal depression and/or history of depression and no current depression diagnosis or treatment. Of 2250 adolescents screened for eligibility, 446 participants completed the baseline interview, and 369 were randomized into CATCH-IT (n = 193) and HE (n = 176). Interventions The internet-based intervention, CATCH-IT, is a 20-module (15 adolescent modules and 5 parent modules) online psychoeducation course that includes a parent program, supported by 3 motivational interviews. Main Outcomes and Measures Time to event for depressive episode; depressive symptoms at 6 months. Results Of 369 participants (mean [SD] age, 15.4 [1.5] years; 251 women [68%]) included in this trial, 193 were randomized into CATCH-IT and 176 into HE. Among these participants, 28% had both a past episode and subsyndromal depression; 12% had a past episode only, 59% had subsyndromal depression only, and 1% had borderline subsyndromal depression. The outcome of time to event favored CATCH-IT but was not significant with intention-to-treat analyses (unadjusted hazard ratio [HR], 0.59; 95% CI, 0.27-1.29; P = .18; adjusted HR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.23-1.23; P = .14). Adolescents with higher baseline Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D10) scores showed a significantly stronger effect of CATCH-IT on time to event relative to those with lower baseline scores (HR 0.82; 95% CI, 0.67-0.99; P = .04). For example, the hazard ratio for a CES-D10 score of 15 was 0.20 (95% CI, 0.05-0.77), compared with a hazard ratio of 1.44 (95% CI, 0.41-5.03) for a CES-D10 score of 5. In both CATCH-IT and HE groups, depression symptoms declined and functional scores increased. Conclusions and Relevance For preventing depressive episodes CATCH-IT may be better than HE for at-risk adolescents with subsyndromal depression. Also CATCH-IT may be a scalable approach to prevent depressive episodes in adolescents in primary care. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0189374

    Joint analysis of stressors and ecosystem services to enhance restoration effectiveness

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    With increasing pressure placed on natural systems by growing human populations, both scientists and resource managers need a better understanding of the relationships between cumulative stress from human activities and valued ecosystem services. Societies often seek to mitigate threats to these services through large-scale, costly restoration projects, such as the over one billion dollar Great Lakes Restoration Initiative currently underway. To help inform these efforts, we merged high-resolution spatial analyses of environmental stressors with mapping of ecosystem services for all five Great Lakes. Cumulative ecosystem stress is highest in near-shore habitats, but also extends offshore in Lakes Erie, Ontario, and Michigan. Variation in cumulative stress is driven largely by spatial concordance among multiple stressors, indicating the importance of considering all stressors when planning restoration activities. In addition, highly stressed areas reflect numerous different combinations of stressors rather than a single suite of problems, suggesting that a detailed understanding of the stressors needing alleviation could improve restoration planning. We also find that many important areas for fisheries and recreation are subject to high stress, indicating that ecosystem degradation could be threatening key services. Current restoration efforts have targeted high-stress sites almost exclusively, but generally without knowledge of the full range of stressors affecting these locations or differences among sites in service provisioning. Our results demonstrate that joint spatial analysis of stressors and ecosystem services can provide a critical foundation for maximizing social and ecological benefits from restoration investments. www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1213841110/-/DCSupplementa

    Prevention of Adolescent Depression in Primary Care: Barriers and Relational Work Solutions

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    Background and Purpose: Depression affects millions of adolescents in the United States each year. This population may benefit from targeted preventive interventions. We sought to understand the internal factors that affect the ability of healthcare organizations to implement an intervention that involves mental health screening and depression prevention treatment of at-risk adolescents in primary care settings. Methods: From November 2011 to July 2016 we conducted a study of the implementation of a multisite (N=30) phase 3 randomized clinical trial of an Internet-based depression prevention intervention program (CATCH-IT). We describe the prevalence of internal barriers on the screening and enrollment process by reporting REACH (the proportion of target audience exposed to the intervention). Results: A total of 369 adolescents were randomized into the intervention or control program. Mean REACH values for the study clinics were 0.216 for screening and 0.181 for enrollment to CATCH-IT. Mean REACH enrollment lost due to internal barriers was 0.233. This translated to 4,691 adolescents lost at screening and 2,443 adolescents lost at enrollment due to internal barriers. Conclusion: We propose a model of the implementation process that emphasizes the importance of positive relational work that assists in overcoming internal barriers to REACH. We also provide implications for policy and practice

    Report on CTSA Consortium Use of the Community Engagement Consulting Service: Carter-Edwards et al. ·Community Engagement Consultation Service

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    The CTSA Community Engagement Consultative Service (CECS) is a national partnership designed to improve community engaged research (CEnR) through expert consultation. This report assesses the feasibility of CECS and presents findings from 2008–2009

    Factores que motivan el emprendimiento: nuevas tecnologías para dinamizar una economía social: Factors that motivate entrepreneurship: new technologies to energize a social economy

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    El emprendimiento es una de las iniciativas que sostiene la economía de millones de familias en el mundo y constituye, además, uno de los fundamentos de la sociedad. A lo largo de la historia, este tipo de actividades ha pasado por varias etapas y modificaciones. En términos económicos, “emprender” es iniciar la búsqueda de generación de valor, a través de la creación o expansión de una actividad económica por medio de la identificación y explotación de nuevos productos, procesos o mercados. Los emprendedores, al desarrollar nuevos negocios para satisfacer las necesidades de la población, permiten incrementos de productividad y generan la mayor parte del empleo. La generación de estos emprendimientos de calidad depende de todo un ecosistema integrado que recoge aspectos personales de los individuos, las condiciones del mercado, el acceso a recursos financieros e información, así como la intervención de los gobiernos a través de programas y proyectos públicos que favorecen la formación de ambientes de negocios propicios para que los emprendedores lleven a cabo sus iniciativas y obtengan beneficios. En este sentido, el propósito de este trabajo radica en analizar los factores que motivan el emprendimiento y en determinar cómo las nuevas tecnologías dinamizan la economía social del Ecuador; para ello se ha desarrollado un trabajo empírico con los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Adicional a lo anterior, se pretende analizar la capacidad emprendedora de la sociedad, la educación, la apertura del mercado, las normas sociales y culturales, entre otros aspectos son los que posibilitan la generación de actividades productivas en el país, mientras que las regulaciones en el mercado de trabajo, la burocracia y la corrupción son elementos que entorpecen el dinamismo del sector productivo. Con todo, la política pública en los últimos diez años ha sido un elemento importante en el escenario emprendedor ecuatoriano y se ha enfocado en la construcción de todo un andamiaje que incluye normativa, instituciones y programas para promover el espíritu emprendedor y la consecución de proyectos productivos

    An approach to addressing subpopulation considerations in systematic reviews: the experience of reviewers supporting the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

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    Abstract Background Guideline developers and other users of systematic reviews need information about whether a medical or preventive intervention is likely to benefit or harm some patients more (or less) than the average in order to make clinical practice recommendations tailored to these populations. However, guidance is lacking on how to include patient subpopulation considerations into the systematic reviews upon which guidelines are often based. In this article, we describe methods developed to consistently consider the evidence for relevant subpopulations in systematic reviews conducted to support primary care clinical preventive service recommendations made by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). Proposed approach Our approach is grounded in our experience conducting systematic reviews for the USPSTF and informed by a review of existing guidance on subgroup analysis and subpopulation issues. We developed and refined our approach based on feedback from the Subpopulation Workgroup of the USPSTF and pilot testing on reviews being conducted for the USPSTF. This paper provides processes and tools for incorporating evidence-based identification of important sources of potential heterogeneity of intervention effects into all phases of systematic reviews. Key components of our proposed approach include targeted literature searches and key informant interviews to identify the most important subpopulations a priori during topic scoping, a framework for assessing the credibility of subgroup analyses reported in studies, and structured investigation of sources of heterogeneity of intervention effects. Conclusions Further testing and evaluation are necessary to refine this proposed approach and demonstrate its utility to the producers and users of systematic reviews beyond the context of the USPSTF. Gaps in the evidence on important subpopulations identified by routinely applying this process in systematic reviews will also inform future research needs

    Soil Metabolome Response to Whole-Ecosystem Warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments Experiment

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    While peatlands have historically stored massive amounts of soil carbon, warming is expected to enhance decomposition, leading to a positive feedback with climate change. In this study, a unique whole-ecosystem warming experiment was conducted in northern Minnesota to warm peat profiles to 2 m deep while keeping water flow intact. After nearly 2 y, warming enhanced the degradation of soil organic matter and increased greenhouse gas production. Changes in organic matter quality with warming were accompanied by a stimulation of methane production relative to carbon dioxide. Our results revealed increased decomposition to be fueled by the availability of reactive carbon substrates produced by surface vegetation. The elevated rates of methanogenesis are likely to persist and exacerbate climate warming

    Evaluación de la calidad del huevo marrón comercial del cantón La Troncal, Ecuador

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    The quality of commercial brown egg from the county La Troncal, Ecuador, was evaluated. A total of 1,200 eggs were studied (parish La Troncal, 400 eggs; parish Manuel J. Calle, 400 eggs and parish Pancho Negro, 400 eggs). The external physical analysis was performed, which includes egg weight, thickness and shell weight, and the internal physical analysis, which includes diameter, and height of white and yolk. Eggs were classified according to color, weight and shape. Each parish was considered a treatment and means of variables of the external and internal physical analyses were separated using the Tukey test (p≤0.05). Colors 90, 100 and 110 were the most frequent. According to egg weight, the most frequent categories were extralarge (38%), large (30%) and giant (19%). According to shape, the highest frequency was of ovoid and round eggs (92%), being more frequent, between these two categories, the ovoid eggs. Birds from Manuel J. Calle parish produced (p≤0.05) larger eggs, with greater diameter and white height, higher yolk height, greater weight and shell thickness, a darker brown color and mostly ovoid eggs, while the other parishes produced slightly lower values. In conclusion, the parishes of La Troncal, Ecuador, produce large eggs, with good diameter and white height, and a really brown color, that is, they produce very good quality eggs.Se evaluó la calidad del huevo marrón comercial del cantón La Troncal, Ecuador. Se estudiaron un total de 1200 huevos (parroquia La Troncal, 400 huevos; parroquia Manuel J. Calle, 400 huevos y parroquia Pancho Negro, 400 huevos). Se realizó el análisis físico externo que incluye peso de huevo, espesor y peso de cáscara, y el análisis físico interno, que incluye diámetro, y altura de clara y de yema. Se clasificaron los huevos según color, peso y forma. Cada parroquia se consideró un tratamiento y las medias de las variables del análisis físico externo y del interno, fueron separadas utilizando la prueba de Tukey (p≤0.05). Los colores 90, 100 y 110, fueron los más frecuentes. Según el peso del huevo, las categorías más frecuentes fueron extragrande (38%), grande (30%) y gigante (19%). Según la forma, la mayor frecuencia fue de huevos ovoides y redondos (92%), siendo más frecuentes, entre estas dos categorías, los huevos ovoides. Las aves de la parroquia Manuel J. Calle produjeron (p≤0.05) huevos más grandes, con mayor diámetro y altura de clara, con mayor altura de yema, con mayor peso y espesor de cáscara, color marrón más obscuro y principalmente huevos ovoides, mientras que las demás parroquias produjeron valores levemente inferiores. En conclusión, las parroquias de La Troncal, Ecuador, producen huevos grandes, con buen diámetro y altura de clara, y color francamente marrón, es decir producen huevos de muy buena calidad