509 research outputs found

    Melt-Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing of Transparent Fused Silica Glass

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    In recent years, additive manufacturing (AM) of glass has attracted great interest in academia and industry, yet it is still mostly limited to liquid nanocomposite-based approaches for stereolithography, two-photon polymerization, or direct ink writing. Melt-extrusion-based processes, such as fused deposition modeling (FDM), which will allow facile manufacturing of large thin-walled components or simple multimaterial printing processes, are so far inaccessible for AM of transparent fused silica glass. Here, melt-extrusion-based AM of transparent fused silica is introduced by FDM and fused feedstock deposition (FFD) using thermoplastic silica nanocomposites that are converted to transparent glass using debinding and sintering. This will enable printing of previously inaccessible glass structures like high-aspect-ratio (>480) vessels with wall thicknesses down to 250 µm, delicate parts including overhanging features using polymer support structures, as well as dual extrusion for multicolored glasses

    Kinstate intervention in ethnic conflicts : Albania and Turkey compared

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    Albania and Turkey did not act in overtly irredentist ways towards their ethnic brethren in neighboring states after the end of communism. Why, nonetheless, did Albania facilitate the increase of ethnic conflict in Kosovo and Macedonia, while Turkey did not, with respect to the Turks of Bulgaria? I argue that kin-states undergoing transition are more prone to intervene in external conflicts than states that are not, regardless of the salience of minority demands in the host-state. The transition weakens the institutions of the kin-state. Experiencing limited institutional constraints, self-seeking state officials create alliances with secessionist and autonomist movements across borders alongside their own ideological, clan-based and particularistic interests. Such alliances are often utilized to advance radical domestic agendas. Unlike in Albania's transition environment, in Turkey there were no emerging elites that could potentially form alliances and use external movements to legitimize their own domestic existence or claims

    Sex-Specific Involvement of Estrogen Receptors in Behavioral Responses to Stress and Psychomotor Activation

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    Fluctuating hormone levels, such as estradiol might underlie the difference in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders observed in women vs. men. Estradiol exert its effects primarily through binding on the two classical estrogen receptor subtypes, alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ). Both receptors have been suggested to a have role in the development of psychiatric disorders, however, most of the current literature is limited to their role in females. We investigated the role of estrogen receptors on cognition (novel-object recognition), anxiety (open-field test, elevated-plus maze, and light/dark box), stress-responsive behaviors (forced-swim test, learned helplessness following inescapable shock, and sucrose preference), pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) and amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion in both male and female mice either lacking the ERα or ERβ receptor. We found that female Esr1−/− mice have attenuated pre-pulse inhibition, whereas female Esr2−/− mice manifested enhanced pre-pulse inhibition. No pre-pulse inhibition difference was observed in male Esr1−/− and Esr2−/− mice. Moreover, amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion was decreased in male Esr1−/−, but not Esr2−/− mice, while female Esr1−/− and Esr2−/− mice showed an enhanced response. Genetic absence of ERα did not alter the escape capability or sucrose preference following inescapable shock in both male and female mice. In contrast, female, but not male Esr2−/− mice, manifested decreased escape failures compared with controls. Lack of Esr2 gene in male mice was associated with decreased sucrose preference following inescapable shock, suggesting susceptibility for development of anhedonia following stress. No sucrose preference differences were found in female Esr2−/− mice following inescapable shock stress. Lastly, we demonstrated that lack of Esr1 or Esr2 genes had no effect on memory and anxiety-like behaviors in both male and female mice. Our findings indicate a differential sex-specific involvement of estrogen receptors in the development of stress-mediated maladaptive behaviors as well as psychomotor activation responses suggesting that these receptors might act as potential treatment targets in a sex-specific manner

    Claimed Co-ethnics and Kin-State Citizenship in Southeastern Europe

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    The paper introduces the often neglected concept of 'claimed co-ethnics' in the analysis of citizenship policies. It argues that this is an interstitial category that further complicates the triadic nexus between national minorities, nationalising states and kin-states. The 'claimed co-ethnics' are defined as people who are recognised by the citizenship (or ethnizenship) conferring state as belonging to its main ethnic group, although they themselves do not embrace that definition. In addition to bringing the issue of claimed co-ethnics into focus, the paper elucidates how citizenship policies can affect groups that challenge the exact fit between ethnicity and nation, showing how national governments through particular citizenship policies and categorisation practices engage in the construction of these groups. The paper shows that the triadic nexus framework, which has had a strong influence on citizenship and minorities scholarship, needs to be revised to include unidirectional relations between the elements of the triadic nexus. The paper is based on the comparison between the cases of ethnic Vlachs (in the context of Albania and Greece) and Bunjevci (in the context of Serbia and Croatia).European Commission - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7

    Features of MOG required for recognition by patients with MOG antibody-associated disorders

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    Antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG-Abs) define a distinct disease entity. Here we aimed to understand essential structural features of MOG required for recognition by autoantibodies from patients. We produced the N-terminal part of MOG in a conformationally correct form; this domain was insufficient to identify patients with MOG-Abs by ELISA even after site-directed binding. This was neither due to a lack of lipid embedding nor to a missing putative epitope at the C-terminus, which we confirmed to be an intracellular domain. When MOG was displayed on transfected cells, patients with MOG-Abs recognized full-length MOG much better than its N-terminal part with the first hydrophobic domain (P < 0.0001). Even antibodies affinity-purified with the extracellular part of MOG recognized full-length MOG better than the extracellular part of MOG after transfection. The second hydrophobic domain of MOG enhanced the recognition of the extracellular part of MOG by antibodies from patients as seen with truncated variants of MOG. We confirmed the pivotal role of the second hydrophobic domain by fusing the intracellular part of MOG from the evolutionary distant opossum to the human extracellular part; the chimeric construct restored the antibody binding completely. Further, we found that in contrast to 8-18C5, MOG-Abs from patients bound preferentially as F(ab')(2) rather than Fab. It was previously found that bivalent binding of human IgG1, the prominent isotype of MOG-Abs, requires that its target antigen is displayed at a distance of 13-16 nm. We found that, upon transfection, molecules of MOG did not interact so closely to induce a Forster resonance energy transfer signal, indicating that they are more than 6 nm apart. We propose that the intracellular part of MOG holds the monomers apart at a suitable distance for bivalent binding; this could explain why a cell-based assay is needed to identify MOG-Abs. Our finding that MOG-Abs from most patients require bivalent binding has implications for understanding the pathogenesis of MOG-Ab associated disorders. Since bivalently bound antibodies have been reported to only poorly bind C1q, we speculate that the pathogenicity of MOG-Abs is mostly mediated by other mechanisms than complement activation. Therefore, therapeutic inhibition of complement activation should be less efficient in MOG-Ab associated disorders than in patients with antibodies to aquaporin-4

    A Comparison of Computerized Chemical Models for Equilibrium Calculations in Aqueous Systems

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    A survey of computer programs which are currently being used to calculate the distribution of species in aqueous solutions, especially natural waters, has been made in order to 1) provide an inventory of available programs with a short description of their uses, 2) compare the consistency of their output for two given test solutions and 3) identify major weaknesses or problems encountered from their use. More than a dozen active programs which can be used for distribution of species and activity calculations for homogeneos equilibria among the major anions and cations of natural waters have been inventoried. Half of these programs can also accept several trace elements including Fe, Al, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ag, Hg, As, Ba, Sr, and B. Consistency between programs was evaluated by comparing the log of the molal concentrations of free ions and complexes for two test solutions: a hypothetical seawater analysis and a hypothetical river water analysis. Comparison of the free major ion concentrations in the river water test case shows excellent agreement for the major species. In the seawater test case there is less agreement and for both test cases the minor species commonly show orders of magnitude differences in concentrations. These differences primarily reflect differences in the thermodynamic data base of each chemical model although other factors such as activity coefficient calculations, redox assumptions, temperature corrections, alkalinity corrections and the number of complexes used all have an affect on the output

    A novel mutation in STK11 gene is associated with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome in Indian patients

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    BACKGROUND: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a rare multi-organ cancer syndrome and understanding its genetic basis may help comprehend the molecular mechanism of familial cancer. A number of germ line mutations in the STK11 gene, encoding a serine threonine kinase have been reported in these patients. However, STK11 mutations do not explain all PJS cases. An earlier study reported absence of STK11 mutations in two Indian families and suggested another potential locus on 19q13.4 in one of them. METHODS: We sequenced the promoter and the coding region including the splice-site junctions of the STK11 gene in 16 affected members from ten well-characterized Indian PJS families with a positive family history. RESULTS: We did not observe any of the reported mutations in the STK11 gene in the index patients from these families. We identified a novel pathogenic mutation (c.790_793 delTTTG) in the STK11 gene in one index patient (10%) and three members of his family. The mutation resulted in a frame-shift leading to premature termination of the STK11 protein at 286(th )codon, disruption of kinase domain and complete loss of C-terminal regulatory domain. Based on these results, we could offer predictive genetic testing, prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling to other members of the family. CONCLUSION: Ours is the first study reporting the presence of STK11 mutation in Indian PJS patients. It also suggests that reported mutations in the STK11 gene are not responsible for the disease and novel mutations also do not account for many Indian PJS patients. Large-scale genomic deletions in the STK11 gene or another locus may be associated with the PJS phenotype in India and are worth future investigation