9 research outputs found

    Tomographic quantum cryptography with bell diagonal states

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    Coherent Eavesdropping Attacks in Quantum Cryptography: Nonequivalence of Quantum and Classical Key Distillation

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    The security of a cryptographic key that is generated by communication through a noisy quantum channel relies on the ability to distill a shorter secure key sequence from a longer insecure one. We show that -- for protocols that use quantum channels of any dimension and completely characterize them by state tomography -- the noise threshold for classical advantage distillation is substantially lower than the threshold for quantum entanglement distillation because the eavesdropper can perform powerful coherent attacks. The earlier claims that the two noise thresholds are identical, which were based on analyzing incoherent attacks only, are therefore invalid.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; this is the detailed account for the results Reported in quant-ph/031015

    Quantum Tomographic Cryptography with a Semiconductor Single Photon Source

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    In this paper we analyze the security of the so-called quantum tomographic cryptography with the source producing entangled photons via an experimental scheme proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 37903 (2004). We determine the range of the experimental parameters for which the protocol is secure against the most general incoherent attacks

    Quantum tomographic cryptography with Bell diagonal states: non-equivalence of classical and quantum distillation protocols

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    We present a generalized tomographic quantum key distribution protocol in which the two parties share a Bell diagonal mixed state of two qubits. We show that if an eavesdropper performs a coherent measurement on many quantum ancilla states simultaneously, classical methods of secure key distillation are less effective than quantum entanglement distillation protocols. We also show that certain Bell diagonal states are resistant to any attempt of incoherent eavesdropping.Comment: 9 pages. 2 figures There was an error in the formula 4 (transformation of Bell states). This error does not change the main result of the paper, namely, that quantum distillation is more powerful than classical advantage distillatio