12 research outputs found

    Improving interinstitutional and intertechnology consistency of pulmonary SBRT by dose prescription to the mean internal target volume dose.

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    Dose, fractionation, normalization and the dose profile inside the target volume vary substantially in pulmonary stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) between different institutions and SBRT technologies. Published planning studies have shown large variations of the mean dose in planning target volume (PTV) and gross tumor volume (GTV) or internal target volume (ITV) when dose prescription is performed to the PTV covering isodose. This planning study investigated whether dose prescription to the mean dose of the ITV improves consistency in pulmonary SBRT dose distributions. This was a multi-institutional planning study by the German Society of Radiation Oncology (DEGRO) working group Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Radiotherapy. CT images and structures of ITV, PTV and all relevant organs at risk (OAR) for two patients with early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were distributed to all participating institutions. Each institute created a treatment plan with the technique commonly used in the institute for lung SBRT. The specified dose fractionation was 3 × 21.5 Gy normalized to the mean ITV dose. Additional dose objectives for target volumes and OAR were provided. In all, 52 plans from 25 institutions were included in this analysis: 8 robotic radiosurgery (RRS), 34 intensity-modulated (MOD), and 10 3D-conformal (3D) radiation therapy plans. The distribution of the mean dose in the PTV did not differ significantly between the two patients (median 56.9 Gy vs 56.6 Gy). There was only a small difference between the techniques, with RRS having the lowest mean PTV dose with a median of 55.9 Gy followed by MOD plans with 56.7 Gy and 3D plans with 57.4 Gy having the highest. For the different organs at risk no significant difference between the techniques could be found. This planning study pointed out that multiparameter dose prescription including normalization on the mean ITV dose in combination with detailed objectives for the PTV and ITV achieve consistent dose distributions for peripheral lung tumors in combination with an ITV concept between different delivery techniques and across institutions

    Germinação de sementes de Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville de diferentes origens submetidas a tratamentos para superação de dormência

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    Sementes de diferentes procedências podem apresentar variações na intensidade de dormência, respondendo de forma diferenciada aos tratamentos e dificultando a indicação da melhor metodologia para superá-la. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar métodos para superar a dormência e promover a germinação de sementes de barbatimão de diferentes procedências. Sementes dessa espécie foram colhidas em sete fragmentos de Cerrado localizados na região de Botucatu, SP, e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos de superação de dormência: testemunha, escarificação mecânica (lixa 220), H2O quente por 20 min e escarificação com H2SO4 (95%) por 40, 60 e 80 min. As sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, teste de germinação, comprimento de plântulas, índice de velocidade de germinação e condutividade elétrica. A escarificação em ácido sulfúrico por 60 min foi o tratamento mais eficiente para superar a dormência, acelerar e aumentar a porcentagem de germinação e resultar plântulas de maior tamanho, para as sementes de diferentes locais de origem.<br>Seeds from different sources may present variation in dormancy intensity, responding differently to treatments and making it difficult to select the best dormancy breaking method. This work aimed to identify methods for breaking dormancy and promoting germination of Stryphnodendron adstringens seeds from differents origins. Seeds of Stryphnodendron adstringens were harvested at seven cerrado fragments in the Botucatu region (SP) and were submitted to the following treatments for breaking dormancy: control, mechanical scarification (with sand paper 220), boiling water for 20 minutes and acid scarification (with H2 SO4 95%) for 40, 60 and 80 minutes. Seeds were evaluated by water content, germination test, seedling length, and conductivity test. Scarification with sulphuric acid for 60 minutes was the most efficient treatment for breaking dormancy, accelerating and increasing germination percentage and resulting in seedlings with large size, for all the seeds from different origins

    Hidrocondicionamento de Parkia pendula [Benth ex Walp]: sementes com dormência física de árvore da Amazônia Hydropriming of Parkia pendula [Penth. ex Walp.]: seeds with physical dormancy from Amazon tree

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    O visgueiro é uma árvore neotropical de importâncias econômica e ecológica. Este estudo objetivou determinar o tempo de embebição e o teor de água de sementes de Parkia pendula necessários para ativar o metabolismo e aumentar o desempenho pelo condicionamento. Sementes armazenadas (2 anos) e não armazenadas (7 dias) foram comparadas. Após o desponte as sementes foram submersas em água a 15 ºC, por períodos de 4 a 28 h, para atingir o grau de embebição desejado (20, 40, 60, 80 e 90%). Em seguida, foram diretamente semeadas em areia lavada no viveiro (4 x 25 sementes/tratamento) ou dessecadas durante sete dias (24±2 °C e 68±3% UR) antes da semeadura. Sementes não armazenadas e sem condicionamento (controle) apresentaram 59±8,9% de emergência, valor inferior ao daquelas armazenadas e sem condicionamento (76±11,3%). Períodos de submersão superiores a 13 h reduziram o desempenho da germinação em relação às sementes não condicionadas. Porém, após 4 h (26-31% de teor de água das sementes) ambas as sementes não armazenadas e armazenadas aumentaram o desempenho, sendo, ainda, maior quando houve dessecamento após a submersão. Portanto, os efeitos positivos do condicionamento ocorreram na fase I da curva de embebição. O hidrocondicionamento de 4 h a 15 ºC mostrou ser uma opção econômica e de fácil aplicação em sementes de P. pendula: aumentou a velocidade do desenvolvimento das plântulas, a porcentagem de germinação das sementes não armazenadas em níveis similares aos das armazenadas e a sincronização da germinação em sementes armazenadas.<br>Visgueiro is a neo-tropical tree species with economic and ecologic importance. This work aimed to determine the imbibition time and moisture content of P. pendula seeds necessary to activate metabolism and improve their performance by priming. Stored seeds (2 years) and unstored seeds (7 days) were compared. After clipping, the seeds were kept in water at 15 ºC for periods of 4 to 28 hours to reach the desired imbibition degrees (20, 40, 60, 80 and 90%). Seeds were then sown immediately in washed sand in the nursery (4 x 25 seeds / treatment) or dried for 7 days (24±2°C and 68±3% R.H.). Unstored and unprimed (control) seeds showed 59±8.9% germination, which was less than that of stored unprimed seeds (76±11.3 %). Submersion periods exceeding 13 hours reduced germination relative to unprimed seeds. After 4 hours of submersion (seed moisture 26-31%), both unstored and stored seeds increased their performance. Even higher improvement was verified when drying followed submersion. Thus, the positive effects of priming occurred in phase I of the imbibition curve. Hydropriming of 4 hours at 15 ºC was found to be a simple and inexpensive method for P. pendula seeds since it increased seedling development velocity, brought the germination percentage of unstored seeds to a level similar to that of stored seeds and increased germination synchronization of stored seeds

    Efforts of the human immune system to maintain the peripheral CD8+ T cell compartment after childhood thymectomy

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    Background Homeostatic mechanisms to maintain the T cell compartment diversity indicate an ongoing process of thymic activity and peripheral T cell renewal during human life. These processes are expected to be accelerated after childhood thymectomy and by the influence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) inducing a prematurely aged immune system. The study aimed to investigate proportional changes and replicative history of CD8+ T cells, of recent thymic emigrants (RTEs) and CD103+ T cells (mostly gut-experienced) and the role of Interleukin-(IL)-7 and IL-7 receptor (CD127)-expressing T cells in thymectomized patients compared to young and old healthy controls. Results Decreased proportions of naive and CD31 + CD8+ T cells were demonstrated after thymectomy, with higher proliferative activity of CD127-expressing T cells and significantly shorter relative telomere lengths (RTLs) and lower T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs). Increased circulating CD103+ T cells and a skewed T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire were found after thymectomy similar to elderly persons. Naive T cells were influenced by age at thymectomy and further decreased by CMV. Conclusions After childhood thymectomy, the immune system demonstrated constant efforts of the peripheral CD8+ T cell compartment to maintain homeostasis. Supposedly it tries to fill the void of RTEs by peripheral T cell proliferation, by at least partly IL-7-mediated mechanisms and by proportional increase of circulating CD103+ T cells, reminiscent of immune aging in elderly. Although other findings were less significant compared to healthy elderly, early thymectomy demonstrated immunological alterations of CD8+ T cells which mimic features of premature immunosenescence in humans