19 research outputs found
Some observations on industrial toxicology of some chlorinated hydrocarbons
Istraženo je djelovanje trikloretilena, tetraklorugljika, heksakloretana i heksaklorcikloheksana na radnike zaposlene u kemijskim čistionicama za suho čišćenje odjevnih predmeta i u jednom poduzeću za proizvodnju lijekova.In this report the results are presented of the investigations on the risk of exposure to carbon tetrachloride, hexachlorethane and hexachlorcyclohexane carried out in some dry-cleaning shops and a drug factory. 81 persons were examined. The most numerous complaints were recorded among the workers exposed to carbon tetrachloride and trichlorethylene. Irritation was found to be the most frequent symptom in workers exposed to hexachlorethane and hexachlorcyclohexane. The scarcity of other symptoms seems to be due to the low volatility of these chlorinated hydrocarbons. The most significant findings supposed to be specific were alterations in serum albumin-globulin ratio observed in workers exposed to trichlorethylene, carbon tetrachloride, and hexachlorethane. In the majority of cases these alterations were in no connection with any other sign of the liver injury. In the authors\u27 opinion, they may be correlated with the effect of chlorinated hydrocarbons on the liver function. However, the mechanism of these changes remains to be explained
Clinical observations on the effect of lead on the kidney
lznesen je problem toksičkog djelovanja olova na bubrege s obzirom na dosadašnje podatke u literaturi. Prikazana su vlastita zapažanja kod 54 od 56 bolesnika otrovanih olovom, koji su liječeni u Odjelu za profesionalne bolesti Instituta za medicinska istraživanja. Trajne promjene na bubrezima u obliku kronične progredijentne difuzne nefropatije opažene su samo kod 2 bolesnika. Oba su bila u dugoj i vjerojatno visokoj ekspoziciji olovu (20, odnosno 35 godina), a imali su višekratna manifestna otrovanja olovom. 28 bolesnika pokazivalo je oštećenja bubrežnih funkcija, koja su utvrđena pokusom koncentracije mokraće, PSP testom, Ucl testom i određivanjem ureje u krvi, a da kod toga u mokraći nije bilo patoloških promjena. Autori su mišljenja, da su funkcionalna oštećenja uvjetovana poremećajima u intrarenalnoj cirkulaciji, odnosno spastičkim djelovanjem olova na krvne žile bubrega i direktnim toksičkim ili indirektnim hipoksičkim efektom olova na tubule. Poremećenja parcijalnih funkcija bubrega bila su u pravilu tranzitorna. Krvni tlak je bio povišen samo kod 6 bolesnika, od kojih su 2 imala pogredijentnu organsku nefropatiju. Najvjerojatnije je, da se kod tih bolesnika radi o hipertenziji nefrogenog karaktera. U jednom slučaju povišeni krvni tlak bio je tipa esencijalne hipertonije, pa se uzročna veza između otrovanja olovom i hipertonije ne može sa sigurnošću pretpostaviti. Kod ostala 3 bolesnika hipertonija je bila prolazna i prisutna samo u vrijeme akutne manifestacije otrovanja. Autori su primijetili, da je pri ispitivanju parcijalnih funkcija bubrega neobično važno vrijeme, kada se pojedine pretrage vrše. Pokazalo se, da se eventualne lezije mijenjaju u prirodnom toku bolesti. Ako se to izgubi iz vida, mogu se dobiti prividno divergentni i protuslovni rezultati. Na temelju spomenutih nalaza autori zaključuju, da ekspozicija olovu i otrovanje olovom mogu izazvati prolazna bubrežna oštećenja funkcionalne prirode. Čini se, da su u iznimnim slučajevima vrlo duge i visoke ekspozicije i opetovanih otrovanja moguće i organske lezije bubrega.The problem of the toxic effect of lead upon the kidney, in spite of numerous studies, has not as yet been fully solved. The report presented deals with the clinical observations of 54 lead poisoned patients. Lasting kidney changes in the form of chronic, progredient and diffuse nephropathy were observed in only 2 patients with an exposure to high lead concentrations during a period of 20 and 35 years respectively, and repeated lead poisonings. These two patients had no history of previous kidney disorders, and kidney injuries progressed with repealed lead poisonings. It may, therefore, be assumed that the lesions observed were due to lead action. 24 patients showed functional kidney alterations which were proved by the test of urine concentration, the phenolsulphthalein test, the urea clearance test, and the urea value in the blood. Urine showed no abnormality in these cases. In the authors\u27 opinion these functional changes mostly consist in altered intrarenal circulation due to the spastic effect of lead upon the blood vessels of the kidney and the direct toxic and indirect hypoxic effect of lead upon the tubules. The injuries of partial renal functions were as a rule reversible. In only 6 patients the blood pressure was increased. 2 patients with hypertension were those with progredient organic nephropaty. It seems most probable that in these two cases hypertension was nephrogenic in character. In one case high blood pressure was of the type of essential hypertension, but the relation between lead poisoning and hypertension in this case cannot be assumed with certainty. In other 3 patients hypertension was transitory in type, lasting only during the acute manifestations of lead poisoning. Functional kidney alterations tend to change according to the natural course of the disease. This is why it is not the same in which phase of the poisoning functional kidney tests are carried out. If this fact is neglected, divergent and contradictory results may be obtained. On the basis of these clinical findings the authors conclude that lead exposure and lead poisoning may cause kidney injuries. However, these changes are not uniform and cannot therefore be considered a clinical and nosologic entity usually called nephropathia saturnina. In the exceptional cases of a very long and high exposure to lead and repeated poisoning, progressive organic kidney changes may be expected. Otherwise, possible renal alterations and changes in the blood pressure are functional and reversible
Variation of spike index of cereal and index of pea pods in monocrops and intercrops system of cultivation
Parameters of plant productive organs (spike, pod etc.) are influenced by genotype of plant species and scientific technology farming measures as well environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to establish variability of spike harvest index for wheat, triticale, rye, oat and pea pods index, influenced by monocrops and intercrops system of cultivation. Four cereal species: wheat, triticale, rye and oat and one legume (pea) were included in investigation that carried out on field experimental conditions during one vegetation season. Each species were sown in monocrops and in intercrops wheat + pea, triticale + pea, rye + pea and oat + pea. Harvest index of spike variate between 65.2% (triticale intercrops) and 86.5% (oat solo). The values of spike weight and seed weight was different among the cereal species and higher in intercrops than in monocrop system of cultivation. However, only for rye in mixture with pea, harvest index 78.8%) was higher than in monocrops of rye (77.0%). Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 50.3% (pea solo) and 69.5% (in intercrops pea + rye). The values of pod weight and seed weight pod(-1) was different and higher in intercrops than in monocrops system of cultivation. Harvest pod index of peas was significantly higher in mixture with each small grains species genotypes than in pea's monocrops. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + peas, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in intercrops than in monocrops
Harmonisation of dose measurement procedures using passive dosemeters: use of passive H*(10) dosimetry systems in Europe
Jedan od zadataka projekta 16ENV04 Preparedness jeispitivanje pasivnih dozimetrijskih sistema namenjenih za merenje operativne dozimetrijske veličine H*(10). Cilj ovog zadatka je evaluacija i harmonizacija procedura koji koriste laboratorije u Evropi a odnose se na merenje ambijentlnog ekvivalenta doze,a u vezi eventualne primene ovakvih doziemtrisjkih sistema u kontekstu dleovanja u vanrednom događaju.One of the outstanding tasks of the project 16ENV04 Preparedness, is to investigate the use of passive dosemeters aimed for measurement of operational quantityH*(10). The aim of this task is to develop a rationale to harmonize the procedures used by European measuring bodies and authorities, which provide services or fulfil tasks in radiation protection by using passive H*(10) area monitoring systems. Procedures used by European measuring bodies and services for environmental monitoring using passive area dosemeters are investigated, with a goal to investigate the applicability of passive dosimetry systems in the aftermath of a nuclear event.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј
Uticaj združenog useva žitarica + grašak na indeks klasa jarih formi pšenice, tritikale, ovsa i indeks mahune graška
Advantages or disadvantages of intercropping system can estimate through expression of components of yield on the base of values of productive organs (spike, pod). The aim of this work was study of variation of spike index in cereals species and pods index in pea of spring intercropping. For investigation included spring species of small grains: wheat, triticale, oat and spring legume pea. The investigation was carried out in field condition in experiment with randomised block design of 5m2 plots, with 4 replications. Each species (cereals and pea) were sown sole and in intercrops wheat+pea, triticale+pea and oat+pea. At the maturity stage used 40 plants (10 plants/replication) for determining harvest index of spike in cereal species and index of pea pods on the base of analysis of spike mass and pod mass and seed mass spike-1 and seed mass pod-1 . Seed mass spike-1 of small grains species genotypes variate in ratio of 0.85 g (wheat+pea) and 1.59 g (oat intercrops) with average 1.19 g for all crops of cereals and variant of cultivation. The spike mass variate in range of 1.37 g (triticale intercrop) and 2.23 g (wheat intercrops) with average 1.72 g for all cereals and variant of cultivation. Harvest index of spike variate between 62.5% (triticale sole) and 89.2% (oat sole). The value of spike mass was the higher in wheat intercrops than in wheat sole, while for triticale and oat spike mass is lower in intercrops. In the same of analyzed small grain species, seed mass was the higher in sole crops than in mixture with pea. The spike index, only in intercrop triticale+pea (63.2%) was slightly higher than in single crop of triticale (62.5%). Pod mass and seed mass pod-1 of pea was the higher in pea intercrops than in pea sole. The highest pod mass was in intercrop pea+triticale (0.72 g) and the least in single crop of pea (0.45 g) with average 0.62 g for all crops. The highest seed mass pod-1 was the highest intercrop pea+triticale (0.56g) and the least in monocrop of pea (0.32 g) with average 0.46 g for all crops. Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 68.0% (pea single) and 77.% in pea/triticale intercrop. Pod index of pea in mixture with each small grains species genotypes was higher than in pea's monocrop. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + pea, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in majority of studied intercrops than in monocrops.Prednosti i nedostaci združenih useva mogu se oceniti prema ispoljavanja komponenti prinosa na osnovu vrednosti produktivnih organa (klas, mahuna). Cilj ovog rad je izučavanje varijabilnosti žetvenog indeksa klasa pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i žetvenog indeksa mahune kod graška gajenim u pojedinačnim i združenim usevima. U istraživanja je uključen po jedan genotip jarih formi pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i graška. Eksperiment je izveden na oglednom polju Rimski šančevi u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Genotipovi strnih žita i graška su sejani na parcelicama 5 m2 u 4 ponavljanja u monokulturi i u združenoj setvi pšenica + grašak, tritikale + grašak i ovas+grašak. U vreme fiziološke zrelosti vršena je žetva biljke koje su korišćene za analizu osobina klasa i metlice kod strnih žita i osobina mahune kod graška. Za analize je korišćeno 40 biljaka (10 biljaka po ponavljanju) za svaki genotip iz pojedinačnih i združenih useva. Analizirane su osobine: masa klasa, masa semena po klasu, masa mahune i masa semena po mahuni. Na osnovu vrednosti ovih osobina izračunat je žetveni indeks klasa kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa kao i žetveni indeks mahune kod graška. Masa klasa je varirala između 1.37 g kod tritikalea u združenom usevu sa graškom, do 2.23 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.72 g. Masa semena po klasu je varirala od 0.85 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu (pšenica+grašak) i u do 1.52 g kod ovsa u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa semena po klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.19 g. Žetveni indeks klasa je bio najmanji 62.5% kod tritikalea u pojedinačnm usevu a najveći kod ovsa 86.5% takodje u monokulturi. Vrednosti mase klasa i mase semena po klasu su bile različite u zavisnosti od vrste strnih žita i načina setve i gajenja useva. Masa klasa kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom je bila veća nego kod pšenice u pojedinačnom usevu. Kod tritikalea i ovsa masa klasa je bila veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Masa semena po klasu kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa bila je veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Žetveni indeks klasa u monokulturi: kod pšenice (71.9%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu pšenica+grašak (70.8%), kod tritikalea (65.3%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu (tritikale+grašak) i kod ovsa (89.2%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu sa graškom (88.1%). Kod graška, masa semena po mahuni je varirala od 0.33 g u pojedinačnom usevu do 0.57 g u združenoj setvi sa tritikaleom, a prosečna masa semena po mahuni u oba sistema gajenja bila 0.46 g. Masa mahune je bila najmanja kod graška u pojedinačnom usevu 0.45g a najveća 0.72 g u združenom usevu sa tritikaleom, a prosečna vrednost mahune u svim varijantama gajenja je iznosila 0.59 g. Žetveni indeks mahune je varirao između 72.9% u pojedinačnom usevu graška i 79.4% u usevu združene setve graška i ovsa. Vrednosti za masu mahune, masu semena po mahuni i žetveni indeks mahune su bile veće u združenim usevima graška sa pšenicom, tritikaleom i ovsom ali nizi bile značajno različite. Dobijeni rezultata, ukazuju da združena setva graška i strnih žita ima pozitivan efekat na ispoljavanje većih vrednosti osobina klasa i osobina mahune
U radu su izučavane komponente prinosa (visina biljke, broj klasova/m2, dužina
klasa, broj klasaka po klasu, broj zrna u klasu, masa zrna u klasu, prinos zrna) i
njihova međuzavisnost kod četiri genotipa ozimog ječma (G-3003, G-3020,
G-3007-1/02 i G-3019) gajenih u uslovima ishrane primenom različitih doza azota
(kontrola=0, N1=20, N2=40 and N3=60 kg ha-1). Za ocenu međuzavisnosti je vršeno
izra~unavanje koeficijenta korelacije izme|u ispitivani osobina. Ustanovljena je
visoka me|uzavisnost izme|u ispitivanih osobina. Sve ispitivane osobine su imale
najve}i koeficijent korelacije sa prinosom zrna (visina biljke-0,97; broj
klasova/m2-0,95; broj klasaka po klasu-0,95; broj zrna u klasu-0,95; masa zrna u
klasu-0,82) dok je dužina klasa imala najveću korelaciju sa masom zrna po klasu
(0,82). Dobijene vrednosti ukazuju visoko značajnu međusobnu uslovljenost.
ispitivanih osobina sa ukupnim prinosom zrna. Najmanja korelacija je ustanovljena
između visine biljke i dužine klasa čiji je koeficijent korelacije iznosio 0,62
Approaches in cereal breeding
The main goal of plant breeding is to improve quality traits, yield and resistance to abiotic and biotic stress factors. A thousand years ago, people selected the best plants, seeds or fruits to produce seed for new crops and food for human and animal nutrition. Modern plant breeding is based on genetic principles and contributes to increases in yield and quality components (contents of protein, amino acids, fat, sucrose, mineral elements etc.). Breeders in conventional breeding programs in the last six decades have made changes to plant phenotypes, significantly improved resistance to diseases, earliness, and frost and drought resistance, and improved scientific farming practices, baking and milling technologies, and beverage production technology. Through bioinformatics and improved technology, breeders have developed ways to improve and accelerate the breeding process to combine desired traits in new genotypes as well to operate at the level of individual cells and their chromosomes. Nowadays, modern biotechnology is used to improve human nutrition, and develop genotypes with significantly higher yields and quality compared with genotypes created by conventional breeding. By genetic modification it is possible to add, modify or delete a trait without interfering between two complete genomes. However, genetically modified crops can be used after their assessment in terms of human health, food safety and the environment.Author's versio
Harmonisation of dose measurement procedures using passive dosemeters: use of passive H*(10) dosimetry systems in Europe
Jedan od zadataka projekta 16ENV04 Preparedness jeispitivanje pasivnih dozimetrijskih sistema namenjenih za merenje operativne dozimetrijske veličine H*(10). Cilj ovog zadatka je evaluacija i harmonizacija procedura koji koriste laboratorije u Evropi a odnose se na merenje ambijentlnog ekvivalenta doze,a u vezi eventualne primene ovakvih doziemtrisjkih sistema u kontekstu dleovanja u vanrednom događaju.One of the outstanding tasks of the project 16ENV04 Preparedness, is to investigate the use of passive dosemeters aimed for measurement of operational quantityH*(10). The aim of this task is to develop a rationale to harmonize the procedures used by European measuring bodies and authorities, which provide services or fulfil tasks in radiation protection by using passive H*(10) area monitoring systems. Procedures used by European measuring bodies and services for environmental monitoring using passive area dosemeters are investigated, with a goal to investigate the applicability of passive dosimetry systems in the aftermath of a nuclear event.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј
Bakterioze na semenu i sadnom materijalu povrtarskih, ratarskih i ukrasnih biljaka
Bacterioses are considered one of the most important diseases of vegetables field crops and ornamental plants. Bacteria mostly overwinter and spread by seed. During last few decades, the role of seed as the major source of primary inoculum was increased, due to unlimited possibility of transportation. In our country bacterioses cause the most important yield lost of vegetables, especially of pepper, bean, potato and brassicaceae. Use of pathogen-free seed and other propagative material is considered as basic control measure for bacterioses. In order to obtain proper health condition this plant material should be visually field inspected during vegetation and checked in special laboratories according to standardized bacteriological methods.Bakterioze na pojedinim ratarskim, povrtarskim i ukrasnim biljkama, spadaju među ekonomski najštetnije bolesti, a osnovni način njihovog održavanja i širenja je seme. Poslednjih decenija, sa ogromnim mogućnostima saobraćaja uloga semena kao izvora primarnog inokuluma znatno se povećala. U našoj zemlji ekonomski najštetnije su bakterioze povrća, pre svega paprike pasulja, krompira i kupusnjača. Osnovna mera zaštite, u cilju suzbijanja bakterioza je korišćenje zdravog semena i sadnog materijala. Da bi se obezbedilo zdarvo seme i drugi reprodukcioni materijal, zdravstveno stanje semen-skih useva treba kontrolisati još tokom vegetacije, a pre bilo kakvog transporta, kontrolu treba izvršiti u specijalizovanim laboratorijama, prema standardizovanim bakteriološkim metodama