231 research outputs found

    The Legal Position of Minorities in Montenegro, With a Special Analysis of Political Rights

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    Predmet ovog rada je zaštita prava manjina u periodu poslije tzv. hladnog rata do danas u Crnoj Gori, uz posvećivanje pažnje pravima političke participacije kao neophodnom mjestu za integriranje pripadnika manjina. Iako je dio državne zajednice Srbija i Crna Gora, u kojoj se na žalost nije odoljelo skoro svim oblicima sukoba prouzrokovanih etničkim, nacionalnim i vjerskim momentima, Crna Gora se može okarakterizirati kao zajednica u kojoj postoji multietnička harmonija. Manjinska zaštita ovdje, kao faktor stabilnosti i sigurnosti, odražava se i na Europu u cjelini. Specifični historijski, društveni i kulturni okvir Crne Gore obećava da će i dalje u njoj postojati interetnički sklad. Ipak, težak put tranzicije od komunističkog modela ka modernoj demokraciji treba se nadići zajedno s novim problemima i iskušenjima povodom etničkog diverziteta u okruženju. Raznolikost nacija, etnosa, kultura i jezika, koja ovdje postoji, oduvijek se procjenjivala kao bogatstvo crnogorskog društva, što je naročito došlo do izražaja u novonastalim okolnostima poslije hladnog rata. Da bi se održala takva atmosfera, Crna Gora mora da razvije i osigura bolju primjenu političkih prava pripadnika nacionalnih manjina. Predloženo zakonsko rješenje umnogome bi doprinijelo unapređivanju političke participacije manjina.The subject of this article is the protection of minority rights following so-called Cold War until today in Montenegro, with special attention to the rights of political participation as conditio sine qua non for full integration of persons belonging to minorities. Although it is a part of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro, in which unfortunately people were not immune to all forms of armed conflicts caused by ethnic, national or religious reasons, Montenegro can be characterized as community of multiethnic harmony. Minority protection, as a stability and security issue for the state, has special reflection on Europe as a whole. The specific historical, social and cultural background of Montenegro gives promise for continuation of interethnic harmony. However, the difficult transition from communism to modern democracy had to be overcome in addition to new ethnic diversity problems and challenges in surroundings. The diversity (national, ethnic, cultural, linguistic) in Montenegro has always been estimated as part of the richness of society, and especially in new circumstances following the Cold War. Keep with its past, Montenegro must develop and ensure more the political rights of the persons belonging to national minorities. The proposal on Montenegro\u27s New Minority Law is going to contribute at a high level in advancing of political participation of minorities

    Arsenopyrite from the ore deposits of Šumadija-Kopaonik zone: paragenesis, composition and products of oxidation

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    Arsenopirit, FeAsS je čest pratilac polimetaličnih orudnjenja Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti. Jedan je od sulfida koji u najvećoj meri koncentriše zlato. Nepoželjan je u rudama jer njegovom oksidacijom na jalovištima može doći do oslobađanja arsena koji spada u elemente toksične za životnu sredinu. U okviru ovog doktorata sistematski su ispitivani arsenopiriti iz različitih stadijuma i tipova orudnjenja rudnih ležišta i mineralizacija Šumadijsko-kopaoničke oblasti (Rudnik, Sastavci, Trepča, Gokčanica – Drenjak i Rujak, Golijska reka i Jurija). Uzorci arsenopirita ispitivani su polarizacionom mikroskopijom u odbijenoj svetlosti, SEM-EDS i XRPD metodom. Utvrđeno je da svi ispitivani arsenopiriti kristališu monoklinično u prostornoj grupi P21/c. Sadržaji arsena u opsegu od 32.2 do 34.3 at.% As dobijeni su na osnovu određenih parametra jedinične ćelije i vrednosti d131 međupljosnog rastojanja. Ustanovljeno je da postoje brojni ograničavajući faktori za primenu arsenopirita kao geotermometra. Od hemijskih primesa arsenopirit najčešće sadrži Co, Ni i Sb. Samorodno zlato prisutno je jedino u sulfidnim pojavama Drenjaka. Zlato se javlja uglavnom u vidu zrna veličine do 20 μm u arsenopiritu i u skoroditu. Zlato u arsenopiritu zapunjava mikropukotine i pore, u kojima često asocira sa bizmutinitom i samorodnim bizmutom. Zaključak je da je zlato deponovano nakon kristalizacije arsenopirita, zajedno sa Bi mineralima, i da Au-Bi-(As) korelacija može biti od značaja za razumevanje migracije i koncentrisanje zlata u okviru magmatsko-vulkanskih kompleksa Šumadijsko- kopaoničke oblasti. TEM metodom utvrđeno je i prisustvo nanočestica zlata u ovim mineralima. Skorodit i farmakosiderit su najčešći produkti alteracije arsenopirita.Arsenopyrite, FeAsS is often present in the polymetallic deposits in the Šumadija-Kopaonik zone. It is one of the sulphides that concentrate gold to the greatest extent. It is undesirable in these ores because its oxidation in tailings can lead to the release of arsenic. Within the framework of this thesis, arsenopyrites from different stages and mineralization types of deposits of Šumadija-Kopaonik zone (Rudnik, Sastavci, Trepča, Gokčanica - Drenjak and Rujak, Golijska reka and Jurija) were systematically examined. Samples of arsenopyrite were examined by polarized-light microscopy in reflected light, SEM-EDS, XRPD methods. All investigated arsenopyrites are monoclinic and crystallize in space group P21/c. Arsenic contents in the range of 32.2 to 34.3 at. % As were obtained based on determined unit cell parameters and values of d131. It was established that there are numerous limiting factors for the use of arsenopyrite as a geothermometer. Of the chemical impurities, arsenopyrite most often contains Co, Ni and Sb. The presence of native gold in arsenopyrite was determined only in the sulfide occurrences of Drenjak. Gold occurs mainly in the form of grains up to 20 μm in size, both in arsenopyrite and in scorodite. Gold in arsenopyrite fills microcracks and pores, where it is often associated with bismuthinite and native bismuth. It was concluded that the gold was deposited after the crystallization of arsenopyrite, together with Bi minerals, and that the Au-Bi-(As) correlation can be important for understanding the migration and concentration of gold within the magmatic- volcanic complexes of the Šumadija-Kopaonik zone. The presence of gold nanoparticles in these minerals was determined by TEM. Scorodite and pharmacosiderite are the most common alteration products of arsenopyrite

    Application of composite construction waste for immobilisation of radionuclides and heavy metals by sorption

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    Mind maps in service of the mental brain activity

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    Tony Buzan is the creator of the mind maps who based his mnemonic techniques of brain mapping on the terms of awareness and wide brain functionality as well as on the ability of memorizing, reading and creativity. He conceived the idea that regular practice improves brain functions but he also introduced radiant thinking and mental literacy. One of the last enormous neuroscience ventures is to clarify the brain complexity and mind and to get a complete insight into the mental brain activity. The history of human thought and brain processes dates back in the antiquity and is marked by different ways of looking on the duality of mental and physical processes. The interaction of mental and physical processes and functioning of individual results in behavior of the body being carved in the state of mind, and vice versa. Both stable mind - body relation and integrated functions of behavior and thinking are necessary for a healthy physiological functioning of a human being. The meaning and nature of concience and mind preoccupies as all. In the decade of brain (1990-2000) and the century of brain (2000-1000) numerous discussions were lead and new scientific directions formed (cognitive science, chemistry of feelings, evolutionary psychology, neurobiology, neurology of consciousness, neurophysiology of memory, philosophy of science and mind etc.) in order to understand and scientifcally clarify the mysteries of mind. The research of the mind remains as one of the biggest projects for the future. A fundamental neurobiological assumption is that there is no change in the mental state of a person without a change in the brain

    Pollutants Characterization Role in Phytoremediation of Coal Tailings Dams and Ash Ponds

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    Uloga karakterizacije i kvantifikacije polutanata devastiranih zemljišta od izuzetne je važnosti pri procesu njihove fitoremedijacije. Kontaminirana zemljišta se po svojim karakteristikama razlikuju od plodnog zemljišta po sastavu i koncentraciji toksičnih materija, količini vlage, nutrienata, hu- minskih supstanci i ostalim pedološkim karakteristikama. Fizičko-hemijskim, biološkim i tehnolo- škim analizama moguće je definisati nivo kontaminacije i mere koje su neophodne da bi se izvršila remedijacija ovakvih zemljišta radi preventivencije daljeg zagađivanja i pripreme zemljišta za ko- načnu prenamenu. Ovaj rad se bavi karakterizacijom jalovišta ugljenokopa i pepelišta termoe- lektrana nastalim eksploatacijom uglja u svrhu dobijanja električne energije. Pravilnim monito- ringom i izborom remedijacionih biljaka ovi deposoli mogu da posluže za gajenje ekoremedija- cionih zasada, posebno drvenastih kultura, koje dalje mogu da se koriste u građevinarstvu, drvnoj industriji ili kao biomasa za dobijanje energije. Izbor biljnih kultura zavisi od vrste kontaminacije, sposobnosti biljaka da detoksifikuju ove devastirane deposole uz dodatne agro-mere, kao i mogućnosti da njihovi korisni delovi ostanu nekontaminirani kako bi kasnije poslužili kao sirovina. Na osnovu nivoa i vrste kontaminacije biraju se pogodne biljne kulture, vrši biomonitoring procesa i određuje efekat revitalizacije zemljišta. U tekstu je najviše pažnje posvećeno hemijskom sastavu, pravilnom uzorkovanju, pripremi uzoraka i fizičko-hemijskim analizama deposola i biljnog materi- jala, koji zajedno predstavljaju čvrste uzorke.Characterization and quantification pollutants role of devastated soils has significant importance in their phytoremediation process. Characteristics of contaminated soils are different from fertile soils by composition and concentration of toxic substances, amount of moisture, nutrients, humic substances and other pedological characteristics. By physico-chemical, biological and technolo- gical analyses, it is possible to define contamination level and necessary measures for complete soil remediation for further pollution prevention and preparation for final adaptation. This paper deals with characterization of coal tailings dams and thermoelectric power plant ash ponds occurred by electricity production process. With proper monitoring and remediation plants selection these deposols could be used for growing ecoremediation biomass, especially woody cultures, which could be used in construction and wood industry or as energetic biomass. Choice of plants depends on contamination type, ability of plants to detoxify devastated deposols with additional agro- measures, as well as possibility of their useful parts to remain uncontaminated for later usage as raw material. Selection of suitable plants, biomonitoring and determination of soil revitalization effect are based on contamination level and type. This text is focused on chemical composition, proper sampling, sample preparation and physico-chemical analyses of deposols and plant material, which both are the solid samples

    Innovative protected areas management models in support of the establishment and operation of the ecological network of Serbia

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    Успостављање заштићених подручја представља један од најефикаснијих начина заштите предела у којима је природа остала сачувана, па самим тим ова подручја чине један од најважнијих природних ресурса једне земље. Добро управљање подразумева постојање јасних и прецизних управљачких циљева, а реализује се преко планова управљања, који представљају прописе којима се јасно планирају мере и активности заштите неког подручја, као и развојне смернице, уз уважавање потреба локалног становништва које на том простору живи или користи његове ресурсе. Ефикасно управљање заштићеним подручјима је од кључне важности, да би сврха њиховог успостављања била оправдана, а постављени циљеви остварени. Циљ овог рада је анализа стања заштите природе у Србији у области заштићених подручја, указивање на недостатке и проблеме, препоруке и могућа решења, како би се капацитети управљача повећали, а управљање постало ефикасније. Ради упознавања са конкретном ситуацијом и ставовима самих управљача припремљена је анкета, односно упитник, а ради испитивања институционалног окружења урађен је експертски интервју, који је омогућио сагледавање међусобних односа и будућих планова. Одабрана питања била су отвореног, затвореног и мешовитог типа, а анкетирање управљача и интервју су реализовани у периоду од децембра 2014. до марта 2015. Упитнике је доставило 50 управљача, који управљају на 100 заштићених подручја, а на основу њихових одговора анализирани су капацитети управљача,њихов однос са локалном заједницом, туризам у заштићеним подручјима, реализација пројеката, постојање база података и вршење мониторинга, фактори угрожавања добра, као и мере заштите које се у односу на њих предузимају...The establishment of protected areas is one of the most effective ways to protect the areas with preserved nature, which are, as such, among the most important natural resources of a country. Proper management implies clear and precise management objectives, implemented through management plans, that is, clear procedures for planning measures and activities to protect certain area, as well as development guidelines, while observing the needs of the local population living in the area or using its resources. Effective management of protected areas is essential in justifying the purpose of their establishment and meeting their objectives. The aim of this paper is to assess the state of nature conservation in Serbia in the field of protected areas, to point out the shortcomings and problems, as well as recommendations and possible solutions, in order to increase the management efficiency and capabilities. In order to assess the actual situation and positions of the managers themselves, a questionnaire - survey was developed, and an expert interview was conducted in order to examine the institutional environment, which enabled consideration of the mutual relations and future plans. Selected questions were of open, closed and mixed types; the survey and the interview were conducted in the period from December 2014 to March 2015. The questionnaires were submitted by 50 managers operating in 100 protected areas. On the basis of their responses, the capabilities of the managers were analyzed, as well as their relationship with the local community, tourism in protected areas,implementation of projects, existence of databases and monitoring, factors threatening the environment, and appropriate protection measures..

    Influence of bentonite and zeolite on Cs+ and Co2+ cement matrix leaching phenomena

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    The probability of Cs+ and Co2+ ions retention by immobilization processes in the cement matrix was determinate as the subject of analyses: matrix design, water/cement ratio, and structure porosity. Comparison of experimental results was accomplished by Hespe standard leaching method. Diffusion and semi-empirical models were used for the assessment of the washing rate as a function of time. The higher value of cement matrix mechanical resistance corresponds to a lower value of Co2+ and Cs+ ions leaching. The Co2+ leaching level was more than two orders of magnitude less than the leaching level of Cs+. The influence of bentonite and zeolite on Co2+ leaching reduction was significantly smaller in comparison with Cs+, while zeolite had a higher Cs+ and Co2+ sorption ability than bentonite. Under static leaching conditions, the contribution of diffusion to the total transport of ions in the matrix porous medium was dominant. The contribution of matrix dissolution was insignificant concerning the dominant contribution of diffusion and surface washing. The semi-empirical model showed a better approximation of the Co2+ and Cs+ ions laboratory leaching process

    Characterization of clays from Slatina (Ub, Serbia) for potential uses in the ceramic industry

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    This study focuses on the mineralogical and thermal properties of clay from "Slatina" deposit, Ub, Serbia. Sampled clays were analysed by XRD, IR spectroscopy, ICP-OES, DTA, specific surface area (SSA), cationic exchange capacity (CEC), gravimetric and grain size measurements. Results show that the studied samples have a medium content of smectite-illite minerals with smaller amount of kaolinite together with quartz, feldspars and goethite. They consist generally of fine particles with medium to high plasticity. Based on their mineral composition and physical properties (grain size, plasticity, CEC) the clays are suitable as raw material for the ceramics industry

    Mehanizmi adaptacije strnih žita na kiselost zemljišta

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    Acid soils limit crop production on 30-40% of the world's arable land and up to 70% of the world's potentially arable land. Over 60% of the total arable lands in Serbia are acid soils. Soil acidity is determined by hydrogen (H+) in soil solution and it is influenced by edaphic, climatic, and biological factors. Major constraints for plant growth on acid mineral soils are toxic concentrations of mineral elements like Al of H+ and/or low mineral nutrient availability due to low solubility (e.g. P and Mo) or low reserves and impaired uptake (e.g. Mg2+) at high H+ concentrations. Aluminum (Al) toxicity is primary factor limiting crop production on acid soils. This review examines our current understanding of mechanisms of Al-toxicity, as well as the physiological and genetic basis for Al-toxicity and tolerance. Inhibition of root growth by Al leads to more shallow root systems, which may affect the capacity for mineral nutrient acquisition and increase the risk of drought stress. Of the two principal strategies (tolerance and avoidance) of plants for adaptation to adverse soil conditions, the strategy of avoidance is more common for adaptation to acid mineral soils. At the same, the short view of the most important genetics tolerance mechanisms, developed and determined in some small grains genotypes, is showed as well.Kisela zemljišta ograničavaju biljnu proizvodnju na 30-40% ukupnih, kao i do 70% potencijalno obradivih svetskih površina. Kisela reakcija ovih zemljišta i nizak sadržaj najvažnijih biljnih hraniva, pre svega R i Sa su ograničavajući faktori postizanja visokih i stabilnih prinosa gajenih biljaka. Pored kisele reakcije, ova zemljišta karakteriše veoma često i povećan sadržaj toksičnih oblika Al, Fe i Mn, kao i nedostatak ili smanjena pristupačnost P, Ca, Mg i nekih mikroelemenata, posebno Mo, Zn i V. Toksičnost Al se smatra najvažnijim faktorom koji ograničava rast biljaka na kiselim zemljištima. Mehanizmi adaptacije strnih žita na kisela zemljišta mogu se podeliti na: spoljašnje, unutrašnje (fiziološke) i genetičke. Dejstvo spoljašnjih mehanizama tolerantnosti zasniva se na imobilizaciji Al u ćelijskom zidu, isticanju Al kroz plazma membranu, uspostavljanju pH barijere u rizosferi i lučenju organskih kiselina, fosfata, helata i drugih liganada korenom u spoljašnju sredinu. Unutrašnji mehanizmi tolerantnosti zasnivaju se na kompleksiranju Al sa proteinima, organskim kiselinama i enzimima, kao i helatiziranju u citoplazmi. Strna žita ispoljavaju različitu tolerantnost prema kiselosti zemljišta i povećanom sadržaju Al u zemljišnom rastvoru. Najosetljiviji je ječam, zatim pšenica, dok veću tolerantnost ispoljavaju ovas, tritikale i raž