372 research outputs found

    Održivost i socijalizam - socio-ekološke ideje u urbanizaciji Novog Beograda

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    The main objective of this research is to explore the ecology ideas in socialism, or more precisely socio-ecological ideas that were present in urbanization of New Belgrade. The paper investigates beginnings of the development of environmental consciousness that emerged in late sixties of the twentieth century due to rapid urbanization processes of Belgrade, but also draws attention to specific architectural and urban concepts in historical urban development of New Belgrade which are from the standpoint of modern principles of sustainability positive examples of social - environmental exchanges. What can we learn from past experiences? Since the power relations of socio-environmental conditions that shape urban environment are constantly changing in terms of scale and participants in the process of urbanization, historical and geographical insight into the constantly changing urban configuration is necessary for understanding and consideration of future radical political-ecological urban strategies.Ovaj rad ima za cilj da istraži ekološke ideje koji se pojavljuju u socijalističkom periodu, ili preciznije socio-ekološke ideje koje su bile prisutne u urbanizaciji Novog Beograda. Rad istražuje početak razvoja ekološke svesti koja se javlja krajem šezdesetih godina XX veka usled naglog procese urbanizacije Beograda, ali takođe ukazuje i na određene arhitektonske i urbanističke koncepte u istorijskom razvoju Novog Beograda koji sa stanovišta savremenih principa održivosti predstavljaju pozitivne primere društveno-ekološke razmene. Šta možemo naučiti iz prethodnih iskustava? Budući da se odnosi moći društveno-ekoloških odnosa koji oblikuju urbane sredine stalno menjaju u pogledu razmere i učesnika u procesu urbanizacije, istorijsko-geografski uvid u te stalno promenljive urbane konfiguracije neophodan je radi razumevanja i razmatranja budućih radikalnih političko-ekoloških urbanih strategija

    Laser doppler velocimetry and confined flows

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    Finding the mode, in which two component laser Doppler velocimetry can be applied to flows confined in cylindrical tubes or vessels, was the aim of this study. We have identified principle issues that influence the propagation of laser beams in laser Doppler velocimetry system, applied to flow confined in cylindrical tube. Among them, the most important are influences of fluid and wall refractive indices, wall thickness and internal radius ratio and beam intersection angle. In analysis of the degrees of these influences, we have applied mathematical model, based on geometrical optics. The separation of measurement volumes, that measure different velocity components, has been recognized as the main drawback. To overcome this, we propose a lens with dual focal length primary focal length for the measurement of one velocity component and secondary focal length for the measurement of the other velocity component. We present here the procedure for calculating the optimal value of secondary focal length, depending on experimental set-up parameters. The mathematical simulation of the application of the dual focal length lens, for chosen cases presented here, confirmed the accuracy of the proposed procedure

    An Environmental Critique: Impact of Socialist Ideology on the Ecological and Cultural Sensitivity of Belgrade's Large-Scale Residential Settlements

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    This paper advocates the stance that sustainable approaches in architecture, although usually associated to contemporary practice, have a very complex relationship with the history of architecture and urbanism. By adopting an interpretative framework, the paper highlights the environmental aspects of the architectural practice of Belgrade's large-scale residential settlements created under the cultural influences of socialist ideology. The socialist system enabled systematic implementation of the principles of the Congres International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) on a large urban scale, in contrast to capitalist countries where these principles were applied on a smaller scale. The paper starts with the premise that these cultural influences, together with the integration of the principles of modernism, caused the rejection and the loss of traditional and ambience values in architecture. Research has shown that these values play a very important role in meeting the needs of ecological and cultural sensitivity in architecture. In its final consequences, the results of research have revealed that, although widely criticized for its break with tradition and the loss of ambience values, residential architecture in Belgrade during the socialist era included significant aspirations of the architectural practice directed at the improvement of aspects of sustainability, and especially aspects of ecological and cultural sensitivity

    Тhe application of environment-behavior theories in architectural design.

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    Повод и актуелност теме истраживања огледа се у неопходности редефинисања концепта природе у архитектури у складу са актуелним енвајроненталним и климатским питањима, као и променом позиције природе у савремменој култури...The relevance of these researc topics reflects the need for redefining the concept of nature in accordance with current environmental and climate issues, as well as with the changing position of nature in contemporary culture..

    Importance of environment-behavior knowledge in rehabilitation of mass housing: case of Belgrade [predavanje po pozivu]

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    The relevance of this topic reflects the need for redefining the approach to rehabilitation of mass housing as a contribution to social equality in accordance with the current environmental and social issues, as well as with the current environmental and social issues. Recent decades have seen a constant emphasis on the importance of behavioral knowledge and interpretation within architectural theory and practice in order to achieve environmental and cultural sustainability. The assumption is that environment-behavior knowledge can continuously improve architectural response to aspects of the environment, as well as to the needs of contemporary society and culture, the unpredictability of human behavior and the characteristics of the local context. What this elaboration shows is that the role of the environment-behavior knowledge in the rehabilitation of Belgrade mass housing settlements is reflected in understanding the complexity of applied architectural and urban approaches, and also in the understanding of user needs and the overall complexity of the environment and culture. Mentioned relations are considered at different spatial scales, from the level of the housing unit to the level of neighbourhood and block, both in the inner and outer space. Further, the lecture shows that the residential mass housing architecture of Belgrade has a rich environmental history, which is due to specific historical conditions, resulting in complex, hybrid forms of approaches to the design of the environment. Ultimately, the lecture shows that the rehabilitation of mass housing presupposes the establishment of a sensitive relation to the specific environmental, social and cultural context, as well as shifting the focus to the adaptive logic of architectural practice, revealing the possibilities of transformation, expansion and improvement of social equality

    Society, ecology and design education: transformative learning for future sustainable and healthy environments [predavanje po pozivu]

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    To effectively tackle the complex socio-ecological challenges of our time, it is imperative to utilise design approaches that are both transformative and broadly applicable. Such design approaches must transcend traditional boundaries of fields, domains, and disciplines and foster cross-cutting collaboration and innovation. By adopting a holistic and inclusive perspective, we can work towards meaningful and sensitive solutions that address the multifaceted challenges facing our society and environment. Failure to do so could result in a lack of understanding of environmental values and problems, leading to a significant lack of progress and understanding in these critical areas of our lives. In line with that, design education can play a central role in creating more sustainable, equitable and healthy urban environments. Transformative learning can provide “a qualitative shift“ in our living spaces at all spatial scales. It calls for dialogue, reflection, and action, whereas it addresses multiple ecological, societal, and health crises. This presentation aims to share lessons learned from international cooperations and projects, offering examples to enrich design education and practice development

    The influence of chronic pre-conditioning of phosphodiesterase 1 inhibitors alone and in combination with physical activity on functional recovery of an isolated heart of rats

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    Uvod: Redovna fizička aktivnost umerenog intenziteta se smatra neophodnom zdravstvenom merom kao osnovom nefarmakološke terapije kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Cilj ove studije je bio da proceni efekte PDEIs na kardiodinamske parametre i sistemski redoks status, nakon farmakološkog i fizičkog prekondicioniranja miokarda Materijal i metode: Studija je sprovedena na 96 mužjaka Wistar albino pacova, podeljenih u sledeće grupe sa i bez fizičkog treninga (12 po grupi): sedentarna kontrola, Nikardipin (6 mg/kg/dan), Vinpocetin (10 mg/kg/dan), Nimodipin (10 mg/kg/dan), trening umerenog intenziteta kontrolna grupa (MIT), Nikardipin (MIT + 6 mg/kg/dan leka), Vinpocetin (MIT + 10 mg/kg/dan leka), Nimodipin (MIT + 10 mg/kg/dan leka). Od kardidinamskih parametara praćeni su: dp/dt max, dp/dt min, SLVP, DLVP, frekvenca srca i koronarni protok. U koronarnom efluentu kao i u hemolizatu eritrocita životinja određivani su parametri oksidacionog stresa i antioksidacione zaštite: nitriti (NO2 – ), superoksidni anjonski radikal (O2), vodonik-peroksid (H2O2), indeks lipidne peroksidacije, superoksid dismutaza, katalaza i redukovani glutation. Rezultati: Prekondicioniranje PDE1 inhibitorima i treningom umerenog intenziteta povećavaju parametre kontraktilnosti srca, sa dominantnijim povećanjem dp/dt min i max kao i SPLK nakon primene vinpocetina i nimodipina i smanjuje oslobađanje pro-oksidanasa. Zaključak: Fizički trening umerenog inteziteta dovoljnog trajanja samostalno ili u kombinaciji sa PDE1 inhibitorima dovodi do razvijanja pozitivnih protektivnih adaptivnih mehanizama koji se manifestvuju smanjenjem oksidacionog stresa i poboljšanjem hemodinamskih parametara., a time i ukupne sposobnosti organizma.Introduction: Regular physical activity of moderate intensity is considered a necessary health measure as a basis for non-pharmacological therapy of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of PDEIs on cardiodynamic parameters and systemic redox status, after pharmacological and physical myocardial preconditioning Material and methods: The study was performed on 96 male Wistar albino rats, divided into the following groups with and without physical training (12 per group): sedentary control, Nicardipine (6 mg/kg/day), Vinpocetine (10 mg/kg/day), Nimodipine (10 mg/kg/day), moderate intensity training control group (MIT), Nicardipine (MIT + 6 mg/kg/day), Vinpocetine (MIT + 10 mg/kg/day), Nimodipine (MIT) + 10 mg/kg/day). The following parameters were monitored: dp/dt max, dp/dt min, SLVP, DLVP, HR, CF and parameters of oxidative stress and antioxidant protection: nitrites (NO2 – ), superoxide anion radical (O2),hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), lipid peroxidation index (suzaroxide dismuta) , catalase (CAT) and reduced glutathione (GSH). Results: Preconditioning with PDE1 inhibitors and moderate-intensity training increase cardiac contractility parameters, with a more dominant increase in dp/dt min and max as well as SLVP after administration of vinpocetine and nimodipine, and decrease pro-oxidant release. Conclusion: Physical training of moderate intensity of sufficient duration alone or in combination with PDE1 inhibitors leads to the development of positive protective adaptive mechanisms which are manifested by reduction of oxidative stress and improvement of hemodynamic parameters, and thus the overall ability of the organism

    Nature Based Solutions

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    This text deals with the potential of Nature-Based Solutions as an important design action for teaching the sustainability of the built environment and heritage awareness. It provides an overview of relevant contents, methods, goals, teacher competencies, course types, and learning outcomes


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    Integrated Information Systems*Case (IIS*Case) R.6.21 is a CASE tool that we developed to support automated database (db) schema design, based on a methodology of gradual integration of independently designed subschemas into a database schema. It provides complete intelligent support for developing db schemas and enables designers to work together and cooperate reaching the most appropriate solutions. The process of independent design of subschemas may lead to collisions in expressing the real world constraints and business rules. IIS*Case uses specialized algorithms for checking the consistency of constraints embedded in the database schema and the subschemas. IIS*Case supports designers in reviewing and validating results obtained after each step of the design process. The paper outlines the process of resolving collisions. A case study based on an imaginary production system is used to illustrate the application of IIS*Case. Different outcomes and their consequences are presented