1,965 research outputs found

    A Rare Gastric Carcinoma- Neuroendocrine Tumors

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    Healthy Nutrition

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    Many costly and disabling conditions - cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases - are linked by common preventable risk factors. Tobacco use, prolonged, unhealthy nutrition, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use are major causes and risk factors for these conditions. The ongoing nutritional transition expressed through increased consumption of high fat and high salt food products will contribute to the rising burden of heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Changes in activity patterns as a consequence of the rise of motorised transport, sedentary leisure time activities such as television watching will lead to physical inactivity in all but the poorest populations. Many diseases can be prevented, yet health care systems do not make the best use of their available resources to support this process. All too often, health care workers fail to seize patient interactions as opportunities to inform patients about health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. Interaction of infection and malnutrition is well-documented. Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. Healthy children learn better. Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a sustainable way. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to achieving better quality of life

    The assessment of health-related quality of life in relation to the body mass index value in the urban population of Belgrade

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The association between excess body weight, impairment of health and different co-morbidities is well recognized; however, little is known on how excess body weight may affect the quality of life in the general population. Our study investigates the relationship between perceived health-related quality of life (HRQL) and body mass index (BMI) in the urban population of Belgrade.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The research was conducted during 2005 on a sample of 5,000 subjects, with a response of 63.38%. The study sample was randomly selected and included men and women over 18 years of age, who resided at the same address over a period of 10 years. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and nutritional status was categorized using the WHO classification. HRQL was measured using the SF-36 generic score. Logistic regression analysis was used to compare HRQL between subjects with normal weight and those with different BMI values; we monitored subject characteristics and potential co-morbidity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of overweight males and females was 46.6% and 22.1%, respectively. The prevalence of obesity was 7.5% in males and 8.5% in females.</p> <p>All aspects of health, except mental, were impaired in males who were obese. The physical and mental wellbeing of overweight males was not significantly affected; all score values were similar to those in subjects with normal weight.</p> <p>By contrast, obese and overweight females had lower HRQL in all aspects of physical functioning, as well as in vitality, social functioning and role-emotional.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of our study show that, in the urban population of Belgrade, increased BMI has a much greater impact on physical rather than on mental health, irrespective of subject gender; the effects were particularly pronounced in obese individuals.</p

    Recurrent myocardial infarction in a young football player with antithrombin III deficiency

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    Acute myocardial infarction is a rare condition in young athletes. One of the causes could be a hypercoagulable state due to congenital antithrombin III deficiency, together with a prothrombotic state soon after strenuous physical training. We present the case of myocardial reinfarction in young football player with antithrombin III deficiency, treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention and drug eluting stent, as well as the functional repercussions of continuous intensive physical activity

    Healthy Nutrition

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    Many costly and disabling conditions - cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases - are linked by common preventable risk factors. Tobacco use, prolonged, unhealthy nutrition, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use are major causes and risk factors for these conditions. The ongoing nutritional transition expressed through increased consumption of high fat and high salt food products will contribute to the rising burden of heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Changes in activity patterns as a consequence of the rise of motorised transport, sedentary leisure time activities such as television watching will lead to physical inactivity in all but the poorest populations. Many diseases can be prevented, yet health care systems do not make the best use of their available resources to support this process. All too often, health care workers fail to seize patient interactions as opportunities to inform patients about health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. Interaction of infection and malnutrition is well-documented. Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. Healthy children learn better. Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a sustainable way. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to achieving better quality of life

    Nadzor bolesti riba u Srbiji

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    U Srbiji se vrši program nadzora virusnih i bakterijskih bolesti na osnovu Programa mera zdravstvene zaštite životinja, u skladu sa propisima Evropske Unije, i to: virusne hemoragične septikemije (VHS) i zarazna hematopoezne nekroze (IHN), zarazne nekroze pankreasa (IPN), prolećne viremije šarana (SVC) i renibakterioze (BKD). Cilj programa praćenja i nadzora bolesti riba je dobijanje i održavanje statusa slobode od bolesti, iskornjivanje ili sprečavanje širenja bolesti. Primarna ciljna populacija u programu nadzora su kalifornijska pastrmka i šaran. U Srbiji postoji nacionalno zakonodavstvo kao osnov za nadzora i kontrolu bolesti riba, kao i lista bolesti obaveznih za prijavljivanje. Pored nacionalnog zakonodavstva, prihvaćeni su i principi navedeni u Direktivi 2006/88/EC, koji se odnose na zahteve za kontrolu zdravlje riba u akvakulturi i njihovih proizvoda. Praćenje i nadzor virusnih bolesti vrše se na osnovu postupaka ispitivanja datih u Odluci Komisije 2001/183/EC, a za bakterijske bolesti, koriste se standardne dijagnostičke procedure. Klinički pregledi na ribnjacima vrše se dva puta godišnje i uzimaju se uzorci za virološka i bakteriološka ispitivanja, u svrhu dokumentovanja odsustva bolesti. Postupak ispitivanja, dat u Priručniku OIE za dijagnostiku bolesti riba, osnova je za ispitivanja. Uzorci svih kategorija riba iz 56 šaranskih i 52 pastrmska ribnjaka se godišnje ispituju na prisustvo bolesti. Za virusološka ispitivanja su korišćeni homogenati bubrega, slezine, jetre i škrga. Pulirani parenhimatozni organi i škrge su homogenizovani i centrifugirani na 2500 x g, 20 minuta. Za izolaciju, supernatanti su inokulirani na 24 sata stare kulture EPC i BF-2 ćelijskih linija. Inokulisane kulture su inkubirane na 15 - 20 °C, tokom 7 dana i svakodnevno su posmatrane na pojavu citopatogenog efekta. Identifikacija virusa je vršena PCR, ELISA testom i testom fluorescentnih antitela. Kao materijal za PCR je uziman homogenat organa i prva ili druga pasaža odgovarajuće ćelijske linije. PCR produkti su sekvencirani direktno, pomoću Big Dye Terminator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, SAD) i ABI PRISM 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Dobijene sekvence su analizirane pomoću Sequencing Analysis Software 5.1 (Applied Biosystems). Na osnovu rezultata nadzora, Srbija se smatra slobodnom od VHS, IHN i KHV. Najveći problem predstavlja zarazna nekroza pankreasa. Renibakterioza je prisutna na određenom broju ribnjaka

    Nawracający zawał serca u młodego piłkarza z niedoborem antytrombiny III

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    Ostry zawał serca jest stosunkowo rzadko obserwowanym schorzeniem u młodych sportowców. Jedną z przyczyn rozwoju zawału serca w tej grupie chorych może być stan nadmiernej krzepliwości krwi wtórny do wrodzonego niedoboru antytrombiny III w połączeniu ze stanem prozakrzepowym, który pojawia się wkrótce po dużym wysiłku fizycznym. W niniejszej pracy opisano przypadek kliniczny kolejnego zawału serca u młodego piłkarza z niedoborem antytrombiny III, leczonego za pomocą pierwotnej przezskórnej angioplastyki wieńcowej połączonej z implantacją stentu uwalniającego lek oraz następczym funkcjonalnym ograniczeniem intensywności wysiłku fizycznego

    Procena uticaja navodnjavanja višegodišnjih zasada na stabilnost strukturnih mikroagregata i rizik od stvaranja pokorice

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    The soil structure is very dynamic measure, especially in the topsoil horizon, given that changes can occur under the influence of climatic factors, cultivated plants, amelioration measures and tillage. In the area of the Danube region, in September 2015, it was conducted the study on the effect of the perennial plants irrigation on the structural microaggregates stability and the risk of the soil crusting on three selected locations in agricultural soil samples taken from the surface layer (0-30 cm). In the analysed soil samples in disturbed state it was determined the ratio between the total content of particles of less than 0.002 mm (clay) in soil samples prepared with sodium pyrophosphate and the content of such particles in soil suspension prepared with water. The degree of the stability of microaggregates was expressed according to Vageler, in relation to their estimated stability index. The risk of the soil crust formation was determined according to a Van der Watt & Claassen pattern. The obtained results showed that the soil samples have stable to very stable degree of the structural microaggregates stability and that an irrigation did not significantly affect the analysed parameter. In the analysed samples the risk of the soil crusting is high to borderline.Struktura zemljišta je veoma dinamična veličina, naročito u orničnom horizontu, koji je i ispitivan, obzirom da do promena može doći pod uticajem klimatskih činilaca, gajenih biljaka, primenjenih meliorativnih mera i obrade. Na području Podunavske oblasti, tokom septembra 2015. godine, sprovedena su ispitivanja uticaja navodnjavanja višegodišnjih zasada na stabilnost strukturnih mikroagregata i rizik od stvaranja pokorice na tri odabrane lokacije u uzorcima poljoprivrednog zemljišta iz površinskog sloja (0-30 cm). U ispitivanim uzorcima zemljišta u poremećenom stanju, određen je stepen stabilnosti mikroagregata, izražen prema Vageler-u, na osnovu određenog odnosa između ukupnog sadržaja čestica manjih od 0,002 mm (gline) u uzorku zemljišta pripremljenog sa natrijum pirofosfatom i sadržaja tih čestica u suspenziji zemljišta pripremljenog sa vodom. Određen je i rizik od stvaranja pokorice, po obrascu Van der Watt & Claassena. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ispitivani uzorci zemljišta imaju stabilan do vrlo stabilan stepen stabilnosti strukturnih mikroagregata i da navodnjavanje nije u znatnoj meri uticalo na ispitivani parametar. U ispitivanim uzorcima rizik od stvaranja pokorice je visok do graničan