400 research outputs found


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    Im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes werden einige wichtige Aspekte des ästhetischen Lernens bei der transkulturellen Vermittlung von Literatur dargestellt, mit dem Ziel zu zeigen, wie die systematische Interpretation ausgezeichneter literarischer Werke in der Ausbildung von Lehrenden zur humanistischen Bildung bzw. transkulturellen Vermittlung humanistischer Werte beiträgt, während gleichzeitig die Sprachkompetenzen der Lernenden gefördert werden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung fand im Rahmen eines universitären Unterrichtsprojektes statt. Sie zeigt auf, wie die ästhetische Erfahrung bei der literarischen Übersetzung durch den spielerischen Umgang mit Sprache ermöglicht wird sowie durch die Auseinandersetzung mit gelungenen sprachlich vermittelten Bildern, Sinnbildern und Metaphern, die nicht unbedingt kulturologisch geprägt sind, sondern vielmehr mit der Transformation von der persönlichen zur universal-menschlichen Erfahrung zu tun haben.The paper deals with some important aspects of aesthetic learning within the transcultural teaching of literature aiming to show how the systematic interpretation of the best literary works as part of teacher education contributes to humanistic education or rather the transcultural mediation of humanistic values while at the same time language skills of learners being encouraged. The research was conducted as part of the university teaching project. It has shown how the playful use of language within the literary translation enables the aesthetic experience. Moreover, the evaluation confirmed that dealing with linguistically successful conveyed images, symbols and metaphors that are not necessarily culturally shaped, but rather related to conversion of personal to universal human experience fosters the transformation of aesthetic experience into cognition about the universal values beyond national borders

    From the Elegiac to the Hymnal in Friedrich Hölderlin\u27s and Laza Kostić\u27s Works

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    Friedrich Hölderlin\u27s (1770-1843) representative elegy “Menon\u27s Lament for Diotima” (“Menons Klagen um Diotima“, written in 1800 and published in 1802/1803) and the poem by the Serbian romantic poet Laza Kostić (1841-1910) “Santa Maria della Salute” (1909) are characterized by an almost identical intertwining of the poetic and biographical contexts and a structure determined by a painful memory of a love lost and a deceased lover which leads the lyric subject towards the individual realization of the transcendental, the idealization of the loved one to the point where she becomes an object of a religious feeling and a hymnal celebration of beauty and love. In the article we have pointed out the identical, profoundly romantic, motifs in both poems, most of all the motif of understanding and deep inner insight which lifts the lyrical subject from the depths of despair due to the loss of the beloved towards the exaltation for being fortunate enough to have loved and for the ability to preserve the memory of the lost love and beauty, which makes him a true poet, in art for all eternity. On the thematic level, this knowledge also formally transforms an elegy into a hymn

    Stresna inkontinenca pri mladostnikih

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    Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat

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    Five winter wheat cultivars created in Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac (Ana Morava, Toplica, Vizija, Takovčanka and Lazarica) were grown at the macro field trial in three locations (Kragujevac, Sombor and Bačka Topola) during three years (2004-2006). Influence of environment (location and growing season) and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough (water absorption, dough development time, dough stability time, dough weakness, and mixing tolerance index) were investigated. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among investigated cultivars (G), years (Y) and among their interactions (G x Y, G x L, Y x L, G x Y x L) for water absorption of flour. The strongest individual influence for water absorption had location (F=56.032**) and G x Y x L interaction (F=55.712**), and then year (F=45.069**). Farinograph properties have shown that wheat flour on average belonged to A2 and B1 quality group, what means that investigated cultivars had high technological quality

    The influence of project-based learning on student achievement in elementary mathematics education

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    An effective instructional approach in elementary mathematics education has a significant role in the understanding of mathematical concepts and overall student achievement. We point out the characteristics, significance and effects that may be achieved in mathematics education through the application of project-based learning. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of project-based learning on student achievement in lower elementary mathematics education and examine whether the project-based model was equally acceptable to students with different marks. We arranged quasi-experimental research instruction (experiment with parallel groups), on a sample (N = 147) in order to examine whether an instructional approach based on the principles of project-based work would achieve better effects of learning and student achievement compared to the usual way of learning implemented in mathematics education. Results of the final measurements show that students in the experimental group, who worked according to the model of project-based work, achieved better compared to students who worked in the usual way. With this study we have shown that project-based instruction has significant effects on student achievement in lower elementary mathematics education, and that it can undoubtedly contribute to the methodological empowerment of teachers in their teaching practice

    The concept of beauty in German ballads

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    U ovom radu istražuje se problem odnosa nemačke umetničke balade prema novovekovnim estetičkim konceptima. Tokom razvojne istorije žanra, od druge polovine 18. veka do danas, balada pokazuje sklonost ka tematizovanju pitanja umetnosti i umetnika, odnosno, u skladu sa konceptom lepih umetnosti, dominantnim gotovo do polovine 20. veka, reflektuje pitanje odnosa umetnosti i stvarnosti i ulogu lepote u njima. U osnovi balade je tragičan doživljaj, sudbinski slom ili smrt, odnosno jedan ili niz nesrećnih, najčešće neobjašnjenih i neobjašnjivih događaja, koji vode tragičnom gubitku života ili ideala koji život čine vrednim življenja. Uz nelepe i stresne, bolne, strahotne i tragične događaje, lepo i lepota, u ljudskom liku ili u umetničkoj tvorevini, zauzimaju centralno mesto u velikom broju balada. Upravo je to ishodište ovog istraživanja: činjenica da lepota i lepo u nemačkoj umetničkoj baladi u relativno dugom trajanju žanra stoje rame uz rame sa tragedijom ljudske egzistencije. Otud je glavni cilj rada je da se utvrdi otkud lepo uz tragično, otkud lepo u tragičnom, a centralno pitanje koje rad postavlja: kakav se koncept lepote u nemačkoj umetničkoj baladi suprotstavlja ili pretpostavlja tragičnom ljudskom postojanju na zemlji? Budući da se u baladi lepo pojavljuje i kao estetska i kao etička kategorija, pretpostavka ovog rada je da ne postoji jedinstveni estetski koncept koji balada favorizuje, nego da se koncept menja sa ukusom vremena. Sa tačke gledišta dijahronije, moguće zapravo govoriti o konceptima lepote u baladi i to u direktnoj vezi sa estetičkim stanovištem autora ili njegove epohe, odnosno, još šire, sa konceptom stvarnosti, podrazumevanom metafizičkom, idealističkom, materijalističkom, egzistencijalističkom ili drugim koncepcijama čovekovog bitisanja u svetu. Drugo poglavlje ovog rada posvećeno je teorijskom i istorijskom određenju balade kao književne vrste, a na osnovu dosadašnjih istraživanja koja su krajem 20. veka dobila novi zamah. Predočeni su zaključci žive diskusije o dometima i izražajnim mogućnostima balade, koja je tekla paralelno sa tradicijom baladeskne produkcije. U skladu sa modelom Hartmuta Laufhitea iz 1991, kako ga je 2006. godine pojasnio i dopunio Srdan Bogosavljević, u okvirima ovog istraživanja baladu razumemo kao...This doctoral dissertation examines the relation of German artistic ballads to the modern aesthetic concepts. During the historical development of the genre, starting from the second half of the 18th century up until modern day, ballad tends to make the art and artist the subject of discussion. In accordance with the concept of the fine arts, which was dominant roughly until the middle of the 20th century, ballad reflects the relation of art to reality, as well as the role of beauty in them both individually. Ballad, as a genre, is based on a tragic experience, turn of the destiny or death, one or a whole string of unfortunate, mostly unexplained and unexplainable events that lead to the tragic loss of life or an ideal which makes life worth of living. Aside from unpleasant, stressful, painful, dreadful and tragic events, beauty and the beautiful – in human form or in a work of art – take the central place in numerous ballads. That is the starting point of this research: the fact that beauty and the beautiful in German artistic ballads stand side by side with the tragedy of human existence. Thus, the main objective of this research is to determine how beauty can be found in tragedy, how that which is beautiful can accompany that which is tragic. The main question of this work is, which concept of beauty does German ballad confront or presuppose to the tragic human existence on earth? Considering the fact that beauty in ballad appears as an aesthetic and ethic category, the hypothesis of this research is that there is no unique aesthetic concept favored in ballad, but rather that the concept changes according to contemporary taste. From the perspective of diachrony, it is possible to speak about the concepts of beauty in ballad, which are directly related to the aesthetic point of view of the author and the time period in which he or she lived, or even considered more broadly – to the concept of reality, the implied metaphysical, idealistic, existential, and materialistic or other concepts of human existence in the world. The second chapter of this work focuses on the theoretical and historical consideration of ballad as a literary genre, based on previous research, which received a fresh impetus at the end of the 20th century. Conclusions are presented from the..