135 research outputs found

    Why circular instead of linear economy? Implementing a circular economy in Montenegro based on examples from Portugal

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    Mestrado APNORThe work represents the overall understanding of new trends in the economy, influenced by the informatics revolution, new ways of thinking, and operating of economy and society. The circular economy can help modern society evaluate and develop digitalisation, environmental awareness, and social responsibility. The traditional (linear) economy highlights consumption and production, without carrying about the waste of products. The main goal of a traditional economy is to maximize profit without concern about what will be with the used product. Today things are a bit different, circular economy presents a new way of design, technology, innovation, and product and operating overall businesses. The circular economy focuses on resources, creation, and the period after consumption. In that way, there is not a lot of waste, and even used products can have some other usage. Environmental economics focuses on microeconomics, how and why people make decisions that affect the natural environment. The main objective of this research is to discuss how economic institutions and policies can be changed to bring these environmental impacts more into balance with human desires and the ecosystem's needs. Work pointed out the potential solutions, changes and progress areas. In one section of the work, there is a mention of the situation in Portugal and their approach to implementing a circular economy, the new normal. This work includes a comparison analysis of two countries and practical examples from Portugal. Providing research in Montenegro, the work consists of real-life results that express the current situation in the Montenegrin industry. The findings indicate that the industry is eager to begin the transition, and one possible solution is presented as recycling in Montenegro, transitioning from a linear to a circular economy is one way to begin implementing in Montenegro. The primary reason why recycling is the solution is familiarity. Many of the companies studied indicated a willingness to begin the transition process through recycling. This will eventually lead to other activities that support sustainability, such as digitalization, new manufacturing methods, and so on.O trabalho representa a compreensão global das novas tendências da economia, influenciadas pela revolução informática, novas formas de pensar, e funcionamento da economia e da sociedade.A economia circular pode ajudar a sociedade moderna a avaliar e desenvolver, no sentido da digitalização, consciência ambiental, e responsabilidade social. A economia tradicional (linear) realça o consumo e a produção, sem transportar o desperdício de produtos. O principal objectivo de uma economia tradicional é maximizar o lucro sem se preocupar o que acontecerá ao produto usado. Hoje em dia a economia circular apresenta uma nova forma de concepção, tecnologia, inovação, produto e funcionamento geral das empresas. A economia circular dá atenção aos recursos, à criação, e ao período após o consumo. Desta forma, não há muito desperdício, e mesmo os produtos usados podem ter alguma outra utilização. A economia ambiental centra-se na microeconomia, como e porquê as pessoas tomam decisões que afectam o ambiente natural. A presente investigação tem como objetivo principal discutir como as instituições e políticas económicas podem ser alteradas para equilibrar melhor estes impactos ambientais com os desejos humanos e as necessidades do próprio ecossistema. O trabalho apontará as potenciais soluções, mudanças e área de progresso. Numa secção do trabalho, há uma menção à situação em Portugal e à sua abordagem à implementação da economia circular, a nova normal. Este trabalho inclui uma análise comparativa de dois países, bem como exemplos práticos de Portugal. Fornecendo investigação no Montenegro, o trabalho consiste em resultados da vida real que expressam a situação actual na indústria montenegrina. Os resultados indicam que a indústria está ansiosa por iniciar a transição, e uma solução possível é apresentada como reciclagem no Montenegro, a transição de uma economia linear para uma economia circular é uma forma de começar a implementar no Montenegro. A principal razão pela qual a reciclagem é a solução é a familiaridade. Muitas das empresas estudadas manifestaram vontade de iniciar o processo de transição através da reciclagem. Isto acabará por conduzir a outras actividades que apoiam a sustentabilidade, tais como a digitalização, novos métodos de fabrico, e assim por diante

    Volatile Aroma Compounds of Brandy "Lozovaa ' Produced from Muscat Table Grapevine Cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Grape brandy, known as Lozovaa', is one of the most produced alcoholic beverages in the Republic of Serbia. Muscat cultivars are highly priced in grape brandy manufacturing. Among the numerous factors, cultivar-specific characteristics have a significant influence on its quality and aroma profile. Pectolytic enzymes play a part in increasing intensity of the prefermentative aroma by hydrolysis of terpenic glycosides, from which the compounds that contribute to the aroma of brandy are released. In this study, grape brandy samples were produced from five Muscat table grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) namely, Early Muscat, Radmilovac Muscat, Banat Muscat, Italia Muscat, and Muscat Hamburg, with the addition of pectolytic enzyme in two different concentrations or without it (control). A total of 58 volatile aroma compounds were detected by means of combined gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC/MS) method. Ethyl esters of C-8-C-18 fatty acids (21) and terpene (16) compounds were considerably more abundant in all grape brandy samples compared to the other volatile compounds identified. Pectolytic enzyme, positively affected terpenes content in the brandy of all studied cultivars. The similarities between brandy samples produced from Muscat Hamburg (MH) and other Muscat cultivars may be attributed to the parentage of MH to those cultivars

    Farmakološko dejstvo prirodnih imida

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    Heterocyclic systems containing nitrogen are widespread among alkaloids, having different pharmacological activities. Five and six membered cyclic imide derivatives are valuable group of bioactive compounds, that act as androgen receptor antagonists, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytics, antivirals, antibacterials, and tumor suppressing agents. Those compounds rarely occur in natural sources, but so far isolated ones exert widespread pharmacological activities, which makes them valuable as potential pharmacotherapeutics.Heterociklični sistemi koji sadrže azot su veo- ma rasprostranjeni među alkaloidima i ispoljavaju različitu farmakološku aktivnost. Petočlani i šestočlani ciklični imidi su značajna bioaktivna jedinjenja koja deluju kao antagonisti androgenih receptora, antiinflamatorni agensi, anksiolitici, antivirotici, antibiotici i agensi koji sprečavaju razvoj različitih tumora. Iako se ova jedinjenja retko nalaze u prirodnim proizvodima, svi do sada izolovani imidi ispoljavaju farmakološku aktivnost, što ukazuje na njihov značaj kao potencijalnih farmakoterapeutika

    Applying multi-criteria analysis for preliminary assessment of the properties of alginate immobilized Myriophyllum spicatum in lake water samples

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    The preliminary assessment of the properties of alginate immobilized aquatic weed Myriophyllum spicatum beads-MsAlg in a multi-element system of nine Serbian lakes water samples was done. Herein, the results obtained in the biosorption experiment with MsAlg contents of twenty-two elements analysed by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, biosorption capacity, element removal efficiency, total hardness (TH) and quality index of water (WQI) are presented. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used for the characterization of M. spicatum and its beads. The study showed that aluminium, magnesium and strontium were adsorbed by MsAlg in the water samples from all examined lakes; barium and iron in the water samples from six lakes. The overall average efficiency of MsAlg in biosorption of elements was in the following order: Al > Ba > Sr > Fe > Mg (58.6, 51.7, 48.2, 23.9 and 17.7%, respectively). The increase of TH and WQI values after the biosorption was noticed in all studied lake water samples. The most significant correlations for pH were regarding the contents of B, Mg and Ca, whereas WQI was highly correlated to the contents of B and Mg, and pH. The complexity of the obtained data was explained by Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis, which showed good discrimination capabilities between the water samples taken from different locations. Considering that the invasive M. spicatum is natural, widespread and that its immobilization is cheap and eco-friendly, presented findings could be helpful in further assessment of MsAlg beads for its potential use as biofilter

    1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food—Insight into the conference

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    The University of Belgrade was chosen to host an international conference “1st European Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food”, that was successfully held on 7–9. September 2022 in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. The main goals of the conference were to promote the scientific achievements of researchers in the field of natural products and their implementation in food and medicine, as well as to bring together well recognized scientists from all around the world and young researchers that are starting their careers in the research fields covered by the conference topics. In that respect 1-EuSPMF fulfilled the expectations of the participants and the organizers. © 2022 The Authors. Food Frontiers published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Nanchang University, Northwest University, Jiangsu University, Zhejiang University, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

    Ampelografski opis grozda, bobice i semenke sorte Merlo (Vitis vinifera L.) - i odabranih klonova

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    During a four-year period, ampelographic experiments focusing on the berry cluster (average length of grape cluster, number of grape clusters per shoot, number of berries per grape cluster and length of peduncle), berry (length of berry and berry juice yield), length of pedicel and seed (length of berry seed) of Merlot cultivar (used as a relevant standard) and 11 clones (Nos. 022, 023, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 033 and 034) were performed in order to establish the differences among them. These experiments were actually conducted in the third phase of individual clonal selection of Merlot cultivar carried out in Serbia. The lengths of grape cluster and pedicel as well as berry must yields differed significantly among the examined clones. The cluster and principal component analyses classified 12 samples into three divergent clusters/groups, respectively. The clones belonging to the cluster II /the second group/ had significantly higher values of numbers of grape clusters per shoot and berries per grape cluster; lengths of peduncle and berry; berry must yield and length of pedicel, compared both to standard Merlot /the cluster I, the first group/ and the clones of the cluster III /the third group/. The phenological observations showed no significant differences in the beginnings and durations of phenological stages and vegetation period of the examined clones. The obtained results indicate the real need for further research work focused both on the agrobiological and technological properties of the grapes and wines aiming to better describe the selected clones.Tokom četvorogodišnjeg perioda urađen je ampelografski opis grozda, bobice i semenke jedanaest klonova (022, 023, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 033 i 034) i sorte Merlo (kao standarda) u cilju utvrđivanja razlike među njima. Datim ispitivanjem (sprovedenim u Srbiji) obuhvaćene su sledeće karakteristike: broj grozdova po izdanku, dužina grozda, broj bobica po grozdu, dužina stabljike grozda, dužina bobice, randman soka bobice, dužina peteljčice bobica i dužina semenke. Eksperimenti su urađeni u toku treće faze individualne klonske selekcije sorte Merlo. Proučavani klonovi značajno su se razlikovali među sobom, a posebno prema dužini stabljike grozda, randmanu soka bobice i dužini peteljčice bobice. Dobijeni rezultati obrađeni su hijerarhijskom klasterskom analizom (HCA) i multivarijantnom analizom podataka (pomoću analize glavnih komponenata - PCA). Shodno tome, dati uzorci (standard i varijeteti) svrstani su u tri klastera (HCA), odnosno grupe (PCA). Klonovi obuhvaćeni klasterom II /druga grupa/ odlikovali su se značajno većim vrednostima broja grozdova po izdanku, broja bobica po grozdu, dužine stabljike grozda, dužine bobice, randmana soka bobice i dužine peteljčice bobice kako u odnosu na Merlo standard, tako i u odnosu na klonove klastera III /treća grupa/. Kao takvi, mogu biti obuhvaćeni daljim proučavanjima u okviru klonske selekcije. Sa fenološkog aspekta, pak, među datim klonovima nisu uočene značajnije razlike u početku i trajanju pojedinačnih razvojnih fenofaza, kao i u dužini vegetacionog perioda


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    Skin melanoma is a malignant tumour with aggressive behaviour. Regional or systemic metastases represent a form of spreading, however, the time of appearance should not be strictly defined. We present a case of the patient with skin melanoma, also suffering from multiple sclerosis, under a long-lasting high dose corticosteroid therapy. The primary tumour was 1.7mm thick (T2a), but the clinical course was highly aggressive with massive subcutaneous and lymphatic metastases involving even the popliteal nodes. Several surgeries were performed as the only therapeutic choice, in circumstances in which interferon could not be applied because of multiple sclerosis. The patient died 16 months after establishing the diagnosis, in the stage of generalized disease. It should be debated that aggressive clinical course could be associated with immunosupression, however, we still cannot draw definite conclusions

    Essential Elements as a Distinguishing Factor between Mycorrhizal Potentials of Two Cohabiting Truffle Species in Riparian Forest Habitat in Serbia

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    True truffles (Tuber sp.) that establish ectomycorrhizal symbiosis (ECM) with trees in the Mediterranean and temporal regions have species specific abilities to assimilate soil born elements. Suitable habitats are usually inhabited by few truffle species, while distinguishing their symbiotic potentials appeared very difficult. Two species that commonly inhabit riparian forests in Serbia are the most prized one, Tuber magnatumPico (Piedmont white truffle) and not so highly valued Tuber brumaleVitt. In order to assess potential differences between their assimilation and accumulation abilities, the differences between contents of elements that may be the subjects of the symbiotic trade between the host plant and fungi were evaluated in accumulation target (ascocarps) and their source (the soil). Essential (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, S, and Zn) and essential trace elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, and Se) in truffles and soil samples were determined by means of inductively coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Their concentrations (mg/kg) in ascocarps were in the range from 1.364 +/- 0.591 (Cr) to 10760.862 +/- 16.058 (K), while in soil ranged from 23.035 +/- 0.010 (Cr) to 20809.300 +/- 122.934 (Fe). Element accumulation potential (bioaccumulation factor) was calculated in the system truffle/soil. The statistical approaches were used for establishing the differences, while the possible differentiation between symbiotic potentials of two mycelia in the defined soil conditions was discussed

    Insight into Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Properties of Rosehip (Rosa canina L.)-Based Tisanes with Addition of Hibiscus Flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

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    Tisane is a fruit or herbal infusion, commonly referred to as herbal tea. These products are consumed as part of a balanced diet, which is closely related to the trend of a healthier lifestyle. In this work, tisanes prepared from rosehip (R), and herbal mixtures containing rosehip/hibiscus flowers (R/H) and rosehip/hibiscus flowers/saffron (R/H/S) were studied. Rosehip was dried by the convective drying method at 40, 50 and 60 °C. Total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), total flavonol content (TFlC), total anthocyanin content (TAC), antioxidant properties (DPPH∙ and ABTS∙+ assays) and in vitro inhibitory potential toward α-amylase of tisanes were examined. The highest TPC (based on dry weight (dw)) was measured in tisane obtained from rosehip dried at 60 °C (37.84 mg GAE/g dw). Tisanes prepared from a R/H/S mixture had the highest values of TFC (4.66–6.13 mg QUE/g dw), TFlC (2.67–3.98 mg QUE/g dw) and TAC (1.35–2.27 mg Cy 3-glc/g dw). The highest DPPH∙ scavenging activity (53.42 mg TE/g dw) was measured in rosehip (dried at 60 °C) tisane, whereas tisane prepared from a rosehip (dried at 60 °C)/hibiscus mixture expressed the best ABTS∙+ scavenging activity (107.44 mg TE/g dw). All tisane samples expressed high inhibitory potential toward α-amylase, with the highest activity of 85.03% and 89.90%, measured for tisanes prepared from rosehip/hibiscus flowers mixture (rosehip dried at 50 and 60 °C, respectively).</p