15 research outputs found

    Experimental and theoretical studies of sonically prepared Cu-Y, Cu-USY and Cu-ZSM-5 catalysts for SCR deNO(x)

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    The objective of our study was to prepare Y-, USY- and ZSM-5-based catalysts by hydrothermal synthesis, followed by copper active-phase deposition by either conventional ion-exchange or ultrasonic irradiation. The resulting materials were characterized by XRD, BET, SEM, TEM, Raman, UV-Vis, monitoring ammonia and nitrogen oxide sorption by FT-IR and Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS). XRD data confirmed the purity and structure of the Y/USY or ZSM-5 zeolites. The nitrogen and ammonia sorption results indicated that the materials were highly porous and acidic. The metallic active phase was found in the form of cations in ion-exchanged zeolites and in the form of nanoparticle metal oxides in sonochemically prepared catalysts. The latter showed full activity and high stability in the SCR deNO(x) reaction. The faujasite-based catalysts were fully active at 200-400 degrees C, whereas the ZSM-5-based catalysts reached 100% activity at 400-500 degrees C. Our in situ DRIFTS experiments revealed that Cu-O(NO) and Cu-NH3 were intermediates, also indicating the role of Bronsted sites in the formation of NH4NO3. Furthermore, the results from our experimental in situ spectroscopic studies were compared with DFT models. Overall, our findings suggest two possible mechanisms for the deNO(x) reaction, depending on the method of catalyst preparation (i.e., conventional ion-exchange vs. ultrasonic irradiation).Web of Science117art. no. 82

    Automatic Segmentation Framework for Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Cancer Diagnosis

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    Part 3: Images, Visualization, ClassificationInternational audienceIn this paper we address a problem of HER2 and CEN-17 reactions detection in fluorescence in situ hybridization images. These images are very often used in situation where typical biopsy examination is not able to provide enough information to decide on the type of treatment the patient should undergo. Here the main focus is placed on the automatization of the procedure. Using an unsupervised neural network and principal component analysis, we present a segmentation framework that is able to keep the high segmentation accuracy. For comparison purposes we test the neural network approach against an automatic threshold method

    Chosen Aspects of Teamwork Iimplemented in the Subject Informatics in Agricultural Production Engineering

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    W artykule przedstawiono wybrane aspekty pracy zespołowej. Celem jest nauczenie studentów pracy w zespole, zarówno jej aspektów praktycznych, jak i podstaw teoretycznych. W ramach przedmiotu realizowane są projekty, do wykonania których wykorzystywane jest różnorodne oprogramowanie do wspomagania działalności przedsiębiorstwa. Efektem końcowym jest obszerna dokumentacja etapów pracy zespołowej, strona internetowa oraz prezentacja z wynikami projektu.The paper presents realization of chosen aspects of teamwork. The aim is to teach students to work in teams, both its practical aspects, as well as theoretical bases. In the subject are implemented the projects and are used software, which is used to support the activities of the company. The end result is a comprehensive documentation of the teamwork stages, website and presentation of the project results

    Teaching Computer Aided Design on Life Sciences Studies

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    Celem artykułu jest wskazanie znaczenia i korzyści z zastosowania map wiedzy w edukacji ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem oficjalnych stron internetowych organizacji. Opracowanie przygotowano na podstawie studiów literaturowych i analiz zawartości witryn internetowych pod względem zastosowania takich mechanizmów, jak: wyszukiwarka strony, mapa serwisu, baza ekspercka.The aim of this article is to present significance and advantage of using knowledge maps in education, including in particular official website of the organization. This paper has been prepared based on study of subject literature and analysis of website content regarding use of following mecha-nisms: website browser, map of the webpage and expert base

    Vocational Education – Expectations and Needs

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    Artykuł opisuje współpracę uczelni wyższej z sektorem przedsiębiorstw w celu umożliwienia studentom pozyskania bardziej wyspecjalizowanej wiedzy i umiejętności niezbędnych przy realizacji projektów zespołowych. Autorzy pokazują na przykładzie zajęć, w jaki sposób taka współpraca przebiega i jaki jest wkład przedsiębiorstwa w proces edukacji. Do tej pory słyszało się, że studenci przychodzący do pracy mieli bardzo rozległą wiedzę teoretyczną, ale nie praktyczną. Przedstawiony w artykule przykład pokazuje, w jaki sposób firmy są w stanie pomóc w procesie kształcenia po to, aby ten dysonans między wiedzą praktyczną a teoretyczną został zminimalizowany.In this paper authors describe the cooperation between universities and enterprises to provide students the ability to acquire a more specialized knowledge and skills that are indispensable when working on a team project. Authors show on an example of a project class the course of such a cooperation and what is an impact of the enterprise on education process. So far we could hear opinions that graduates coming to work in a company had a very wide theoretical knowledge but very little experience. An example in the paper shows how enterprises can help and influence the educations process to reduce the dissonance between practical and theoretical knowledge

    Isolation of <i>Salvia miltiorrhiza</i> Kaurene Synthase-like (<i>KSL)</i> Gene Promoter and Its Regulation by Ethephon and Yeast Extract

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    The presented study describes the regulation of the promoter region of the Salvia miltiorrhiza kaurene synthase-like gene (SmKSL) by ethylene and yeast extract. The isolated fragment is 897 bp and is composed of a promoter (763 bp), 5′UTR (109 bp), and a short CDS (25 bp). The initial in silico analysis revealed the presence of numerous putative cis-active sites for trans-factors responding to different stress conditions. However, this study examines the influence of ethylene and yeast extract on SmKSL gene expression and tanshinone biosynthesis regulation. The results of 72h RT-PCR indicate an antagonistic interaction between ethylene, provided as ethephon (0.05, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.50 mM), and yeast extract (0.5%) on SmKSL gene expression in callus cultures of S. miltiorrhiza. A similar antagonistic effect was observed on total tanshinone concentration for up to 60 days. Ethylene provided as ethephon (0.05, 0.10, 0.25, and 0.50 mM) is a weak inducer of total tanshinone biosynthesis, increasing them only up to the maximum value of 0.67 ± 0.04 mg g−1 DW (60-day induction with 0.50 mM ethephon). Among the tanshinones elicited by ethephon, cryptotanshinone (52.21%) dominates, followed by dihydrotanshinone (45.00%) and tanshinone IIA (3.79%). In contrast, the 0.5% yeast extract strongly increases the total tanshinone concentration up to a maximum value of 13.30 ± 1.09 mg g−1 DW, observed after 50 days of induction. Yeast extract and ethylene appear to activate different fragments of the tanshinone biosynthesis route; hence the primary tanshinones induced by yeast extract were cryptotanshinone (81.42%), followed by dihydrotanshinone (17.06%) and tanshinone IIA (1.52%)

    The Expression Profiles of the Salvia miltiorrhiza&nbsp;3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A Reductase 4 Gene and Its Influence on the Biosynthesis of Tanshinones

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    Salvia miltiorrhiza is a medicinal plant that synthesises biologically-active tanshinones with numerous therapeutic properties. An important rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of their precursors is 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGR). This study presents the organ-specific expression profile of the S. miltiorrhiza HMGR4 gene and its sensitivity to potential regulators, viz. gibberellic acid (GA3), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and salicylic acid (SA). In addition, it demonstrates the importance of the HMGR4 gene, the hormone used, the plant organ, and the culture environment for the biosynthesis of tanshinones. HMGR4 overexpression was found to significantly boost the accumulation of dihydrotanshinone I (DHTI), cryptotanshinone (CT), tanshinone I (TI) and tanshinone IIA (TIIA) in roots by 0.44 to 5.39 mg/g dry weight (DW), as well as TIIA in stems and leaves. S. miltiorrhiza roots cultivated in soil demonstrated higher concentrations of the examined metabolites than those grown in vitro. GA3 caused a considerable increase in the quantity of CT (by 794.2 &micro;g/g DW) and TIIA (by 88.1 &micro;g/g DW) in roots. In turn, IAA significantly inhibited the biosynthesis of the studied tanshinones in root material

    Investigation of Dye Dopant Influence on Electrooptical and Morphology Properties of Polymeric Acceptor Matrix Dedicated for Ternary Organic Solar Cells

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    The publication presents the results of investigations of the influence of dye dopant on the electrooptical and morphology properties of a polymeric donor:acceptor mixture. Ternary thin films (polymer:dye:fullerene) were investigated for potential application as an active layer in organic solar cells. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of selected dye materials (dye D131, dye D149, dye D205, dye D358) on the three-component layer and their potential usefulness as an additional donor in ternary cells, based on P3HT donor and PC71BM acceptor. UV&ndash;vis spectroscopy studies were performed, and absorption and luminescence spectra were determined. Ellipsometry parameters for single dye and ternary layers have been measured. The analyses were performed using the Raman spectroscopy method, and the Raman spectra of the mixtures and single components have been determined. Organic layers were prepared and studied using scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope. For dyes, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies were carried out and the ternary system was presented and analyzed in terms of energy bands