46 research outputs found

    Morphological and Motor Characteristics of Croatian First League Female Football Players

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    The aim of this study was to determine the structure of morphological and motor characteristics of Croatian first league female football players and their impact on the estimated quality of the players. According to the goal of the research, a sample consisted of 70 Croatian first league female football players. Participants were measured in 18 tests for assessing morphological characteristics, a set of 12 basic motor abilities tests and a set of 7 tests for assessing football-specific motor abilities. Exploratory factor analysis strategy was applied separately to all measured tests: morphological, basic motor abilities and football specific motor abilities. Factor analysis of morphological tests has shown existence of 3 significant latent dimensions that explain 64% of the total variability. Factors are defined as transverse dimensionality of the skeleton and voluminosity (35%), subcutaneous fat tissue (16%) and longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton (13%). In the area of basic motor abilities, four factors were extracted. The first factor is responsible for the integration of agility and explosive power of legs, i.e. a factor of movement regulation (agility/lower body explosiveness) (23%), the second one defines muscle tone regulation (15%), the third one defines the frequency of leg movements (12%), while the fourth one is recognized as responsible for the anifestation of basic strength, particularly of basic core strength (19%). Two factors were isolated in the space of football-specific motor abilities: football-specific efficiency (53%) and situational football coordination (27%). Furthermore, by use of factor analysis on extracted latent dimensions (morphological, basic and football specific motor abilities) two higher order factors (explaining 87% of common variability) were extracted. They were named morphological-motor factor (54%) and football-specific motor abilities factor (33%). It is assumed that two extracted higher-order factors fully describe morphological and motor status of first league female football players. Furthermore, the linear regression results in latent space showed that the identified factors are very good predictors of female football players quality (d = 0.959). In doing so, both specific motor abilities factors and the first factor of basic motor abilities as a factor of general motor efficiency have the greatest impact on player quality, and these factors have been identified as most important predictors of player quality in Croatian women’s first league and elite female football players in general. Obtained results provide deep insight into the structure of relations between the morphological, motor and specific motor variables and also indicate the importance of such definition of specific motor abilities. Consequently, results explicitly indicate the necessity of early, continuous, and systematic development of football-specific motor abilities in female football players of high competitive level but also, adjusted, to the younger age categories

    Konstrukcija i aplikacija novog modela za evaluaciju uspješnosti u kompleksnim sportskim aktivnostima : doktorska disertacija

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    Svrha ovog istraživanja je empirijska verifikacija i validacija diskretnih slučajnih procesa – Markovljevih lanaca u području istraživanja kompleksnih sportskih aktivnosti. U skladu s tim, cilj ove studije je postavljanje diskretnog modela za tranzicijski i pozicijski napad u košarkaškoj igri. Pritom je korišten uzorak od 24 košarkaške utakmice Top 16 Eurolige za sezonu 2009./2010. U sklopu ovog rada definirana je i izmjerena 231 varijabla - stanje košarkaške igre. U programskom jeziku C# programiran je interaktivan i reprogramabilan softver State Analyzer 1.0. Navedenim je softverom, korištenjem striktno definiranog protokola bilježenja stanja, izvršena detaljna deskripcija košarkaške igre u fazi pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada. Temeljem navedenih 231 stanja košarkaške igre u fazi pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada definirane su nestandardne situacijske varijable za pozicijski napad. Primjenom softvera State Analyzer 1.0. odredile su se njihove vrijednosti. Izvedena je matrica prijelaznih vjerojatnosti Markovljevog lanca, čijom analizom su provjerene hipoteze istraživanja. Nadalje, eksplorativnom strategijom faktorske analize u manifestnom prostoru nestandardnih situacijskih pokazatelja ekstrahirana su 2 faktora: faktor tehničko-taktičke aktivnosti bloka na loptu i faktor tehničko-taktičke aktivnosti bloka na igrače bez lopte. Višestrukom regresijskom analizom na dvije hijerarhijski različite razine promatranja, korištenjem forward algoritma, utvrđeno je da: a) uspješnost pozicijskog napada je primarno određena sa efikasnošću pick and roll/pop i handoffmanevra, a sekundarno učinkovitošću blok igre u napadu na igračima bez lopte; b) uspješnost pozicijskog napada je u najvećoj mjeri određena s tri aspekta situacijske efikasnosti: prodorom loptom, utrčavanjem u prostor reketa te igrom na niskom postu. Diskriminacijskom analizom su utvrđene razlike između uspješnih i neuspješnih ekipa u fazi napada. Pritom je granična uspješnost pozicijskog napada za diskriminaciju bila 55,5%. Dvije različite hijerarhijske razine diskriminacijske analize pokazale su da: a) uspješnom pozicijskom napadu najviše pridonose učinkovita utrčavanja, učinkoviti prodori loptom s vanjskog prostora te učinkovita igra na niskom postu. Nadalje, neuspješnom pozicijskom napadu najviše pridonose neučinkoviti prodori loptom s vanjskog prostora; b) uspješnom pozicijskom napadu primarno doprinosi učinkovita pick and pop/roll i handoff igra u napadu, a sekundarno učinkoviti blokovi na igračima bez lopte. Važno je istaknuti da za neuspješan pozicijski napad dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na neadekvatnu učinkovitost navedenih manevara. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju spoznajne činjenice koje su ekspertni treneri i znanstvenici praktičari odavno isticali i koristili u oblikovanju tehničko taktičkih programa u situacijskom treningu. U konačnici, važno je kako se korišteni metodološki pristup, primijenjen na analizu slojevitosti elemenata taktike košarkaške igre može generalizirati i primijeniti na momčadske sportske igre.The aim of this investigation is empirical validation and verification of discrete stohastic processes – Markov chains in complex sports activities research. Also, the goal was to ground discrete model for transition and positional offense in basketball. In accordance with goal oft his research a sample of 24 basketball games in 2009/2010 Top 16 Euroleague season and 231 variables – game states were defined and measured. By use of programming language C# interactive and reprogramable software was made - State Analyzer Ver 1.0. and it is given on the CD. With this software as a tool, from strictly defined measuring procedure protocol, detailed description of basketball game in position and transition offense was performed. On the basis of 231 game states in position and transition offense, a set of nonstandard situational variables was defined and by use of State Analyzer 1.0. software their values were obtained. Transition probabilities matrix was analised and by the help of their values hypotheses were checked. Furthermore, by use of explorative strategies of factor analysis, within manifest space of nonstandard situational parameters 2 latent factors were extracted: (1) pick and pop/roll and handoff activity offensive factor (2) screen off the ball activity offensive factor. By use of forward algorithm in multiple regression analysis on two hierarchically different levels of observation is determined that a) Successful positional offense is primarily influenced by successful pick and roll/pop and handoffmaneuvers and secondarily by successful screening off the ball b) Successful positional offense is mainly determined by successful ball penetration, inside cutting and successful low post game With the help of discriminant analysis the differences between offensive successful and unsuccessful teams were obtained. Threshold criteria for discrimination was 55,5%. Two different levels of hierarchical analysis showed that a) Successful inside cutting, ball penetration from perimeter and successful low post game; contribute the most to successful positional offense; Unsuccessful ball penetration from perimeter are main generators of unsuccessful positional offense. b) Successful pick and roll/pop handoff offense contributes primarily, and screening off the ball secondarily to successful positional offense; for unsuccessful positional offense results are simmetric. Empirical facts, known from the long history of basketball, which have been used by expert coaches and scientists in creating technical and tactical programmes in situational training are scientificaly verified. This methodological approach, which has been applied to analysis of basketball layer-type elements of tactics can be generalized and applied to the other team sport games

    Konstrukcija i aplikacija novog modela za evaluaciju uspješnosti u kompleksnim sportskim aktivnostima : doktorska disertacija

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    Svrha ovog istraživanja je empirijska verifikacija i validacija diskretnih slučajnih procesa – Markovljevih lanaca u području istraživanja kompleksnih sportskih aktivnosti. U skladu s tim, cilj ove studije je postavljanje diskretnog modela za tranzicijski i pozicijski napad u košarkaškoj igri. Pritom je korišten uzorak od 24 košarkaške utakmice Top 16 Eurolige za sezonu 2009./2010. U sklopu ovog rada definirana je i izmjerena 231 varijabla - stanje košarkaške igre. U programskom jeziku C# programiran je interaktivan i reprogramabilan softver State Analyzer 1.0. Navedenim je softverom, korištenjem striktno definiranog protokola bilježenja stanja, izvršena detaljna deskripcija košarkaške igre u fazi pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada. Temeljem navedenih 231 stanja košarkaške igre u fazi pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada definirane su nestandardne situacijske varijable za pozicijski napad. Primjenom softvera State Analyzer 1.0. odredile su se njihove vrijednosti. Izvedena je matrica prijelaznih vjerojatnosti Markovljevog lanca, čijom analizom su provjerene hipoteze istraživanja. Nadalje, eksplorativnom strategijom faktorske analize u manifestnom prostoru nestandardnih situacijskih pokazatelja ekstrahirana su 2 faktora: faktor tehničko-taktičke aktivnosti bloka na loptu i faktor tehničko-taktičke aktivnosti bloka na igrače bez lopte. Višestrukom regresijskom analizom na dvije hijerarhijski različite razine promatranja, korištenjem forward algoritma, utvrđeno je da: a) uspješnost pozicijskog napada je primarno određena sa efikasnošću pick and roll/pop i handoffmanevra, a sekundarno učinkovitošću blok igre u napadu na igračima bez lopte; b) uspješnost pozicijskog napada je u najvećoj mjeri određena s tri aspekta situacijske efikasnosti: prodorom loptom, utrčavanjem u prostor reketa te igrom na niskom postu. Diskriminacijskom analizom su utvrđene razlike između uspješnih i neuspješnih ekipa u fazi napada. Pritom je granična uspješnost pozicijskog napada za diskriminaciju bila 55,5%. Dvije različite hijerarhijske razine diskriminacijske analize pokazale su da: a) uspješnom pozicijskom napadu najviše pridonose učinkovita utrčavanja, učinkoviti prodori loptom s vanjskog prostora te učinkovita igra na niskom postu. Nadalje, neuspješnom pozicijskom napadu najviše pridonose neučinkoviti prodori loptom s vanjskog prostora; b) uspješnom pozicijskom napadu primarno doprinosi učinkovita pick and pop/roll i handoff igra u napadu, a sekundarno učinkoviti blokovi na igračima bez lopte. Važno je istaknuti da za neuspješan pozicijski napad dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na neadekvatnu učinkovitost navedenih manevara. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju spoznajne činjenice koje su ekspertni treneri i znanstvenici praktičari odavno isticali i koristili u oblikovanju tehničko taktičkih programa u situacijskom treningu. U konačnici, važno je kako se korišteni metodološki pristup, primijenjen na analizu slojevitosti elemenata taktike košarkaške igre može generalizirati i primijeniti na momčadske sportske igre.The aim of this investigation is empirical validation and verification of discrete stohastic processes – Markov chains in complex sports activities research. Also, the goal was to ground discrete model for transition and positional offense in basketball. In accordance with goal oft his research a sample of 24 basketball games in 2009/2010 Top 16 Euroleague season and 231 variables – game states were defined and measured. By use of programming language C# interactive and reprogramable software was made - State Analyzer Ver 1.0. and it is given on the CD. With this software as a tool, from strictly defined measuring procedure protocol, detailed description of basketball game in position and transition offense was performed. On the basis of 231 game states in position and transition offense, a set of nonstandard situational variables was defined and by use of State Analyzer 1.0. software their values were obtained. Transition probabilities matrix was analised and by the help of their values hypotheses were checked. Furthermore, by use of explorative strategies of factor analysis, within manifest space of nonstandard situational parameters 2 latent factors were extracted: (1) pick and pop/roll and handoff activity offensive factor (2) screen off the ball activity offensive factor. By use of forward algorithm in multiple regression analysis on two hierarchically different levels of observation is determined that a) Successful positional offense is primarily influenced by successful pick and roll/pop and handoffmaneuvers and secondarily by successful screening off the ball b) Successful positional offense is mainly determined by successful ball penetration, inside cutting and successful low post game With the help of discriminant analysis the differences between offensive successful and unsuccessful teams were obtained. Threshold criteria for discrimination was 55,5%. Two different levels of hierarchical analysis showed that a) Successful inside cutting, ball penetration from perimeter and successful low post game; contribute the most to successful positional offense; Unsuccessful ball penetration from perimeter are main generators of unsuccessful positional offense. b) Successful pick and roll/pop handoff offense contributes primarily, and screening off the ball secondarily to successful positional offense; for unsuccessful positional offense results are simmetric. Empirical facts, known from the long history of basketball, which have been used by expert coaches and scientists in creating technical and tactical programmes in situational training are scientificaly verified. This methodological approach, which has been applied to analysis of basketball layer-type elements of tactics can be generalized and applied to the other team sport games


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    Introduction: Goal of this paper was to review methodological usage principles of most frequently used analyses of diff erences in scientifi c research in physiotherapy. Discussion: In accordance with the aim, t-test and ANOVA’s, both for independent samples and for repeated measures are discussed and highlighted from aspects of practice in physiotherapy. Appropriateness and limitations of methods are given and explained. Conclusion: Recommendation for appropriate reporting of t-test results in scientifi c research is given

    Stavovi studentske populacije Sveučilišta u Splitu o azilantima kao simboličkoj i realnoj prijetnji u kontekstu društva rizika

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the attitudes of the student population at the University of Split towards asylum seekers as a multidimensional threat to the community in the context of risk society. We have approached the empirical data collection within a multidimensional theoretical framework. The first part of our subject interest is the theoretical direction of reflexive modernity and risk society proposed by Ulrich Beck, while the second part deals with the theoretical explanations regarding the perception of asylum seekers as a threat. In accordance with the research objective, a stratified sample of 286 Croatian students from the University of Split expressed their attitudes toward asylum seekers using a scale. Reliability of the used questionnaire was assessed by using test and retest method. Results indicate that students perceived asylum seekers as a statistically significantly more realistic than a symbolic threat. The respondents thus recognize one, equally important yet diffuse phenomenon showing interest among the respondents for the rational choice but also for respecting the individual’s subjectivity.Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je analiziranje stavova studentske populacije Sveučilišta u Splitu prema tražiteljima azila kao višedimenzionalnoj prijetnji zajednici u kontekstu društva rizika. Pristupili smo empirijskom prikupljanju podataka unutar višedimenzionalnog teorijskog okvira. Prvi dio našeg interesa tema je teorijskog smjera refleksivne modernosti i društva rizika Ulricha Becka, dok se drugi bavi teorijskim objašnjenjima percepcije tražitelja azila kao prijetnje. U skladu s ciljem, na stratificiranom uzorku od 286 studenata Sveučilišta u Splitu, rezultati ukazuju na odgovarajuću pouzdanost opaženu putem korelacije ispitivanja i ponovnog testiranja (r = 0,87; p <0,001), kao i konstruktnu valjanost utvrđenu faktorskom analizom s varimax row rotacijom (Expl Var = 71 %). Nadalje, ANOVA je otkrila da su studenti azilante statistički značajno više shvaćali kao stvarnu nego simboličku prijetnju. Sudionici tako prepoznaju jedan, ne manje važan, ali difuzni fenomen koji među njima pokazuje interes za racionalan izbor, ali i za uvažavanje subjektivnosti subjekta o kojem se raspravlja i rješava svaki pokušaj migracijskih pojava i s tim povezanim problemima. Buduća istraživanja trebaju se usredotočiti na ovu promjenu pristupa prema azilantima, što će omogućiti da se problem istraži i iz pozicije tražitelja azila, što je potrebno želimo li o sebi i drugima donijeti stručne i valjane zaključke

    Konstrukcija i aplikacija novog modela za evaluaciju uspješnosti u kompleksnim sportskim aktivnostima : doktorska disertacija

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    Svrha ovog istraživanja je empirijska verifikacija i validacija diskretnih slučajnih procesa – Markovljevih lanaca u području istraživanja kompleksnih sportskih aktivnosti. U skladu s tim, cilj ove studije je postavljanje diskretnog modela za tranzicijski i pozicijski napad u košarkaškoj igri. Pritom je korišten uzorak od 24 košarkaške utakmice Top 16 Eurolige za sezonu 2009./2010. U sklopu ovog rada definirana je i izmjerena 231 varijabla - stanje košarkaške igre. U programskom jeziku C# programiran je interaktivan i reprogramabilan softver State Analyzer 1.0. Navedenim je softverom, korištenjem striktno definiranog protokola bilježenja stanja, izvršena detaljna deskripcija košarkaške igre u fazi pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada. Temeljem navedenih 231 stanja košarkaške igre u fazi pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada definirane su nestandardne situacijske varijable za pozicijski napad. Primjenom softvera State Analyzer 1.0. odredile su se njihove vrijednosti. Izvedena je matrica prijelaznih vjerojatnosti Markovljevog lanca, čijom analizom su provjerene hipoteze istraživanja. Nadalje, eksplorativnom strategijom faktorske analize u manifestnom prostoru nestandardnih situacijskih pokazatelja ekstrahirana su 2 faktora: faktor tehničko-taktičke aktivnosti bloka na loptu i faktor tehničko-taktičke aktivnosti bloka na igrače bez lopte. Višestrukom regresijskom analizom na dvije hijerarhijski različite razine promatranja, korištenjem forward algoritma, utvrđeno je da: a) uspješnost pozicijskog napada je primarno određena sa efikasnošću pick and roll/pop i handoffmanevra, a sekundarno učinkovitošću blok igre u napadu na igračima bez lopte; b) uspješnost pozicijskog napada je u najvećoj mjeri određena s tri aspekta situacijske efikasnosti: prodorom loptom, utrčavanjem u prostor reketa te igrom na niskom postu. Diskriminacijskom analizom su utvrđene razlike između uspješnih i neuspješnih ekipa u fazi napada. Pritom je granična uspješnost pozicijskog napada za diskriminaciju bila 55,5%. Dvije različite hijerarhijske razine diskriminacijske analize pokazale su da: a) uspješnom pozicijskom napadu najviše pridonose učinkovita utrčavanja, učinkoviti prodori loptom s vanjskog prostora te učinkovita igra na niskom postu. Nadalje, neuspješnom pozicijskom napadu najviše pridonose neučinkoviti prodori loptom s vanjskog prostora; b) uspješnom pozicijskom napadu primarno doprinosi učinkovita pick and pop/roll i handoff igra u napadu, a sekundarno učinkoviti blokovi na igračima bez lopte. Važno je istaknuti da za neuspješan pozicijski napad dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na neadekvatnu učinkovitost navedenih manevara. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju spoznajne činjenice koje su ekspertni treneri i znanstvenici praktičari odavno isticali i koristili u oblikovanju tehničko taktičkih programa u situacijskom treningu. U konačnici, važno je kako se korišteni metodološki pristup, primijenjen na analizu slojevitosti elemenata taktike košarkaške igre može generalizirati i primijeniti na momčadske sportske igre.The aim of this investigation is empirical validation and verification of discrete stohastic processes – Markov chains in complex sports activities research. Also, the goal was to ground discrete model for transition and positional offense in basketball. In accordance with goal oft his research a sample of 24 basketball games in 2009/2010 Top 16 Euroleague season and 231 variables – game states were defined and measured. By use of programming language C# interactive and reprogramable software was made - State Analyzer Ver 1.0. and it is given on the CD. With this software as a tool, from strictly defined measuring procedure protocol, detailed description of basketball game in position and transition offense was performed. On the basis of 231 game states in position and transition offense, a set of nonstandard situational variables was defined and by use of State Analyzer 1.0. software their values were obtained. Transition probabilities matrix was analised and by the help of their values hypotheses were checked. Furthermore, by use of explorative strategies of factor analysis, within manifest space of nonstandard situational parameters 2 latent factors were extracted: (1) pick and pop/roll and handoff activity offensive factor (2) screen off the ball activity offensive factor. By use of forward algorithm in multiple regression analysis on two hierarchically different levels of observation is determined that a) Successful positional offense is primarily influenced by successful pick and roll/pop and handoffmaneuvers and secondarily by successful screening off the ball b) Successful positional offense is mainly determined by successful ball penetration, inside cutting and successful low post game With the help of discriminant analysis the differences between offensive successful and unsuccessful teams were obtained. Threshold criteria for discrimination was 55,5%. Two different levels of hierarchical analysis showed that a) Successful inside cutting, ball penetration from perimeter and successful low post game; contribute the most to successful positional offense; Unsuccessful ball penetration from perimeter are main generators of unsuccessful positional offense. b) Successful pick and roll/pop handoff offense contributes primarily, and screening off the ball secondarily to successful positional offense; for unsuccessful positional offense results are simmetric. Empirical facts, known from the long history of basketball, which have been used by expert coaches and scientists in creating technical and tactical programmes in situational training are scientificaly verified. This methodological approach, which has been applied to analysis of basketball layer-type elements of tactics can be generalized and applied to the other team sport games

    Utjecaj e-učenja na usvojenost ishoda učenja u nastavi Prirode i Biologije

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    The conducted research aimed to identify factors of efficiency of e-learning on the acquisition of learning outcomes in teaching Science and Biology in elementary school. In addition, the differences in the age of pupils were identified as one of the factors of e-learning efficiency. The sample of participants was made up of 162 students, from 5th to 8th grade. Based on the pre-testing results, the pupils were divided into the control and the experimental group. The pupils from the experimental group were acquiring teaching units through the system of e-learning, and pupils in the control group had traditional classes using active working methods. Two-factor 4×2 ANOVA was used with the aim of checking the hypotheses. The results imply that pupils in the 5th and 6th grade differ from pupils in the 7th and 8th grade, i.e. the pupils in the experimental group were found to be more successful. Additionally, the research confirms that e-learning is as successful as traditional teaching, so it can surely be used under the conditions when pupils cannot be present in the regular classes in the classroom. The results of the research can be an incentive for teachers to strengthen their own ICT competencies, implement ICT in the teaching process and create new e-learning scenarios in the teaching of Science and Biology.Provedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj identificirati čimbenike učinkovitosti e-učenja na usvajanje ishoda učenja u nastavi Prirode i Biologije u osnovnoj školi. Također su identificirane i razlike u dobi učenika kao jedan od faktora učinkovitosti e-učenja. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 162 učenika od 5. do 8. razreda. Učenici svakoga razreda, na temelju rezultata predtesta, bili su podijeljeni na kontrolnu i eksperimentalnu skupinu. Učenici eksperimentalne skupine nastavne sadržaje ispitivanih nastavnih cjelina usvajali su putem sustava e-učenja, a učenici kontrolne skupine imali su tradicionalnu nastavu u učionici s pomoću aktivnih metoda rada. Dvofaktorska 4x2 ANOVA koristila se s ciljem provjeravanja postavljenih hipoteza. Rezultati pokazuju kako se učenici 5. i 6. razreda diferenciraju od učenika 7. i 8. razreda kao uspješniji u eksperimentalnoj skupini. Dodatno, istraživanje potvrđuje da je e-učenje uspješno kao i tradicionalna nastava pa se zasigurno može koristiti u uvjetima kada učenici ne mogu biti na redovnoj nastavi u razredu. Rezultati istraživanja mogu biti poticaj učiteljima za jačanje vlastitih IKT kompetencija, implementaciju IKT-a u nastavni proces te osmišljavanje novih scenarija e-učenja u nastavi Prirode i Biologije


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    The aim of this study was to identify and explain the morphological conditionality of specific soccer motor variables among first league soccer players. According to the aim of the research, a sample of 70 Croatian first league female soccer players was measured in 18 morphological tests, and 7 suitably selected soccer specific motor tests. A canonical correlation analysis was applied. Contrary to our expectations, the results indicate that the morphological status cannot be treated as a reliable predictor (p=0.11) of the actual players’ quality manifested trough precisely selected soccer-specific motor variables. Consequently, the selection of female soccer players cannot be carried out only through determining the morphological status of female soccer players, but exclusively through an analysis of their functional status and soccer-specific variables. Due to the selected representative sample, it is assumed that the results can be generalized to the population of elite female soccer players