26 research outputs found

    Lokální politiky integrace migrantů a jejich strukturální mechanismy

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    Publikace zkoumá integraci migrantů z lokální perspektivy čtyř zemí, z nichž každá nabízí jinou zkušenost. Cílem je pochopit specifický kontext jednotlivých zemí a najít příležitosti ke vzájemnému učení a sdílení osvědčených postupů. Zda a jak rychle migranti přijmou novou zemi za svou, totiž nezáleží pouze na nich. Proces začleňování do velké míry ovlivňuje i situace, ve které se nacházejí, tedy například to, jaký je jejich pobytový status, pracovní uplatnění atd. Stejně tak ho ovšem ovlivňuje i jejich bezprostřední okolí, pochopení integračních procesů místními úřady a otevřenost či uzavřenost přijímající společnosti. I přes velké množství strukturálních rozdílů mezi jednotlivými členskými zeměmi EU však místní úřady (i migranti) často čelí podobným výzvám. To otevírá prostor pro spolupráci v rámci jednotlivých států i mezi nimi. Samozřejmě ne všechny dobré podněty a slibné praxe jsou přenositelné, ale pochopení přístupu a zkušeností jiných aktérů může být inspirativní a často pomůže dosáhnout potřebné změny

    Výzkum v didaktice cizích jazyků II

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    Title in English: Research in foreign language didactics II. The volume of proceedings is a result of the Specific Research project conducted in 2018 with the registration number MUNI/A/1143/2018 – Research on learning and teaching foreign languages. The contributions present research studies of doctoral students in the field of Foreign Language Didactics at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University. The studies are written in Czech

    Bookbinding simply - from a paper to a book

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    Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Convergence of stochastic gradient descent in machine learning problems

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    The aim of this thesis is solving minimization problems where the objective function is a sum of a differentiable (yet possibly non-convex) and general convex function. We focus on methods of stochastic and projected gradient descent from machine learning. By combining those two approaches we introduce an algorithm for solving such problems. The work is composed in a gradual manner where we firstly define necessary concepts needed for describing RSPG algorithm. Then we proceed to show the convergence of the algorithm for both convex and non-convex objective functions. A short numerical study is also included at the end.

    Czech Migration and Integration Policies in the Perspective of Mongolian Migration

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    In the period between the years 2006 and 2008, a significant increase in the migration of Mongolians to the Czech Republic could be seen. The Mongolians came to the Czech Republic mainly through formal and informal intermediary agencies and most of them worked as unskilled labor. With a few exceptions, they originally arrived to the CR with work and residence permits, yet a large part of them lost their permits during their first two years of stay. Even those who managed to live and work in the CR legally faced frequent violations of their rights. The research on Mongolian migration presented in this doctoral thesis was carried out as a case study. By looking at this specific problem area, fundamental problems posed for Mongolian migrants by the set-up of the Czech migration and integration policies could be analyzed. This work does not address these policies only and the ways they are set up, but also the manner of implementation and the specific impact of these policies on the life of the monitored migrants. It shows that major problems in the way migration policy is set up and regulated are encountered already by the visa applicants still in Mongolia. The results of the research also show that Czech migration policies put a large part of the Mongolian respondents into positions of dependency on..

    Convergence of stochastic gradient descent in machine learning problems

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    The aim of this thesis is solving minimization problems where the objective function is a sum of a differentiable (yet possibly non-convex) and general convex function. We focus on methods of stochastic and projected gradient descent from machine learning. By combining those two approaches we introduce an algorithm for solving such problems. The work is composed in a gradual manner where we firstly define necessary concepts needed for describing RSPG algorithm. Then we proceed to show the convergence of the algorithm for both convex and non-convex objective functions. A short numerical study is also included at the end. 1Tato práce se zabývá hledáním minima účelové funkce, která je součtem diferenco- vatelné (možno i nekonvexní) a obecné konvexní funkce. Zaměřili jsme se na metody stochastického a projektovaného gradientového sestupu ze strojového učení. Představu- jeme metodu kombinující oba přístupy. Postupně zavedeme potřebné pojmy a představíme RSPG algoritmus schopný řešit daný problém. Dokážeme jeho konvergenci pro konvexní i nekonvexní funkce. Součástí práce je i krátká numerická studie. 1Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsKatedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Drugs in Czechoslovakia between the years 1960-1989

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    The subject of this bachelor's thesis is the issue of a drug abuse in Czechoslovakia between 1960 and 1989. The thesis also includes a part focused on a period before 1960 emphasizing events that fundamentally affected the main explored period. The time limit was chosen with regard to the similarity and continuity of the development in a drug abuse in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Particular specifics of each period are analysed in detail in the chapters. The thesis contains the chapters with interdisciplinary overlap that are essential for understanding of the whole subject. Chapter no. 2 contains a list of the most important laws and international conventions according that crimes related to a drug abuse, possession or dealing were judged. Chapter no. 3 mainly presents addictology, medicine and chemistry perspective and adds valuable information on effects of drugs mostly used in Czechoslovakia. The other chapters examine a development of a drug addiction and trends during particular decades. Emphasis is put on connections among given periods and main factors possibly affecting the development. The aim of the thesis based on a detailed research of a primary and secondary literature is to describe a development of a drug addiction in Czechoslovakia between 1960 and 1989, to identify key moments and..

    A Refugee Crisis Without Refugees: Policy and media discourse on refugees in the Czech Republic and its implications

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    Along with other Central and Eastern European counties, Czechia has invested significant effort in deterring refugees from entering the country during the ‘refugee crisis’. This article sheds light on the role of the media in legitimising anti-refugee policies by analysing the politicised discourse on refugees in 900 articles published in Czech newspapers between 2014 and 2016. The findings indicate that refugees were depicted as a security threat and an administrative burden partly imposed by the European Union. The article discusses the policy implications of depicting refugees in this way and thus broadens the literature on European narratives during the refugee emergency in Europe

    Comparison of Russion and Italian Organized Crime

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    Department of SociologyKatedra sociologieFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě