33 research outputs found
Measurement of laser source with a cylindrical lens
Předmětem práce je návrh a realizace přístroje pro měření intenzity světla laserového zdroje s válcovou optikou. Cílem je kontrola vlastností laseru při jeho konstrukci – primárně stejnoměrné osvětlení v celé délce stopy. Při práci byl kladen důraz na minimální složitost konstrukce, redukci nákladů na výrobu, samozřejmě při splnění všech požadavků. Výsledkem je plně funkční přístroj, který již slouží v zadávající firmě.The purpose of this work is to design and create device for measuring the light intensity of laser source with cylindrical optics. It will be used to check laser source attributes during it's construction – primarily steady illumination along the whole line. The main goals were the minimization of construction complexity, reduction of cots and of course achieving all requirements. The product is fully functional machine, which works in company today.
Vectorized Point Clouds for Mobile Robotics
Disertační práce se zabývá zpracováním mračenen bodů z laserových skenerů pomocí vektorizace a následnému vyhledávání korespondencí mezi takto získanými aproximacemi pro potřeby současné sebelokalizace a mapování v mobilní robotice. První nová metoda je určena pro segmentaci a filtraci surových dat a realizuje obě operace najednou v jednom algoritmu. Pro vektorizaci je představen optimalizovaný algoritmus založený na úplné metodě nejmenších čtverců, který je v současnosti patrně nejrychlejší ve své třídě a blíží se tak eliminačním metodám, které ovšem produkují výrazně horší aproxi- mace. Inovativní analytické metody jsou představeny i pro účely vyjádření podobnosti mezi dvěma vektorizovanými skeny, pro jejich optimální sesazení a pro vyhledávání korespondencí mezi nimi. Všechny představené algoritmy jsou intezivně testovány a jejich vlastnosti ověřeny množstvím experimentů.This doctoral thesis deals with processing of point clouds produced by laser scanners and subsequent searching for correspondences between the approximations obtained in this way for the purpose of simultaneous localization and mapping in mobile robotics. The first method performs filtration and segmentation of the data and is able to do both operations at the same time in one algorithm. For vectorization, an optimized total least squares algorithm is introduced. It is probably the fastest algorithm in its category, comparable even to the eliminating methods, which, however, provide significantly worse approximations. For similarity evaluation, optimal registration and correspondence search between two sets of vectorized scans, new analytical methods are presented as well. All of the algorithms introduced were thoroughly tested and their features investigated in many experiments.
Unit for wireless transmission of electrical energy
Cílem této práce je ověřit praktickou realizovatelnost konceptu přenosu elektrické energie pomocí indukčních cívek. V první části je popsán matematický model a teoretický důkaz funkčnosti a dále je uvedena metoda detekce rezonance přijímacího obvodu na vysílací straně. Další kapitola popisuje hardwarové řešení experimentálního prototypu. Poslední část obsahuje výsledky měření činitele vazby dvou cívek a je zde diskutován výkon a významné vlastnosti prototypu.The aim of this work is to prove the practical applicability of the concept of contactless energy transfer using induction coils. The first part deals with the mathematical model and theoretical proof of the concept being able to work in practice and describes the process of detecting resonance of receiver circuit on transmitter side. Next chapter describes hardware solution of the experimental prototype. The last part contains measurement results of a coupling coefficient of coils and discusses performance and notable features of the prototype.
On registration of vector maps with known correspondences
Data association and registration is an important and actively researched topic in robotics. This paper deals with registration of two sets of line segments, which is especially useful in mapping applications. Our method is non-iterative, finding an optimal transformation in a single step, in a time proportional only to a number of the corresponding line segments. The procedure also provides diagnostic measures of reliability of the computation and of similarity of the data sets being registered. At this point, the method presumes known correspondences, which is limiting, but the discussion in the end reveals some possibilities to overcome this issue, which we are examining. Practical properties are demonstrated on a typical task of localization of a robot with a known map
On registration of vector maps with known correspondences
Data association and registration is an important and actively researched topic in robotics. This paper deals with registration of two sets of line segments, which is especially useful in mapping applications. Our method is non-iterative, finding an optimal transformation in a single step, in a time proportional only to a number of the corresponding line segments. The procedure also provides diagnostic measures of reliability of the computation and of similarity of the data sets being registered. At this point, the method presumes known correspondences, which is limiting, but the discussion, in the end, reveals some possibilities to overcome this issue. Practical properties are demonstrated on a typical task of localization of a robot with a known map
Robotic Template Library
Robotic Template Library (RTL) is a set of tools for dealing with geometry and point cloud processing, especially in robotic applications. The software package covers basic objects such as vectors, line segments, quaternions, rigid transformations, etc., however, its main contribution lies in the more advanced modules: The segmentation module for batch or stream clustering of point clouds, the fast vectorization module for approximation of continuous point clouds by geometric objects of higher grade and the LaTeX export module enabling automated generation of high-quality visual outputs. It is a header-only library written in C++17, uses the Eigen library as a linear algebra back-end, and is designed with high computational performance in mind. RTL can be used in all robotic tasks such as motion planning, map building, object recognition and many others, but the point cloud processing utilities are general enough to be employed in any field touching object reconstruction and computer vision applications as well
Fully Automated DCNN-Based Thermal Images Annotation Using Neural Network Pretrained on RGB Data
One of the biggest challenges of training deep neural network is the need for massive data annotation. To train the neural network for object detection, millions of annotated training images are required. However, currently, there are no large-scale thermal image datasets that could be used to train the state of the art neural networks, while voluminous RGB image datasets are available. This paper presents a method that allows to create hundreds of thousands of annotated thermal images using the RGB pre-trained object detector. A dataset created in this way can be used to train object detectors with improved performance. The main gain of this work is the novel method for fully automatic thermal image labeling. The proposed system uses the RGB camera, thermal camera, 3D LiDAR, and the pre-trained neural network that detects objects in the RGB domain. Using this setup, it is possible to run the fully automated process that annotates the thermal images and creates the automatically annotated thermal training dataset. As the result, we created a dataset containing hundreds of thousands of annotated objects. This approach allows to train deep learning models with similar performance as the common human-annotation-based methods do. This paper also proposes several improvements to fine-tune the results with minimal human intervention. Finally, the evaluation of the proposed solution shows that the method gives significantly better results than training the neural network with standard small-scale hand-annotated thermal image datasets